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Reasons for high fertility rates among Muslims?


Aug 4, 2009
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I'm currently on vacation in India and visited my cousin sister who works for a NGO in rural eastern Uttar Pradesh. During my conversation with her, she told me that Muslims in the region face severe socio-economic challenges because many Muslim couples have relatively much higher number of children.

That got me thinking and I asked our maid (who is a Muslim) here in Gurgaon how many children she has? Seven was the answer. My next question was obvious - how do you manage to support your family? I was then told that two of her daughters (aged 13 and 15) also work as maids in other houses. So, there goes the education for her children. She earns about Rs. 6,000 a month and her husband earns Rs. 8,000. That much money was sufficient to support a family of five. But the fact that this family has nine members means that those two young girls have to work instead of going to school.

High fertility rates is a problem with Hindus too. But a bit of research revealed some astonishing figures --

Fertility transition in south India - Google Books By Christophe Guilmoto, Sebastian Irudaya Rajan pg 186:

In 1991, Hindu fertility rates were 2.2 while Muslim total fertility rates were 3.6.

Many would argue that lower literacy and poorer socio-economic conditions means Muslims will have higher fertility rates. But, that same source clearly highlights that Scheduled Castes (who also face much dire socio-economic conditions; and perhaps worse than an average Indian Muslim) have a total fertility rate (TFR) of 1.52 for 1998-99 compared to Muslims' 2.46.

If one really wants to highlight the socio-economic problems of Muslims as a factor for higher TFR, consider this - Turkey, a high income country with a Muslim majority population, had a TFR of about 2.2 in 2008!


Much wealthier Saudi Arabia has a TFR of 3.35 for the 2005-10 period!


So, I'm thoroughly confused as to why these statistics indicate that Muslims have higher fertility rates even in regions with much better socio-economic conditions and literacy rates. I hope maybe my Pakistani friends here could shed some light on this. In my opinion, it is important to understand the factors here because a high population growth rate can spell severe environmental and economic challenges for the coming generations (especially in an already crowded South Asia).
The more the merrier. It seems that the global establishment is hell bent on reducing Muslim populations under the guise of poverty reduction, as if they are out to enlighten us animals who do nothing but breed.
The more the merrier. It seems that the global establishment is hell bent on reducing Muslim populations under the guise of poverty reduction, as if they are out to enlighten us animals who do nothing but breed.

The issue is not about "reducing population" of community A or B. The issue is decelerating the rate of growth of humans on a whole for a sustainable, better future.

And while there has been a decline in rate of growth of Muslims, it is still much much less compared to that of the Europeans, the Chinese and the Hindus in India. Given our planet's limited resources, "the more the merrier" explanation makes no sense.
The issue is not about "reducing population" of community A or B. The issue is decelerating the rate of growth of humans on a whole for a sustainable, better future.

And while there has been a decline in rate of growth among Muslims, it is still much much less compared to that of the Europeans, the Chinese and the Hindus in India. Given our planet's limited resources, "the more the merrier" explanation makes no sense.

Reduce our populations to accommodate their voracious appetite for our natural resources. I know the game very well beta.
I'm currently on vacation in India and visited my cousin sister who works for a NGO in rural eastern Uttar Pradesh. During my conversation with her, she told me that Muslims in the region face severe socio-economic challenges because many Muslim couples have relatively much higher number of children.

That got me thinking and I asked our maid (who is a Muslim) here in Gurgaon how many children she has? Seven was the answer. My next question was obvious - how do you manage to support your family? I was then told that two of her daughters (aged 13 and 15) also work as maids in other houses. So, there goes the education for her children. She earns about Rs. 6,000 a month and her husband earns Rs. 8,000. That much money was sufficient to support a family of five. But the fact that this family has nine members means that those two young girls have to work instead of going to school.

High fertility rates is a problem with Hindus too. But a bit of research revealed some astonishing figures --

Fertility transition in south India - Google Books By Christophe Guilmoto, Sebastian Irudaya Rajan pg 186:

In 1991, Hindu fertility rates were 2.2 while Muslim total fertility rates were 3.6.

Many would argue that lower literacy and poorer socio-economic conditions means Muslims will have higher fertility rates. But, that same source clearly highlights that Scheduled Castes (who also face much dire socio-economic conditions; and perhaps worse than an average Indian Muslim) have a total fertility rate (TFR) of 1.52 for 1998-99 compared to Muslims' 2.46.

If one really wants to highlight the socio-economic problems of Muslims as a factor for higher TFR, consider this - Turkey, a high income country with a Muslim majority population, had a TFR of about 2.2 in 2008!


Much wealthier Saudi Arabia has a TFR of 3.35 for the 2005-10 period!


So, I'm thoroughly confused as to why these statistics indicate that Muslims have higher fertility rates even in regions with much better socio-economic conditions and literacy rates. I hope maybe my Pakistani friends here could shed some light on this. In my opinion, it is important to understand the factors here because a high population growth rate can spell severe environmental and economic challenges for the coming generations (especially in an already crowded South Asia).

Ficticous story....
I have a maid...... bla blah...
next question: how many cars do you have? what years you bought........?
Ficticous story....
I have a maid...... bla blah...
next question: how many cars do you have? what years you bought........?

Gosh... I'm not jobless enough to write fictitious stories for the entertainment of PDF members.

I wanted to raise this point through my own observations and some research. Going through the responses so far, I think I raised the point in the wrong forum. Thanks for clearing my misconception about PDF members.
Ask the PDF members to support the uneducated families .. Lets see how their "more the merrier" argument holds up then. Muslim Ummah anyone?
That got me thinking and I asked our maid (who is a Muslim) here in Gurgaon how many children she has? Seven was the answer. My next question was obvious - how do you manage to support your family? I was then told that two of her daughters (aged 13 and 15) also work as maids in other houses. So, there goes the education for her children. She earns about Rs. 6,000 a month and her husband earns Rs. 8,000. That much money was sufficient to support a family of five. But the fact that this family has nine members means that those two young girls have to work instead of going to school.

Also the maid is a poor example ,considering the fact that these people have typical mentality that "more kids means more hands to earn,ignoring the fact more mouths to feed",when i was a kid we had a Hindu maid,who had 4 kids,they'd take turns in helping their mom.
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One more fictitious story - I have a relative who worked in UP for a decade on a family planning programme sponsored by USAID. He said the programme was such a disaster in Muslim localities as they responded only with conspiracy theories.

They changed the name of the programme to family education (or something like that) and diverted attention to educating and employing muslim women, hoping for índireçt'results.
Something to add

States having high Muslim population Jammu & Kashmir and Assam
have fertility rate of 2.4 which is less than average of Indian fertility rate i.e 2.7

However UP and Bihar have the highest of 3.8 and 4. where the Muslim % of population is 18% and 16%.

Another important point to consider,Kerala having 24.6969% Muslims
(i.e lower than that of Bihar and UP) has a fertility rate of 1.9.

Conclusion:Poverty is responsible for higher fertility rates(which everyone here know already:P)
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.....I hope maybe my Pakistani friends here could shed some light on this....
As I understand this, it has sth to do with religion...

There are sayings of our Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) that encourages us to have more children... There r other quotes from scriptures that would encourage muslims to have more children.
Stop being concerned for those muslims, let husband and wife deal it, its their private matter how many children they want.

reminds me of this quote from gladiator movie.

Juba: What do you say to them?
Maximus: To my son - I tell him I will see him again soon. To keep his heels down while riding his horse. To my wife... that is not your business. :lol:
Another factor in south asia is tht most countries like india,srilanke etc have LOW FERTILITY as compaired to Pakistan but even then we saw a good enough decline in birth rate in Pakistan as compaired to last few years.
Education is the answer..Iran has a low fertility rate,Turkey has a low rate... Bangladesh in South Asia has a rapidly falling birth rate...Indonesia has a low growth rate,Indonesia has a pretty low birth rate.
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