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Religion and Dogma


Jun 4, 2015
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@Oscar @WebMaster @waz @WAJsal

Please close this thread if the discussion on the captioned topic is against forum policies. I am skirting the line here but hope the debate is constructive and add somes perspective to muddled thought process many of us have.


We have all been appalled by the acts of terrorism, murder, rape, genocide etc committed in the name of religion. No religion is untouched by the crimes committed by their practitioners in it's name. We have had Paedophile priests, Islamic terrorists and Hindu genocidal mobs in times we live in.

All this perhaps creates a situation that the it is not the religion which defines it's followers but often followers defining their religion. So the goodness of Islam is warped by a fraction of misguided adherents, plurality and inclusivism of Hinduism lay forgotten because of it's demagogic leaders and Kindness of Christianity is undone by zealousness and cruelty of it's practitioners.

The good is so overshadowed by evil that we forget about the likes of Gandhis and Mother Teresa both @Devout practitioners. We forget that the noblest deeds, the most virtuous efforts in Human History have also been made in the name of religion.

At this stage one is forced to ask - What is it about religion that it inspires such cruelty as well as such kindness? How can the same fount of religion can be used to justify terrorism as well as altruism


Dogma - A critique

All religions at their core are Dogmatic. For those who don't understand what it means - Simplest example is that the Dogma is something you can't deny. For Islam it would the singularity of God, for Hindus it could be belief in reincarnation, for Christians it could be virginity of Mary.

The above are benign examples of Dogma but religion also contains certain dogmatic cores which brings one group in direct conflict with the other. A true Adherent of Islam can perhaps be in conflict with Ahmedis, A Vaishanvite can be in conflict with Shaivite, a Protestant with Catholic. These are just examples of internal conflicts. External ones have much greater scope.

It is the dogma which demagogues use to brainwash the terrorists like ISIS and Al-Quaeda - implying that it is word of the God that you wage Jihad on Non Muslims, It is the word of the God that you kill Shias. In Hinduism it was the dogma which led to centuries long oppression and exploitation of Dalits. Some Christians still use Christianity to justify slavery and racism.

Dogma based approach to religion is not about bettering oneself but following of rules and scriptures. It instills among the adherents the need to impose their version of truths on others. It creates an exclusivist mentality. It creates the need to prove others wrong to prove oneself right. In short Dogma may at sometimes lie in direct conflict with morality



The time has come to reform the static parts of the religious morality as the world cannot sustain itself much longer with all modern tools of destruction at hand which will be used if dogmatic beliefs of supremacy of one set of principles over others is to persist.

I am not a religious scholar - and the purpose of this thread is to not to deliver a lecture. PDF is fortunate enough to bring together people from all faiths and nationalities to a common platform. So I hope we can discuss if we can introduce enough flexibilities and leeway in the way religion is preached and practiced and may be take steps towards removing dogmatic principles which brings us in conflict.

Towards this end I will pose certain questions without malice for any religion

- Do you believe that your religion allows for other faiths to be practiced without censure and with tolerance

- Do you believe religion should be static or it should reform itself to adapt with modern sensibilities

- Does the required reform clash with founding principles of your religion

- If reforms are possible what would it entail and how do you suggest one begin

- How does one stop the misuse of religious dogma by terrorists to justify their action

@Joe Shearer @niaz @Levina @MarkusS @Chinese-Dragon
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@Oscar @WebMaster @waz @WAJsal

Please close this thread if the discussion on the captioned topic against forum policies. I am skirting the line here but hope the debate is constructive and add somes perspective to muddled thought process many of us have.


We have all been appalled by the acts of terrorism, murder, rape, genocide etc committed in the name of religion. No religion is untouched by the crimes committed by their practitioners in it's name. We have had Paedophile priests, Islamic terrorists and Hindu genocidal mobs in times we live in.

All this perhaps creates a situation that the it is not the religion which defines it's followers but often followers defining their religion. So the goodness of Islam is warped by a fraction of misguided adherents, plurality and inclusivism of Hinduism lay forgotten because of it's demagogic leaders and Kindness of Christianity is undone by zealousness and cruelty of it's practitioners.

The good is so overshadowed by evil that we forget about the likes of Gandhis, Tutu and Martin Luther King all devout practitioners. We forget that the noblest deeds, the most virtuous efforts in Human History have also been made in the name of religion.

At this stage one is forced to ask - What is it about religion that it inspires such cruelty as well as such kindness? How can the same fount of religion can be used to justify terrorism as well as altruism


Dogma - A critique

All religions at their core are Dogmatic. For those who don't understand what it means - Simplest example is that the Dogma is something you can't deny. For Islam it would the singularity of God, for Hindus it could be belief in reincarnation, for Christians it could be virginity of Mary.

The above are benign examples of Dogma but religion also contains certain dogmatic cores which brings one group in direct conflict with the other. A true Adherent of Islam can perhaps be in conflict with Ahmedis, A Vaishanvite can be in conflict with Shaivite, a Protestant with Catholic. These are just examples of internal conflicts. External ones have much greater scope.

It is the dogma which demagogues use to brainwash the terrorists like ISIS and Al-Quaeda - implying that it is word of the God that you wage Jihad on Non Muslims, It is the word of the God that you kill Shias. In Hinduism it was the dogma which led to centuries long oppression and exploitation of Dalits. Some Christians still use Christianity to justify slavery and racism.

Dogma based approach to religion is not about self improvement but following of rules and scriptures. It instills among the adherents the need to impose their truth over others. It creates an us vs them mentality. It creates the need to prove others wrong to prove oneself right.



The time has come to reform the static parts of the religious morality as the world cannot sustain itself much longer with all modern tools of destruction at hand which will be used if dogmatic beliefs of supremacy of one set of principles over others is to persist.

I am not a religious scholar - and the purpose of this thread is to not to deliver a lecture. PDF is fortunate enough to bring together people from all faiths and nationalities to a common platform. So I hope we can discuss if we can introduce enough flexibilities and leeway in the way religion is preached and practiced and may be take steps towards removing dogmatic principles which brings us in conflict.

Towards this end I will pose certain questions without malice for any religion

- Do you believe that your religion allows for other faiths to be practiced without censure and with tolerance

- Do you believe religion should be static or it should reform itself to adapt with modern sensibilities

- Does the required reform clash with founding principles of your religion

- If reforms are possible what would it entail and how do you suggest one begin

- How does one stop the misuse of religious dogma by terrorists to justify their action

@Joe Shearer @niaz @Levina @MarkusS @Chinese-Dragon

Did you write this yourself
. .
Yes why? I did some research first so some of the ideas might be reflected.

Very well written ; but it is hard to analyse historical behaviours and motivations
over a period of several centuries

If we are to focus on contemporary issues and events say ;last 25 years
then the discussion can be really meaningful
Religion builds delusion..just like kids are entertained by fairy tales and folklore..religion is the adult version of same..adults fed up of life and meeting failure on every front tend to find solace in religion..and gradually it takes over their psychology and they are no more in control of their behavior and action..i have closely studied my mother, a deeply religion woman..and 99% times she is not in control of herself..infact she would be surprised when her own recordings are presented as evidence..religion creates zombies...
Very well written ; but it is hard to analyse historical behaviours and motivations
over a period of several centuries

If we are to focus on contemporary issues and events say ;last 25 years
then the discussion can be really meaningful

but that would be unfair, no?
Towards this end I will pose certain questions without malice for any religion

- Do you believe that your religion allows for other faiths to be practiced without censure and with tolerance

- Do you believe religion should be static or it should reform itself to adapt with modern sensibilities

- Does the required reform clash with founding principles of your religion

- If reforms are possible what would it entail and how do you suggest one begin

- How does one stop the misuse of religious dogma by terrorists to justify their action

The problem is that religions which tend to be less dogmatic (Eastern religions like Taoism etc.) tend to be much weaker, and slowly die out over time. They either get overwhelmed by the more aggressively evangelistic religions, or more commonly... they simply fade into Atheism/Agnosticism.

For example, my parents are Chinese Buddhists. However, me and my brother are Atheist/Agnostic. And nobody in my family cares, this is a pretty common trend in much of the world.
Religion builds delusion..just like kids are entertained by fairy tales and folklore..religion is the adult version of same..adults fed up of life and meeting failure on every front tend to find solace in religion..and gradually it takes over their psychology and they are no more in control of their behavior and action..i have closely studied my mother, a deeply religion woman..and 99% times she is not in control of herself..infact she would be surprised when her own recordings are presented as evidence..religion creates zombies...

I respectfully disagree, Religion brings morality into play, Without religion it is difficult for morality to exist.

Infact even Dogma has it's uses - without the concept of heaven and hell why would anyone bother with good and evil?

Religious doctrines often inspire great deeds - just for an example.

It is in the tenants of Islam to practice Charity - So you Have Edhi Sahab in Pakistan dedicating his life for Charity. Similarly you had Mother Terresa

Hindu Values of inspired Gandhi to develop the novel tool of peaceful resistance, it taught Gandhi too fight against casteism, gender discrimination and communalism

So Yes. Religion like any other thing is not absolutely good or bad.

The problem is that religions which tend to be less dogmatic (Eastern religions like Taoism etc.) tend to be much weaker, and slowly die out over time. They either get overwhelmed by the more aggressively evangelistic religions, or more commonly they simply fade into Atheism/Agnosticism.

For example, my parents are Chinese Buddhists. However, me and my brother are Atheist/Agnostic. And nobody in my family cares, this is a pretty common trend in much of the world.

This is not pass judgement, but eastern religions were not suited to the times which required do or die mentality. Those were tough times, the formative stages of modern civilization. So you needed religion which one could perhaps use towards violent ends. There for my thread about how to make the religions more suited to our times.
but that would be unfair, no?

Not at all because the world has changed a lot in the last 25 years

Godless Russians have started going to church

Buddhists have become more agressive in Japan ; Thailand ; Myanmar and Tibet

We see Rise of Evangelicals in USA ; But Catholics are still debating Abortion

Hindus have become modern in their outlook when it comes to education and economic progress but the caste shackles still exist

China has created a new Quasi religion which is a
Unique combination of Confucianism and Capitalism

Jews are exactly where they were in 1947- 48

And Islam has to face an entirely NEW set of challenges
I respectfully disagree, Religion brings morality into play, Without religion it is difficult for morality to exist.

Infact even Dogma has it's uses - without the concept of heaven and hell why would anyone bother with good and evil?

Religious doctrines often inspire great deeds - just for an example.

It is in the tenants of Islam to practice Charity - So you Have Edhi Sahab in Pakistan dedicating his life for Charity. Similarly you had Mother Terresa

Hindu Values of inspired Gandhi to develop the novel tool of peaceful resistance, it taught Gandhi too fight against casteism, gender discrimination and communalism

So Yes. Religion like any other thing is not absolutely good or bad.

This is not pass judgement, but eastern religions were not suited to the times which required do or die mentality. Those were tough times, the formative stages of modern civilization. So you needed religion which one could perhaps use towards violent ends. There for my thread about how to make the religions more suited to our times.

As for the point about no one caring, even if 1% cares it is enough. You know what happens when you let a wolf inside a sheep-pen?
. .
Not at all because the world has changed a lot in the last 25 years

Godless Russians have started going to church

Buddhists have become more agressive in Japan ; Thailand ; Myanmar and Tibet

We see Rise of Evangelicals in USA

Hindus have become modern in their outlook when it comes to education and economic progress but the caste shackles still exist

China has created a new Quasi religion which is a
Unique combination of Confucianism and Capitalism

Jews are exactly where they were in 1947- 48

And Islam has to face an entirely NEW set of challenges

You are right, it does feel that we are on cusp of a change but the change is always resisted - sometimes for good and sometimes for bad.
I respectfully disagree, Religion brings morality into play, Without religion it is difficult for morality to exist.

Infact even Dogma has it's uses - without the concept of heaven and hell why would anyone bother with good and evil?

Religious doctrines often inspire great deeds - just for an example.

It is in the tenants of Islam to practice Charity - So you Have Edhi Sahab in Pakistan dedicating his life for Charity. Similarly you had Mother Terresa

Hindu Values of inspired Gandhi to develop the novel tool of peaceful resistance, it taught Gandhi too fight against casteism, gender discrimination and communalism

So Yes. Religion like any other thing is not absolutely good or bad.

Yes there are morals in loot, plunder, holy war cutting parts of baby penises, practice of Sati..??
Sorry but you are sounding like a zakir naik type brainless tape recorder!
I respectfully disagree, Religion brings morality into play, Without religion it is difficult for morality to exist.
brother as long as a person has fear,,,inducing desired morality isnt too difficult,,,,,now fear may be of god,aftrlife,religion,law or somthng else
Yes there are morals in loot, plunder, holy war cutting parts of baby penises, practice of Sati..??
Sorry but you are sounding like a zakir naik type brainless tape recorder!

You can say that Ninety percent of people in this world are God fearing
or have a conscience

For the rest there is the Law

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