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Reel Bad Arabs


Jun 5, 2008
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source: copy/paste wikipedia

Reel Bad Arabs

How Hollywood Vilifies a People (ISBN 1-56656-388-7, Olive Branch Press) is a 2001 book by Jack Shaheen where he surveyed more than 900 film appearances of Arab characters. Shaheen writes "Seen through Hollywood's distorted lenses, Arabs look different and threatening.".[1]

He contends that the movies with the most anti-Arab content are: Rules of Engagement (2000), The Delta Force (1986) Death Before Dishonor (1987) and True Lies (1994).

Included on the "worst list" is:

* Back to the Future (1985)
* The Black Stallion (1979)
* The Black Stallion Returns (1983)
* Bloodfist VI: Ground Zero (1994)
* The Bonfire of the Vanities (1990)
* Chain of Command (1993)
* The Delta Force (1986)
* Freedom Strike (1998)
* Iron Eagle (1986)
* Ishtar (1987)

* Killing Streets (1991)
* Navy SEALs (1990)
* Operation Condor (1997)
* Protocol (1984)
* Rules of Engagement (2000)
* The Taking of Flight 847 (1988)
* Terror in Beverley Hills (1988)
* True Lies (1994)

Inspired by the "worst list", a 9-minute-long trailer called "Planet of the Arabs" [2] was assembled. This short was an Official Selection at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival.

Sut Jhally directed a 2006 video called Reel Bad Arabs about Jack Shaheen's thesis.

the arab land is most active in the US cause for "War on Terror", second, arabs and muslims r co related in many hollywood films!!

these r the views of the poster:

"Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People . This groundbreaking documentary dissects a slanderous aspect of cinematic history that has run virtually unchallenged form the earliest days of silent film to today's biggest Hollywood blockbusters. Featuring acclaimed author Dr. Jack Shaheen, the film explores a long line of degrading images of Arabs--from Bedouin bandits and submissive maidens to sinister sheikhs and gun-wielding "terrorists"--a long the way offering devastating insights into the origin of these stereotypic images, their development at key points in US history, and why they matter so much today. Shaheen shows how the persistence of these images over time has served to naturalize prejudicial attitudes toward Arabs and Arab culture, in the process reinforcing a narrow view of individual Arabs and the effects of specific US domestic and internationl policies on their lives. By inspiring critical thinking about the social, political, and basic human consequences of leaving these Hollywood caricatures unexamined, the film challenges viewers to recognize the urgent need for counter-narratives that do justice to the diversity and humanity of Arab people and the reality and richness of Arab history and culture. Director: Sut Jhally Biographical Summary: Dr. Jack Shaheen, Professor Emeritus of Mass Communication at Southern Illinois University, is a leading scholar of Arab representations in US popular culture. Shaheen is the author of the groundbreaking study The TV Arab and, most recently, Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People, the most comprehensive review of Arab screen images ever published. Analyzing over 900 Hollywood films made from 1896 to 2004, Dr. Shaheen exposes American cinema's systematic and pervasive degradation and dehumanization of Arabs. Articles: "Jack Shaheen continues to be a piercing laser of fairness and sanity in pointing out Hollywood's ongoing egregious smearing of Arabs." Howard Rosenberg | Los Angeles Times TV Critic "

the interesting thing, the stuff which i really like to add is, the partial fourth part and the fifth part points have been made which move against the main topic, i-e bias against arabs. The fact that some hollywood films like "Kingdom of Heaven" and other movies have actually presented positive image, and in a way have promoted "building the brides" sort of things between arab world and the west!!! hope u enjoy people!!!
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its the first part

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2nd part

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3rd part

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4th part

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and the final fifth part

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Yes brother I have seen that Documentary it is absolutely compelling. I rated that Documentary 5 stars, I think all Arabs and Muslims should watch it, it truly reveals how the Jewish controlled media, Hollywood, and Western News, are portraying Arabs as inhumane, stupid, backward, evil, and always the villain or terrorist in the movies.
Yes brother I have seen that Documentary it is absolutely compelling. I rated that Documentary 5 stars, I think all Arabs and Muslims should watch it, it truly reveals how the Jewish controlled media, Hollywood, and Western News, are portraying Arabs as inhumane, stupid, backward, evil, and always the villain or terrorist in the movies.

Is it also Jewish fault that our own muslim brothers from Pak,India & Srilanka are treated like sh*t in UAE? :rolleyes:
Is it also Jewish fault that our own muslim brothers from Pak,India & Srilanka are treated like sh*t in UAE? :rolleyes:

I am not talking about that, I am talking about how the Western Media, and Hollywood have throughout the decades have portrayed Arabs as evil, stupid, backwards, inhuman, etc.

Why don't you watch the Documentary and listen to what Jack Shaheen says about this consistent effort by Hollywood, and Jewish controlled Media outlets to portray Muslims and Arabs as inhuman and sub-humans.:tdown:

A. Rahman wise up brother. Seriously is this something to argue against!?!?
I am not talking about that, I am talking about how the Western Media, and Hollywood have throughout the decades have portrayed Arabs as evil, stupid, backwards, inhuman, etc.

Why don't you watch the Documentary and listen to what Jack Shaheen says about this consistent effort by Hollywood, and Jewish controlled Media outlets to portray Muslims and Arabs as inhuman and sub-humans.:tdown:

A. Rahman wise up brother. Seriously is this something to argue against!?!?

If Arabs wouldn't have ever hijacked a plane, or beheaded an Infidel, tell me would it have made any sense for Hollywood to portrayed them in terrorist roles?
If Arabs wouldn't have ever hijacked a plane, or beheaded an Infidel, tell me would it have made any sense for Hollywood to portrayed them in terrorist roles?

You seriously are misinformed. Rahman this has been going on FOR DECADES!!! Why are the Arabs portrayed as a barbaric people in Aladdin, all these horrible stereotypes of Arabs and Muslims have been going on before any planes were hijacked. Also wise up strong evidence suggest 9/11 was an inside job and that Western Intelligence or Al-CIA and Al-MOSSAD were behind it, especially Israel, Israel loves it when it''s buddy USA is in the Middle East along side it. Why is it that after the occupation of Israel the Palestinians are portrayed inhuman and always evil and barbaric. Why doesn't Hollywood show what barbaric countries USA, UK, and Israel are, because there is an Anti-Islamic agenda.

I Told you to wise up Rahman. Stop sympathizing with the Anti-Islamic Hollywood and Western Media forces...Shame Shame Shame

Again Rahman you truly are a misinformed. :tsk:
As an American observer of 58 years (after seeing my first movie, Wizard of Oz at age 5 years of my life), I can tell you some things about Hollywood:

(1) a villain is needed
(2) the villain's ethnicity must not offend the American audience
(3) the villain will always be, at least, a villain of Jews
(4) the villain changes with the times
(5) jihadis, especially Arab jihadis, are currently the villains that fit the bill.

Here is one of Disney's most popular and memorable cartoons Aladdin. Here is the ORIGINAL introduction that young audiences all across America, including myself use to watch and grew up watching...Aladdin was also shown in France, Germany, UK, and many other European countries as well. Other countries include Japan, Canada, Pakistan, China, and India.


Oh I come from a land, from a faraway place
Where the caravan camels roam
Where they cut off your ear
if they don't like your face

It's barbaric, but hey, it's home
When the wind's from the east
And the sun's from the west
And the sand in the glass is right
Come on down
Stop on by
Hop a carpet and fly
To another Arabian night

Arabian nights
Like Arabian days
More often than not
Are hotter than hot
In a lot of good ways

Arabian nights
'Neath Arabian moons
A fool off his guard
Could fall and fall hard
Out there on the dunes

Notice how the first thing they show is the desert, then camels, then Turbans, then big nosed people silly stupid primitive people. This is exactly the horrible stereotyping I'm talking about.
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from another poster said:
I watched that video and I found it slanted towards thinking that Hollywood is out to demonize Arabs as villains. I can offer counter-arguments for several of the examples cited in that short and I feel that the makers offered only the negative portrayals in the film clips, in effect cherry-picking, to make their case that Hollywood is biased against Arabs -- when in fact it's been exploitative against everyone. I'll get to that in a moment. First, consider the following:

In "Back to the Future" the Libyan terrorists were used because that was the prerequisite boogeymen for Americans back in the days of Reagan. Villain #1 was the Soviets, but since the Russkies already had nuclear technology there was no need to have them try and give it to Doc Brown. Enter the Libyans.

In "True Lies" the villain was a crazy Arab. But where was the example of the Arab spy agent that works alongside Schwarzenegger? He's not seen in the clip. Why is that? There are several examples of good Arabic characters also in "Aladdin" yet all we get to see are the bad guys holding swords. How come we are shown a short clip from "Raiders of the Lost Ark" showing Indiana Jones shooting a masked swordsman (an Arab) and not shown Indy's Arabic ally Sallah?

I saw a brief clip showing material from "The Taking of Flight 847 ", well, according to the official story it was Arab terrorists (specifically Hezbullah) responsible for the hijacking. Would it make more sense to cast WASP actors in these roles? If not what was the point in showing this clip?

As long as we're considering how Arabs are portrayed in films why not stop and examine how white anglo-saxon males and females are shown in Hollywood mainstream movies? Take for instance "Back to the Future": the lead character is shown to be fixated on rock and roll, making out with his girlfriend and if someone calls him a chicken he will always respond with his fists. Is that a positive portrayal of a white teenager in America?

When Bruce Willis leaps off the top of a skyscraper and smashes his body into the side of the building's windows, and is still mentally/physically capable of standing upright and tossing out one-liners to the villain, is that an accurate presentation of what a middle-aged white male in America can do when faced with a terrorist situation? If it's not then how come there are so many of these kinds of action movies being made every year and how come there isn't a lot of complaining about it? Is the hooker with the heart of gold portrayed by Julia Roberts in "Pretty Woman" the reality or the illusion? Do most young, rising businessmen decide to side with morality instead of making big money at the expense of others? No? Then why is it shown to be this way in Oscar-winning films like "Wall Street"?

Further still, do you think that the "Police Academy" movies serve as a good example of large black men, or shy black females, or smart-assed white guys or ultra-aggressive white men with bones to pick on the smart-assed white guys? If not, then why is a C-grade movie like "Cannonball Run 2" used as a serious example of how Arabs are shown in movies? "Police Academy" is about the same cultural quality as "Cannonball Run".

And the stereotypes continue on. How many Asian actors do you see in Hollywood movies or TV network shows? Are they seemingly always martial arts masters? Have you seen a Hollywood movie where an "Asian" character is called Chinese or Japanese or Korean or Malaysian or something else besides asian?

If anyone deserves to be angry at Hollywood these days it's people of asian, indian (eastern) and polynesian descent. Ever seen an Indian or Inuit character on "Star Trek"? Of course the Arabs don't seem to exist in Star Trek's future based on the people that we've seen flying their starships and such yet there is no complaint about that aspect of that franchise. Fans are more upset that a gay character hasn't been introduced so far into the series.

I'll even go a step further: the largest group that gets portrayed with stereotypical characterizations are whites and that's because Hollywood produces a WASP-centric perspective with its storytelling. You even get white character actors that play the same stereotypical roles again and again, the prude woman, the mean cop, the bitter spinster, the elderly and senile old lady, the sexually aggressive middle-aged woman, the loveable but constantly henpicked husband and so on. Taking it a step further, how many Spanish or Mexican action heroes can you name? Yet Halle Berry and Denzel Washington win Oscars in the same year and it's seem as a huge stride forward for minorities in Hollywood. Excuse me? How many Oscar nominations has there been for asian-American people? How many for Latin-Americans? This is why I tend to roll my eyes when I hear about how underrepresented black actors are in movies. Go ask the asian actors or the latin actors or the native American actors what their chances are of being cast as the hero in "I Am Legend" or "American Gangster" or "National Treasure". A guy like Adam Beach who starred opposite Nicolas Cage in "Windtalkers" should be getting roles like Will Smith too. Go take a look at his acting resume and see what he gets: role after role where his race is the most important aspect of his character's identity.

Getting back to the original topic of this thread, I can take any demographic and easily make a short film using excerpts from Hollywood movies and make a case for the inaccurate portrayal of that caste/segment. It's a simple thing to do when all you have is 5 minutes of screen time. It's a lot harder to explain what's going on when you view the entire spectrum of movies and you begin to ask yourself why Hollywood is interested in lumping all people or all colors into stereotypes.

looking at it from different angle & another poster
The book is released in Jul, 2001. 2 months later Arabs commit the most notorious single act of terrorism in history... 9/11. I'm not saying Hollywood has done anything good to break stereotypes... but all stereotypes, good or bad, come from somewhere... and there are many Arabs who proudly do nothing but perpetuate the "bomb toting" stereotype every day in the evening news... way more influencial than Hollywood could ever pretend to be. Shaheen should set his sights on mainstream news media and how they could present a broader perspective on Arab culture. Instead of complaining that Robert Zemeckis had Doc Brown dupe some Arabs out of their plutonium to make a time machine... the last believable scene in Back to the Future.
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