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Dec 19, 2008
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I have always heard Indians say that URDU & HINDI are the same languages. I totally do not think so. Our vocabularies & sentence structures are totally different. Even, my mother tongue being Punjabi, is different from theirs.

Also, their claim that Pakistanis & Indians are the same people. But I have traveled to several Indian cities & I once again do not think so. We as Pakistani's look very different than Indians. At least, I can definitely make out the difference & have guessed right when I see a Pakistani or Indian.

Even our Cuisines are different.

I know & understand that since we were one Country prior to 1947 but in the 61+ years since our separation things are not really that similar. I mean that in a lot of aspects. Like, Culture, language, looks of people & etc.etc.

Also, I have heard a lot of Indians claim a lot of Pakistan's side of the History & other claims which are totally not true. It just makes them come across as "Ignorant".

Lastly, I am asking this on purely intellectual basis & not trying to single out or point fingers at anybody!

It doesn't matter whether people look different or the same,its your mindset that matters.Strangers can be friends and neighbors can be very very good friends.
It doesn't matter whether people look different or the same,its your mindset that matters.Strangers can be friends and neighbors can be very very good friends.

Thanks for the reply but you clearly "failed" to understand the "premise" of my questions asked!
Thanks for the reply but you clearly "failed" to understand the "premise" of my questions asked!

Your talking of cultural separation justifying the creation of two nations?

If one were to go by your argument then there should be no India but many independent states,a Bengali and a Punjabi can be poles apart but they belong to the same nation:India.

You have to give multiculturalism and pluralism a chance.
Your talking of cultural separation justifying the creation of two nations?

If one were to go by your argument then there should be no India but many independent states,a Bengali and a Punjabi can be poles apart but they belong to the same nation:India.

You have to give multiculturalism and pluralism a chance.

Unfortunately You still do not Understand! Give it up, Bud!
I know & understand that since we were one Country prior to 1947

We were never one country - the territories comprising the nations of Pakistan and modern Bharat were part of a British Colony of India, not a nation.

You shoudl check out the sticky threads in the history section on this, its been extensively discussed.
This is a phenomenon you are going to witness across the world, only those who are a part of the 'area/culture'. Canadians/Americans are not similar to candians/americans but they look similar to us. In US for instance, most cannot distinguish between an Indian and a Pakistani or a Bangladeshi, but the difference is very pronounced for us. Many europeans cannot distinguish between a sikh/afghans because of their turbans and beards, but we can. Similarly, if you are british, you will see a dramatic difference betwwen an Irish and a british but to us they are quite the same, exceot for their accent.

In our case, quite a lot is still same, like some areas of culture/ cuisine. But other subtle differences arise due to different atmospheres we live in, our source/kind of entertainment, our education and our upbringing. All these are quite custom made.
If say, India and Pakistan become one again, 60 years later if you come from Afghanistan you wouldnt be able to point of the difference. But the fact that you can point out some similarities, proves a common past.

As far as history is concerned, one can debate the variations. And that too are due to nationalism. So if you think, that only what you know is right, and others are 'ignorant' then you are the one who is really ignorant of the fact that history is quite relative.
Godsavetheworld: I was asking for Specifics even the Nationalities you mention they claim to openly say they are not the same people, culturally, accent wise & etc. etc.

Once again, I am asking for Commonalities & Specifics. Thanx for the reply tho.

Maybe Road Runner & some of the other folks that are well versed in our part of the History can "Chime" in!
Also, their claim that Pakistanis & Indians are the same people. But I have traveled to several Indian cities & I once again do not think so. We as Pakistani's look very different than Indians. At least, I can definitely make out the difference & have guessed right when I see a Pakistani or Indian.

Even our Cuisines are different.

I know & understand that since we were one Country prior to 1947 but in the 61+ years since our separation things are not really that similar. I mean that in a lot of aspects. Like, Culture, language, looks of people & etc.etc.

Also, I have heard a lot of Indians claim a lot of Pakistan's side of the History & other claims which are totally not true. It just makes them come across as "Ignorant".

Lastly, I am asking this on purely intellectual basis & not trying to single out or point fingers at anybody!


Mr. Airboss,

You have made some general statements, but can you give specific, like how Indian differanciate from Pakistan look wise, or how Indian are claiming Pakistan history.

Mr. Airboss,

You have made some general statements, but can you give specific, like how Indian differanciate from Pakistan look wise, or how Indian are claiming Pakistan history.


Mr. Jeypore I do not think I have made "some general statements" please read my questions & try to answer them.
Godsavetheworld: I was asking for Specifics even the Nationalities you mention they claim to openly say they are not the same people, culturally, accent wise & etc. etc.

Once again, I am asking for Commonalities & Specifics. Thanx for the reply tho.

Maybe Road Runner & some of the other folks that are well versed in our part of the History can "Chime" in!

Your question is very vague. Please be clear in what you want to know.
Your question is very vague. Please be clear in what you want to know.

Ok for starters, How is Urdu & Hindi the same Language? (They have different Vocabularies, word pronunciation & sentence structures)

2) How do we look similar? Pakistani's & Indians? (I mean racially or genetically)

Folks, I am just trying to engage in an "Intellectual Debate" as I feel there is a lot to be learn't from our histories.
I have always heard Indians say that URDU & HINDI are the same languages. I totally do not think so. Our vocabularies & sentence structures are totally different. Even, my mother tongue being Punjabi, is different from theirs.

Also, their claim that Pakistanis & Indians are the same people. But I have traveled to several Indian cities & I once again do not think so. We as Pakistani's look very different than Indians. At least, I can definitely make out the difference & have guessed right when I see a Pakistani or Indian.

Even our Cuisines are different.

I know & understand that since we were one Country prior to 1947 but in the 61+ years since our separation things are not really that similar. I mean that in a lot of aspects. Like, Culture, language, looks of people & etc.etc.

Also, I have heard a lot of Indians claim a lot of Pakistan's side of the History & other claims which are totally not true. It just makes them come across as "Ignorant".

Lastly, I am asking this on purely intellectual basis & not trying to single out or point fingers at anybody!


Punjabis and Pathans look very different, they can be easily told apart from their looks, dressing, language, mannerism and food.

Muhajirs of karachi pronounce their 'urdu' exactly like ganges plains indians

Punjabis of india look exactly like punjabis of pakistan

Sindhis of india look exactly like sindhis of pakistan

its what 'color' glasses you are wearing, if u want pakistan is 1 nation or 5 nations india 1 or 27. a nation is an idea, all the 'glorified justification' comes later. yes even for india, the question is, how human, benign, beneficial is the idea.

and we did not even talk about bangladesh :)
Grammar in Urdu and Hindi is almost the same. the vocab is different, hindi borrows its vocab from sanskrit, urdu from persian and arabic. use common vocab and a hindi speaker understands 100% urdu and the other way round too.

Hindi-Urdu grammar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

besides, urdu is the adopted language of pakistan. natural urdu speakers were only found in india :) so much for natural dissimilarity :)

Language , Culture ,Religion are just tools invented by human being to bind the society with rules. Language is a tool to communicate with each other, English is a very new language , But still I have to use this to communicate with you. This is the best language between "us" . Why do you think which came first ? Come out of your "short mind". World moves toward a one "Global village". We can change everything if it does not suit you.

I would like to give you one small advice from Arthasasthra,
" To save your women you can give up everything you have, But to save yourself you can even give up your woman" . Many will not agree with this and say its only for kings.Let me tell you everything in the world comes around "Save yourself" only.You can and will give up everything if your life in danger.
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