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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

yes, anyone who does not stand with PTI comes under this "corrupt people" category for PTI ..

Grow up,. this attitude of PTI is not helping PTI in anyway..
Yes yes off course PPP PMLN ANP MQM FAZLU all have not done any corruption 200 billion dollars in swiss banks belong to Indians Pakistan is most corruption free country under these parties you deserve great leaders like Altaf
lol nice try beta ..
Think if you can .... for PTI it does not matter who is standing with them... failed 8 time minister or anyone else ...
That is my point .... and that is the reason for PTI loosing its support from the general public ....

Again this is the mind set of PTI which needs to grow up ...
how can PTI claims and decide it self that only rigging made PMLN won the last election ?
did you saw that news where in SIND, PTI lost the seat to JI after rigging proved by PTI ? but PTI will never say anything about that ... why it should ??? right ???

you cannot pretend to be victim (like PTI claiming) and then giving verdict too ...
Sure that's why Noora league can't open 4 halaq, s ?
It tell the story, right? Busted?
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chaudry nisar during his press conference has said that the red zone security will be handed over to the military for security and they will be deployed in different areas as well.

Ofcourse that was a given since article 245 was in place and the army themselves were given assurance.

So now aht will qadri and PTI do if the army tries to stop them. attacking the armed forces will be suicide for them as nobody will support them.
RED zone security handed over to PA, Said Ch. Nisar keep in mind its still layered Security PA on third Security layer. first Police 2nd FC and Third PA
What will they do when they will face the most loved institution in pakistan. Will they attack them if the armed forces stop them. Surely the army wont allow them to enter the pm and parliament houses so imran will have to sit outside there. I think thats a good move by NS in this political play. Imran will not face the army in front. He will have to sit there and protest and will be forced to make a deal which Ns wants and TBH imran needs it too.
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Civil Society is Out as well to Stop any clash's between PTI+PAT with Security Forces
lol , being 8 times minster of different minsteris maked IK to say
May Allah SWT never let me do Politics like sheikh Rasheed Remm ????? When Sheeda Tali said PTI is a tanga party in live show :) now he is standing with IK and taking him down with him ... you just need to see what's happening and where things are going ..

Sheeda Tali is the biggest drama in Rawal pindi and playing as he is able to talk the street language .. that is why people like him .. otherwise he is the biggest failed personality of Rawalpindi ..

Toh phir mere angraiz bhai, NS ko support karein phir? Log ye nahi soch rahe ke koun bane ga agla PM or anything like that. Everyone is tired of this corrupt culture, everyone is tired of our politicians and government not paying taxes and borrowing more and more money. Change means a hope for us, aap ko kiya pata UK mein toh 24 hours bijli, gas paani milta hai, idhar na hee khana ke liye kuch hai, na he job hai, na he koi banda aaram se bate sakta hai, na hi kabhi koi aaram se kaam kara sakta hai. Here is the lesco list and see that our PM's company hasn't payed any bill yet. Baat karte hain constitution ke, koun sa constitution? Constitution koh pehle implement karo toh khud he pata chal jaye ga ke iss government ko jail jana pare ga.

LESCO - News & Media
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What will they do when they will face the most loved institution in pakistan. Will they attack them if the armed forces stop them. Surely the army wont allow them to enter the pm and parliament houses so imran will have to sit outside there. I think thats a good move by NS in this political play. Imran will not face the army in front. He will have to sit there and protest and will be forced to make a deal which Ns wants and TBH imran needs it too.

again govt hiding behind PA its not good scenario what if PTI + PAT face to face PA. what PA would do in this situation BALL in COURT of PA and then blame PA for political gains.
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