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Above all this is the dilemma of a nation confused in many gods, for too many standards is equivalent to no standards at all. In fact India is a nation trying to imitate an imported secular-liberal stance, which has rendered it unable to draw a line between right and wrong anywhere; where scripture enhances prostitution and where the law has recently legalized gay sex in the country, it will become increasingly difficult for the common man to figure out what is right and what is wrong. The common man for whom the only thing bright to see in India is the movie screen; if now he will not be able to differentiate between a man and a woman, how will he differentiate between a wife, a sister or any unlawful relation?
so the mistreatment of women passed on from India to Pakistan and from Pakistan to Afghanistan?
I think mistreatment of women is prevalent in tribal, feudal cultures ranging from Beduins and Pashtuns to Jats and Sardars. They are primitive cultures where men want to rule like lion in the wild and women have to follow and submit to them.
Do you think if the rape victim in UAE is poor and is raped by a rich shiek, she'll get justice? NO. same is the case with India. Justice depends on how influential a person is.
Indian members need to understand and i wish that PDF administration would also make it clear that this is Pakistan Defence Forum,
Not some damn Aman Ki Asha. !!!
No fees were required to join hence people have the privileged not a right to be here. !!
Indian members need to understand and i wish that PDF administration would also make it clear that this is Pakistan Defence Forum,
Not some damn Aman Ki Asha. !!!
No fees were required to join hence people have the privileged not a right to be here. !!
The 6th accused, the minor who was 17.5 years old, was Muslim. Mohammed Afroz alias Raju. It was this guy who raped the girl twice and thrust an iron rod into her privates and took a chank of her intestine and threw the girl on the road. Worst of them was a Muslim. Why did the muslim guy commit such savagery when he did not have Hindu scriptures to inspire him.
The same boy first lured the girl into bus by addressing her as sister.
So stop all this BS and stop blaming Indian scriptures and Hinduisim for all this mess.
so the mistreatment of women passed on from India to Pakistan and from Pakistan to Afghanistan?
I think mistreatment of women is prevalent in tribal, feudal cultures ranging from Beduins and Pashtuns to Jats and Sardars. They are primitive cultures where men want to rule like lion in the wild and women have to follow and submit to them.
Do you think if the rape victim in UAE is poor and is raped by a rich shiek, she'll get justice? NO. same is the case with India. Justice depends on how influential a person is.
Exactly this is Pakistan defence forum. Not a Rape analysis forum or a forum to post photoshopped pics of aishwarya rai.
I would love for the admin team to say the same.. That this forum gives preferential treatment to Pakistanis .. Basically admit to what is being practiced.. I think all of us can be better off with that..![]()
Bigoted hindu Misogynist male chauvinist.This what another hindu lady sita Agarwal has to say about you hindu bigot males..........Bigoted new converts would not know the haqeeqat of jannat and will keep justifying their crap by taking swipes on hinduism. Thats just the textbook definition of a new converts zeal.
.Brihadaranyaka 6.4.6 and 6.4.7 a man should overpower and rape a woman if she is unwilling to yield to his sexual advances.
If she does not agree to relations, the man should initially try to woo her with presents If she still does not accept then the man is authorised to to hit her to into subjugation repeating the mantra: "With power and glory I take away your glory."
By comparison, Islam, which has been targetted by bigoted Brahmins who daily
spew venom upon this civilization, is much more lenient than savage Hinduism.
Thus, death is not prescribed even for erring Muslim women:
" The adulterer and adulteress, ,- flog each of them with a hundred stripes …"
-- [ Quran, Sura Nur:2 ]
Compare this to the immediate killing of women in Hinduism for even talking to
men who are not their husbands. It is these same Brahmin mass murderers
who are criticising Islam !
All societies that grant basic human rights to women grant them the ability to
divorce at least in the most severe cases of abuse or cruelty by the husband.
Islam does so, as do many societies at the lowest rungs of civilization. Yet even
this right to escape from the clutches of a monster is taken away in animal
Hinduism. Divorce was not permitted, and women were forced to stay with
their husbands, no matter how cruel or ruthless they were.
Contrary to Brahmin fanatic propaganda, Islam acted as a
liberating force for women. The custom of seclusion of women in
Islam was far milder than that practiced by the pre-Islamic
Hindus and Persians :
`In Persia also seclusion of women was common before the
Christian era.'
-- [MPS p.87]
Moreover, Mughal caliphs abolished the custom of sati.
Indian feminism must unite with Islamism, Communism, Sudra
Nationalism and Christianity in order to fight a form of savagery
known as Hinduism. By necessity this strategy shall have to vary
according to region. In South and Central India, Sudra
Nationalism promises to uplift Dravidian, Dalit and Adivasi women
on a healthy platform of anti-Brahmanism. This pan-Negroist
philosophy is thus a natural ally of Indian feminism. In North
India, the allied Islamist ideologies of pan-Islamism and
Mughalstanism have proven a potent forces for womens'
liberation, witness the Mughal emperors' restrictions on Sati and
female infanticide. Indian feminism should hence ally itself with
these movements. Communism has helped women in West Bengal
and Kerala, and is another natural ally for Indian feminism. Hence,
by means of judicious realpolitik, the status of Indian women can
be bettered.
Not forgetting how unlike other forums that represent a so called democracy and secular country, PDF allows droves of Indians to join who then never miss a chance to bash and malign both the PDF administration and Pakistan. !!
Technically one shouldn't pee in the cup he drinks from.![]()
The abundant observations by ancient travellers testifies to the ubiquity of the
practice and the ruthless rigour with which it was enforced. Alexander the
Great and the Greeks observed Sati in Punjab [ Onescrites in Strabo xv.i.ch 30 ]
[ Barth 59 ]. The Greek Diodorus Siculus who lived in the 1st century BC,
mentioned the practice of sati in his account of the Punjab in the 4th century BC
[ EB 11:421 ]. Indigenous historical evidence substantiates this, for
` The earliest recorded historical instance of sati is that of the wife of the Hindu
general Keteus, who died in 316 B.C. while fighting against Antigonos. Both his
wives were eager to perform sati, but as the elder one was with child, only the
younger one alone was allowed to carry out her wish.'
-- [Sheth 104]
It is to be noted that the earliest inscriptions in India are dated to only a few
decades before this particular citation of sati. In other words Sati is attested in
the oldest inscriptions discovered in India, proving that it dates to the greatest
The sati rite was customary for the widows of Kshatriyas in the end of the first
century BC as mentioned by Strabo [ Strabo XV.ch.700.30 ] [ Harp.273 ]. Sati
was performed by all the Aryan races, for it is recorded that the Germanic
tribes used to immolate the widows of chieftain to accompany the husband to
Valhalla [ Harp. 273 ] [ David.150 ]. The Scythians also performed a similar
rite. This pan-Indo-European occurrence of Sati further confirms that Sati was
practiced by the Indo-Aryan barbarians.
The Arab writer Alberuni mentioned the practice of sati among the `Hindus'. [
al-B. ii p.155 {Ch.LXIX}; ii p.170 {Ch.LXXIII} ]
" She [ the widow ] has only to choose between two things -
either to remain a widow as long as ashe lives, or to burn herself,
... As regards the wives of kings, they are in the habit of burning
them whether they wish it or not."
-- [ al-B.ii.p.155 {Ch.LXIX} ]
This shows that the Hindu kings forcibly burnt their women
against their wishes. What true fruits of Vedic philosophy ! Later
travellers also refer to this horrible practice :
`Nicolo deo Contei states that as many as 3000 of the wives and
concubines of the kings of Vijayanagar were pledged to be burnt
with their lord on his death [and often ministers and palace
servants accompanied the king in death]'
-- [ Bash.188 ]
During the era of Anglo-Brahmin colonialism, when the Brahmins
betrayed the nation to the Anglo-Saxon invaders and collaborated
with them, the Pandits were free to re-enforce the harsh Vedic
sati laws which had been uprooted by the Islamic liberators.
Hence the Brahmins thwarted the best efforts of the Non-Brahmin
Ram Mohan Roy to stop it [ Harp.273 ]. That Sati actually revived
during Brahmin-British rule is also confirmed by the Abbe DuBois -
" [Sati] is more in vogue on the banks of the Ganges, [while] in
Bengal Presidency [only] 706 suttees occurred in 1817 [and in]
the Madras Presidency [out of] 30 million inhabitants not 30 allow
themselves to be burnt each year."
-- [DuB.357 ]
DuBois mentions with horror the brute custom of sati :
`[the wife] must, on the death of her husband, allow herself to be
burnt alive on the same funeral pyre [of her husband]'
-- [ DuB.345]
Contemporary literature is replete with references to the practice
of sati :
• One hundred queens of the Chedi king Gangayadeva burnt
themselves after the death of their husband king at Prayaga
[ 1200 p.65 ].
Sati was not only practiced by the wife of the deceased. Even
slave girls, mothers and sister-in-laws were forcefully burnt alive
when a man died. So cheap is the life of a Hindu woman !
• Dhanapala in his `Tilakamanjari' (p.156) refers to slave girls
going towards the funeral pyre to burn themselves when
they learned the death of their master. [ 1200, p.66 ftn.132 ]
• In the 4th act of the Venisamhara (VII.15) we find the
mother of the dead hero coming to the battle field to enter
his funeral pyre along with her daughter-in-law. [1200 p.66 ]
• Gajja, the mother rof Anada, burnt herself with her deceased
son [ Raj.Tar. VII.1380 ] [ 1200, p.66 ].
• Vallabha died with her brother-in-law Malla [ Raj.Tar.
VII.1486 ]
This shows that the brute custom of sati was merely designed to destroy
womanhood as a whole, and non-Brahmin women in particular. Sati still
continues to this day. In 1990, more than 50 widows were burnt alive as satis.
[ Verma ] This, once again, is the Brahmin conspiracy at work, destroying non-
Brahmin women.
Tonsuring of the head was another evil that widows had to face. The widow
was supposed to look like a sannyasi, so that no one would be attracted to her [
1200, p.69 ]. The braid of hair, if continued by the widow, would supposedly
result in the husband being put in bondage in the next world [ Skanda Pur.,
Kashikhanda 4.74 f ]. If a widow does not become a sati, she should get her
head tonsured [ Vedavyasa II.53 ]. That these restrictions were enforced is
indicated by the contemporary literature. Thus the young widowed daughter of
a merchant ( who kept her well-guarded ) had to devise ways and means to
enjoy her lover [ Akhy, p.192-193 ] [ 1200, p.69 ].
The barbaric Vedic Aryan invaders had scarcely any respect for women, who
were considered useless as war machines. Hence, female infanticide was
common in order to destroy the excess burden of women. During the later
Brahmanic Dark Ages, ascetic influence served to demonise women further still
in a manner analogous to the European Medieval Ages.
Women in the Vedic period were harshly treated, being viewed as excess
ballast in the Aryan war-tribes. They were essentially degraded to the level of
mere chattel whose duty was to satisfy the brute lusts of the Aryan murderers,
to raise the next generation of butchers and to cook food for these lechers.
These Vedic war-tribes also practiced sati (immolation of widows) and female
infanticide in order to destroy the excess number of females considered
worthless for the Aryan war-machine. Hence, the attitude permeating the
Vedas is one of utmost hostility and hatred against women.
Women are consistently demonised and compared to animals in
the `sacred' Vedas :
• " The friendship of women does not last long. Their nature is
like that of the hyena." [ Rig Veda 10-95-10 ] [ Periyar ]
• " (When creating them) Manu allotted to women (a love of
their) bed, (of their) seat and (of) ornament, impure desires,
wrath, dishonesty, malice and bad conduct." [ Manu.9.17 ]
• " For women no (sacramental) rite (is performed) with
sacred texts, thus the law is settled; women (are) destitute
of strength and destitute of (the knowledge of) Vedic texts,
(are as) impure as falshood (itself) , that is a fixed rule." [
Manu.IX.18 ]
• " Day and night women must be kept in dependance by the
males (of) their (families), and, if they attach themselves to
sensual enjoyments, they must be kept under one's control."
[ Manu.9.2 ]
• " And to this effect many sacred texts are sung also in the
Vedas, in order to (make) fully known the true disposition
(of women); hear the expiation of their (sins)." [ Manu.9.19
• " According to a verse in Adharvana Veda a wife is given by
god to a husband to serve him and to bear him children.
Further she is referred to by her husband as his subordinate
and slave." [ Periyar cting Adharvana Veda 14.01.52 ]
• " No birth is worse than the birth of a woman. Women are
the root-cause of all evils " [ Periyar citing the Dharma
Shastras ]
Here one can clearly see how Hinduism treats women. They are
referred to as hyenas and compared to animals. What true models
and guidelines for the good Aryan Hindu in his generous
treatment of women !
Vaishnavism is the religion that grew out of the Vedic religion and
became the dominant Brahmanic faith after obliterating Buddhism
and Jainism.. It hence inherited the Aryan male chauvinist
dogmas of the Vedic religion. It is now the dominant form of the 6
`astika' schools of Brahmanism in existence, for 75 % of all
`Hindus' are Vaishnavites.
Hence, the Vaishnava literature (Puranas, Smrtis, etc.) pour
venom and hatred against women. Women are generally termed
as " thieves", "dacoits", "pirates", " thirsty tigresses" and
"hypocrite cats" in the medieval Nath literature. [ Obsc., p.245 ].
The following is only a small list of the vast corpus of poison and
hatred spread against womenhood by the bigot Brahmin males :
• "A woman's intellect is too deep and too cunning to be
grasped by others." [ MBh.Anu.39-8 ] [ Peri ]
• " Fire will not be satisfied with any amount of firewood. The
sea is not satisfied with any amount of water the rivers
bring. A butcher is not satisfied with the slaughter of any
number of animals. Similarly women will not be satisfied
with any number of men." [ Puranas cited in Peri ]
• " Women are capable of producing harm equivalent to the
combined effect of poisonous fungus , a tempest, Yama, the
god of the underworld, a fire pit that throws out fire
continuously, the source of a spring, the sharpness of a
razor, strong poison , serpents and fire." [ Mahabharata cited
in Peri ]
• " A woman will not hesitate to kill her husband or her
children or her brothers or any other person in order to fulfil
her aim. Women have been mercilessly compared to a tiger
and have been ill-treated and disgraced." [ Bagavatha
Skundam. 4-14, 42-8, 4-36 ] [ Peri ]
• "The following eight qualities are characteristic qualities of
women. They are: uttering lies, unsteadiness, deceit,
stupidity, greed, impurity, wickedness and rashness." [
Sukra 3-163 ] [ Peri ]
• " Valmiki has written that when there was no request from
anybody, Rama orally declared that voluntarily and
cheerfully he was giving his wife, all that he valued and his
right over the administration of the land to Bharata." [
Ramayana 2-19-14 ] [ Peri ]
Hence, Hindu scriptures refer to women as `poison fungi',
`tigresses', `thieves' and `pirates'. What an honour for a Hindu
woman !
Chaitanya was one of the major `saints' during the medieval
period. He spread Vaishnavism in Eastern India, but aroused the
opprobation of the Orthodox Aryan-Vaishnavas because he
allowed `conversion' from lower castes. Even this `liberal' man
had highly negative opinions of women:
"Chaitanya thought it to be a sin to talk, think or even dream of
women and that even the sight of a wooden statue of a woman
can distract the mind and be responsible for immorality. He
advised people to avoid being alone even with their own mother ,
sister or daughter."
-- [Nand 124-127]
After all, Chaitanya was a Vaishnavite. Note how women are
considered the epitome of evil. This is even far worse than
primitive Christianity, where women are considered the source of
shame. …
Indeed, such was the effectiveness of the Brahmin Vaishnava propaganda that
women themselves were brainwashed to develop a deep hatred against their
gender. Even today, the mother-in-law is often found to be directly responsible
for the dowry death of the bride. This is once again, the Brahmin-invented
strategy of `Divide and Rule': woman is pit against woman, sister against sister
and mother-in-law against daughter-in-law in order to completely divide Indian
womanhood into perpetually conflicting groups. This strategy has a long
history, and was even in full force during the so-called `Buddhist Age', an era
more properly referred to as the Sutric Dark Age. Thus, mistresses showed little
regard for their fellow females :
` In the Buddhist Age, a slave-girl who was obliged to sleep with her master,
was often deprived of her nose and ears by her mistress and there was no law
to protect her.'
-- [ Jain, p.162 ]
Buddhism and Jainism were both protest movements (`Sramanas') against the
Vedic Vaishnava system of Brahmanism. However, they did not lead to any
major changes in the status of women. This was due to the emphasis placed by
these religions on asceticism. Their view of women was similar to the Essenes,
Franciscans and other early Christian asetics. Thus, although sati was opposed
by these reformers, yet women were considered as hurdles on the path to
The Buddha was very strict in his insistence on asceticism. He left his home and
wife to become attain nirvana and considered women a hindrance to that goal -
"Buddha is said to have induced his disciples not to look at a woman or even
talk to her"
-- [ Sacred Books of the East,XI p.91 cited in Bhatt p.44 ]
Jainism greatly discouraged the custom of sati. Devannabhatta, a South Indian
scholar of the 12th century AD, opines that the sati system is only an inferior
variety of Dharma and, hence should not be encouraged at all [
Vyavaharakanda p.598 ] [ 1200 p.67 ]. The Jains launched a crusade against
the custom. As a result of the humaniarian influence of the anti-Vedic Jains,
many ladies did not sacrifice themselves as satis but benefitted society by their
useful work. Examples of queens who continued as widows due to the
humanitarian influence of Jainism are [ 1200, p.67-68 ]:
• Prthviraja III's mother Karpuradevi
• Queen Lahini, younger sister of Purnapala
• Widow of the king Vigraraja
• Mayanalladevi, mother of Siddharaja Jayasimha
• Nayika, the mother of Mularaja II and Bhimadeva II
• Kuberu's mother in the Moharaja Parajaya
• The 2 queens of the Kalachuri dynasty, Alhanadevi & Gosaladevi, who
helped their sons in the matters of state.
As a result of `nastik' (heterodox) Jain and Buddhist influence, some Vedic
Brahmanic scriptures make statements against sati, but these are very rare and
did not have any impact. Thus the Srstikhanda of the Padma Purana clearly
forbids a Brahmana widow to become a sati and declares that any person, who
will help a Brahmana widow to the funeral pyre, will be guilty of the most
dreadful sin of the murder of a Brahmana [ Padma 49.73-74 ] [ 1200, p.67 ]
This citation shows that sati in the later Brahmanic Dark Ages was a Brahmanic
custom enforced upon the masses, whilst Brahmani widows were not subject to
this barbarity . The Aryan Brahmins enforced this upon the non-Brahmin races
in order to obliterate non-Brahmin races.
Hindu Scriptural Sanction of Crushing of Woman
The `holy' Vedas and other scriptures of Hinduism are essentially
a form of barbarism. All the primitive customs of Sati, female
infanticide, human sacrifice (purushamedha) and horse sacrifice
(ashwamedha) of the blood-thirsty Aryan war-tribes are justified
in them. The inhuman treatment meted out to Aryan women in the
Vedic Dark Ages is sanctioned in this `religion' of Hinduism.
The barbaric Vedic Aryan invaders had scarcely any respect for women, who
were considered useless as war machines. Hence, female infanticide was
common in order to destroy the excess burden of women. During the later
Brahmanic Dark Ages, ascetic influence served to demonise women further still
in a manner analogous to the European Medieval Ages.
Women in the Vedic period were harshly treated, being viewed as excess
ballast in the Aryan war-tribes. They were essentially degraded to the level of
mere chattel whose duty was to satisfy the brute lusts of the Aryan murderers,
to raise the next generation of butchers and to cook food for these lechers.
These Vedic war-tribes also practiced sati (immolation of widows) and female
infanticide in order to destroy the excess number of females considered
worthless for the Aryan war-machine. Hence, the attitude permeating the
Vedas is one of utmost hostility and hatred against women.
Women are consistently demonised and compared to animals in
the `sacred' Vedas :
• " The friendship of women does not last long. Their nature is
like that of the hyena." [ Rig Veda 10-95-10 ] [ Periyar ]
• " (When creating them) Manu allotted to women (a love of
their) bed, (of their) seat and (of) ornament, impure desires,
wrath, dishonesty, malice and bad conduct." [ Manu.9.17 ]
• " For women no (sacramental) rite (is performed) with
sacred texts, thus the law is settled; women (are) destitute
of strength and destitute of (the knowledge of) Vedic texts,
(are as) impure as falshood (itself) , that is a fixed rule." [
Manu.IX.18 ]
• " Day and night women must be kept in dependance by the
males (of) their (families), and, if they attach themselves to
sensual enjoyments, they must be kept under one's control."
[ Manu.9.2 ]
• " And to this effect many sacred texts are sung also in the
Vedas, in order to (make) fully known the true disposition
(of women); hear the expiation of their (sins)." [ Manu.9.19
• " According to a verse in Adharvana Veda a wife is given by
god to a husband to serve him and to bear him children.
Further she is referred to by her husband as his subordinate
and slave." [ Periyar cting Adharvana Veda 14.01.52 ]
• " No birth is worse than the birth of a woman. Women are
the root-cause of all evils " [ Periyar citing the Dharma
Shastras ]
Here one can clearly see how Hinduism treats women. They are
referred to as hyenas and compared to animals. What true models
and guidelines for the good Aryan Hindu in his generous
treatment of women !
Vaishnavism is the religion that grew out of the Vedic religion and
became the dominant Brahmanic faith after obliterating Buddhism
and Jainism.. It hence inherited the Aryan male chauvinist
dogmas of the Vedic religion. It is now the dominant form of the 6
`astika' schools of Brahmanism in existence, for 75 % of all
`Hindus' are Vaishnavites.
Hence, the Vaishnava literature (Puranas, Smrtis, etc.) pour
venom and hatred against women. Women are generally termed
as " thieves", "dacoits", "pirates", " thirsty tigresses" and
"hypocrite cats" in the medieval Nath literature. [ Obsc., p.245 ].
The following is only a small list of the vast corpus of poison and
hatred spread against womenhood by the bigot Brahmin males :
• "A woman's intellect is too deep and too cunning to be
grasped by others." [ MBh.Anu.39-8 ] [ Peri ]
• " Fire will not be satisfied with any amount of firewood. The
sea is not satisfied with any amount of water the rivers
bring. A butcher is not satisfied with the slaughter of any
number of animals. Similarly women will not be satisfied
with any number of men." [ Puranas cited in Peri ]
• " Women are capable of producing harm equivalent to the
combined effect of poisonous fungus , a tempest, Yama, the
god of the underworld, a fire pit that throws out fire
continuously, the source of a spring, the sharpness of a
razor, strong poison , serpents and fire." [ Mahabharata cited
in Peri ]
• " A woman will not hesitate to kill her husband or her
children or her brothers or any other person in order to fulfil
her aim. Women have been mercilessly compared to a tiger
and have been ill-treated and disgraced." [ Bagavatha
Skundam. 4-14, 42-8, 4-36 ] [ Peri ]
• "The following eight qualities are characteristic qualities of
women. They are: uttering lies, unsteadiness, deceit,
stupidity, greed, impurity, wickedness and rashness." [
Sukra 3-163 ] [ Peri ]
• " Valmiki has written that when there was no request from
anybody, Rama orally declared that voluntarily and
cheerfully he was giving his wife, all that he valued and his
right over the administration of the land to Bharata." [
Ramayana 2-19-14 ] [ Peri ]
Hence, Hindu scriptures refer to women as `poison fungi',
`tigresses', `thieves' and `pirates'. What an honour for a Hindu
woman !
Chaitanya was one of the major `saints' during the medieval
period. He spread Vaishnavism in Eastern India, but aroused the
opprobation of the Orthodox Aryan-Vaishnavas because he
allowed `conversion' from lower castes. Even this `liberal' man
had highly negative opinions of women:
"Chaitanya thought it to be a sin to talk, think or even dream of
women and that even the sight of a wooden statue of a woman
can distract the mind and be responsible for immorality. He
advised people to avoid being alone even with their own mother ,
sister or daughter."
-- [Nand 124-127]
After all, Chaitanya was a Vaishnavite. Note how women are
considered the epitome of evil. This is even far worse than
primitive Christianity, where women are considered the source of
shame. …
Indeed, such was the effectiveness of the Brahmin Vaishnava propaganda that
women themselves were brainwashed to develop a deep hatred against their
gender. Even today, the mother-in-law is often found to be directly responsible
for the dowry death of the bride. This is once again, the Brahmin-invented
strategy of `Divide and Rule': woman is pit against woman, sister against sister
and mother-in-law against daughter-in-law in order to completely divide Indian
womanhood into perpetually conflicting groups. This strategy has a long
history, and was even in full force during the so-called `Buddhist Age', an era
more properly referred to as the Sutric Dark Age. Thus, mistresses showed little
regard for their fellow females :
` In the Buddhist Age, a slave-girl who was obliged to sleep with her master,
was often deprived of her nose and ears by her mistress and there was no law
to protect her.'
-- [ Jain, p.162 ]
Buddhism and Jainism were both protest movements (`Sramanas') against the
Vedic Vaishnava system of Brahmanism. However, they did not lead to any
major changes in the status of women. This was due to the emphasis placed by
these religions on asceticism. Their view of women was similar to the Essenes,
Franciscans and other early Christian asetics. Thus, although sati was opposed
by these reformers, yet women were considered as hurdles on the path to
The Buddha was very strict in his insistence on asceticism. He left his home and
wife to become attain nirvana and considered women a hindrance to that goal -
"Buddha is said to have induced his disciples not to look at a woman or even
talk to her"
-- [ Sacred Books of the East,XI p.91 cited in Bhatt p.44 ]
Jainism greatly discouraged the custom of sati. Devannabhatta, a South Indian
scholar of the 12th century AD, opines that the sati system is only an inferior
variety of Dharma and, hence should not be encouraged at all [
Vyavaharakanda p.598 ] [ 1200 p.67 ]. The Jains launched a crusade against
the custom. As a result of the humaniarian influence of the anti-Vedic Jains,
many ladies did not sacrifice themselves as satis but benefitted society by their
useful work. Examples of queens who continued as widows due to the
humanitarian influence of Jainism are [ 1200, p.67-68 ]:
• Prthviraja III's mother Karpuradevi
• Queen Lahini, younger sister of Purnapala
• Widow of the king Vigraraja
• Mayanalladevi, mother of Siddharaja Jayasimha
• Nayika, the mother of Mularaja II and Bhimadeva II
• Kuberu's mother in the Moharaja Parajaya
• The 2 queens of the Kalachuri dynasty, Alhanadevi & Gosaladevi, who
helped their sons in the matters of state.
As a result of `nastik' (heterodox) Jain and Buddhist influence, some Vedic
Brahmanic scriptures make statements against sati, but these are very rare and
did not have any impact. Thus the Srstikhanda of the Padma Purana clearly
forbids a Brahmana widow to become a sati and declares that any person, who
will help a Brahmana widow to the funeral pyre, will be guilty of the most
dreadful sin of the murder of a Brahmana [ Padma 49.73-74 ] [ 1200, p.67 ]
This citation shows that sati in the later Brahmanic Dark Ages was a Brahmanic
custom enforced upon the masses, whilst Brahmani widows were not subject to
this barbarity . The Aryan Brahmins enforced this upon the non-Brahmin races
in order to obliterate non-Brahmin races.
Divorce was known to the Jainas, as evident from the accounts of Prince Simha
in Jinesvara's `Kathasoprakarana' and Viradhavala in the Prabandhachintamani
[ 1200 p.65 ] [ Suri p.47-50 ]
Dravidian women enjoyed much greater freedom than their Aryan counterparts.
Contrary to Brahmin fanatic propaganda, Islam acted as a
liberating force for women. The custom of seclusion of women in
Islam was far milder than that practiced by the pre-Islamic
Hindus and Persians :
`In Persia also seclusion of women was common before the
Christian era.'
-- [MPS p.87]
Moreover, Mughal caliphs abolished the custom of sati.
One of the frauds perpetrated by the Brahmin-controlled media is to portray the
so-called `bhakti' cults as liberal with regard to women. While opposing sati,
these cults in fact maintained the abyssmal status quo from the Vedic Dark
Ages. The severe ascetism encouraged by these cults was itself the result of
hatred against women. The cult of Nath Siddhas remain celibate throughout
their life for no other reason than aversion towards women. In this `liberal
cult', women are regarded as the greatest danger in the parth of yoga and they
are given no status higher than that of `ferocious tigresses bent upon sucking
the blood of the prey'. [ Obsc 244 ]
The Gorakhnathis are another cult that wraps the poison of Brahmanism in
another veil in order to fool the non-Brahmins. Thus, the `exalted' Guru
Gorakhnath, the person after whom this sect is named, stated,
"The breath of a woman dries up the body and youth vanishes day by day.
Foolish are the people who understand nothing and make pets of the tigresses
in every house, in the day the tigress becomes the world-enchantress and in
the night she dries up the whole body."
-- Goraksha-vijaya, pp.186-7 [ cited in Obsc 244 ]
[ cf also Dharma-mangala of
Sahadev BSPP 1304, Goraknath's sayings ]
Gorakhnath further said this about women :
"You have given over your store to the gang of dacoits, you have employed the
mouse as guard for the pepper plant and the cat for thickly boiled milk; you
have kept logs of wood in the custody of the carpenter, the cow to the tiger,
wealth to plunderers, the frog to the serpents ... dry fuel to the fire."
- Goraksha-vijaya p.121-3
Gopi-candra. Pancamala p.340-1 [ Obsc 245 ]
Mayanamati was a woman who wanted ot save her son from the clutches of his wives.
Accordingly she said the following : " A lioness is she [ woman ] and casts her eyes like
the tigress; she leaves aside the bones and the flesh and sucks up the Maharasa [semen
in a grosser sense]." [ Obsc 246 ] [ Gopicandrer Sannyas (CU Part II) p.438 ]. This
displays the common attitudes against women had even affected the women
themselves, so that they again brainwashed others.
The attitude of the Nath school towards women influenced the concepts of the Nirguna
school and in turn corrupted Kabir. All the retrograde statements made by these persons
can be directly traced to barbarian Hinduism.
In order to permanently destroy the genetic stock of the non-Brahmin races the
Brahmins enforced the depravities of child-marriage and incest upon the non-
Brahmins. These customs led to genetic defects and mutations in the offspring
as a result of consanginuity. Hence, incest is more common in Aryan Hindu
society than in any other part of the world. References to this practice in
ancient Indian literature abound. Often the girls were unwilling, but were then
forced by their brothers/fathers to submit to the lecherous desires of the
fanatic Aryan Hindu male. The strict Hindu, Buddhist and Jain emphasis on
ascetism also played a role in the spread of this Hindu perversion. The main
reason, however, was Brahmin imperialism. In addition to permanently
degrading the genes of the non-Brahmins, this practice permitted the lecherous
Brahmins to rape their daughters and hence help satiate their tremendous
sexual apetite.
References to incest abound even in the Rig Veda, showing that
the perversion of brother-sister incest was introduced by the
Aryan savages who invaded India :
• `Lord' Krishna lived in incest with his sister Subhadra,
sharing her with his brother Balarama [ Mah.wh.153 ]. "In
the festivals of that god [ Jagannath ], the 3 images of
Krishna, his brother Balarama, and his sister Subhadra, are
brought prominently forward; and the populace do not fail to
heap reproaches upon Krishna, and upon his sister likewise,
for having indulged in a criminal intimacy" [ Mah.wh 153 ].
" In the older tradition, Subhadra [ Krishna's sister ] is said
to have lived in criminal intimacy with both her brothers.
This tradition is universally known and believed by the
people in spite of the story of the marriage of Subhadra [ to
Arjun ]; and the Mussalmans frequently taunt the Hindus
with the fact. The Pundits reconcile the stories by a fiction of
there having been two Subhadras. As to Krishna's
proceedings, they are expalined away as Maya, or delusion."
-- [ Mah.wh.153 ]
• The Vedic Pushan is the lover of his sister [ Rg Ved VI.55.4 ]
[ Apte 11 ]. No wonder so many Hindus have intercourse
with their sisters !
• The Aryan god Agni is the lover of his own sister [ Rg Ved
X.3.3 ] [ Apte 11 ]. A true model for all Aryans !
• Ashvins are referred to as the sons of Savitar and Ushas who
are brother and sister [ Apte 11 ]. No doubt many pious Arya
Hindus are the offspring of siblings.
• The Ashvisns married Surya and Savitri who is their sister [
RV I.116.19 ].
• Agni is the son of his father and his sister [ Rg Ved.I.91.7 ]
• Yama wards off his sister Yami, saying marriage between
brother and sister is forbidden [ Rg.V.X.10 ] [ Apte 11 ]. This
is the first indication that the Aryans had at least some moral
sense ! However, this verse is evidently a later interpolation.
Father-daughter incest occurs in the famous story of Prajapati (later identified
with Brahma, in turn incorporated as an incarnation of Vishnu) and his
daughter [ RV III.31.1-2 ]. Moreover, this act was punished. Prajapati is
thought to have done something wrong, and Prajapati was pierced by Agni as a
punishment [ Sat.Br. XIII.9 ] [ Apte 63 ]. This shows that a slight sense of
wrongness of the deed did exist amongst the Aryan savages. However, it was,
and still remains, a widely prevalent practice in Hindu society. The punishments
meted out to the incestous gods are of little consequence and are probably later
Brahmin fabrications designed to wash away the embarassing episodes.
In modern times the degradation of womens' status is related to the rise in
Hindu Fundamentalism (in actual fact a thinly disguised form of Aryan
Vaishnava Fanaticism). The extremist organizations that comprise the Sangh
Parivar (BJP, RSS, Bajrang Dal, Ranvir Sena, VHP etc.) are reviving the practice
of Sati, dowry, female infanticide etc. in various parts of India. Thus, in modern
times the status of women has declined sharply due to the activities of Hindu
(ie. Aryan) Fundamentalist organizations.
As an indication of the modern degradation of womens' status inflicted by the
Brahminist regime in South India, consider the following figures for the number
of females per 1000 males in the age group of 0-6 years was
India 954
Tamil Nadu 948
Salem 849
Dharmpuri 905
Madurai 918
-- [ Tam ]
In fact, the figure for Tamil Nadu was the lowest in India. Foeticide is now a
modern alternative [ Tam ]. but burial alive, suffocation and starvation are
safer methods to circumvent the law [ Tam ].
" The ignominious Shiv Sena (SS) and its "Hitler" Bal Thackeray have been
openly supportive of dowry-based male-domineering marriage. Some leaders of
RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, the parental organization of BJP) and its
religious wing VHP (Vishwa Hindu Parishad) have been supportive of the
infamous now outlawed "suttee" system. SS and RSS through their political
fronts are now ruling the most economically prosperous Indian states such as
Maharashtra and Gujarat. "
-- [ Dowry ]
The status of women is hence likely to decline further with the rise of neo-
Brahmanism. The only way Indian women can fight the menace is to fight
Hinduism itself. The oppression of women is only another manifestation of
South Asia's eternal Brahmin problem. By allying with various anti-Brahmin
movements, womens' status can be improved.