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Qadhafi slams ‘cowardly’ Arab response to Gaza blitz


Nov 28, 2006
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Qadhafi slams &#8216;cowardly&#8217; Arab response to Gaza blitz

Israel pounds Gaza for second day, death toll rises to 290

Monday, December 29, 2008
TRIPOLI: Libyan leader Moamer Qadhafi has accused fellow Arab leaders of adopting a &#8220;cowardly&#8221; response to Israel&#8217;s deadly bombardment of Gaza, and vowed to boycott an Arab summit on the crisis called for later this week.

&#8220;How many times have you called an emergency summit on Palestine,&#8221; the official JANA news agency quoted Qadhafi as asking his counterparts rhetorically.

&#8220;What action has ever resulted... For my part, I&#8217;m tired of listening to this stuck record,&#8221; he said in the speech delivered in front of a crowd of supporters on Saturday evening.

&#8220;This sort of cowardly, defeatist reaction is shameful.&#8221; Qadhafi said it was now time for Arab states to withdraw a 2002 proposal for ending the Middle East conflict which offered Israel full normalisation of relations in return for a full withdrawal from all the territories occupied in 1967 and an equitable solution to the Palestinian refugee problem.

&#8220;Make a formal announcement of its withdrawal,&#8221; the Libyan leader urged Arab heads of state attending Friday&#8217;s summit in Doha.

Libya&#8217;s Qadhafi Foundation said on Sunday it was planning an airlift to Egypt aimed at evacuating Palestinians wounded in Israel&#8217;s aerial onslaught on the Gaza Strip. It announced the move as Cairo accused the Islamist Hamas movement inside Gaza of preventing hundreds of Palestinians from leaving the bombarded coastal territory for medical treatment.

Two aircraft have been chartered to fly to El-Arish in Egypt 40-km from Egypt&#8217;s Rafah crossing with the Gaza Strip to evacuate wounded to Benghazi in Libya, a spokesman for the charity told AFP.

Libya&#8217;s official JANA news agency also announced that Tripoli would pay for medical care for Palestinian wounded both inside Libya and in other countries. However Egypt on Sunday blamed Hamas for not letting hundreds of wounded Palestinians out of Gaza as dozens of empty ambulances waited at the border.

Hamas said it was drawing up lists of the wounded but it was proving difficult to get them to the border because of the seriousness of their injuries and ongoing Israeli strikes on the impoverished territory. On Saturday the Qadhafi Foundation also dispatched a field hospital, 20 ambulances and 50 trucks loaded with humanitarian aid to Rafah.

From Lebanon to Iran, Israel&#8217;s adversaries used the weekend assault to marshal crowds into the streets for noisy demonstrations. And among regional allies there was also discontent: The prime minister of Turkey, one of the few Muslim countries to have relations with Israel, called the air assault a &#8220;crime against humanity.&#8221; The Syrian government, meanwhile, announced the suspension of its indirect peace talks with Israel because the attacks. A government official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the media, said &#8220;Israel&#8217;s aggression closes all the doors&#8221; to a settlement in the region.

Israel and Syria held four rounds of indirect negotiations in Turkey after the peace talks were launched in May. The talks have not been convened since Israel&#8217;s Prime Minister Ehud Olmert announced he would step down earlier this year.
Qadhafi slams &#8216;cowardly&#8217; Arab response to Gaza blitz

Maybe pakistan could also offer to send doctors and a few plane loads of humanitarian aid.:pakistan:
He can slam as much as he wants but Israel Won't give a damn. Arabs leaders sold their soul to west for power and money. Arab League is consist of banch of monkeys who only jump around for show but no result. OIC Nations need to forget their diffrence and form a super military alliance to fight this aggression. We have the money, Brain and man power so what stoping us. When are going to wake up and say "Enough is Enough"
Qadafi is dog without tail and ears. Now he learn the lesson after surrendering his nuke program and gave bad name to Pakistan.
Look whos talking, the one who surrendered the countries nuclear programe and blamed Pakistan for everything. It because of people like him, Hossni Mubarak and Mahmood Abbas that palestine cause has suffered greatly and add more to it the killings of innocents.
Look whos talking, the one who surrendered the countries nuclear programe and blamed Pakistan for everything.

Qadafi is dog without tail and ears. Now he learn the lesson after surrendering his nuke program and gave bad name to Pakistan.

The same Gaddafi that helped fund pakistan nuclear programme is now called a dog?

Mohammed Beg, former European Director for Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) and Bhutto confidante later revealed that Libyan dictator Colonel Muammar Qaddafi personally supervised transfers of suitcases filled with US Dollars to Pakistan on PIA flights, sometimes up to $100 million in a single flight.
Bhutto's indebtedness to was made clear when he named the largest Cricket Stadium in Pakistan after Qaddafi.
The same Gaddafi that helped fund pakistan nuclear programme is now called a dog?

Mohammed Beg, former European Director for Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) and Bhutto confidante later revealed that Libyan dictator Colonel Muammar Qaddafi personally supervised transfers of suitcases filled with US Dollars to Pakistan on PIA flights, sometimes up to $100 million in a single flight.
Bhutto's indebtedness to was made clear when he named the largest Cricket Stadium in Pakistan after Qaddafi.

Do you have anything to back your claim or just empty vessels being heard?
Look whos talking, the one who surrendered the countries nuclear programe and blamed Pakistan for everything. It because of people like him, Hossni Mubarak and Mahmood Abbas that palestine cause has suffered greatly and add more to it the killings of innocents.

I beg to disagree.
People like Hossni Mubarik may not be text book democrats but they have given stability to their countries which resulted in foreign investment and millions of Egyptians are having a better life and peaceful home, where their own children are safe, where minorities live peacefully alongside devote Muslim majority. Despite previous war history, today Israel may think twice to order any classic raid over Egypt.
On political front Egypt has hosted many peace deals and meetings of world leaders over Palestinian conflict.
On humanitarian grounds also Egypt have supported Palestine with numerous relief efforts.
Hossni Mubarik alone cannot do anything he has to take along his nation in any sort of innovative stance. I think Egyptian public is good at lip service but they would refrain from risking their economy over Palestinians or xyz.
Whereas talking of Palestine which is a victim of both, its internal politics and foreign conspiracies.
Hamas and Fatah have serious differences, and would hardly come for each other&#8217;s rescue. They rather tend to assist Israelis in settling their personal scores. On which side do u suggest foreign arab countries to fall?
People like Hassan Nassarullah may be very popular among Palastinians but IMO they are directly responsible for this carnage.
There is very acute difference between OBL and Hassan Nassarullah who is clearly a non state actor.
Qadafi, has even gone a step further and have become the first voice among the neighboring arab leaders.
Coming to the subject of Libyan nuclear program; Qadafi has done nothing wrong when he realized his mistake or ignorance, he acknowledged his undercover deals of a nuclear program with black market. The moment he learned that all the blueprints are emanating from a fellow country who&#8217;s nation has been oblivious to the fact that their hero is selling nation&#8217;s pride, he steped out and disclosed what ever was neccessary.
Although he (Qadafi) was left with little choice at the end but giving him benefit of the doubt (since it was south indians brokering the whole deal) I would thank him for his disclosure.
I use to disagree to arabs and iranians on the point when they develop business relations with indian but again as the time pass by, I learned that it is the weakness of our own political leadership.
One can clearly see this weakness in our present political leadership.
IMO, it is OIC which needed to be strengthened and which can be only effective body by virtue of an able leadership.
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Do you have anything to back your claim or just empty vessels being heard?

Have you got anything that disproves my claim what i have posted or is at you said "just empty vessels being heard".

Why did they name gadaffi stadium what they did......or is it named after some other gadaffi that only you know about.
if the arab countries dont unite they are going to get sh!tted on forever :tsk:
Have you got anything that disproves my claim what i have posted or is at you said "just empty vessels being heard".

Why did they name gadaffi stadium what they did......or is it named after some other gadaffi that only you know about.

First of all you are the one making a tall claim, not me, and then when i tell you to back it up, you come up with this. I knew it already but since people like who have more faith in other countries then their own, the above mentioned statement wasnt that hard to imagine.
This is just how the conflict in 2006 C.E. continued the Zionist invade Gaza do air strikes, kidnap Palestinians, kidnap Government officials. Then Hezbollah got involved...

I wonder what Hezbollah is going to do next...
This is just how the conflict in 2006 C.E. continued the Zionist invade Gaza do air strikes, kidnap Palestinians, kidnap Government officials. Then Hezbollah got involved...

I wonder what Hezbollah is going to do next...
First of all you are the one making a tall claim, not me, and then when i tell you to back it up, you come up with this..

So you have nothing that disproves my claim.
If it is pro gadaffi propaganda ,please put me right.

I knew it already.

If you already know why question my post?

but since people like who have more faith in other countries then their own, the above mentioned statement wasnt that hard to imagine.

Nothing with having more faith in some other country then pakistan.......its about helping people that are under attack.
If libya can send aid and help the people of gaza pakistan should do the same.
So you have nothing that disproves my claim.
If it is pro gadaffi propaganda ,please put me right.

Again crap. If you cant back up something drop it, dont try to run in circles. Either you back your claim up or admit that you have nothing to prove it other then ofcourse your personal opinion.
As for me i am not the one making claims here, all i ask you is to back something that you think is right up. In plain and simple english either put up or shut up.

If you already know why question my post?

Read the whole post again and dont cut paste things up to suit your agenda.

Nothing with having more faith in some other country then pakistan.......its about helping people that are under attack.
If libya can send aid and help the people of gaza pakistan should do the same.

No one here is questioning the need for help and yes Pakistan should also send in help. The point is you made a claim, i asked you to back it up, since its evident that you cant, better drop it.
Isn't Qadhafi great? I recall earlier this year when he spoke from Syria and said that the main justification for keeping up the pressure on Israel was because if the Arabs ever admitted the justice of Israel's claims, they could be liable for paying Israel billions of dollars in compensation for the ills Israel has suffered. No pretense of "justice for Arabs" in him, no sir!

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