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Racism: Separate mosques for expats? Its means Saudis are arrogant peoples


Nov 4, 2008
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Separate mosques for expats? Its means Saudis are arrogant peoples

By: Saeed Al-Suraihi


IF Sheikh Al-Mutlaq had not, by his wisdom, humility and right spirit, contained a question asked to him by one of the viewers during his program on Al-Majd satellite channel, we would have been obliged to bury our heads in the sand out of shame over our arrogance and treatment of foreign workers who help us in our daily matters more than we help them to earn an honorable living.

The questioner suggested building separate mosques for foreigners because he was disgusted by their dirty clothes and the bad smell of their sweat and socks. He said foreigners should be banned from praying in the Kingdom’s clean and tidy mosques.

Sheikh Al-Mutlaq told the questioner that his description of foreign workers reminded him of the condition of Saudi citizens at a time when the country did not know soap or shampoo.

He told him that the dirty foreign workers might be closer to God than him. If the sheikh had not been quick in his handling of the situation, the video clip that was circulated on social media would have created a worldwide scandal for us.

The other nations would not hesitate to ask us never to talk about justice or equality. We would have never dared to talk about the concept of human rights of which the questioner, who called himself Abu Khaled, probably never heard of.

I cannot imagine anyone could come up with this ridiculous idea of building separate mosques for foreigners. However, this kind of thinking is a clear proof that some of us are naked racists.

If our prayer fails to prevent us from being arrogant racists, then we need to be rescued. We should never forget that a few decades back we were a nation of bare-footed, illiterate people.

The wealth we are living in should make us thankful and humble, not arrogant and conceited.

I strongly reject the supremecist notion of having a separate mosque for foreigners, but at the same time people need to take care of their hygiene when praying in mosques. It is considered compulsory for every Muslim to do this. Clothes smelling of sweat or abundant with stains are not recommended for prayers.
I strongly reject the supremecist notion of having a separate mosque for foreigners, but at the same time people need to take care of their hygiene when praying in mosques. It is considered compulsory for every Muslim to do this. Clothes smelling of sweat or abundant with stains are not recommended for prayers.

You are correct but the steps should be taken like posters in different languages asking foreigners to come clean mentioning some reference hadiths. Next should be to educate them regarding hygiene etc in masajids. But the way they are going I am certain they'll come up with everything separate they are turning like jews the so called chosen people.
You are correct but the steps should be taken like posters in different languages asking foreigners to come clean mentioning some reference hadiths. Next should be to educate them regarding hygiene etc in masajids. But the way they are going I am certain they'll come up with everything separate they are turning like jews the so called chosen people.

This thing is not isolated IMO. It is a tiny window to a much larger social problem that is about to become mainstream within a few years. And if it is not handled at the right time, we may be looking at some serious consequences esp for low-income foreigners.

I have read a lot of sht on this site but this is something else.......

You don't know the half of it :lol:
The things we get to hear makes one appreciate the liberal societies a bit more.
This thing is not isolated IMO. It is a tiny window to a much larger social problem that is about to become mainstream within a few years. And if it is not handled at the right time, we may be looking at some serious consequences esp for low-income foreigners..

Allah who made them prosperous would keep a tight leash on them one day, may Allah prosper other poor Nations so they don't have to leave for saudi lets see how many of those lazy people would work around 12 hours a day in heat.
This thing is not isolated IMO. It is a tiny window to a much larger social problem that is about to become mainstream within a few years. And if it is not handled at the right time, we may be looking at some serious consequences esp for low-income foreigners.

You don't know the half of it :lol:
The things we get to hear makes one appreciate the liberal societies a bit more.

At least the sheikh has some humility MashAllah. @Luftwaffe
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At least the sheikh has some humility MashAllah. @Luftwaffe

A lot of the old timers, and those who realize their own history better than others, are often the best people I've met. But the younger generation just grew up with golden spoons and have no real idea about their culture or relations with Muslim nations that King Fahd had.

You should read their History books and see what I mean. It's been revised to an extent that it's hardly recognizable.
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Its means Saudis are arrogant peoples

There is absolutely no doubt in that...

Coming onto the topic, well the Sheikh does have a point, I have seen people here who come in mosques as if they are going into a bathroom, smelly and all that. But on the other hand, Arabs also come in sleeping suits in mosques, some even come in shorts above the knee.

Coming onto specifically Pakistanis, we people really take alot of care while going to Friday prayers especially. I have seen alot of Pakistani folks, of the blue collar society, getting all ready with the perfume and waist coat and cap for the prayers. I myself get ready for quite a while for the friday prayer. So as a whole, we Pakistanis take a lot of care of the dress while going to Friday prayer.

Now even though the Saudi has a point, this is racism of the biggest kind. Islam has taught a king to pray alongside a slave.
A lot of the old timers, and those who realize their own history better than others, are often the best people I've met. But the younger generation just grew up with golden spoons and have no real idea about their culture or relations with Muslim nations that King Fahd had.

You should read their History books and see what I mean. It's been revised to an extent that it's hardly recognizable.

Shah Faisal was the only Saudi king who was any good imo.
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