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Promises To Be Kept.


Apr 24, 2007
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Promises To Be Kept.

There was a letter to the editor in DAWN newspaper on the Promises to be kept. I don’t know in which Pakistan this gentleperson is living in but if he is referring to our so called ‘leaders’ to keep their promises, then he /she has another thing coming.

Here is a list of the ‘Dirty – Dozen’ of the most famous ‘Promises’ that were never kept.

• I will hold elections within 90 days ‘God willing’ – Gen. Zia. I don’t know who was not ‘willing’ God or Gen.Zia but elections were not held for 6,205 days and finally God decided to take Gen.Zia. Zia’s Islamization program changed the course of the country as we knew it in 1977.

• Load – shedding will end by Dec-2009 ‘God willing’ – Minister for Power & Water, ‘Rental’ Raja. It seems God was not willing here also, and the minister had to eat humble pie and resign, only to be ‘rewarded’ with the Prime-Minister ship for his excellent work as Minister for Power & Water. The energy crisis has crippled the country’s economy with no end in sight.

• The Hamood-ur-Rehman Report will be made public – ZA Bhutto. The report never saw the light of day until ‘excerpts’ were leaked ironically in the Indian press. None of the culprits were punished for their role in the ‘break-up’ of Pakistan. Most of the actors faded into history, died and ZA Bhutto was ‘hanged’ by the very institute which surrendered to Indian forces on that fateful day, 16th Dec-1971.

• The Kargil Commission Report will be made public – PM Nawaz Sharif. In order to exonerate his name and lay the full blame on his nemesis, Gen. Musharraf, PM Nawaz Sharif made this promise during his election campaign – 65 days on….we wait with baited breadth for the publication of this report…..but it is early days in the context of all previous promises not kept.

• Aghaz – e – Haqook – e – Baluchistan; - former PM and accused Yusuf Reza Gilani. In a much hyped up ceremony at the port city of Gawadar, our then suave PM announced a plethora of initiatives to remedy the grievances of the people of Baluchistan or as some suggest to pacify the ‘Tribal Chiefs’ of Baluchistan. The names of the ‘missing persons’ will be published as promised by the then indomitable Interior Minister – meanwhile “Baluchistan is burning”.

• Iran – Pakistan Gas pipeline will be completed on time – President, Prime-Minister & several federal Ministers. Citing this project as a center piece of Pakistan’s Energy Plans, the project was inaugurated by the Presidents of Iran & Pakistan in 2012 at the Pak-Iran border. Iran offered a US$500 Million soft loan to Pakistan to start work on its side of the border. After more than 1 year, the project is a non-starter, Pakistan has not accepted the Iranian loan under intense pressure from the US and threats of sanctions. The energy crisis continues un-abated.

• We will shoot down drones – leader of PTI, Mr. Imran Khan. As the focal point of his much ballyhooed election campaign, Mr. Imran Khan promised to shoot down drones if he came into power. His party won the elections in the most effected province of the country – KPK – the drone strikes continue and Imran Khan has dropped this subject rather with a whimper instead of a bang.

• Parliament is the final arbiter of power in Pakistan – President, Prime-Minister & fellow Parliamentarians. For the last 5 years we the people have been told that parliament is where all decisions affecting the people of the Islamic republic of Pakistan are discussed and passed into law. However they forgot to inform the Armed Forces (read Army) & the Chief Justice of Pakistan – these two institutions are a law unto themselves. The Army controls the country’s foreign policy and the Chief Justice is taking Su Moto notice of everything under the sun.

• Motto of the Pakistan People’s Party “Roti, Kapra aur Makan”. Ever since its inception by the mercurial ZA Bhutto in 1970, the slogan of the PPP has been Roti – Kapra aur Makan (bread, cloth and house) – it has been 43 years and the people of the Islamic republic of Pakistan and especially the province of Sindh are still awaiting the day when they will be provided with the roti – kapra aur makan by this party of feudal landlords. The province of Sindh remains the most impoverished of the four provinces of the country – landless, jobless, illiterate, homeless – in other words in extreme poverty with absolutely no Hope!.

• We will make Pakistan the next Asian Tiger – famous last words of the 3-time Prime Minister of Pakistan – Mr. Nawaz Sharif. The term the ‘Next Asian Tiger’ was coined by the then Prime Minister of the Islamic republic of Pakistan, Mr. Nawaz Sharif during his 1st term in office in 1993. His govt. started the in-famous Motorway project and the Yellow Taxi Scheme by ‘robbing’ the people of Pakistan of US$ 11 Billion in private FX accounts. The people of Pakistan never again trusted the sovereign guarantee of the State Bank of Pakistan and never deposited their FX currencies in Pakistani banks. By the time he was overthrown by the army in 1999, the FX reserves of the country were a partly US$ 500 Million – so much for the dream of the Next Asian Tiger – more like a paper tiger.

• We will make Jinnah’s Pakistan – by every political & military leader under the sun. The lie to cover all the lies and promises ever made to the people of the Islamic republic of Pakistan. Jinnah’s vision of Pakistan was of a secular and tolerant society where every person of every creed, religion or color was free to go to their mosques, temples and churches. Where the Govt. of the day was bound to defend the rights of its citizens, create jobs, provide education to the masses, and create a booming economy so that Pakistan can be recognized as a leading Muslim country in the comity of the world’s nations. – instead Pakistan is known in this contemporary world for all the wrong reasons – militancy, terrorism, a broken economy, an idle youth bulge of 65 million in the 18-26 year bracket – un-educated, un-employed and with no Hope!.

And the litany of broken promises and lies continue……

• We will shoot down drones – leader of PTI, Mr. Imran Khan. As the focal point of his much ballyhooed election campaign, Mr. Imran Khan promised to shoot down drones if he came into power. His party won the elections in the most effected province of the country – KPK – the drone strikes continue and Imran Khan has dropped this subject rather with a whimper instead of a bang.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/social-issues-current-events/270074-promises-kept.html#ixzz2bYabNqB7

Is Imran Khan the commander in chief of the Armed Forces?
• We will shoot down drones – leader of PTI, Mr. Imran Khan. As the focal point of his much ballyhooed election campaign, Mr. Imran Khan promised to shoot down drones if he came into power. His party won the elections in the most effected province of the country – KPK – the drone strikes continue and Imran Khan has dropped this subject rather with a whimper instead of a bang.

First, this criticism on IK would be valid if IK was in Govt in center, but since PTI is in Govt in KP, they have no command over Defense Ministry, Air Force etc, so they can't do anything about it.

Secondly, please... We all know Drone Strikes are happening in FATA, not in KPK. And FATA is under federal control so PTI has no say about whatever happening in FATA.

Third, Nawaz Sharif also claimed to convince US and will stop drones via talks. What happened to that?
• We will shoot down drones – leader of PTI, Mr. Imran Khan. As the focal point of his much ballyhooed election campaign, Mr. Imran Khan promised to shoot down drones if he came into power. His party won the elections in the most effected province of the country – KPK – the drone strikes continue and Imran Khan has dropped this subject rather with a whimper instead of a bang.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/social-issues-current-events/270074-promises-kept.html#ixzz2bYabNqB7

Is Imran Khan the commander in chief of the Armed Forces?

I remember the PAF chief said we will shot down drones if ordered.


well our top military leadership is fully involved in this drone program, while it lied to the nation, that it wasnt...

I remember the stance of military apologists caugh caugh fatman caugh and others... :rolleyes:
The whole Constitution is a promise pending implementation where ever it describes citizens' basic rights. But again the ordinary man is not a citizen as per the constitution so no one cares about implementing those for the better of the common man.
we are well aware that any criticism of the great khan is un-warranted on this forum but what is said and done cannot be changed....it is not only about him but about a pattern of broken promises and lies since the inception of our country....pl feel free to add to the list.

better yet read the book 'The Duel' by Tariq Ali. it will raise some eyebrows...
I remember the PAF chief said we will shot down drones if ordered.


well our top military leadership is fully involved in this drone program, while it lied to the nation, that it wasnt...

I remember the stance of military apologists caugh caugh fatman caugh and others... :rolleyes:

the operative word is 'if ordered'...!!!
I think you are ignoring the picture :rolleyes:

as you wish sir!

•In a separate address to Pakistan for Independence Day on Wednesday, Sharif declared that Pakistan is united in its opposition to terrorism and pledged to bring an “absolute defeat to the terrorists.”[15]

another broken promise in the making......
First, this criticism on IK would be valid if IK was in Govt in center, but since PTI is in Govt in KP, they have no command over Defense Ministry, Air Force etc, so they can't do anything about it.

Secondly, please... We all know Drone Strikes are happening in FATA, not in KPK. And FATA is under federal control so PTI has no say about whatever happening in FATA.

Third, Nawaz Sharif also claimed to convince US and will stop drones via talks. What happened to that?

IK was asked what he will do if Army didn't listen to him and he said that 'we will resign from assembly and go to public again'. Now why doesn't IK resign from KPK assembly (and NA) to start protests? Its easy to promise anything when sitting in opposition benches.
IK was asked what he will do if Army didn't listen to him and he said that 'we will resign from assembly and go to public again'. Now why doesn't IK resign from KPK assembly (and NA) to start protests? Its easy to promise anything when sitting in opposition benches.

I guess you are twisting things here. Could you elaborate more about whether you're talking about Army's deployment in Elections or you're talking about DI Khan jail break incident?
The Express TribuneSee realtime coverage PM's address to the nation: Nawaz Sharif dreams to make Pakistan an 'Asian Tiger'

another lie in the making. they dont learn do they!!!
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