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PTI offers home-grown solutions Imran Khan while meeting Chinese Ambassador


May 15, 2011
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Islamabad, June 14:
Mr. Imran Khan, Chairman, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has stressed on the need for further expanding the existing friendly relations between Pakistan and China. He said this while calling on the Chinese Ambassador Mr. Liu Jian to congratulate him on the 90thanniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

Mr. Jian welcomed Mr. Khan warmly to the Embassy and hoped that this would pave the way for maintaining regular contact in the future. Mr. Khan reciprocated the sentiment.

During the course of the meeting, Mr. Khan and Mr. Jian discussed the existing political situation in Pakistan. Mr. Khan dilated on the policies of the PTI and said that, instead of importing concepts from outside, his party offered home-grown solutions to the problems that Pakistan faced. He also stressed that Pakistan could learn immensely from the incredible success that China had achieved over the last three decades in the economic and political fields.

Mr. Khan said that PTI was a party of the future as its popularity was rising at an incredible pace. He stressed on the need to cleanse the election system in the country by eliminating the bogus votes and registering those who had so far been kept out of the election process, particularly the youth of the country. He also highlighted the need for setting up an independent election commission as only then transparent elections could be held in the country. He said that PTI had moved the court to ensure the same.

In the end, Mr. Khan thanked the Ambassador for extending the invitation to him and hoped that contacts would continue in the future. Mr. Khan was accompanied by Mr. Raoof Hasan, Media Advisor to the Chairman and Mr. Akbar S. Babar, Political Advisor.
PTI offers home-grown solutions: says Imran Khan while meeting Chinese Ambassador | Facebook
Imran Khan’s political ideas are very close to that of Jamat-e-Islami-a party, which for all practical purposes, supported Zia and Musharraf No wonder, Imran was also an ardent admirer of Musharraf in the early stages. So, Imran is neither a great political thinker, nor an intellectual or a visionary who could hope to bring a fundamental change in our social or political setup which is mired in evils of archaic feudal norms. People are really frustrated with Imran Khan and they have shown their ultimate irritation with Imran. Imran Khan, the man who think that the solution to all the problems of Pakistan is to get the tax system fixed (he mentioned in a TV interview) a person who do not even have the clue of the actual problems being faced by the Pakistanis and a valid and logical solutions. Pakistanis have gone out of their senses because they think that a cricketer can be a good statesman. His politics just hovers around desolate speeches and Dharnas, What solution he has presented so far, for the challenges Pakistan facing today? You can’t rebuff that he is power hungry, like Nawaz Sharif and Altaf Bhai. His aim is just to topple the government and enjoy the perks and privileges as Prime Minister of Pakistan.
Imran Khan’s political ideas are very close to that of Jamat-e-Islami-a party, which for all practical purposes, supported Zia and Musharraf No wonder, Imran was also an ardent admirer of Musharraf in the early stages. So, Imran is neither a great political thinker, nor an intellectual or a visionary who could hope to bring a fundamental change in our social or political setup which is mired in evils of archaic feudal norms. People are really frustrated with Imran Khan and they have shown their ultimate irritation with Imran. Imran Khan, the man who think that the solution to all the problems of Pakistan is to get the tax system fixed (he mentioned in a TV interview) a person who do not even have the clue of the actual problems being faced by the Pakistanis and a valid and logical solutions. Pakistanis have gone out of their senses because they think that a cricketer can be a good statesman. His politics just hovers around desolate speeches and Dharnas, What solution he has presented so far, for the challenges Pakistan facing today? You can’t rebuff that he is power hungry, like Nawaz Sharif and Altaf Bhai. His aim is just to topple the government and enjoy the perks and privileges as Prime Minister of Pakistan.

You couldn't have been farther off the mark, go to their website,do some reading and come back with a much enlightened view.
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