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Real Taliban are not terrorists.

But we know that an army major who'd joined Harkat-ul -Mujahideen was recently caught on the motorway of Rawalpindi with a kidnapping hostage whom he was transporting to Waziristan.

Is this possible?
"Originally Posted by S-2
Real taliban are real irhabi scum. So too their Pakistani hosts. Don't host a taliban scum. Your family and you may eat a HELLFIRE missile.

'Watch your mouth or there will be no mouth left to talk. Who hell think you are talking like this threading me and my family."

Pakomar, do your family and you host irhabi scum from your home in Pakistan? If so, yeah, I mean specifically you. Sorry for your kiddies but I pray if those men live under your house that you find every misery deserved in this life and eternal hellfire in the next.

Can I be more clear, sir?:agree::usflag:

But we know that an army major who'd joined Harkat-ul -Mujahideen was recently caught on the motorway of Rawalpindi with a kidnapping hostage whom he was transporting to Waziristan.

Is this possible?

A retired major, who took early retirement, and whose Brother had been killed in Afghanistan, had aided and abetted a terrorist organisation.

NOT a serving soldier.
Your slip is showing.

That wasn't my question though a a family of mid-careerist military men now associated with a group such as Harkut-ul-Mujajideen should always be interesting to inquiring minds.

Instead, I was more interested in HuM's traditional operating zones near Kashmir yet here we've a hostage being transported into Waziristan. It implies, vaguely, a destination and coordination among others.

That was my thought and was simply asking if others were aware of any previous relationship with the Islamic Emirate of Waziristan.

Hope that clarifies my interest.:agree:

Your slip is showing.

That wasn't my question though a a family of mid-careerist military men now associated with a group such as Harkut-ul-Mujajideen should always be interesting to inquiring minds.

Instead, I was more interested in HuM's traditional operating zones near Kashmir yet here we've a hostage being transported into Waziristan. It implies, vaguely, a destination and coordination among others.

That was my thought and was simply asking if others were aware of any previous relationship with the Islamic Emirate of Waziristan.

Hope that clarifies my interest.:agree:


It must be remembered, that HuM as an organisation, has its roots in the same reform movement known as the Deobandi school of thought, so there is a sectarian affinity between HuM and the Taliban.

IMO, HuM, and Lashkar e Jhangvi are the TTP's fifth column inside Pakistani cities, and LeJ has been shown to be involved. This same LeJ was given sanctuary by the Taliban governement in the late 90s, when they used to launch their attacks on Shias, and then run back to Afghanistan.

There was a big hoo-haa about this, and the Pakistani govt. complained to the Taliban many times, but it fell on deaf ears.

So those links have probably now strengthened.

Also, HuM was not very active in Kashmir, where Hizbul Mujaideen, Lashkar e Taiba, Al Badr and Jaishe Muhammad ( a splinter of HarkatulMujihideen/Harkatul Ansaar) ruled the roost during the jihad there.

HuM, formerly Harkatul Ansaar, had been moderately active in the Afghan Jihad, and was seen as the 'Deobandi' jihadi organisation during the 80's, 90's.
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I'll listen to your pontifications on balance when you display some yourself. Let ye who is without sin cast the first stone...

That doesn't describe you.

"Only according to you, but the vast majority of the members here would say otherwise."

That's an abysmal endorsement or haven't you noticed? However, allow you and I to assist this rendering. I rarely employ attorney/solicitors with a penchant to allege state policy without basis and then ascribe satanic:rolleyes: motivations to such. Here, however, let's take a look again together-

"Most of his army is hiding in the 90+ % of Afghanistan that Karzai and ISAF couldn't control if it was the last objective left in their satanic manual."

You can't be serious? Hardly a balanced perspective and heaven help the myriad numbers here that would see this as representing such. As Maj. Gen. Marts de Kruifs, commander of RC-South has mentioned, his most over-riding impression of the vast spaces of southern Afghanistan is that they are controlled by nobody.

A very dry sense of humor to match the climate.

As for a satanic manual:eek::devil::usflag:...

Have you bothered suggesting to the other forty states yet what utterly foolish boobs they are to so mindlessly follow us? Clearly, from the perspective of most here, it's all about us and, yes, we've the greatest investment and interest (likely).

That said, is there anything about your attitude about THEM that suggests you're winning some sort of global opinion contest? You might stick a thermometer into the rest of mankind's thoughts here before rendering our designs as SATANIC simply because it's in the interests of Afghanistan to never have a pashtu-dominated neo-fascist pseudo religious group of barbarians again in control of their lands.

That strikes me as considerably more satanic. Harboring such on your lands leaves you one step from hell IMHO.

Real taliban were Afghani freedom fighters who defeated soviets.
its funny that today even a foreigner sponsored teen age boy can be labeled as "talibani" by media and it never comes to our mind that real taliban were only freedom fighters 20-25 years ago. Its in colonists of Afghanistan interest to defame and dismantle this very effective organization in order to achieve its strategics goals which many super powers have try doing in the past.
i dont care who takes responsibility of terrorists attacks because now it has become a confirmed joke and not to forget their fake leaders are even bigger joke.

First of all Taliban org is not a 25 year old org. Talibans came into being in mid 90s.

Soviets were defeated by Mujahideens, ISI, PA, KSA and the USA. All parties were dependent on each other.

In fact most of the Talibans were kids during the Soviet invasion (first Afghan war) and didn't take part in the war.

Another fact, Mujahideens were not only Pushtoons, there were Arabs, Pakistanis, Northern Alliance (Ahmed Shah Masood and co.), Sudanese etc. (nearly half of these guys were actually educated).

Present Talibans are the aftermath of the first Afghan war, who fought against Najeeb and his remanants.

Furthermore, Pakistani Talibans are nut cases who pledge alliance when PA is close to kick their *****! Once they regain strength, Talibans resume fight against PA.

My strong suspision is that these Talibans are funded by the CIA, RAW and the drug lords to create havoc in Pakistan.
You might stick a thermometer into the rest of mankind's thoughts here before rendering our designs as SATANIC simply because it's in the interests of Afghanistan to never have a pashtu-dominated neo-fascist pseudo religious group of barbarians again in control of their lands.

Do you seriously think, that the members of the Northern Alliance are a bunch of cucumber sandwich eating, sandal wearing, western liberals? Do you know many of the former Nothern Alliance now in power espouse the same Deobandi ideology, and have almost identical misinterpretations of the Sharia, as the Taliban?

Remember, it was the same people now sitting in the AFghan parliament, who invited OBL to stay in AFghanistan, after he was forced to leave Sudan by the US.

The same people who are now in govt. have been on record, praising the exploits of OBL and his cohorts.

If you think that by replacing the Taliban with the current barbarians, you have achived some sort of victory for justice, human rights, and a defeat of irhabism, I believe you are grossly mistaken.

Don't let the current barbarians in the AFghan govt. fool you, and stop being so naive.
These Americans are very naive and even ignorant. The Northern Alliance won't spare these Americans when the time is ripe. The NA and Taliban hold the same ideology which is outdated and backward. The NA just recently passed a draconian law that women must please their husband at least once a week. Kudos to the Americans for helping such brutal war lords and murderers to power in Afghanistan. The Afghans are already witnessing deterioration in their living standards. The corrupt and evil NA has been imposed on the Afghans by the Americans. Instead of improvement, the ordinary Afghan is facing exponentially more persecution, corruption, crime, murder, rape etc. from the very people that are supposed to protect them. Human rights situation wasn't even as bad during Taliban rule. Drug trafficking has been revived and increased like never before. The situation is extremely dire all due to American intervention. The US will pay a very hefty price for their occupation of Afghanistan. Even US allies are wary and backing off from this nonsensical war. This is just the beginning. Expect much more fireworks. The US is going to forget Vietnam... This is going to get extremely messy.
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"Don't let the current barbarians in the AFghan govt. fool you, and stop being so naive."

We've found that viagra is a god-send to these tribal leaders. I think that explains the new law.

Yes, we are surrounded by a generation of people who have acted desperately and embraced xenophobic mantras as an incantation against external harm. There are, indeed, drug lords and brigand/criminals in our midst. So too with the taliban and even your nat'l government of Pakistan. So too throughout most of central asia.

I suspect that as matters unfold, we may be in Afghanistan for some many years if not decades. This appears important given the strategic value of the locale and our presence seems a good fit for the foreseeable future.

I think we'll find accomodation with our present hosts while we work to develop better hosts for the future. That's the plan...

...besides establishing regional hegemony along Russia's southern periphery and control of CAR's energy outlets.:D

But where you plan these outlets to be, is beyond me.

It is obvious, that the current Afghan govt. is pro Iran, and there have been plans to get oil pipelines built towards the Iranian coast for export.

That leaves Pakistan in a quandry. How can we support the govt of Afghanistan, when it is in cahoots with India/Iran in trying to steer the petro/gas dollars away from us, when we should be the conduits, rather than Iran.

And all this, while Iran is a supposed threat to the USA?

I just can't see the answer to this, unless there is some sort of understanding between Iran and the US that we are simply not privy to.

Or has the 'Pakistan threat' effectively replaced the 'Iran threat', if not in official rhetoric, then in in behind the scenes policy?
The Pakistan Army should squeeze the NA like an ant if they pose any threat to our sovereignty. We should nuke the place and get rid of these evil, uncivilized and barbaric dictators. The army should hunt and terminate any anti-Pakistan NA member on the spot. I don't care what these evil warlords do to their own people. As long as they don't interfere in our matters which they obviously are. We should apply the Turkish approach of going across the border and hunting down the wicked elements. The NA will prove a big problem for our security and stability if we don't.
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"Or has the 'Pakistan threat' effectively replaced the 'Iran threat', if not in official rhetoric, then in in behind the scenes policy?"

So "zero-sum".

We're not exchanging one threat for another. We're adding you to the threat list slowly but surely as events unfold. This truly is not to our wishes but reflects our growing concern about both your interest in being a good partner to Afghanistan's stability-a mission affecting forty nations besides ourselves and a U.N. mandate endorsed by the present Afghan gov't- and your own burgeoning insurgency from these same men.

For a number of reasons, my government is beginning to understand that the neo-cons were indeed strategically correct however clumsy their implementation. There must develop something approximating a democratic transformation to this area. This "area" encompasses Pakistan, through Afghanistan and CAR to Iran...and beyond, S.A. It will require both time and money.

More time than money if events proceed as hoped. An interminably long time of an unpredictable duration, however, is entirely realistic given both the incredible need and opportunity available to intrepid global investors. Afghanistan suits the need for another long-term station on Iran's east while posturing ourselves equally with CAR and Pakistan. I'm certain that CAR energy reaches Afghanistan before flowing to either Karachi-Gwadar or Chabahar.

Either way, we'll be right smack dab in the middle of that choice. Options, options, options. It's all about the leverage.

No regionally inspired hegemony of a global asset like CAR or Persian gulf energy. With a growing distrust of private Saudi/GCC contributors to the PAK-AF insurgency and a compelling need to stop wahabbist sentiment from this area, there's more room for accomodation with Iran than you might imagine so long as we're properly positioned otherwise.

We appear to be well on our way.

there's more room for accomodation with Iran than you might imagine so long as we're properly positioned otherwise.

In order for this to happen, First Iran needs to elect a more moderate government, which I do not see in forseable future.
In order for this to happen, First Iran needs to elect a more moderate government, which I do not see in forseable future.

No. Iran has to join America when it comes to fighting Taliban.

Iran is a Shia Majority Country. And Taliban hates Shia's. If they don't join America to fight Taliban, Shia population would decrease in Pakistan & Afganistan.
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