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Reforms in voting system-suggestions

I believe the Pakistani Election Commission wanted to introduce EVM's in this election itself. I watched a television program where S.Y.Quraishi, the former Chief election commissioner of India who advised the Pakistan Election Commission said the reason for not introducing in these elections was because of a lack of consensus about it among the political parties of Pakistan. I believe that the next elections might see the same procedure being followed in Pakistan that is now followed in India.

Well that proves that most political parties don't want a change where they can't manipulate...lack of consensus is all about that. Yes I am sure the next election would not introduce something new and foolproof because ECP in Pakistan is always controversial and manipulative...
Agreed can't be done on mass scale but the equipment it self should be of top quality and closed architecture...reminds me of Apple Inc. I remember the man in india who showed how to wipe memory and stuff was arrested.
The architecture should be open sourced not closed
coz it would be cheaper to implement and more chances of getting it right
The FBISE papers used for matric exams are better than these ballot papers, in terms of traceability and prevention of forgery.

As all the members said, EVM is the way to go, there is a long time before the next elections, so alot of time to formulate a new way. NADRA has a huge infrastructure in place as far as citizen record is concerned, just use finger print verification.

A person goes into the station, gets his finger scanned and the computer then stores the info. Guy goes to polling booth and then selects candidate through the touch screen or monitor and mouse.

The data in urban centres and other populated areas goes to a central mainframe in the province. Results of around 20 constituencies go into a mainframe somewhere near, for example results for Gujranwala, Lahore, and adjoining areas get accumulated in a mainframe in Lahore. Similarly, the results from Sialkot, Gujrat and other adjoining areas get accumulated in gujrat mainframe.

These groups of 20 then go to a provincial mainframe...

The mainframes then also keep a electronic record of who has voted...if a person has voted, his vote is registered country wide or province wide or even city wide.

More deliberation this can further fine tune the system.

The advantage is that no more premature results since result is accumulated by computer and not corrupt returning officers..., the presiding officer wont have a clue this way as to who voted for whom...he will not be the one who is compiling results. no more fake votes either. The polling officers will be given a FOB which constantly changes the code that will need to be fed in the system, then the officer will need to put in a second thing for the system to be activated. If somebody is going to ransack the station, the presiding officer would simply shut down the system and it would not be activated unless those 2 particulars are provided. When the system is shut down, the central control gets a warning so everybody would know that something fishy is going on there.

Those riggers are not even matric pass, so they most probably cant hack computers.

Lala g - You don't need that much mainframes - NADRA has already huge central infrastructure and they can easily accommodate data of voting (Can be extend if space is less) - EVMs must be linked to central system and data should be saved on both EVM + Central System on same-time for cross checking. You can use already established NADRA's offices for voting, there should be at-least 3 days for polling and people should be allowed to cast their vote from any location.
LOL - سیالکوٹ میں مردے ووٹ کاسٹ کرنے لگ گے http://tune.pk/video/83137/-
Voting system must enable people to cast a vote very quickly. The process that was followed to cast a vote is surly very straight and can be automated easily if we have some electronic voting system in place. I think many people don't cast vote since its hard to cast a vote by standing in lines for hours. Also candidates shouldn't be allowed to participate from multiple seats or at least not accross different provinces. Its waste of time and resources to repeat the election process on such abandoned seats.

One Picture says all.
The role of our media in the present elections should also come under scrutiny.
@Aeronaut @nuclearpak Is there a similar graphic for Pakistani media that shows who controls what our people see and hear during coverage of news stories?


Our media needs to come under a whole lot of scrutiny, secret funds, channel profits, relationships with other politicql and business tycoons etc, but whenever something like thia is about to happen the same old charade is played that state is encroaching upon freedom of media.
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we need to make the system online! ONLINE voting is the only way forward!
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