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Putin: Russia open to extensive business coop. with Muslim countries


Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of


Russia open to extensive business coop. with Muslim countries

Russia open to extensive business coop. with Muslim countries

TEHRAN, May 15 (MNA) – Russian President Vladimir Putin says that Moscow is open to extensive business and cultural cooperation with Muslim countries.

Putin made the remarks in his greetings to participants of the 14th International Economic Forum "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum".

"The Islamic world is actively developing and has important accomplishments in trade, finance, innovations and applied scientific research. Russia is open to extensive business and cultural cooperation with Muslim countries. We are interested in strengthening the existing ties and finding new partners, as well as in promoting agricultural and industrial cooperation and creating new transport and logistics chains," according to the president’s greetings published on the Kremlin’s website on Monday.

Russia enjoys traditionally close, trust-based relations with Muslim nations, both bilateral and as part of interaction with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Putin stressed. "These relations are built on partnership, respect for each other’s sovereignty and civilizational identity. We are united by a common desire to create a more just multipolar world order that is based on international law," he said, adding that Russian Muslims play an important role in expanding international contacts, with the forum being held proving that.

"I am sure that the activity of the Russia-Islamic World strategic vision group and the KazanForum International Economic Forum will continue to help strengthen the interaction between the business communities of Russia and Muslim countries and will open new opportunities for joint projects at the interregional and interstate levels," Russian President pointed out, TASS reported.

‘Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum’ is the main platform for economic cooperation between the Russian Federation and the countries of the Islamic world. Its purpose is to strengthen trade, economic, scientific, technical, social and cultural ties between Russia and the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. For the first time, the forum was held in 2009, creating a leading international platform for discussing cooperation and implementing joint projects. This year it has acquired federal status by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision.

In 2022, more than 6,300 participants attended the event.



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