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Rage: The emotion an Indian experiences on a visit to China

Everyone in India knows the Hindu is a China funded rag.


Finally, some wise man pointed it right out that the author of the Original Article is a member of Hindu 50-cent party funded by CPC!



Back to the topic.

Really I hope the author can visit poor villages in West China, e.g. Sichuan, Nixia, and talk to the underprivileged, to get a more complete picture to see how hard the tasks are that China still has to undertake.

Then, you may be able to go more than just admiring what you see but what they (the Chinese) feel, think and expect... from their government and themselves.
It is great that Chinese infra is good but for every road built or building erected, there are thousands of tears and forced evacuations.

I would prefer India model, slow and steady.

"No gains without pains."

Achievements are obtained not only by hard-work but also through sacrifice.

The ugliness of a society is for corrupted officials to reap via other ordinaries' sacrifice (i.e. too big to fail). That is why Chinese internet force is lovely where officials are constantly under monitor of common people, and top officials, including CPC standing members of Politburo, are being commented freely.

There was an internet joke saying that if CPC officials take bribe, a project will still be finished; if Russian officials take bribe, a project will get started; but if Indian democratic elected officials take bribe nothing will appear on the ground. :lol: So why would you start any project anyways, much less likely to see the tears which run anyway for other bad reasons.

Don't think copy/paste others' system will automatically make you strong as the others. That's too hunky-dory. The Chinese know the flaw of their system, know how the flawed system come into existence, because most of the leaders are bottom-up guys who know their culture and tradition, the bright and dark spots of their culture. Gee, even Xi Jinping was a farmer for long time! And they work painstakingly to overcome it.

The problem with you seems that you don’t know that your culture doesn’t support your Western system, and your politicians work mostly for their own benefits instead of your countrymen by utilizing the dark side of your system. And yet you (and many of your others) prefer your system due to Western ideological propaganda.
"No gains without pains."

Achievements are obtained not only by hard-work but also through sacrifice.

The ugliness of a society is for corrupted officials to reap via other ordinaries' sacrifice (i.e. too big to fail). That is why Chinese internet force is lovely where officials are constantly under monitor of common people, and top officials, including CPC standing members of Politburo, are being commented freely.

There was an internet joke saying that if CPC officials take bribe, a project will still be finished; if Russian officials take bribe, a project will get started; but if Indian democratic elected officials take bribe nothing will appear on the ground. :lol: So why would you start any project anyways, much less likely to see the tears which run anyway for other bad reasons.

Don't think copy/paste others' system will automatically make you strong as the others. That's too hunky-dory. The Chinese know the flaw of their system, know how the flawed system come into existence, because most of the leaders are bottom-up guys who know their culture and tradition, the bright and dark spots of their culture. Gee, even Xi Jinping was a farmer for long time! And they work painstakingly to overcome it.

The problem with you seems that you don’t know that your culture doesn’t support your Western system, and your politicians work mostly for their own benefits instead of your countrymen by utilizing the dark side of your system. And yet you (and many of your others) prefer your system due to Western ideological propaganda.

We are not communist oppressive regime to do the things chinese way, what ever growth we have achieved in the last decade was purely based on domestic consumption and service based.

So no need for much of infrastructure, But this decade will be different and we are gradually moving into becoming manufacturing based economy. We are about to spend 1 trillion on infrastructure. There are 45 (i donno exactly) tier two city airports coming up, All the major cities are getting their own metros and ports are also being built.

The joke is Chinese build the infrastructure even though it is not needed in some places.... :lol:
The joke is Chinese build the infrastructure even though it is not needed in some places.... :lol:

if that's true it only means we planned ahead,we build infrastructures first and then business will come in.you can't have much industry without prior completed infrastructures.
Why are we trying to find solace in jingoism of communism or oppression etc. Are you guys saying that Chinese government only looks after their leaders not their public. Every country have issues. India does have multitude of them. Too much of corruption, no vision, no planning, too much of population, too much of inefficiency, bias, casteism, cheating, manipulations...endless list..

I think Chinese system is much better to control all our above issues.

If they are oppressing their own people for betterment of their own lives who are we to question or ridicule that? What matters is..are they delivering or not!!
if that's true it only means we planned ahead,we build infrastructures first and then business will come in.you can't have much industry without prior completed infrastructures.


Inner mongolia Ordos ghost town.

Built for 1 million people.

Years after completion still not used to day by people, either people find it difficult to pay and buy or these are not useful.

So the result is the capital is spent on infrastructure which will not yield any benefits and the investment opportunity is lost.

There are many examples like this in China.
they will be put in use,dont worry,China has so many people and nothing will go wasted,those houses look well maintained,ghost towns ususally mean empty building going ruins,those one look more like newly finished real estate projects.
do you by chance have a link or the name of your documentary? would very much like to watch the scenes from a German perspective.
Götterdämmerung;4517330 said:
My personal experience with housing demolition and redevelopment in China was when I was doing a documentary in Shanghai. I was in fact a documentary about protection of old monument and somehow my team and I ended up in a demonstration. A bunch of former residents were shouting angrily with a dozen police standing around. We filmed the whole incident and some of the protestors came to us and told us of their grievance.

They were angry because some former residents were more patient and negotiated longer and harder for a better compensation. Somehow that got leaked out and the residents who moved out early found themselves being disadvantaged and they wanted to get the same amount of money as well. Well, even here in Germany, we would call that bad luck. The government obviously didn't point a gun against their head to make them sign the compensation contract.

same for the Americans. You will never find general Tsao's chicken in China, but Americans love it!
I'll tell you why Chinese food taste better in India as compared to Chinese food in China or any other country. It's simple, Indians have a adapted the Indian - Chinese food taste. Where as a Chinese from China would not like it as much as an Indian does.
I have been to china and agree with what the navy chief has to say and also agree with what he has to say about India. We can't run away from the truth our rulers have let us down the quality of life we experience is no where near what it should have been.

I can not think of a clean city other than Chandigarh in the entire country what excuse do we have for it. The price we pay for a 2 BHK in Mumbai suburb we can buy a decent residential house in USA. We have become immune to the dust and grime around us and so have learnt to live with it. We just try to do up the interior of our houses and fill it with expensive gadgets to forget about the misery outside. Some times I think we have started to love the dirt dust and grime around us or how else do you explain the guys who follow all traffic rules when abroad drive with gay abandon and throw litter with impunity.

All this while we gave the excuse of 1.2 billion people but China has proved it can be done with a big population. Did everyone like the way they went around it the answer is a big NO but is their a better way try it if not follow the leader. Someone somewhere will be upset so be it. The collective loss of consciousness to your surrounding is a bigger danger than any other issue facing the country. I find Mumbai is the biggest culprit in this as it does not have a leader of its own why should some one from Nagpur be concerned about local issues of Mumbai.

If we can gulp the Maratha pride and turn Mumbai into a union territory we will see a sea change in the quality of life in the people from the metro. Similarly small provinces are the answer to improve the situation in our country where each one is responsible to the local populace.

Indian living abroad need not disagree with the article or Chinese comment just for the sake of disagreeing but take it on the chin and try to better it as it in our country and we have to make it better for our children.

Inner mongolia Ordos ghost town.

Built for 1 million people.

Years after completion still not used to day by people, either people find it difficult to pay and buy or these are not useful.

So the result is the capital is spent on infrastructure which will not yield any benefits and the investment opportunity is lost.

There are many examples like this in China.

lol the same old ****``do you even know how insignificant of that Ordos city in China```gullible people always taking western propaganda without question, there are literally thousands projects going on in China annually, i'd like you to pick few more examples to make your 'fact' more legitimate will you?

p.s whoever was in charge of giving ahead to that project in Ordos was under investigation just to inform your ignorant brain```and btw the central government don't manage regional projects (especially that mini Ordos), but pick up local governors who caused trouble
Everyone in India knows the Hindu is a China funded rag.

I think u can better open a new thread and discuss your points with the likes of Shuttler, Hong wu, Psyopsis etc etc.
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