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Oct 29, 2010
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what do you think about Black Hole of Calcutta??


Who do you think was responsible for 1943 famine????
Most indians outside bengal dont have much idea about these incidents
what do you think about Black Hole of Calcutta??


Who do you think was responsible for 1943 famine????

Primarily the other provinces ruled by locals were responsible. Will provide details later today (bored sitting in traffic) this is after the nature failed them for 2 straight years and Indian government could not procure grains from Burma due to ww2. The democratically elected provinces setup trade barriers preventing selling grains to Bengal.
I am hearing black hole of kolkata for the first time and regarding 1943 famine there were few mentions about it in my history books it was called indian holocaust although i dont remember much about it but sa much i can recall our books entirely blamed British Raj for that famine
I am hearing black hole of kolkata for the first time and regarding 1943 famine there were few mentions about it in my history books it was called indian holocaust although i dont remember much about it but sa much i can recall our books entirely blamed British Raj for that famine

that is what i want to learn... is black hole a british propaganda??

was british government responsible for 1943 famine??
I am hearing black hole of kolkata for the first time and regarding 1943 famine there were few mentions about it in my history books it was called indian holocaust although i dont remember much about it but sa much i can recall our books entirely blamed British Raj for that famine
Chrchill may be partially responsible but credit goes to wavell threatening the local ruled provinces with dire consequences to put an end to trade barriers and end the famine.
what do you think about Black Hole of Calcutta??


Who do you think was responsible for 1943 famine????

In 43 calcutta was a princely state/british colony. So what does this have to do with Indians?
In 43 calcutta was a princely state/british colony. So what does this have to do with Indians?

because pakistanis dont know about this............. i already know british version.... there may be an indian version/ research/ article on it.......
Primarily the other provinces ruled by locals were responsible. Will provide details later today (bored sitting in traffic) this is after the nature failed them for 2 straight years and Indian government could not procure grains from Burma due to ww2. The democratically elected provinces setup trade barriers preventing selling grains to Bengal.

Here are the reasons I could summarize.


1. 1941 reduced crop output and some minor famine tackled by Indian government- contributing to reduced stock of grains
2. 1942 cyclone plus famine causing widespread shortage of grains
3. 1942 Singapore surrender of British troops and Japanese army into Burma from where the grains were procured for Bengal to cover for shortage in the past decade.
4. 1942 Democratically elected provincial governments had more power due to Government of India act 1935 and they placed grain export restrictions to Bengal
5. 1942 Scorched earth policy followed by Indian government in Chittagong to prevent Japanese army destroying the crops
6. WWII and the focus on the British empire to supply the troops in faraway areas than to supply to the dying Bengalis from outside India.
7. Merchant ships destroyed by German U boats contributing to shortage in merchant ships and the reason why the British armies were provided focus than the Indians

How it ended?

1943 - adequate rains and bumper crops
1943- Issue of stern warning by the newly appointed Viceroy Wavell to the provincial governments resulting in removal the trade barriers
1943/44 - Involvement of Indian army who had infrastructure like vehicles to distribute grains to the Bengalis which went on for further 6 months after the first bumper crops in 1943.

Mr. Biswas turned a blind eye to the problems created by the local Indians themselves and placed the blame entirely on Churchil though ultimately Churchill was responsible and being a racist was indifferent to the plight of Indians. But there are sympathetic Britishers like Wavell who should be commended for his efforts.
Can someone explain what was blackhole of Calcutta.
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