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RAW & MOSSAD: The Secret Link

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Thirty-five years ago, in September 1968, when the Research and Analysis Wing was founded with Rameshwar Nath Kao at its helm, then prime minister Indira Gandhi asked him to cultivate Israel's Mossad. She believed relations between the two intelligence agencies was necessary to monitor developments that could threaten India and Israel.

The efficient spymaster he was, Kao established a clandestine relationship with Mossad. In the 1950s, New Delhi had permitted Tel Aviv to establish a consulate in Mumbai. But full-fledged diplomatic relations with Israel were discouraged because India supported the Palestinian cause; having an Israeli embassy in New Delhi, various governments believed, would rupture its relations with the Arab world.

This was where the RAW-Mossad liaison came in. Among the threats the two external intelligence agencies identified were the military relationship between Pakistan and China and North Korea, especially after then Pakistan foreign minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto visited Pyongyang in 1971 to establish a military relationship with North Korea.

Again, Israel was worried by reports that Pakistani army officers were training Libyans and Iranians to handle Chinese and North Korean military equipment.

RAW-Mossad relations were a secret till Morarji Desai became prime minister in 1977. RAW officials had alerted him about the Zia-ul Haq regime's plans to acquire nuclear capability. While French assistance to Pakistan for a plutonium reprocessing plant was well known, the uranium enrichment plant at Kahuta was a secret. After the French stopped helping Islamabad under pressure from the Carter administration, Pakistan was determined to keep the Kahuta plant a secret. Islamabad did not want Washington to prevent its commissioning.

RAW agents were shocked when Desai called Zia and told the Pakistani military dictator: 'General, I know what you are up to in Kahuta. RAW has got me all the details.' The prime minister's indiscretion threatened to expose RAW sources.

The unfortunate revelation came about the same time that General Moshe Dayan, hero of the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, was secretly visiting Kathmandu for a meeting with Indian representatives. Islamabad believed Dayan's visit was connected with a joint operation by Indian and Israeli intelligence agencies to end Pakistan's nuclear programme.

Apprehensive about an Indo-Israeli air strike on Kahuta, surface-to-air missiles were mounted around the uranium enrichment plant. These fears grew after the Israeli bombardment of Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor in 1981.

Zia decided Islamabad needed to reassure Israel that it had nothing to fear from Pakistan's nuclear plans. Intermediaries -- Americans close to Israel -- established the initial contacts between Islamabad and Tel Aviv. Israel was confidant the US would not allow Pakistan's nuclear capability to threaten Israel. That is why Israeli experts do not mention the threat from Pakistan when they refer to the need for pre-emptive strikes against Iraq, Iran and Libya's nuclear schemes.

By the early 1980s, the US had discovered Pakistan's Kahuta project. By then northwest Pakistan was the staging ground for mujahideen attacks against Soviet troops in Afghanistan and Zia no longer feared US objections to his nuclear agenda. But Pakistani concerns over Israel persisted, hence Zia decided to establish a clandestine relationship between Inter-Services Intelligence and Mossad via officers of the two services posted at their embassies in Washington, DC.

The ISI knew Mossad would be interested in information about the Libyan, Syrian, Jordanian and Saudi Arabian military. Pakistani army officers were often posted on deputation in the Arab world -- in these very countries -- and had access to valuable information, which the ISI offered Mossad.

When young Israeli tourists began visiting the Kashmir valley in the early nineties Pakistan suspected they were Israeli army officers in disguise to help Indian security forces with counter-terrorism operations. The ISI propaganda inspired a series of terrorist attacks on the unsuspecting Israeli tourists. One was slain, another kidnapped.

The Kashmiri Muslim Diaspora in the US feared the attacks would alienate the influential Jewish community who, they felt, could lobby the US government and turn it against Kashmiri organisations clamouring for independence. Soon after, presumably caving into pressure, the terrorists released the kidnapped Israeli. During negotiations for his release, Israeli government officials, including senior intelligence operatives, arrived in Delhi.

The ensuing interaction with Indian officials led to India establishing embassy-level relations with Israel in 1992. The decision was taken by a Congress prime minister -- P V Narasimha Rao -- whose government also began pressing the American Jewish lobby for support in getting the US to declare Pakistan a sponsor of terrorism. The lobbying bore some results.

The US State Department put Pakistan on a 'watch-list' for six months in 1993. The Clinton administration 'persuaded' then Pakistan prime minister Nawaz Sharif to dismiss Lieutenant General Javed Nasir, then director general of the ISI. The Americans were livid that the ISI refused to play ball with the CIA who wanted to buy unused Stinger missiles from the Afghan mujahideen, then in power in Kabul.

After she returned to power towards the end of 1993, Benazir Bhutto intensified the ISI's liaison with Mossad. She too began to cultivate the American Jewish lobby. Benazir is said to have a secret meeting in New York with a senior Israeli emissary, who flew to the US during her visit to Washington, DC in 1995 for talks with Clinton.

From his days as Bhutto's director general of military operations, Pervez Musharraf has been a keen advocate of Pakistan establishing diplomatic relations with the state of Israel.

The new defence relationship between India and Israel -- where the Jewish State has become the second-biggest seller of weapons to India, after Russia -- bother Musharraf no end. Like another military dictator before him, the Pakistan president is also wary that the fear of terrorists gaining control over Islamabad's nuclear arsenal could lead to an Israel-led pre-emptive strike against his country.

Musharraf is the first Pakistani leader to speak publicly about diplomatic relations with Israel. His pragmatic corps commanders share his view that India's defence relationship with Israel need to be countered and are unlikely to oppose such a move. But the generals are wary of the backlash from the streets. Recognising Israel and establishing an Israeli embassy in Islamabad would be unacceptable to the increasingly powerful mullahs who see the United States, Israel and India as enemies of Pakistan and Islam.

RAW & Mossad: The Secret Link
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Raw, Mossad, NDS behind terrorism in Pakistan

LAHORE – Intelligence agencies of India, Afghanistan and Israel are involved in terrorist activities in various parts of Pakistan.

Reliable sources told WAQT NEWS on Saturday that in Karachi mostly Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) of India was involved in killings. In Balochistan, RAW and Afghan intelligence agency, NDS, have joined hands to encourage separatists. At a broader level, it becomes a troika with Mossad as its third wing.

Daily killings in Karachi have become a serious challenge to the government and the steps taken by it so far have failed to bridle the criminals. “The security agencies have the evidence of RAW’s involvement in Karachi terrorist activities,” said the sources.

According to them, after committing heinous acts, terrorists go to the RAW offices along the Afghan border, show the videos to the officials, collect money from them and get directions for further operations. Evidence about the RAW providing millions of dollars to such elements is available with the Pakistan Intelligence agencies.

The RAW, in collaboration with Afghan intelligence agency, NDS, is also actively providing covert financial and weapon support to Baloch militant groups, Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), Baloch Republican Army (BRA) and Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF), for terrorist activities in the province. These outfits are pursuing the separatist agenda and are responsible for playing havoc with the province. “Irrefutable evidence” suggests that Baloch militants are being harboured at various places and training camps located at Kabul, Nimroz and Kandahar in Afghanistan by RAW in collaboration with NDS since 2006.

RAW is also providing sustained financial and monetary support to Baloch feudalists and militants, both in Afghanistan and Balochistan. Besides, RAW, with the complete support and patronage of Afghan authorities, is also providing arms and ammunition to Baloch militants for terrorist activities inside Pakistan. Sources privy to the situation also claim they have evidences that RAW is involved in providing fake identity and travel documents to Baloch militants for moving out of Afghanistan to India, UAE and Western countries.

“It is arranging visits of Baloch sub nationalists and militants to India for training purposes. In this regard, RAW arranged a visit of Riaz Gull Bugti (a leading militant commander of Brahamdagh Bugti) to India in September 2009, where he was trained by RAW for terrorist activities. In order to overcome the linguistic problems, RAW is also arranging Balochi language courses in India for Afghan intelligence operatives through Baloch instructors so that their expertise could be utilised to intensify terrorist activities in the province.

RAW, in collaboration with prominent Baloch sub-nationalists round the globe, is also persistently utilising various international forums, NGOs and think-tank organisations like United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to malign Pakistan through arranging stage events such as preplanned anti-Pakistan interventions, media briefings, protests and demonstrations. “Their convergence, facilitation and media coverage is managed and funded by RAW and other agencies through their operatives.

Tarek Fateh, a Canada-based political activist and sympathiser of Baloch sub-nationalists, after spitting venom against Pakistan during the UNHRC 22nd session at Geneva in February this year, visited India on RAW’s sponsorship for future directions. He also held one-and-one meetings with RAW ex senior officers, Vikram Sood and AS Daulat.

According to the sources, the close relatives and friends of Hakim Ullah Mehsud, Maulana Fazlullah, frequently visits Afghanistan to meet RAW officers under diplomatic cover in their embassy and consulates, and collects money for terrorist activities in Pakistan.

The Swat militants are being harboured in camps in the areas of Kunar and Nuristan. They are imparted training and given weapons for organised militant actions against Pakistan’s regular and civil armed forces in FATA areas. Maulana Fazlullah and his commanders openly travel in Afghanistan and visit Indian Embassy/consulates, RAW and NDS offices as if Afghanistan were their hometown.
RAW and Mossad are also preparing plans against the nuclear installations of Pakistan.

Raw, Mossad, NDS behind terrorism in Pakistan - PKKH.tv -

What’s Mosaad game plan in India?

Loyal friend or Opportunist?

Many analysts insist that Israel supplied arms and ammunition to Indian Army during Sino-Indian conflict in 1962 and Indo-Pakistani wars in 1965 and 1971 – but was it out of sheer love for India or a desire to profit from a fight between two neighbors and make money in the process? This issue is relevant as many of the RPVs supplied by Israel have later found to be defective. Another example of Israeli generosity is how case President Ezer Weizmann a former combat pilot offered the obsolete Kfir aircraft as a gift to the Indian air force. The Kfir an unauthorized copy of the French Mirage III would have been a poor replacement for the aging MiG-21s. But this did not prevent the smart Weizmann from trying to dispose of the junk in his own backyard to India. Similarly Israel hyped the sale of Phalcon radar as a state-of-art system though its own IDF—had rejected it. Since the winding up of Lavi fighter project – the recession-ridden Israeli military industry – was suffering from colossal losses and was in the process of dismissing a third of the work force. Even after earning billions from exports, the Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) had to depend on government assistance to pay the salaries. The orders from the Indian defense and security services – proved to be real life savers. The starting point of the military relations was a demand by Israel to be allowed to use the Indian Air Force bases in Gujarat or Rajasthan for staging and refueling due to strategic compulsions.
These initial understandings paved the way for formal diplomatic relations and gave a toe hold for Israeli defense industry in India. Mosaad came along uninvited—like the troublesome blood-sucking flea on the animal’s back. In the garb of friendship, Mossad’s main objective is to tame India, control its leadership and make India think and behave the way it wants. As a result Israel is not just the largest supplier offloading almost 50% of arms produced by its defense industries but also controls the nerve, heart and brain of India. RAW and IB have been infiltrated by CIA and Mossad. Rabinder Singh –a RAW officer and suspected CIA 'mole' escaped to Nepal before flying to USA with the help of his CIA handlers. He used to photocopy document and take them home to email them his handlers. Brijesh Mishra allegedly refused to authorize his arrest. He was not the first or only RAW operative to be compromised. Pro-Israel lobbies in Congress and other parties ensure that nothing happens here that Israel doesn’t want. Today many Army, Police, IB, RAW as well as other intelligence, counter-terrorism or security forces personnel—are either directly trained by Mossad or Shabak another Israeli Security Service or heavily dependent on Israel for equipment, spares and advise. All this started when DG National Security Guards (NSG) Ashok Tandon and an elite commando unit received training from Israel in VIP protection.
Narasimha Rao’s pro-Israel policies initially seemed to get the Clinton administration to declare Pakistan as a sponsor of terrorism in 1993 and sack Lt Gen Javed Nasir, DG, ISI with the support of the American Jewish lobby. The inside story has an altogether different angle as it is said that the actual reason why Javed Nasir was removed was that CIA was angry with ISI over the unused Stinger missiles in Kabul. But in the long run Rao has transformed India from an anti-imperialist to a CIA-Mossad laboratory with institutionalized persecution of Muslims. Things mostly began to change after Rajiv’s death – Mossad was able to infiltrate and indoctrinate top people in IB and RAW. Mosaad today has dug it’s heals in all States of India. Apart from government serving and retired Mossad agents and sympathizers have penetrated top PSUs, Corporate Houses, Media, PR, Advertising, academics, IT, healthcare, insurance companies, think tanks, consultancies, banks, financial institutions and even NGOs. The idea is that one well placed CIA or Mossad agent in a big organization can completely control it and all its stakeholders at a much lesser cost – than what United States or Israel might need to spend to promote their interest. . From monitoring the Prime Minister's security systems, fencing the 1500 km border, or deciding which electronic surveillance and intelligence equipment needs to be purchased from Israel—there is an Israeli security advisors calling the shots. Israeli fingerprints and footprint are to be found – on almost every weapon, missiles or satellite.

The ill fated Babri Masjid that was demolished in 1992
Lohamah Psichlogit or LAP of Mossad is its psychological warfare operations wing involved with negative portrayal of Muslims, demonizing Islam and discrediting the `Islamic terrorist’. It has been instrumental behind creation of many Hindu Dharma Senas and training their volunteers in Israel in the pretext of giving training in agriculture. Bajrang Dal also called desi Mossad preaches “elimination of Islam from India, hindus unity to drive the Muslims out of India and suggest that no Hindu should employ any Muslim no matter how cheaply he is available”. The result is that communal polarization is a rising phenomenon which started with Babri Masjid being demolished within months of recognizing Israel. Communal riots have ripped Gujarat, Mumbai and Kerala—something unheard of till 1992. The whole country is now divided into ghettoes and badlands. This is the price India is paying.

Taazakhabar: Mossad : India's friend or foe

This is just a part from a lenghtly article that gives the causes for the Ghandis (mother & son) assassinations among others , the direct link to Mossad and its covert involment.
Currently CIA, Mossad, R & AW & other Intel agencies are united against Pakistan. I was speaking to one of the tribal person & he told me shocking things about India & what India is doing on Pak Afghan border.
Currently CIA, Mossad, R & AW & other Intel agencies are united against Pakistan. I was speaking to one of the tribal person & he told me shocking things about India & what India is doing on Pak Afghan border.
can you tell us more about indian activities on Pak Afghan border?
Ok. This article is pretty hmmmmm....

The efficient spymaster he was, Kao established a clandestine relationship with Mossad.

It talks about hos great Kao was because:

But full-fledged diplomatic relations with Israel were discouraged because India supported the Palestinian cause; having an Israeli embassy in New Delhi, various governments believed, would rupture its relations with the Arab world.

Then goes on to say the same about Former General Zia Ul Haq.

Intermediaries -- Americans close to Israel -- established the initial contacts between Islamabad and Tel Aviv. Israel was confidant the US would not allow Pakistan's nuclear capability to threaten Israel......But Pakistani concerns over Israel persisted, hence Zia decided to establish a clandestine relationship between Inter-Services Intelligence and Mossad via officers of the two services posted at their embassies in Washington, DC.... Benazir is said to have a secret meeting in New York with a senior Israeli emissary, who flew to the US during her visit to Washington, DC in 1995 for talks with Clinton.

To the outcome of the article is just that Kao was able to get Mossad to offer up Israel's Counter-Terrorism Training.

While Pakistan, one of the most anti-Israeli public opinion nation, was able to establish back-door relations with Israel while still being Anti-Israel and still having relations with the Arab World.

Article is hmmmm......

Musharraf is the first Pakistani leader to speak publicly about diplomatic relations with Israel.
RAW is the greatest terrorist organization known to mankind. Its sole aim is to terrorize poor innocent muslims of the Indian Subcontinent
can you tell us more about indian activities on Pak Afghan border?

The fault is even ours that our forces have bombed civilians & when these civilians evacuate or leave their areas they go to Afghanistan & on the border they are welcomed by Indian agents with big beards calling us, Pakistanis kafirs & the refugees from our side are paid handsomely by these agents. I told him how is this possible, he said its happening & we know it. It might sound fictional, but it is true & I was convinced because the tribal people know better.
This article was written in September 09, 2003!!!! Why do you keep posting articles that are as old as the Himalayas? Move on man. You seem to be stuck in a time warp. :hitwall:
The facts are still going on and current, you should say that your RAW and Mossad are stuck in a time wrap (# a time warp).
This read like the 40's to 70's spy thriller movies and novels - plenty of double, triple agents, moves, counter moves, counter counter moves etc.

It could have done with some more spice - a few honey pots, lolitta's begum paro's thrown in.

Thanks for the entertainment OP.
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