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RAW says Mujib was not their agent


Apr 8, 2007
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Former general secretary of the Research & Analysis Wing [RAW] Employees Association, R. K. Yadav has written a letter to Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on August 12, 2011, which was received by the Bangladesh High Commission in New Delhi, stating that, according to Revelation by former Secretary of RAW, K.Sankaran Nair, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman "was never working for the Indian intelligence."

Copy of this letter has also been sent to Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh.

In the letter, R. K. Yadav wrote: "Recent events in the bilateral relations between India and Bangladesh have begun new era in the friendship when your Government honoured late Mrs. Indira Gandhi with "Swadhinata Sommanona" [Bangladesh Freedom Honour] which was handed over to Mrs. Sonia Gandhi on 25th July, at a function in Dhaka. This honour, though belated, is for her historical contribution in Bangladesh liberation war of 1971 which was the biggest military victory for Indian army after World War II in any other war. Historically there are many other events related to this liberation war.

"While delivering a lecture on the 43rd anniversary of Agartala Conspiracy Case, on 20th June, 2011, Bangladesh President Zilur Rahman [name of the Bangladeshi President is misspelled] urged the historians, freedom fighters, writers and civil society members to come forward with responsibility to present "THE CORRECT HISTORY' of the nation before the new generation. He further added "Our young generation doesn't properly know the long history of the liberation war. At different times, history has been presented in distorted or factional ways". He made these remarks while inaugurating a function to mark the anniversary of this historical case at the IDEB Bhaban organized by The Historic Agartala Case Evaluation Council.

"There is no denying fact that this historic case united the whole of East Pakistan people against the military junta of West Pakistan in 1968-69 and ultimately paved the path for the birth of a new independent nation under the astute leadership of great leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

"Whole of the material related to this court case is available with your Government. This is all based on the concoction of the then Pakistan Govt. in which 35 East Pakistan officials including Hon'ble Sheikh Mujibur Rahman were made accused in the case of sedition. Probably, from the Indian point of view, there could be no other point of reference or intervention in this case except to the fact that Indian intelligence agency, Intelligence Bureau [IB], was definitely involved in this case. Mr. K. Sankaran Nair, who later on became Secretary of Research and Analysis Wing [RAW] in 1977 was the operational officer of this case in Agartala and that is why the Pakistan Govt. termed it as Agartala Conspiracy Case in the court. He was working under cover as Col. Menon while briefing and de-briefing all those who were working for a particular cause planned by the Indian Intelligence, Intelligence Bureau. RAW came into existence on 21st Sept., 1968 and prior to that Intelligence Bureau was the only Indian Intelligence agency handling both internal and external affairs of India.

"Sankaran Nair is now over 90 years of age. He was head of Pakistan desk in Intelligence Bureau and subsequently played a very significant pivotal role in RAW in 1971 while training Mukti Bahini and helping Indian army for final assault on Pakistan force to get them surrender in Dhaka and ultimately liberation of Bangladesh from the clutches of Pakistan. He was number two in RAW under Mr. R. N. Kao and both were pioneer in their job for the liberation of Bangladesh."

Mr. Yadav informed the Bangladeshi Prime Minister that he is writing a book on Indian intelligence [RAW], where he also is describing RAW's role in the war of independence of Bangladesh in 1971. He also endorsed the fact that prior to the war of independence of Bangladesh, Indian intelligence were regularly meeting Pakistani nationals, giving them money and arms to continue insurgency inside East Pakistan. Yadav wrote: "I am working on a book related to Indian intelligence which also includes its role in the Bangladesh liberation war of 1971. In that context, I met many former intelligence officers of India. I met the founder of RAW, Shri R. N. Kao and his deputy K. Sankaran Nair many times. I discussed many other achievements of IB and RAW with both of them and while doing so K. Sankaran Nair in a tape recorded interview revealed and admitted to me that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman never worked for Intelligence Bureau of India and he was falsely implicated by the Pakistan military rulers. Sankaran Nair as Col. Menon met four East Pakistani citizens on the border of India and Pakistan near Agartala for operational planning in Eat Pakistan. He was assisted by Indian Naval officers and a Bihari IPS officer. He wanted to induce some new strategies for separatist activities. Prior to that he gave them financial aid and supplied arms to fight Pakistan army. Subsequently, these people wanted to raid the armoury in East Pakistan which was resisted by Sankaran Nair. He warned them not to raid the armoury and suggested that more arms would be floated to them through river on barges by the Indian intelligence which could be collected at suitable points for insurgency against the Pakistanis. These East Pakistani citizens ignored his suggestion and along with other colleagues raided the armoury which resulted in the arrest of 34 persons and the case as Agartala Conspiracy case was registered in a military court in Dhaka. An Indian diplomat P. N. Ojha, who was IB operative in Dhaka at that time, was declare Persona Non Grata [PNG] by the Pakistan Govt. and deported to India for his involvement in this case, which was a fact.

"According to Sankaran Nair, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was never agent of Indian Intelligence nor was he involved in this case and if he was implicated in the court case that was what the Pakistanis had done at the behest of Yahya Khan, the then Army Chief of Pakistan. Subsequently, whole of East Pakistan was united and stood against the West Pakistan in this case which paved the way of independence of Bangladesh.

"Even the present Deputy Speaker of Bangladesh Parliament, Mr. Shaukat Ali, who was one of the accused in this case, has admitted the facts of this case. This is all History and case details are available on records with your govt but there is no legal proof to wipe out the blot on Sheikh Mujbur Rahman of being the agent of Indian Intelligence. This tape recorded admission of K. Sankaran Nair is the only proof which could be legally used to assist your govt if it desires to reopen this case and get his name removed historically as the agent of Indian intelligence. I am willing to give that relevant portion of this tape along with sample of a video tape of Sankaran Nair to match the authenticity of audio tape with the permission of Indian govt who can get it legally transferred to your govt as per the provisions of International Law. If need be, I am willing to depose in this case in your country along with these necessary material with the permission of Indian Govt. This is one of the instances of the history of liberation which the President of Bangladesh perhaps referred in para first above. Moreover this evidence to clear the name of Father of Nation in this case, could be a surprise gift to you in particular and to the people of Bangladesh on the Martyrdom day of the great leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on the coming 15th August."

RAW says Mujib was not their agent :: Weekly Blitz
A few months ago Sheikh Hasina herself admitted the Agartala Conspiracy case was true. There is so much evidence of RAW involvement in the conspiracy so why is this Yadav guy claiming there was no link between RAW and Sheikh Mujib?
A few months ago Sheikh Hasina herself admitted the Agartala Conspiracy case was true. There is so much evidence of RAW involvement in the conspiracy so why is this Yadav guy claiming there was no link between RAW and Sheikh Mujib?

My friend this is called " Revisionist History ". Now that Sheikh Hasina is in power, they are trying to revise history to show Sheikh Mujib was independent of Indian Intelligence agency and had no help from India in planning the revolt. They can't pull wool over the world's eyes.
My friend this is called " Revisionist History ". Now that Sheikh Hasina is in power, they are trying to revise history to show Sheikh Mujib was independent of Indian Intelligence agency and had no help from India in planning the revolt. They can't pull wool over the world's eyes.

WOW. great intelligence report.:no::no::no:
A few months ago Sheikh Hasina herself admitted the Agartala Conspiracy case was true. There is so much evidence of RAW involvement in the conspiracy so why is this Yadav guy claiming there was no link between RAW and Sheikh Mujib?
Because there is soo much evidence and RAW thinks they can lie their way out!
Iam really impressed with this R&AW.They managed to make the father of a nation their agent:victory::victory:
Sheikh Mujib did not have to be a direct RAW agent he merely had to follow their instructions which he did to the letter and later regretted. Yadav is merely moving the goal posts.
Iam really impressed with this R&AW.They managed to make the father of a nation their agent:victory::victory:

Well. Raw did orchestrate some weird bombing in Mumbai, badly flip-flopped and messed the op, and still managed to fool many Indians through their propaganda. Despite the facts they point to being *ridiculous*. Half a dozen people "holed up" in a three-hundred room hotel, and the security forces cannot go in for A WEEK.

Half a doz people simply can't hold an area that big, the security forces could have taken control of most of the hotel without the terrorists even finding out, if they wanted. Then they give Pakistan "dossiers", and send over some documents in *Gujrati* as a stalling tactic because they don't have any real stuff. And it's understandable why they wanted to stall... finally when they did send stuff in English, it turned out their "terrorist list" was full of people already in incarcerated in Indian jails. They were just trying to weasel around and make Pakistan look bad.
Iam really impressed with this R&AW.They managed to make the father of a nation their agent:victory::victory:

Pathetic comment, Mujib da was never Agent of any agency... He was fighting for his rights... Its Pakistani propaganda to paint him in RAW brush.. First they denied him Prime minister post (He secured more Vote than Bhutto, but due to racial discrimination, Bhutto didn't allowed him to rule the combined state)

Sheikh Mujib did not have to be a direct RAW agent he merely had to follow their instructions which he did to the letter and later regretted. Yadav is merely moving the goal posts.

Bangladesh freedom struggle was completely fought by BDs, It would be RAW who took order from Mujeeb da, rather than him taking orders.. Mujeeb was much larger than RAW..

Well. Raw did orchestrate some weird bombing in Mumbai, badly flip-flopped and messed the op, and still managed to fool many Indians through their propaganda.

You belong to a class of ppl, who still believe that Whole world is conspiring against Muslim, and Pakistan is leaders of Muslim... Your comment are disgraceful and insulting many Hindu/Muslim/Jews died in Bombay.... My dear brother, Crusade was over much before great great grandfather born. stop living in 12th century...

- "Whole world is conspiring against Muslim"
- "Your comment are disgraceful and insulting many Hindu/Muslim/Jews died in Bombay"
- "Crusade was over much before great great grandfather born"


I was talking about something entirely different. I was talking about the Mumbai blasts, and you respond with many other topics but not the one under discussion. I'm not talking about crusades, or saying that Muslims/Hindus/Jews died or not. I'm talking about the logistics and details of the Mumbai incident.

The incident was very disgraceful and insulting. It is not disgraceful or insulting, to try to examine the facts and try to hold those who are to blame responsible for their acts. The Mumbai blasts were a terrible, inhumane act, and went against the very basic teachings of Islam, which tells us killing even one innocent person is like killing all of humanity, and will be punishable as such by Allah on the day of judgement. The blasts targetted innocent civilians and tried to maximise civilian casualities.

And if you look at the facts on the ground, the official story the government tries to peddle is ridiculous and self-serving. I do not know why you have so much faith in your politicians and leaders, when many of them have been caught lying and stealing. And, given that they lie and manipulate their own population like this, the Mujeeb story is not very plausible either.

I was talking about something entirely different. I was talking about the Mumbai blasts, and you respond with many other topics but not the one under discussion. I'm not talking about crusades, or saying that Muslims/Hindus/Jews died or not. I'm talking about the logistics and details of the Mumbai incident.

The incident was very disgraceful and insulting. It is not disgraceful or insulting, to try to examine the facts and try to hold those who are to blame responsible for their acts. The Mumbai blasts were a terrible, inhumane act, and went against the very basic teachings of Islam, which tells us killing even one innocent person is like killing all of humanity, and will be punishable as such by Allah on the day of judgement. The blasts targetted innocent civilians and tried to maximise civilian casualities.

And if you look at the facts on the ground, the official story the government tries to peddle is ridiculous and self-serving. I do not know why you have so much faith in your politicians and leaders, when many of them have been caught lying and stealing. And, given that they lie and manipulate their own population like this, the Mujeeb story is not very plausible either.

This issue have been discussed many times and there is no doubt in ones mind that who plan and executed it... I don't see any point of discussing Mumbai Carnage again and again, It will only increase animosity...

@Mujeeb: Forgive me If I am wrong or said something which you don't agree with. Mujeeb was result of pakistani discrimination. Bangladesh problem was hitting us directly,Your conflict with east pakistan was affecting us, the refugee problem was hurting us economically. Remember India was not that strong (economically) in 70's. Bengali population was always near to india than pakistan...

I am sorry to say but the truth is , As castism (discrimination) was prevalent in Indian society the same way regionalism was prevalent in Pakistani society(in 60's and 70's). Your discrimination to bengali Muslim was reason to creation of bangladesh.. Not India....
Bangladesh freedom struggle was completely fought by BDs, It would be RAW who took order from Mujeeb da, rather than him taking orders.. Mujeeb was much larger than RAW..

Sheikh Mujib is a pure RAW creation. He could not have done so much without RAW guidance. He was in contact with Indian agents from the 1950's.
After all Mujib is the Father of their nation.So he might have requested some help from India to gain independence for BD.But he was definitely not an agent.
the guy literally invited the indians in pakistan and some idiot thinks, mujeeb was not related to RAW, its like saying, CIA had no role in afghanistan!!
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