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Remembrance:Tiananmen Square Anniversary

It's sad, you know, when the world mourns for the loss of your people and yet you are here, angry and shouting at us. That's not nice.
The way he reacted makes me think that he is from family of those dumb soilders who took orders to kill their own people. If that is the case, I don't think he would feel some pity for those innocents who died in the massacre.
It's sad, you know, when the world mourns for the loss of your people and yet you are here, angry and shouting at us. That's not nice.
us? what is your business in this. I am just opposing west nation's brainwash.

Do not mistake the west for whole world. If you like to mourn, you can go to mourn Egypt,Iraq, Lybya, Ukraine,yugoslavia , the former USSR and so on. Those are all the good job of western . Your vietnam will be high likely the next. ready to enjoy.
There's no so called massacre.No need for more comment.
My deskmate's father was one of those student,he could prove that.
When did you see my denying this ? stupid viets. What I said is our government did the right thing to take such action.

You are so longing for this, why not go to street now, I bet US would praise you like an angel.

You must confuse this with what British did to you in Amritsar. You should really put shame on your former master if you dare
You misunderstood me. GeHAC is the one who denied.

It's just the way you took the comment is so agressive, like we are offending you. The guy/girl on Youtube also lashed out at me, insulted me badly even when I showed him/her similar pics I found about the incident. Hope we can talk peacfully.
I would have expected deeper level of analysis from High IQ Chinese. India is a unique country with its own extremely complex and multilayered social/ethnic/racial/linguistic/religious dynamics and a kind of heterogeneity that Chinese have never seen. A democratic India can only be a compared with a communist India and the latter would have been lead to a breakup of the country sooner or later. India's problem is not democracy.

I would have expected a higher level of understanding from a high iq indian.

Whatever the reason doesn't matter, just as you and the rest of the world blame CCP and communism for all our problems, we do the same with Democracy. Just like if a team loses you blame the coach, it's not necessarily not true and also not necessarily true.

I have read certain comments and articles that says India should be more like China' system. It''s obvious it won't work in India and that even for us it's transitional system, yet, success and failure will do that, make everything related to it seem good or bad.

Who in China knows anything about India. Who in America knows anything about China.
Tiananmen incident is unfortunate.

However, if I need make a choice between CCP and those students, I will choose CCP any time.

Look at those students in exile in the west, fighting each other for such a small power and each indicates he/she should be the leader and etc.

If they can do such in-fights for almost nothing, what kinds of fights can break out for such a power to control China???

At the end of day, normal citizens suffer.

Do we lack evidence of such in-fights??? We do have plenty from 1911 to 1949... each province, region controlled by different war lords...

We Chinese do not want that to happen again.
Yeah, remembrance of a made-up massacre and the crowd of assholes that would have led China to ruin. After seeing dozens of what so-called "democracy", which is actually thinly veiled attempt for foreign power to ruin the country in the past two decades ago, I would say take your color-revolution and shove it where the sun doesn't shine.
Tiananmen incident is unfortunate.

However, if I need make a choice between CCP and those students, I will choose CCP any time.

Look at those students in exile in the west, fighting each other for such a small power and each indicates he/she should be the leader and etc.

If they can do such in-fights for almost nothing, what kinds of fights can break out for such a power to control China???

At the end of day, normal citizens suffer.

Do we lack evidence of such in-fights??? We do have plenty from 1911 to 1949... each province, region controlled by different war lords...

We Chinese do not want that to happen again.

CCP is not same all the time. CCP ever made big mistakes.
the inspiration of "choosing CCP anytime" leads to inactivity or lack of moving forward motivation.
Those students are motivations for innovating the CCP. If not change, CCP would be rejected.
That's why we respect their sacrifice. The act of CCP expressed of their limit in facing the facts.

The facts that they are afraid to face the truth, the fact that CCP still control and filter the media, even foreign reporters. The facts that CCP hide their murders in secret. The fact that CCP doesnt know how to say Sorry.
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some chinese guys try to explain, brainwash people here. there is no any problem in Tiananmen in June 1989.
Little incident hyped up as the most outrageous thing ever to happen.
It was very unfortunate , considering the thousands there were hurt, or never heard from again. One thing that is paramount is the human rights abuses in the P.R.C. The regime in Beijing is meticulous about civil unrest.
It was very unfortunate , considering the thousands there were hurt, or never heard from again. One thing that is paramount is the human rights abuses in the P.R.C. The regime in Beijing is meticulous about civil unrest.
No figures were released so any assumption of thousands or tens of thousands killed by the PLA is a load of crap. Just as how the Western media have portrayed this myth for over 2 decades. It's a price that needed to be paid to turn chaos back to order and what China today has accomplished only proved Deng was right for.
No figures were released so any assumption of thousands or tens of thousands killed by the PLA is a load of crap. Just as how the Western media have portrayed this myth for over 2 decades. It's a price that needed to be paid to turn chaos back to order and what China today has accomplished only proved Deng was right for.
China didn't release any official numbers about the incident so the world was left to believe in Western sources. If you have any figure we are happy to be shared.
China didn't release any official numbers about the incident so the world was left to believe in Western sources. If you have any figure we are happy to be shared.
Funny you should be asking me for numbers as you already know the Chinese government never released any. So does that make you blindly follow what Westerners have to say? I can see why your jungle is in this poor state with people like you.
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