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Rape fear keeps US students out of India: Nancy Powell

IPC is strange even a 4 yr kid can be charged with rape, there were cases in bihar where toddlers were charged with rape due to family feuds.According to IPC if you touch your Male organ to females it can be considered as rape,whereas other countries consider rape as penetrative sex.
A woman who had consensual sex with another male can cry rape and file a rape case if he does not want to marry her.
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Can any citizen in USA Guarantee their safety after 8 pm??
Mugging is a serious threat to USA, When Oprah Winfrey came to India, She immediately said that she feels some what secure in India.

Enough of this jokes USA.
I'm pretty sure that America has a higher statistical incidence of rape than India.

The reason people may think otherwise, is because the Indian media always loves to be sensationalist and go crazy with any issue they can get their hands on.

And that domestic media frenzy always ends up spreading to the international media.
U.S. Justice Department rape statistics understate problem: study - Chicago Tribune

The U.S. Department of Justice should change how it counts the number of sexual assaults that occur in the United States because its tally understates the numbers by possibly as much as seven-fold, an outside advisory panel said on Tuesday.

Surely this isn't a problem of women being afraid to report rapes in the United States. According to your link the alleged under-reporting is due to ambiguous wording in the survey and not because women are afraid of the police.

In a report requested by the department, the National Research Council's outside advisers said the department's main crime survey uses ambiguous wording that can make victims less likely to report violations.

In addition, the legal definition of rape in India is narrower than most developed countries including the US. In the US any sexual contact that occurs without consent is considered 'sexual assault'. This includes sexual contact between married partners or people in committed relationships(marital rape). While in India a women cannot deny her husband sex, it is grounds for divorce.

10 USC § 920 - Art. 120. Rape and sexual assault generally | Title 10 - Armed Forces | U.S. Code | LII / Legal Information Institute

So you can claim that the problem is more severe in the US but when the archaic narrow legal definition of sexual assault in India favor the assaulter the victims are less likely to report the crime.

The article revolves around the law established for rape in India. Taking Section 375 and Section 376 of the Indian Penal Code as the base, the article moves towards numerous aspects indicating the areas which need attention. It uncovers the deficiencies in the rape law beginning with the analysis on the narrow definition of rape in the Indian Penal Code, keeping in view the definitions of rape in the Sexual Offences Act, 2003 of England and the Criminal Law Consolidated Act, 1935 of Australia as well as the 172nd report of the Law Commission of India. The current law does not take into account acts of forced oral sexual intercourse, sodomy and penetration by foreign objects, which needs urgent attention as the impact of these can destroy the physical frame of the victim and defile her soul equally. Considering this requirement, the article talks about the proposed Criminal Law Amendment Bill, 2010 which aims at removing the present anomalies in the archaic definition of ‘rape’ in section 375. There are various questions which haunt the judiciary on matters of ‘consent’ and ‘conduct of the victim.’ A theoretical analysis, backed by observations on landmark cases, is put-forth on the various questions revolving around the rape of a girl of ‘easy virtue.’ The article further submits the analysis on the derogatory practice of the Per Vagina Test and how it comes-up as an anathema for Indian women. The article triggers the broad debate on castration being a befitting sentence on any paedophile or any serial offender.

Rape Law in India: Problems in Prosecution Due to Loopholes in the Law by Siddharth Mehta :: SSRN

Not to mention the immense social pressure on Indian women to stay quite due to the stigma associated with rape victims after all most Indian men want a virgin bride.
Instead of crying over and over that which country has greater record over rape,we must understand and diagnose psychological and social factors which has resulted this incident.
India and united states,both countries are having different environment,culture and reasons due to which 'rapes take place'
which may include lack of proper gender education,abusive exposoure of this knowledge,dirty content, which resulted into psychological aggressive attitude towards females.
Thus banning visit in any country because of rape incident is complete stupidity.
Please ladies and gentlemen,make systematic approach to resolve things rather their insulting each other or bashing.
Instead of crying over and over that which country has greater record over rape,we must understand and diagnose psychological and social factors which has resulted this incident.
India and united states,both countries are having different environment,culture and reasons due to which 'rapes take place'
which may include lack of proper gender education,abusive exposoure of this knowledge,dirty content, which resulted into psychological aggressive attitude towards females.
Thus banning visit in any country because of rape incident is complete stupidity.
Please ladies and gentlemen,make systematic approach to resolve things rather their insulting each other or bashing.

Its the finger pointing which is the problem , apparently Rapes here is a product for trolling ..nothing more ..

Sure my safety is guaranteed by my Glock, do you wish to say hello to my little friend?

Funny how you need one, to guarantee your safety :D ..., either way, stop pointing fingers like Rapes dont happen in US, Rapes happen in both countries , lets not get any more delusional on how the west is magically more civilized than the east and less rapes happen ...
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