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Question about business customs in muslim countries


Nov 23, 2013
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With a large percentage of muslims here i would like to get some insight. Sometimes i´m part of delegation related to expos and so on and sometimes in muslim countries in the gulf region and so on. It is not so easy sometimes to follow all local customs so i try my best to simply be nice and hope the others don´t mind if i don´t follow their local customs.

For example hand shakes with women. Sometimes you have women there and it is hard to greet them. In germany and italy we simply shake hands. In middle eastern countries sometiems they shake hands and sometimes not. Its hard to tell and creates an uncomfortable feeling. When i reach out my hand and get no response it feels very insulting then.

Another thing and also very challenging is invitations. In europe when you invite someone it is expected that he really comes. I came to the conclusion thats not always the case in middlee astern countries and it can get weird then.

Would be nice to get some informations from the "other side"
Different culture, different traditions/customs and different concept of modesty/morality .I mean i remember i used to walk with close friends/cousins in Pakistan having my hands on their shoulder and no one will doubt that i am gay but i cannot do same in UK because here people will quickly make judgement about your sexuality if you make any close physical contact with friends lol Different countries have different ways of saying hello especially between opposite gender..

With a large percentage of muslims here i would like to get some insight. Sometimes i´m part of delegation related to expos and so on and sometimes in muslim countries in the gulf region and so on. It is not so easy sometimes to follow all local customs so i try my best to simply be nice and hope the others don´t mind if i don´t follow their local customs.

For example hand shakes with women. Sometimes you have women there and it is hard to greet them. In germany and italy we simply shake hands. In middle eastern countries sometiems they shake hands and sometimes not. Its hard to tell and creates an uncomfortable feeling. When i reach out my hand and get no response it feels very insulting then.

Another thing and also very challenging is invitations. In europe when you invite someone it is expected that he really comes. I came to the conclusion thats not always the case in middlee astern countries and it can get weird then.

Would be nice to get some informations from the "other side"
Depends on how much of a conservative they are.

You should say "Salam" or Assalamu alaikum with a nod and wait for her to extend her hand. if she does not then just saying salam will do.
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