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Reference against Justice Faez Isa came from far above of Gen Faiz, later realised what game was: Imran Khan


Sep 25, 2009
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Reference against Justice Faez Isa comes from far above: Imran Khan​

Photo of The Pakistan Daily The Pakistan Daily Follow on TwitterMay 4, 2023
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ISLAMABAD: PTI chairman Imran Khan has said reference against Justice Qazi Faez Isa had come from far above Faiz Hameed.
“We had held talks with the new Afghan government and not with TTP. We asked the Afghan government to send back TTP. We want good relations with the US but not slavery; he said this in his informal talk with the journalists on the occasion of his appearance in Islamabad High Court here Thursday.

He went on to say cases against him are being increased rapidly. Double century of cases against him will complete soon. I had reached 170 scores in cricket and had not completed double century, he added.

Imran Khan held he had told name to five member bench of Lahore High Court from whom he is facing life threat. If I mention his name, no newspaper will publish it. Therefore, I call him dirty Harry.

When questioned from a journalist who is running care taker government and meetings are being held with Americans he said 27 years have passed and we want good relations with every country. We want friendship with all but not slavery to anyone.

Regarding foreign minister visit to India he said Kashmir is not issue for him.

To a question about initiation of action against corrupt military officers by him if he is voted to power again he said we have said action will be taken as per rule of law.

To a question about talk’s policy with Taliban during his government he said talks were underway with Afghan government that how the TTP was to send back that PTI government was abolished. Mehmood Khan had told at that time that Taliban were coming back. We also told timely again and again that Taliban are returning.

We had held talks with new Afghan government and not with TTP; he said adding TTP was operating from there. We said these people should be sent back. General Bajwa was also therein. ISI chief was also there. Discussion was going on before us that how we have to rehabilitate them that our government was finished. PDM government did not care for anything then.

So Bajwa and Hameed were running the country while puppet Imran Khan was busy emptying Toshkhana and selling it in Dubai ?
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