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PTI anti Pakistan and economy stance.

I wasn’t silent during PTI’s tenure and I’m not silent now. I can’t say the same of the recently awakened revolutionaries.

Still, it has to be wondered how damaging Pakistan is a justified political strategy or a means of bringing civil liberty. Sounds a whole lot worse than the kind of things people squirmed over in yesteryear.

Irresponsible, but what goes around comes around. IK during his tenure set a new precedence of partaking in, and allowing the establishment to conduct, wholesale political victimisation. Now the PTI suffers a victimisation campaign.

If today IK sets a precedence of derailing bailouts as a means of political opposition, he’ll have to rue the same when he comes to power.
Its still going on they are still arresting people without even a trial or a proper case
Cooperation with such a setup should be as restricted as possible and every means of resistance against them should be used

These IMF deals and loans bring nothing of benefit except modern day financial slavery.

Also, the money goes in building gated housing societies and mainting status quo of corrupt dynastic politics.


Mulk parhay likhay logon ka hathon se utha ke jahil gawar pesha war dakaoon ko de diya gaya

Pakistani people had little trust on system, now it's totally gone. Null and void.


One thing in common about PDM supporters is that they are always loud mouthed with no substance or vision. They make tall claims, but when it comes to delivery they start begging intellectuals/experts to come and bail them out.
They have forgotten how they reacted when covid hit and when kpk was faced with idp crisis
That's why I always wanted to see Imran Khan Niazi as PM of Pakistan!

Literally no shame. From shehbaz gill to fawad chaudhry everyone is a stupid clown. Politics on economy is the worst thing.

Still waiting for captain to unveil his plan to fix Pakistan and its economy……but seems there is no plan at all…..struggle is just fir pm chair
Why not just handover all to the imf ??

IMO likely nobody will be allowed to derail bailout packages, it’s a matter of utmost national security. It’s irresponsible to threaten this, but I think they’re bluffing. Today’s PDM would not have the guts to do this in 2018, these guys can’t be allowed to do it now.

Everyone behaves irresponsibly in opposition and criticises governments who have no choice but to take on bailouts, but when they come to power, they are compelled to do the same. Imran faced this in 2018 to 2020 and is now returning the favour.

It is better to not loan a penny to these bunch of thieves, absconders, criminals, liars, thugs, murderers, and robbers.
The money will be looted and again the business of money laundering will be at apex. It will be invested in properties abroad.

IMF, ME governments, WB, and ADB all make it conditional that all stakeholders in GOP first transfer all their properties, and investments back to Pakistan from all over the world, and after that, they should think about releasing/not releasing the funds.
. .
This is anti state. No mental gymnastics can defend this.
Installing an imported government was also anti state. Lets estimate economic pain inflicted by this exercise and discuss if the IMF loans would be needed today.
File terrorism cases against a leader and expect him to play nice ?
Can PDM supporters outline the achievements of thier 5 months old PDM federal government performance??
. .
Its still going on they are still arresting people without even a trial or a proper case
Cooperation with such a setup should be as restricted as possible and every means of resistance against them should be used

They have forgotten how they reacted when covid hit and when kpk was faced with idp crisis
People were being arrested and journalists silenced in the PTI era too. Resistance is justified, aye. But would you have justified derailing bailouts then? Be honest with yourself, I remember well what sort of stuff PTI supporters used to say when the roles were reversed.

It is better to not loan a penny to these bunch of thieves, absconders, criminals, liars, thugs, murderers, and robbers.
The money will be looted and again the business of money laundering will be at apex. It will be invested in properties abroad.

IMF, ME governments, WB, and ADB all make it conditional that all stakeholders in GOP first transfer all their properties, and investments back to Pakistan from all over the world, and after that, they should think about releasing/not releasing the funds.
Disagree. I can’t speak for the IMF….
but the World Bank, IDA, ADB, AIIB, ISDB, etc. I had all of these as clients at one point, I know how their funding and due diligence works.

They do their best not to risk disbursing funds to be skimmed off by local politicians. Especially these days, all of these guys are subject to ESG disclosure, both taxonomy and voluntary. Basically this is not a reservation I agree with.

If there’s been corruption, it needs to be proven. This is not a valid basis for justifying putting Pakistan in another financial crisis. In the end, we pay for these crises with the blood of the poorest.
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What is the alternate to not going to the IMF, seems as though PTI has a Yahoodi plan. :what:

Maybe China will help in a big way if this fake regime is removed and new elections are held and PTI comes to power. And people are ready to give sacrifices if an elected govt. is there and not these looters and money launderers.

Think that Estab. is playing on both sides of the wicket. Pleasing the Yanks and double crossing them as done in Afghanistan, if this is so this is better.
Disagree. I can’t speak for the IMF….
Your disagreement does not change any ground realities. Corruption is there and the money of the people of Pakistan is siphoned thru money laundering back to foreign countries for property investment and business.

but the World Bank, IDA, ADB, AIIB, ISDB, etc. I had all of these as clients at one point, I know how their funding and due diligence works.

They do their best not to risk disbursing funds to be skimmed off by local politicians. Especially these days, all of these guys are subject to ESG disclosure, both taxonomy and voluntary. Basically this is not a reservation I agree with.

If there’s been corruption, it needs to be proven. This is not a valid basis for justifying putting Pakistan in another financial crisis. In the end, we pay for these crises with the blood of the poorest.

The convicted criminals, absconders, thieves, liars, thugs, and robbers who miserably failed to provide the receipts/money trails and the Crime Minister on bail and his son on bail dragging feet for a conviction for years.
If these things are not enough to bring one to his senses then nothing in the world could

For how many years has Pakistan been begging for loans/alums - is it in DNA of every Pakistani? OR does the elite utilize it for personal investment and gains in the name of Pakistan?

Putting your head in the sand will not solve the chronic issue. Corruption is there and at the apex - just search for statements of Mr. Aristotle and the son on bail of bailed Crime Minister for defending corruption.

Forget everything

Focus on next few months of even more upcoming devastating inflation, food shortages (notice how news about crops destroyed) and record high bijli/gas bills.
Should we add fuel price hikes?
Not just ghareeb awam…..everyone gonna feel it.

But no, keep fighting for PM chair.
Nobody talks or sees the real train wreck coming….lagay raho twitter twitter khailne…..

Onions at 300rs/kg, tomatoes at 240rs/kg already……hey good luck when shit hits the fan my dear awam….
Your disagreement does not change any ground realities. Corruption is there and the money of the people of Pakistan is siphoned thru money laundering back to foreign countries for property investment and business.

The convicted criminals, absconders, thieves, liars, thugs, and robbers who miserably failed to provide the receipts/money trails and the Crime Minister on bail and his son on bail dragging feet for a conviction for years.
If these things are not enough to bring one to his senses then nothing in the world could

For how many years has Pakistan been begging for loans/alums - is it in DNA of every Pakistani? OR does the elite utilize it for personal investment and gains in the name of Pakistan?

Putting your head in the sand will not solve the chronic issue. Corruption is there and at the apex - just search for statements of Mr. Aristotle and the son on bail of bailed Crime Minister for defending corruption.

Please prove to me that the twin deficits and lack of USD inflows is a direct result of corruption. And I’m sure corruption happens, but there’s no quantification to justify disrupting bailouts, let me know how much corruption happens with MDB loans for example. Thanks.

Forget everything

Focus on next few months of even more upcoming devastating inflation, food shortages (notice how news about crops destroyed) and record high bijli/gas bills.
Should we add fuel price hikes?
Not just ghareeb awam…..everyone gonna feel it.

But no, keep fighting for PM chair.
Nobody talks or sees the real train wreck coming….lagay raho twitter twitter khailne…..

Onions at 300rs/kg, tomatoes at 240rs/kg already……hey good luck when shit hits the fan my dear awam….
Let’s hope our elites’ housing societies and farm houses are defensible vs angry mobs.
People were being arrested and journalists silenced in the PTI era too. Resistance is justified, aye. But would you have justified derailing bailouts then? Be honest with yourself, I remember well what sort of stuff PTI supporters used to say when the roles were reversed.
I cant seem to recall journalists being picked up across provinces for insulting police by saying something true and being tortured for it neither do I recall 10 months old being locked behind bars with their mothers for being wives of drievers

I know simps of Sarena Isa try their level best to portray some sort of equivalence with both eras but it kind of fails when you see how the police is being used right now

Jamil Faroqi was picked up for saying something Shehbaz Gill himself confirmed and they just invented a bs reason later on to give him into FIA custody
Please prove to me that the twin deficits and lack of USD inflows is a direct result of corruption. And I’m sure corruption happens, but there’s no quantification to justify disrupting bailouts, let me know how much corruption happens with MDB loans for example. Thanks.

Let’s hope our elites’ housing societies and farm houses are defensible vs angry mobs.

I myself, will not send/invest my hard-earned money in Pakistan while the criminally convicted corrupt dynasties are at the helm - what else prove you need?

If you are something, what you have done on the proven cases?
I clearly expressed myself, but I am sure you will keep changing your goal posts with ifs/buts.

If you could not see yourself, no one could lend you eyes.

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