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Questions arising from Wiki leaks

Bill Longley

Apr 15, 2008
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I am following wikileaks from the moment first declassified document got published.
I acknowledge this is era of confusion. Wikileaks apparently has damaged US relations with allies and has degraded/disgraced many international personalities.

An (crime) Action has two parts
1. Actus reis (Guily Action)
2.Mens Reas(Bad Intension)

we have seen the action but I have yet to understand the reason or Intension.

Why Wikileaks are Leaking classified documents?
whats the game
who is benifitting ( I dont buy that some one with love of humanity is doing it?
Who will benifit from all this?

I feel there is some big game behind these leaks and I also belive its not US which is behind it
I am following wikileaks from the moment first declassified document got published.
I acknowledge this is era of confusion. Wikileaks apparently has damaged US relations with allies and has degraded/disgraced many international personalities.

An (crime) Action has two parts
1. Actus reis (Guily Action)
2.Mens Reas(Bad Intension)

we have seen the action but I have yet to understand the reason or Intension.

Why Wikileaks are Leaking classified documents?
whats the game
who is benifitting ( I dont buy that some one with love of humanity is doing it?
Who will benifit from all this?

I feel there is some big game behind these leaks and I also belive its not US which is behind it

The game according to me obviously is to malign the USA completely and bring it down to the level us commoners.

I have seen many people commenting that what is there new in these revelations and we have known these long time back. However there is a difference between knowing and proving something. One says that there is ghost in the closet of so and so house and almost all will believe too what with strange noices and other paranormal phenomenon however if somebody comes and asks u to show the proof can u?? This effort is being done so that a economically weakened USA is further alienated from its allies. These revelations and the way the data has been obtained shows that the mighty USA is not so firewall proof in intelligence aspects.

The reason behind this is the logic is that Americans hold secrets obviously as they are super power numero uno till China came along.

I think many countries must be involved in this fiasco, because this kind of thing requires huge funding and lot of resources technology wise too. It would be speculation to name even one of them here.
The game according to me obviously is to malign the USA completely and bring it down to the level us commoners.

I have seen many people commenting that what is there new in these revelations and we have known these long time back. However there is a difference between knowing and proving something. One says that there is ghost in the closet of so and so house and almost all will believe too what with strange noices and other paranormal phenomenon however if somebody comes and asks u to show the proof can u?? This effort is being done so that a economically weakened USA is further alienated from its allies. These revelations and the way the data has been obtained shows that the mighty USA is not so firewall proof in intelligence aspects.

The reason behind this is the logic is that Americans hold secrets obviously as they are super power numero uno till China came along.

I think many countries must be involved in this fiasco, because this kind of thing requires huge funding and lot of resources technology wise too. It would be speculation to name even one of them here.

i agree with most of what you have said

but I smell rat from brits.

You see Australia was once brits colony.
Brits ruled most of the world before US came in lime light
the only known director of wikileaks hold degree from university of malborne and is an australian

US sourses complain about conduct of brits in Afghanistan and Iraq

intrestingly Same brits brought fake mullah Akhter as Mullah Omers Number 2
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I think Wiki leaks is form of PsyOps warfare to create confusion among world states particulary Muslim world infact today is world solidarity day with Palestine people but wiki leaks is center of attention. :undecided:

I think this is just an independent effort to reveal the dirty politics and the unusual mingling of US diplomacy around the world, which might later have been be backed by other countries.

Because there are people even in USA who don't like American government getting involved in every other country's matters, I've seen many americans discussing on news sites wanting their governments to concentrate more inside the country they have been elected for.
i agree with most of what you have said

but I smell rat from brits.

You see Australia was once brits colony.
Brits ruled most of the world before US came in lime light
the only known director of wikileaks hold degree from university of malborne and is an australian

US sourses complain about conduct of brits in Afghanistan and Iraq

intrestingly Same brits brought fake mullah Akhter as Mullah Omers Number 2

While what you are saying is correct i can't digest that UK could be behind this. Hell i will even accept some body like Australia or even Japan but not them!! My reason is that see the kneeling down and bowing of Uk's ex PM before Bush, simply classic.

By what u are saying if Australia is involved may be China and some middle eastern countries too ??? they could be funding this operation may be???

Currently the only nation that can challenge US is China so this is the reason i brought in China in this discussion.
While what you are saying is correct i can't digest that UK could be behind this. Hell i will even accept some body like Australia or even Japan but not them!! My reason is that see the kneeling down and bowing of Uk's ex PM before Bush, simply classic.

By what u are saying if Australia is involved may be China and some middle eastern countries too ??? they could be funding this operation may be???

Currently the only nation that can challenge US is China so this is the reason i brought in China in this discussion.

you see I see only UK/Australia behind it

see their strategic Culture and u will agree
OR it could just be an organisation trying to bring out all the dirty games
@bill longly
the way u presented it, one woul assume 'humanity' is some extict creature
i for one am a person who does believe that their is some moral reason that they r revealing all this
but yes their might and should be some funding coming in from some benificiaries ( again i wud like to believe its an organisation not a country) to support it technically.
the second reason why i believe its not any country involved is becoz a whole lot of docs r going to be disclosed which would impact all relations globaly

take for eg: saudi king calling zardari rottan and many like those
so its going to effect almost every nation once international relations become weak.

my least doubt would be UK
they r at the brink of another recession cant risk another by bringing any doubt in the world economic order
the only major stratigic ally that UK has is US and if their is anything which is holding the west above the rest is the US-UK cooperation
i dont believe UK would risk changing the global order of things coz they would be the ones at the receiving end.
b/w pardon the spelling mistakes
my mobile's a bit oversensitive:-))
It's ridiculous to believe some countries are behind wikileaks. It's just an organization founded by julian assange. Infact he made it back in 1999. He use to be a computer hacker too
I am following wikileaks from the moment first declassified document got published.
I acknowledge this is era of confusion. Wikileaks apparently has damaged US relations with allies and has degraded/disgraced many international personalities.

An (crime) Action has two parts
1. Actus reis (Guily Action)
2.Mens Reas(Bad Intension)

we have seen the action but I have yet to understand the reason or Intension.

Why Wikileaks are Leaking classified documents?
whats the game
who is benifitting ( I dont buy that some one with love of humanity is doing it?
Who will benifit from all this?

I feel there is some big game behind these leaks and I also belive its not US which is behind it

According to Jullian Assange, it is for the purpose of greater transparency. I will surely take that with a pinch of salt, but I am more than happy to see secret foreign policies being scrutinized in public, and for the first time perhaps we as common people are able to notice the actual motives with which the policies in secret are actually driven as against the propitious announcements made in public by the world leaders.
Typical Conspiracy mentality..

To understand why Julian Assange is doing what he does best you have to look into his vision, ideology and his revolutionary agendas. Here is an essay he wrote in 2006 regarding authoritarian regimes and conspiracies.


Not everything is an agenda and not everything is a conspiracy and what you are thinking is exactly what he addresses in the above linked essay.

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