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Regional Fallout of Iranian Turmoil



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Talha Mujaddidi

June 26, 2009

What we are witnessing in Iran today is media warfare, psychological warfare, and asymmetric warfare. Depleting the enemy from within this is all part and parcel of modern warfare (Hegemony or Survival Pakistan Ka Khuda Hafiz).

Before we get into what is going on in Iran we need to understand why the chaos is going on and real reasons behind the political crisis.

After 9/11 U.S and its allies started the plan to redraw the map of the Middle East, which U.S think tanks and leaders call the ‘New Middle East’ (NME). You might remember that Condi Rice often used the term ‘birth pangs of the new Middle East’, when referring to the ongoing violence in Iran and Palestine. The plan is to create a NME, with new borders for all nations of the Middle East. The NME is in essence Greater Israel. The area that Zionist believes must be under their control for their messiah to come to earth. Greater Israel requires, control of Iraq, parts of Syria, Turkey, Egypt along river Nile, entire Jerusalem, parts of Jordan as well as controlling parts of Saudi Arabia. Creating NME or Greater Israel also requires controlling certain countries through either direct invasion or through puppet proxy rulers. Iraq and Afghanistan are examples of direct military invasions. Pakistan is an example of neutralizing a country through proxy-puppet governments of Musharraf and now Zardari. The focus of Obama’s administration will be on Pakistan and Iran.


Map of New Middle East

Iran cannot be attacked militarily without mass casualties and regional catastrophe. History of Iran tells us that the country was far advance in producing home grown leadership than any of its Arab neighbors but in 1953, Mossadegh, a nationalist, home grown, democratically elected leader of Iran was kicked out by a CIA/MI6 covert operation that bought Shah into power in Iran. The details are explained eloquently by Stephen Kinzer in his books, ‘Overthrown’, and ‘All the Shah’s Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror’. The CIA bribed Iranian government officials, businessmen, reporters, and paid people to protest in the streets of Tehran. Such was the level to CIA penetration in that operation.


According to Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary Treasury under President Regan, “Today, the street demonstrations in Tehran show signs of orchestration. The protesters, primarily young people, especially young women opposed to the dress codes, carry signs written in English: “Where is My Vote?” The signs are intended for the western media—not for the Iranian government. On American TV, the protesters who are interviewed speak perfect English. They are either westernized secular Iranians who were allied with the Shah and fled to the West during the 1978 Iranian revolution or they are the young Westernized residents of Tehran”.

Since the last two decades U.S and Britain have covertly been supplying money and logistics to bring about a change of regime in Iran. The U.S believes that Iran is its natural ally in the Middle East. That was achieved under Shah of Iran, when U.S and Israel enjoyed extremely cordial relationship with Iran. In order to change the borders of the Middle East Iran’s support is a must. Iran can’t be taken to task by B-52 bombers, so plan B is to somehow change this government and hierarchy of Ayatollah’s and install a puppet government under the urban jargons of, ‘democracy, freedom of rights, emancipation of Iranian women, etc’. To do that millions of dollars are being spent to put as much internal pressure on Iranian government as possible and to make a villain out of Ahmedinejad and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. According to Paul Roberts, U.S has been giving money to underground Marxists groups like Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, small restive ethnic minorities like Azeries, Kurds, under the so called ‘Iran Democracy Program’. Not to mention terrorist groups like Jandullah are covertly supported by CIA as Iran has always claimed. CIA works through National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Freedom House, Open Society Institute, Council for Democratic Change in Iran and other such organizations. All we need to know about NED is this quote from one of its founding members, Allen Weinstein, “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA”. (For in depth coverage of U.S covert operations in Iran follow this (Has the U.S. Played a Role in Fomenting Unrest During Iran’s Election?)

According to veteran journalist Eric Margolis, the problem is that Ahmedinejad is a villain in the western media especially Israeli media. No wonder head of Mossad Meir Dagan, voiced his hope that Ahmedinejad would remain in office. Dagan believes that if Mossavi is in office it will be harder for Israel to keep up its propaganda against Iran’s nuclear program.

What happens in Iran over the next few days will have ripple effects in the entire Middle East, the government of Lebanon is in control of U.S and Saudi Arabia, but the street power remains in the hands of Hezbollah. If Iran were to fall and become U.S ally again then Syria, Lebanon would still remain under Iran and U.S scope of influence but no longer under the Saudi radar. The U.S would shift its capital in Middle East from Riyadh to Tehran reminiscent of Shah’s rule. Iran has its own disputes with the Arab world. A proxy Iran government will be used to create trouble with the Arab world. The disputes will revolve around control of Iraqi oil, Kuwait, Bahrain (Iran claims Bahrain as its province), and South Saudi oil fields. A U.S proxy Iran is something that the Muslim world must defy at all costs. A political crisis between Arab world and Iran will have massive fallouts on Pakistan, which is already battling for its survival. During and after the Iran-Iraq war many proxy outfits were created in Pakistan by both Iran and Iraq which created massive law and order problem for Pakistan. CIA is also trying to create trouble in Iran through Pakistani Balochistan, where Jandullah leader Abdul Malik Regi is also hiding. Pakistan must be aware of all this and must not be part of any such clandestine CIA operation knowingly or unknowingly and must keep clean of vested agendas against Iran. We must support Iranian President and Supreme Leader Khamenei in this time of hardship. If Pakistani government doesn’t than at least the people must show support for Iranian leadership. There are problems in Iran but they must be solved by home grown nationalist leaders, not CIA sponsored proxy puppet rulers.

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