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Redrawing Karachi, ECB snubs the great MQM


Sep 10, 2011
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The chief election commissioner has dismissed the Muttahida Qaumi Movement’s concerns against delimitation and pressed ahead on Thursday with the exercise which will change the face of Karachi and the nature of future elections.
After an intense meeting with 13 of 16 invited political parties, the Election Commission gave them a week to submit proposals and draft maps as it begins to redraw the city’s constituency boundaries.
The wheels for this landmark change started turning in October 2011 when the Supreme Court ordered fresh delimitation while hearing a suo motu case prompted by an exceptionally bloody summer. The court was told that Karachi’s constituencies, which are 130 in number, suffered from the stranglehold of ethnically divisive groups. Redrawing the boundaries would help rein in ethnic strife and discourage no-go areas.
The Awami National Party, which has been at the forefront in the demand for fresh delimitation, was mysteriously absent from this crucial meeting.
Sources privy to the proceedings said MQM’s Dr Farooq Sattar opened the discussion by questioning the legality of the exercise. “Delimitation cannot be carried out without first holding a census,” he was quoted as saying. The last census was in 1998 but Karachi’s population has burgeoned since then from nine million to an estimated 20 million. Delimitation takes place after every census but since none have been held, the 2002 and 2008 elections took place based on the 1998 numbers. In 2002 General Musharraf ordered the fresh delimitation of Karachi and its number of seats in the Sindh Assembly went up from 27 to 42.
Without a fresh census now, argued Sattar, this exercise was tantamount to “pre-poll rigging” and he asked why it was limited to Karachi. “Those who are bent on enforcing it should not forget the consequences,” he was quoted as saying in a threatening tone. “We should not forget the [birth of Bangladesh]… a confrontation between ethnicities was behind the move for delimitation in Karachi.”
There was a harsh exchange when Sattar castigated ECP Secretary Ishtiaq Ahmed Khan for appearing on a TV show and declaring that the commission would go ahead. Sattar said he was at a loss to understand why the ECP was so “scared” and did not file a review petition against the Supreme Court’s order. “The chapter of delimitation stands closed,” he remarked.
When the MQM leader was informed that Section 10-A of The Delimitation Act empowered the ECP to alter, modify and amend the limits of any constituency, he replied that this part was introduced by a dictator in 1984. The section should not be read in isolation, he said, adding that the act should be seen in its entirety.

Chief Election Commissioner Justice (retd) Fakhruddin G. Ebrahim then proposed that the political representatives wishing to endorse Dr Sattar’s views should speak first.
This was met with silence.
The ruling Pakistan Peoples Party played it tactful. Its representative Taj Haider supported the MQM’s stance that delimitation should be undertaken throughout the country but in the same breath he endorsed that the view of the majority should also be respected – an indirect agreement to the plan.
Many of the politicians, including Iqbal Zafar Jhagra of the PML-N, berated the MQM for going against the plan and asked what was the problem with voters in their strongholds being moved from one constituency to another.
Mehmood Khan Achakzai of the Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party argued that the entire country should not be put at stake to strengthen one particular force. Taking up arms was no solution to problems, he said, referring to violence in Karachi. Squarely placing his party’s support for the plan, he stressed that all institutions, including the SC, ECP and parliament, should be respected.
Justice Ebrahim asked the representatives to give their comments in writing, specifying how the existing boundaries should be modified. In an attempt to make the process credible and free from local interference, the commission has assigned the Punjab election commissioner, Mehboob Anwar, the task of supervising delimitation and the re-verification of voters in Karachi as ordered by the Supreme Court. He is standing in for Sindh’s election commissioner, Sonu Khan Baloch, who was removed a few days ago over allegations of being biased.

Another move to benefit Punjab by the CJ. Karachi will now be at the mercy of a thug from Punjab. We hope that this is changed.

Clear racism by the ECP. Karachi must throw all now Karachiites OUT!
Another move to benefit Punjab by the CJ. Karachi will now be at the mercy of a thug from Punjab. We hope that this is changed.

Clear racism by the ECP. Karachi must throw all now Karachiites OUT!

How come is it racism? How exactly would it benefit Punjab?

Delimitation of Karachi goin' to pave way for Punjab to establish its monopoly in Karachi, quite a new notion to me!
How come is it racism? How exactly would it benefit Punjab?

Delimitation of Karachi goin' to pave way for Punjab to establish its monopoly in Karachi, quite a new notion to me!

Learn to read:
Justice Ebrahim asked the representatives to give their comments in writing, specifying how the existing boundaries should be modified. In an attempt to make the process credible and free from local interference, the commission has assigned the Punjab election commissioner, Mehboob Anwar, the task of supervising delimitation and the re-verification of voters in Karachi as ordered by the Supreme Court. He is standing in for Sindh’s election commissioner, Sonu Khan Baloch, who was removed a few days ago over allegations of being biased.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/nation...arachi-ecb-snubs-great-mqm.html#ixzz2Fff3kkdh

A Punjabi shouldn't watch over Karachi's elections!

But then again, this is what they did to Balochistan, now we have the BLA!
Learn to read:

A Punjabi shouldn't watch over Karachi's elections!

But then again, this is what they did to Balochistan, now we have the BLA!

Learn to think once if not thousand times before making a remark, also it would be a good addition if comprehension is bit polished further.

Fakhruddin G. Ibrahim hails from Karachi, if you can remember? Commission headed by him has asked Punjab election commissioner to supervise the delimitation process in order to make it credible and free from local interference. When you say local you say MQM, PPP, JI, ANP and others, no way they would want a delimitation harming their vested interests.

Don't make simple things complicated..
Doesn't matter, the director should be a Karachiiite. Why shouldn't local Karachi interests be seen?
IM a sindhi and MQM is a terrorist party And i like this MOVE by CJ and ECP.

yeah, only Karachiites who'll have to vote through the sponsored attacks by this ECP to benefit PML-N and PTI will suffer.
There might be nothing wrong with delimitation but where's the census to redefine the constituencies?

I feel that only people born in Karachi should be allowed to vote, regardless of religion, ethnicity and language. This would remove me from the list though :(
It will going to endup , in more bloodshed, I don't see it happening on the ground & elections being held!
Another move to benefit Punjab by the CJ. Karachi will now be at the mercy of a thug from Punjab. We hope that this is changed.

Clear racism by the ECP. Karachi must throw all now Karachiites OUT!

I wish you could read back what you just wrote. Intense and sheer nonsense and heedful thinking which lead Karachi to what it is today. How on earth can you link CJ's decision with any benefit to Punjab? And as a food for thought, there is no political party in Sindh which is based in Punjab and which might receive any - any benefits what so ever through this decision. (PMLN or PML in particular. ANP, JI is primarily from KP and it has equally strong base in Karachi but neither of two has any support in Punjab again).

Secondly, number of seats coming from Sindh remains with Sindh and are NOT transferred to any other province. So you might want to reconsider your theory of Punjab getting any benefit out of this situation.

And for your memory again, CJ is from Baluchistan but some concealed minds tend not to think that.
mqm is quite upset on verification of voter lists and demarcation of constituencies. the rules were clearly violated as I have shared in other thread, a while ago. therefore, its a good decision to redrawn the constituencies so that monopoly of a certain mafia is overcome and it may turn into a livable city !!
give all these party members guns and take them to thar desert and let them fight it out, winner takes over Pakistan and a pretty lady:enjoy:
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