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Punjab most attractive investment destination in the world


Jan 30, 2010
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LAHORE (March 04 2010): The province of Punjab is one of the most attractive business destinations in the world because of 100 percent foreign ownership, the easiest business start-up and for having one of the largest consumer base in the region. This was the crux of the presentation given at a conference on "Investment Opportunities in Punjab" jointly organised by the Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Punjab Board of Investment and Trade (PBIT) here at LCCI on Wednesday.

The conference was jointly chaired by former LCCI Senior Vice President Abdul Basit and Provincial Secretary Commerce and Investment Fazal Abbas Maiken. A number of LCCI Executive Members including Nasira Taskeen, Mian Zahid Javaid, Dr Shahid Raza and Shakil Ahmad also spoke on the occasion.

There was a consensus among all the speakers that any investment in the province was bound to earn rich dividends for the investors as all the sectors in the province are open for Foreign Direct Investment and both the locals and the foreigners are treated equally. They said that the repatriation of the profit was guaranteed by law while the international arbitration was enforceable through local courts.

They said that huge business opportunities are available in a number of sectors including transport, infrastructure, mines and minerals, housing and urban development, livestock, agriculture, textile, power, health and education. Elaborating their point, the speakers said that both the foreign and local investors could put their money in the livestock and dairy sector because Pakistan was not only the fourth largest milk producing country in the world but the local breed in the Punjab particularly was resistant to disease and environment stress. The province also has world-renowned Neeli Ravi Breed of Buffaloes and Sahiwal cattle.

The Punjab also has a number of High Return Opportunities in Halal meat processing, frozen food, dried meat, processed products, milk production plants, modern storage, commercial farms, milk chillers and cold chains. They said that in the field of agriculture the province has no match as it has world's largest irrigated land mass having a four-weather season and a variety of major crops. Punjab also enjoys a competitive advantage in several manufacturing areas, most notably textiles. Inexpensive and easily available raw materials and labour contribute to the competitive advantage and to the potential returns. A wide network of industrial estates available in Punjab to set-up industrial plants.

Speaking on the occasion, the LCCI former Senior Vice President Abdul Basit said that there is a huge potential of agriculture sector in Pakistan as well. The sector continues to be the single largest and dominant driving force for growth as well as the main source of livelihood for 66 percent of Pakistan's population. Butt, he said, it has always faced two major problems: first, the productions per acre are lower than many countries.

Secondly, around 40 percent of the total production is wasted in the form of post-harvest losses due to lack of preservation and these two are the core areas where investment can be made.

He said despite the fact that we are the fourth largest producer of milk in the world but are unfortunately preserving a little amount of this heritage. He said that these losses are obviously due to insufficient utilisation of biotechnology in these sectors are also required latest techniques being used in the world, thus the private sector must come forward and look for new ways and means of fully utilising this beneficial technology for more and more production in various agri sectors, he added.

The organisations who took an active part in the conference were Punjab Board of Investment and Trade, Punjab Agri Marketing Company, Punjab Industrial Estates, Pakistan Horticulture Development and Export Company, The University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, The University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Four Brothers Group, The Livestock and Dairy Development Board, Punjab Agricultural Research Board, and Agriculture Development Services.


Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]

Copyright Business Recorder, 2010
best of luck to pakistan for development.pak have many resources..after all todayz world is about money and economy
100 percent foreign ownership?????? :what:

are we gone nuts i mean nowhere in the world this is followed
Pakistan wins five World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders awards

The Financial Daily Reporter

Staff Reporter
KARACHI: The World Economic Forum (WEF) Wednesday announced its Young Global Leaders (YGLs) for 2010. This year, five Young Global Leader awards have come to Pakistan. The recipients are: Syed Mustafa Kamal Mayor of Karachi, Hamid Yar Hiraj Minister of State for Commerce, Amir Jahangir Chief Executive Officer of SAMAA TV, Muhammad Tabba CEO Lucky Cement, and Umar Saif, Founder of Saif Center for Innovation. The honour, bestowed each year by the Forum, recognises and acknowledges up to 200 outstanding young leaders from around the world for their professional accomplishments, commitment to society and potential to contribute to shaping the future of the world.
For 2010, the Forum has selected 197 YGLs from 72 countries. They were shortlisted from all the walks of life (business, civil society, social entrepreneurship, politics & government, arts & culture, and opinion & media).
Pakistan wins five World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders awards

The Financial Daily Reporter

Staff Reporter
KARACHI: The World Economic Forum (WEF) Wednesday announced its Young Global Leaders (YGLs) for 2010. This year, five Young Global Leader awards have come to Pakistan. The recipients are: Syed Mustafa Kamal Mayor of Karachi, Hamid Yar Hiraj Minister of State for Commerce, Amir Jahangir Chief Executive Officer of SAMAA TV, Muhammad Tabba CEO Lucky Cement, and Umar Saif, Founder of Saif Center for Innovation. The honour, bestowed each year by the Forum, recognises and acknowledges up to 200 outstanding young leaders from around the world for their professional accomplishments, commitment to society and potential to contribute to shaping the future of the world.
For 2010, the Forum has selected 197 YGLs from 72 countries. They were shortlisted from all the walks of life (business, civil society, social entrepreneurship, politics & government, arts & culture, and opinion & media).

Is it funded by US ?

what was the criteria
100 percent foreign ownership?????? :what:

are we gone nuts i mean nowhere in the world this is followed

Have u done the homework before replying?

100% FDI is allowed in many countries including India. Off cource in some predefined locations and industries.
100% FDI is allowed in many countries including India. Offcource in some predefined locations and industries.

If i am not wrong there is a law where foreign investers can have a specific per centage of ownership in India not 100% ???
If i am not wrong there is a law where foreign investers can have a specific per centage of ownership in India not 100% ???

100% ownership is allowed in many countries including UK

usually arabs have problems in this regard
If i am not wrong there is a law where foreign investers can have a specific per centage of ownership in India not 100% ???

Obviously but as i have said already there are sectors where it is allowed.

What is FDI?

Foreign direct investment is the acquisition of assets in a country by foreign entities for the purpose of control. FDI is ownership of at least 10% of a business.

According to the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, "FDI is freely allowed in all sectors including the services sector, except a few sectors where the existing and notified sectoral policy does not permit FDI beyond a ceiling. FDI for virtually all items/activities can be brought in through the Automatic Route under powers delegated to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), and for the remaining items/activities through Government approval. Government approvals are accorded on the recommendation of the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB)."

Currently, foreign companies are only allowed to own 10% of a business in the retail sector. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is trying to convince his coalition partners to open up FDI along the lines of what is allowed in other industries. FDI limits for other sectors are as follows:

* Banking - 74%
* Non-banking financial companies (stock broking, credit cards, financial consulting, etc.) - 100%
* Insurance - 26%
* Telecommunications - 74%
* Private petrol refining - 100%
* Construction development - 100%
* Coal & lignite - 74%
* Trading - 51%
* Electricity - 100%
* Pharmaceuticals - 100%
* Transportation infrastructure - 100 %
* Tourism - 100%
* Mining - 74%
* Advertising - 100%
* Airports - 74%
* Films - 100%
* Domestic airlines - 49%
* Mass transit - 100%
* Pollution control - 100%
* Print media - 26% for newspapers and current events, 100 % for scientific and technical periodicals

i hope u got ur answer
Last edited:
Obviously but as i have said already there are sectors where it is allowed.

What is FDI?

Foreign direct investment is the acquisition of assets in a country by foreign entities for the purpose of control. FDI is ownership of at least 10% of a business.

According to the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, "FDI is freely allowed in all sectors including the services sector, except a few sectors where the existing and notified sectoral policy does not permit FDI beyond a ceiling. FDI for virtually all items/activities can be brought in through the Automatic Route under powers delegated to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), and for the remaining items/activities through Government approval. Government approvals are accorded on the recommendation of the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB)."

Currently, foreign companies are only allowed to own 10% of a business in the retail sector. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is trying to convince his coalition partners to open up FDI along the lines of what is allowed in other industries. FDI limits for other sectors are as follows:

* Banking - 74%
* Non-banking financial companies (stock broking, credit cards, financial consulting, etc.) - 100%
* Insurance - 26%
* Telecommunications - 74%
* Private petrol refining - 100%
* Construction development - 100%
* Coal & lignite - 74%
* Trading - 51%
* Electricity - 100%
* Pharmaceuticals - 100%
* Transportation infrastructure - 100 %
* Tourism - 100%
* Mining - 74%
* Advertising - 100%
* Airports - 74%
* Films - 100%
* Domestic airlines - 49%
* Mass transit - 100%
* Pollution control - 100%
* Print media - 26% for newspapers and current events, 100 % for scientific and technical periodicals

i hope u get ur answer

:) Thanks for the details.

In service sectors indeed it can be 100% because the infrastructure remains in the country.

I dont know much about economy related things but as in many vital sectors 100% ownership is not allowed in regional countries so i was confused if Pakistan has gone nuts to offer 100% ownership in every sector :undecided:
:) Thanks for the details.

In service sectors indeed it can be 100% because the infrastructure remains in the country.

I dont know much about economy related things but as in many vital sectors 100% ownership is not allowed in regional countries so i was confused if Pakistan has gone nuts to offer 100% ownership in every sector :undecided:


Private petrol refining
Construction development
Transportation infrastructure

does not come under service sector.

Also are u sure about ur statement

"In service sectors indeed it can be 100% because the infrastructure remains in the country."

And in the last.

I think i got hint of some of ur fears why u don't want 100% fdi, u can have tough conditions or no entry for Indian companies but why suppress ur country's pogress with about as much potential as India have to develop.
Great to here other side of punjab is also developing like indian punjab.....

Punjab is one of India’s most prosperous states.
According to India Today, Leading magazine in India, Punjab has been awarded best overall state since, 2003 and has been able to retain the top position every year. It also affords best quality of life to its residents.

Punjab has the best infrastructure in all of India.
The Indian National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) has ranked Punjab's infrastructure as the best in India. Its road, rail, air and transport system is rated best in the country with ranking of 210 points compared to the national average of 100 in NCAER’s infrastructure index. It has highest per capita generation of electricity in India, which is 2.5 times the national average. All of Punjab's villages have been electrified and connected to the state electrical power grid since 1974.

Punjab (Land of the five rivers) is one of the most fertile regions on earth. The region is ideal for wheat-growing. Rice, sugar cane, fruits and vegetables are also grown. Indian Punjab is called the "Granary of India" or "India's bread-basket"
Most people in Punjab province of Pakistan can speak English. Even my grandfather used to speak perfect english and he was from a village, my grandmother knew some words in english that we used to teach her (she was a quick learner), so imagine the people in cities if village people were quick learners of the english language.
LAHORE (March 04 2010): The province of Punjab is one of the most attractive business destinations in the world because of 100 percent foreign ownership, the easiest business start-up and for having one of the largest consumer base in the region. This was the crux of the presentation given at a conference on "Investment Opportunities in Punjab" jointly organised by the Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Punjab Board of Investment and Trade (PBIT) here at LCCI on Wednesday.

The conference was jointly chaired by former LCCI Senior Vice President Abdul Basit and Provincial Secretary Commerce and Investment Fazal Abbas Maiken. A number of LCCI Executive Members including Nasira Taskeen, Mian Zahid Javaid, Dr Shahid Raza and Shakil Ahmad also spoke on the occasion.

There was a consensus among all the speakers that any investment in the province was bound to earn rich dividends for the investors as all the sectors in the province are open for Foreign Direct Investment and both the locals and the foreigners are treated equally. They said that the repatriation of the profit was guaranteed by law while the international arbitration was enforceable through local courts.

They said that huge business opportunities are available in a number of sectors including transport, infrastructure, mines and minerals, housing and urban development, livestock, agriculture, textile, power, health and education. Elaborating their point, the speakers said that both the foreign and local investors could put their money in the livestock and dairy sector because Pakistan was not only the fourth largest milk producing country in the world but the local breed in the Punjab particularly was resistant to disease and environment stress. The province also has world-renowned Neeli Ravi Breed of Buffaloes and Sahiwal cattle.

The Punjab also has a number of High Return Opportunities in Halal meat processing, frozen food, dried meat, processed products, milk production plants, modern storage, commercial farms, milk chillers and cold chains. They said that in the field of agriculture the province has no match as it has world's largest irrigated land mass having a four-weather season and a variety of major crops. Punjab also enjoys a competitive advantage in several manufacturing areas, most notably textiles. Inexpensive and easily available raw materials and labour contribute to the competitive advantage and to the potential returns. A wide network of industrial estates available in Punjab to set-up industrial plants.

Speaking on the occasion, the LCCI former Senior Vice President Abdul Basit said that there is a huge potential of agriculture sector in Pakistan as well. The sector continues to be the single largest and dominant driving force for growth as well as the main source of livelihood for 66 percent of Pakistan's population. Butt, he said, it has always faced two major problems: first, the productions per acre are lower than many countries.

Secondly, around 40 percent of the total production is wasted in the form of post-harvest losses due to lack of preservation and these two are the core areas where investment can be made.

He said despite the fact that we are the fourth largest producer of milk in the world but are unfortunately preserving a little amount of this heritage. He said that these losses are obviously due to insufficient utilisation of biotechnology in these sectors are also required latest techniques being used in the world, thus the private sector must come forward and look for new ways and means of fully utilising this beneficial technology for more and more production in various agri sectors, he added.

The organisations who took an active part in the conference were Punjab Board of Investment and Trade, Punjab Agri Marketing Company, Punjab Industrial Estates, Pakistan Horticulture Development and Export Company, The University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, The University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Four Brothers Group, The Livestock and Dairy Development Board, Punjab Agricultural Research Board, and Agriculture Development Services.


Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]

Copyright Business Recorder, 2010


While its being looted and plundered by Punjab Government and civil officers in top positions.......:(
100% foreign, and no other pakistani other thn punjabis are allowed to own such 100% business in punjab, i mean, now people complain how karachi has taken businesses from locals, i dont think it will work

unlike the landlock states, the states with sea routes are more liable to prosper, like if provided opportunities, gawader can be a more attractive place for investment then any other pakistani city

pakistan has to develop a state policy not provincial policy, its priorities must be set for national benefit and not provincial benefits, because it is more important to bring business in gawader than say sialkot or toba tek singh, investing money all in the wrong place will not benefit any one, first of all punjab must be made to pay taxes for real benefits
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