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PTI facing intra-party woes

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Behind closed door, PTI facing intra-party woes
By Samia Malik
Published: August 13, 2012
KARACHI: Amidst growing acceptance of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) as a powerful political force, certain members of the party feel that underhanded lobbying by key members, growing internal rifts and disorganisation are increasing behind a gleaming public image.

The most apparent example of growing dissent within the party were acts of lobbying and bribery for votes in the intra-party elections by various key members in Punjab, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Sindh, as observed by PTI members that wished to remain anonymous. It was also observed by members that PTI chief Imran Khan had been unable to curb either of the two issues.

Tarik Ikram, PTI information secretary for Sindh, was the most recent party member to have been removed from his position for attempting to form his own lobby, according to sources.
Nadir Akmal Leghari, president of the Sindh chapter of the PTI, was instrumental in his removal, having the stronger lobby, they added. Ikram was instrumental in arranging Imran Khan’s Hyderabad rally.

Speaking to The Express Tribune Leghari denied any such development saying, “I don’t think Ikram has been sacked, he is working for a think tank, and he himself chose to move from the political limelight.”

Ikram however, denied working for any think tank. “I voluntarily chose to step aside because when I was involved in active politics I saw that I was playing no part in forming the ideology of the party and that is why I left my political position,” he said. Ikram added: “People joining the PTI from other parties, such as the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), do politics in their own way. Me and other people who joined the party from a corporate background do not like that kind of ‘street politics’ and therefore chose to step aside,” he said.

Meanwhile, PTI Information Secretary Shafqat Mehmood dismissed the allegations of underhanded lobbying. “The PTI is going to have real elections, in which every member will vote, therefore the contesting candidates are obviously trying to make connections,” he said. PTI elections in Sindh however, that were scheduled for June 30, continue to be postponed while the party reportedly scrambles to increase its scant membership in the province.

Previously, Dr Hassan Raza, PTI’s joint secretary for Sindh was not only removed from his post but also expelled from the party over allegations of corruption in allocation of relief goods that were meant for donation to flood affected areas.
Published in The Express Tribune, August 13th, 2012.
Behind closed door, PTI facing intra-party woes
By Samia Malik
Published: August 13, 2012
KARACHI: Amidst growing acceptance of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) as a powerful political force, certain members of the party feel that underhanded lobbying by key members, growing internal rifts and disorganisation are increasing behind a gleaming public image.

The most apparent example of growing dissent within the party were acts of lobbying and bribery for votes in the intra-party elections by various key members in Punjab, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Sindh, as observed by PTI members that wished to remain anonymous. It was also observed by members that PTI chief Imran Khan had been unable to curb either of the two issues.

Tarik Ikram, PTI information secretary for Sindh, was the most recent party member to have been removed from his position for attempting to form his own lobby, according to sources.
Nadir Akmal Leghari, president of the Sindh chapter of the PTI, was instrumental in his removal, having the stronger lobby, they added. Ikram was instrumental in arranging Imran Khan’s Hyderabad rally.

Speaking to The Express Tribune Leghari denied any such development saying, “I don’t think Ikram has been sacked, he is working for a think tank, and he himself chose to move from the political limelight.”

Ikram however, denied working for any think tank. “I voluntarily chose to step aside because when I was involved in active politics I saw that I was playing no part in forming the ideology of the party and that is why I left my political position,” he said. Ikram added: “People joining the PTI from other parties, such as the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), do politics in their own way. Me and other people who joined the party from a corporate background do not like that kind of ‘street politics’ and therefore chose to step aside,” he said.

Meanwhile, PTI Information Secretary Shafqat Mehmood dismissed the allegations of underhanded lobbying. “The PTI is going to have real elections, in which every member will vote, therefore the contesting candidates are obviously trying to make connections,” he said. PTI elections in Sindh however, that were scheduled for June 30, continue to be postponed while the party reportedly scrambles to increase its scant membership in the province.

Previously, Dr Hassan Raza, PTI’s joint secretary for Sindh was not only removed from his post but also expelled from the party over allegations of corruption in allocation of relief goods that were meant for donation to flood affected areas.
Published in The Express Tribune, August 13th, 2012.

Kawwa Chala, Hannss kee Chaal....hunh...Apnee bhee bhool giya:coffee:
Let us face it, politics is a dirty game. It is a game of power and for acquisition of power; one cannot rely upon goodwill of the voter or of the party members. Even the religious parties such as JI were not immune to it and there were initially revolt by Maulana Islahi group and later Maulana Maudoodi was himself forced to relinquish top post to Mian Tufail Ahmad.

Things are likely to get worse once PTI leaders smell possibility of being in power/ part of ruling coalition. Only time will tell if PTI remains committed to clean government or like all other parties, turns into either into a one man show or splits into factions.
Things are likely to get worse once PTI leaders smell possibility of being in power/ part of ruling coalition. Only time will tell if PTI remains committed to clean government or like all other parties, turns into either into a one man show or splits into factions.

Yeah things are going to get worse bcz Pti has allowed so many Electables to join them. The fight for Party tickets will be tough

But the fight for Party positions will be more dirty, since IK has already nominated people like JH and SMQ and people who were in the party before them will be angry as this is a big blow for the elections. IK fans will surely vote for the person IK has previously appointed.
Yeah things are going to get worse bcz Pti has allowed so many Electables to join them. The fight for Party tickets will be tough

But the fight for Party positions will be more dirty, since IK has already nominated people like JH and SMQ and people who were in the party before them will be angry as this is a big blow for the elections. IK fans will surely vote for the person IK has previously appointed.

That is why there are going to be elections within the party. A clearer picture after those elections most probably.
Everyone is welcome into the party :)

That is why there are going to be elections within the party. A clearer picture after those elections most probably.

Read what Awan said: He said IK put his influence for JH and SMQ for the election. Means he already answered your assumption about clean elections.
I think it shows that people want to use to plateforum of PTI to contest election.

Secondly, No doubt Imran is being tested by all this lobbying and intra party politics, but he is a team selector, hope is sets the bench mark for others to follow, like whatever he says is copied by a certain political group, shows that he is setting the trend for a progressive Pakistan !!
I think it shows that people want to use to plateforum of PTI to contest election.

Secondly, No doubt Imran is being tested by all this lobbying and intra party politics, but he is a team selector, hope is sets the bench mark for others to follow, like whatever he says is copied by a certain political group, shows that he is setting the trend for a progressive Pakistan !!

it will happen , & its good to happen, it will make a idealogical political party to become a real strong mAsses political party?
it has happenend everywhere else in pakistan?
we should , wellcome it as a sign of experience & maturity, we shouldnt think it, the end of the game anyway?

Yeah things are going to get worse bcz Pti has allowed so many Electables to join them. The fight for Party tickets will be tough

But the fight for Party positions will be more dirty, since IK has already nominated people like JH and SMQ and people who were in the party before them will be angry as this is a big blow for the elections. IK fans will surely vote for the person IK has previously appointed.
i think by giving , the electables chance into PTI, imran did his frist mature political move?
thats why PTI is being seen now , as a threat to PPP PMLn?
PTI needs to win a election, & to show pakistanis another way around rather thn, being used by NS or ZARDARI?
PTI did a fine job by , posting winners & making alive the hopes of the pakistanis, that it wont just become another JAMMAT-e-ISLAMI, which looks always good on papers, but cant win & deliver on national level???
International elections have been wrapped up successfully , Pakistan elections have been announced and will take place in time.
I hope people realize the power of their votes and the subsequent consequences for the next 5 years. I hope people wake up and bring a revolution, through their vote. I hope neither PPP(P), not PML get any reasonable power in either any of the provinces or the centre.

I hope that I haven't hoped for too much.
i think by giving , the electables chance into PTI, imran did his frist mature political move?
thats why PTI is being seen now , as a threat to PPP PMLn?
PTI needs to win a election, & to show pakistanis another way around rather thn, being used by NS or ZARDARI?
PTI did a fine job by , posting winners & making alive the hopes of the pakistanis, that it wont just become another JAMMAT-e-ISLAMI, which looks always good on papers, but cant win & deliver on national level???

Not saying it was a bad move. Ofcourse bringing heavy weights into these positions was a good one but this will not please those who had worked hard for it
Not saying it was a bad move. Ofcourse bringing heavy weights into these positions was a good one but this will not please those who had worked hard for it
May be its new to pakistan bt its the way it is in the world
Thats what we are seeing in Pakistan. Pti promised change and brought wrong people in. It was bound to happen

You people are living in Fool's paradise... PTI is taking over Punjab and your brains are stuck in if PTI is going to do the intre-party elections or not.
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