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Rape victim sentenced 200 lashes by Saudi court


Sep 8, 2013
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"The victim's sentence was increased because her lawyer had spoken out..."

When the defense attorney for a raped Saudi Arabian woman appealed a Sharia Court decision that the 90-lash sentence against his client was unjust, all that was succeeded was the more than doubling of the punishment meted out to the woman who was raped and beaten by seven men, as reported by the women’s rights-centered news portal The Clarion Project on Sept. 22, 2013.

A yet to be publiclly identified female gang rape victim was initially found guilty and sentenced to 90 lashes for violating the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's (KSA) rigid Islamic law on segregation of the sexes.

The Kingdom’s General Court determined the woman sat in an automobile with an old school chum to whom she was no blood relation, hence, she violated Islamic Sharia Law of gender segregation.

The victim’s lawyer Abdul Rahman al-Lahem had plead to the international community for help in freeing his client or at least pressuring the Saudi government to grant an appeal.

From Bad To Worse…

And an appeal he got -- along with an increase in sentence from 90 lashes to 200 along with a six month prison sentence tacked on for good measure.

The KSA Ministry of Justice implied the victim's sentence was increased because her lawyer had spoken out to the world’s news outlets.

As carried by the government’s official Saudi Press Agency:

For whoever has an objection on verdicts issued, the system allows to appeal without resorting to the media.
The statement also said that the "charges were proven" against the woman for having been in a car with a strange male, and repeated criticism of her lawyer for talking "defiantly" about the judicial system, saying "it has shown ignorance."

The Lead Up…

The victim was attacked in 2006 while she was attempting to retrieve a photograph from a male high school student she knew.

While in her acquaintance’s vehicle, two other men got in the car and drove the woman and her friend to a secluded area where five other men met them.

It was in this remote area where all seven men raped the woman.

The Clarion Project also cited that the woman’s friend was in turn “attacked” by the assailants, but it is unclear if he was beaten, raped or both.

The Price of Questioning Saudi Law...

Abdul Rahman al-Lahem has since banned him from further defending the woman, the KSA has confiscated his law license and summoning him to a disciplinary hearing later this month.


This is just ridiculous :/
A terrible incident !! But Still there would be strong Saudi supporters here!
And this is the sharia law the people want to impose in other countries.

These rulings are not from some talibanis in a remote corner of Afghanistan. These are from the govt of the custodian of Islam.

And then they ask the reason why the image of Muslims is bad
Barbarous, just barbarous. Imagine what the rape victim must be going through in her mind - to be first subject to sexual humiliation, then branded as a criminal by her country.
But will the West or the United nations or major news outlets of the world do anything about it? These type of things happen in Saudi Arabia all the time. The only reason other states such as Iran are called out is not because people out there care for the the Iranian people (not saying Iran is good or bad at this point).

It just suits the political views of those governments and people that make all the noise. The fact is the Saudi/ Wahabi system is needed to keep the oil flowing, and control the oil price and the people.

If it was a non US ally when you search the countries name the offending news would on the top of results. Search: "Saudi" or "Saudi Arabia" on google news see how many results you get.

Only way this will spread is if you tell people and its gets to some people with proper concern for human rights.
Philip Anschutz's examiner? :lol: A fanatic Neo-con.

The crusade of the 21st century :rofl:

Amnesty International | Saudi Arabia: Lawyer must not be punished for defending gang rape victim

Saudi rape lawyer hearing delayed - CNN.com

You can find loads of "non crusader" sources for the same. Mate, cross your heart and tell me how you can defend your country's laws. A few days back you told me that in your country you would kick the *** of anybody who doesn't follow the law, and I replied that it is the laws themselves that I'm questioning.

Since you told me that you are a religious moderate (I don't remember the exact words), I have to ask you how you can stand your country's laws and society, let alone be proud of it. It would take some amazing cognitive dissonance.

But will the West or the United nations or major news outlets of the world do anything about it? These type of things happen in Saudi Arabia all the time. The only reason other states such as Iran are called out is not because people out there care for the the Iranian people (not saying Iran is good or bad at this point).

It just suits the political views of those governments and people that make all the noise. The fact is the Saudi/ Wahabi system is needed to keep the oil flowing, and control the oil price and the people.

If it was a non US ally when you search the countries name the offending news would on the top of results. Search: "Saudi" or "Saudi Arabia" on google news see how many results you get

True, and frankly why should the "west" care, as long as their interests are met? It's not American or British or Chinese or Indian women who get lashed for driving a car or talking to a man, it is Saudi arab women. Ignore their plight, and the economies of North America and Europe and Asia keep rolling, with the oil drilled from Saudi. But take up the issue, and risk the flow of that oil - which option do you think any country that cares for its self interest would take?
More than the physical torture the mental stress that this poor girl must be going through ...i cant imagine :angry:
why not 400 for her ? rape is almost imposible in saudi in 99% cases its adultery not rape
More than the physical torture the mental stress that this poor girl must be going through ...i cant imagine :angry:

Made to feel like a criminal in her country's eyes.

Civilized countries offer counseling and life long therapy to rape victims, to help relieve their trauma. Saudi Arabians add insult to injury and further humiliate and pain them. And they believe they are following god's law, so who are we humans to question them?
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