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Pro-US/Japan, Anti-China/NK candidate wins Korean presidential election


Jul 25, 2011
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Park Geun-hye certain to win S. Korean presidency: local media - Xinhua | English.news.cn

Park Geun-hye certain to win S. Korean presidency: local media
English.news.cn 2012-12-19 20:28:15

(Xinhua/Park Jin-hee)

SEOUL, Dec. 19 (Xinhua) -- Park Geun-hye of South Korea's ruling Saenuri Party is poised to win the tightly contested presidential election Wednesday and become the first female leader of the country, local media reported.

Park, the 60-year-old daughter of South Korean dictator Park Chung-hee, is sure to beat her liberal rival, Moon Jae-in of the main opposition Democratic United Party, according to broadcasters KBS and SBS.

With a little less than 36.1 percent of the votes counted as of 9:11 p.m. local time, Park won 52.8 percent of the votes, compared to Moon with 46.9 percent.

Voter turnout was estimated at 75.8 percent, the highest in a decade.

Park Geun Hye won the election by a margin of 4%, the most authoritarian president in 20 years. She is the only party boss who still gets a 90 degree bow from her party's parliament members when she walks around, when not even the current president gets it and is considered to be the most authoritarian president since the last military dictator president left office in 1992.

The elderly voters broke the tie in favor of Park, whose father was a lieutenant of the Imperial Japanese Army battling the Chinese in Manchuria for her anti-China/NK stances. This is a big blow for Kim Jong Eun, who was counting on a big flow of aid from the ROK if the pro-North leftwingers won the election, and tested the ICBM to sway the ROK presidential election at the cost of $900 million, but he learned the hard way that what North Korea does no longer matters in the ROK politics.

This is also a big blow to China, as Park's election screws Chinese plan of forming a united front with Korea against Japan on territorial disputes, and Japan can now focus all its attention on the Diaoyudai instead.
How do you know that she is pro US/Japan and anti China/NK?
Any idea if she is pro Vietnam (that is the only thing that I am interested)?

Yeah right, now Japan can now concentrate on Diaoyu as Park sure will hand back Dokdo to Japan since she's pro Japan

How do you know that she is pro US/Japan and anti China/NK?
Any idea if she is pro Vietnam (that is the only thing that I am interested)?


Don't laugh at him, he's one of 'those' who believes in what he writes ;) (if you know what I mean).
How do you know that she is pro US/Japan and anti China/NK?
That's the party platform of her party where she's the party boss.

Grand National Party(Rightwing) : Full of Japan sympathizers(Current president is born and raised in Osaka, and there was a high profile DNA lawsuit to determine if his mother was Japanese or not. And Park is the daughter of a notorious Imperial Japanese Army officer who wrote a loyalty oath letter to the emperor in his blood), staunchly pro-US. Relations with Japan is expected to improve with her election.

Democratic Party(Leftwing) : Anti-Japan. While not officially "anti-US", they seek a balanced relations between the US and China, which left to deteriorating relations with the US the last time they were in power.

Any idea if she is pro Vietnam (that is the only thing that I am interested)?
Her party is pro-foreign(including Vietnamese who are now no. 1 foreign brides in Korea) brides. Lots of special benefits for foreign brides. Heck, her party has a proportional parliamentary member of Filipino bride whose only merit was that she was a foreign bride.
Park Geunhye 朴槿惠.

2012-11-08 16:59
Park Geun-hye to hit balance between US, China
Rep. Park Geun-hye

By Jun Ji-hye
Park Geun-hye, the ruling Saenuri Party’s presidential candidate, said Thursday that if elected she would seek balanced diplomacy between the United States and China.

The 60-year-old conservative said such an approach was necessary to overcome various conflicts including territorial disputes that have plagued Northeast Asia, and to promote peace and economic cooperation in the region.

“Relations between the U.S. and China are unique. The U.S. has attempted to strengthen its presence in Northeast Asia, while China has risen rapidly,” she said at a meeting with foreign press at the Seoul Foreign Correspondents’ Club.

In her remarks, the daughter of the late President Park Chung-hee stressed that harmonious relations between the U.S. and China were essential to establish peace on the Korean Peninsula as well as in Northeast Asia.

“We don’t need to view the two countries’ relations as a zero-sum game. I believe President Barack Obama, who was successfully re-elected, and China, which is going to establish its new leadership soon, will spare no effort to set up cooperative relations,” she said.

The ruling party’s standard bearer vowed to deepen ties with both members of the world’s top two economies. Seoul has a mutual strategic cooperative partnership with Beijing, while Washington is a close ally.

But China’s rapid economic rise and its growing assertiveness over maritime territory; coupled with Washington’s security pivot toward Asia have raised the question of how Seoul plans to approach the two.

All three leading candidates for the presidency have indicated that boosting relations with China will be a key task after President Lee Myung-bak focused his attention on the U.S.

Park and her opponents, Moon Jae-in of the Democratic United Party and liberal independent *** Cheol-soo, have also expressed interest in rekindling cooperation with North Korea, an effort that may benefit from China’s support.

Her comments came during a time of intensified regional tension. China and Japan are trading barbs over a disputed archipelago and nuclear North Korea remains enigmatic.

She also called for a need to expand Seoul’s strategic partnership with ASEAN. The grouping of 10 Southeast Asian nations including the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia is Korea’s second-largest trade partner after China.

Meanwhile, following Obama’s reelection, the ruling party released a congratulatory statement, Wednesday.

It said, “We are looking forward to him leading the joint prosperity of the world with his integrated leadership. If elected, Park’s administration will reinforce its partnership with the U.S. based on mutual trust.”

Moon and *** also sent their congratulations.

Park’s communications chief, Lee Jung-hyun, sought to connect Obama’s reelection to Park’s attempt to make history. “I think, as America’s first black president reflected the nation’s will for change, Korea’s first female president will reflect political reform.”

“I believe Korean voters will choose true change on Dec. 19, as American voters did,” he added.

This is how Japanese TV show explain the Korean election.


How do you know that she is pro US/Japan and anti China/NK?
Any idea if she is pro Vietnam (that is the only thing that I am interested)?


He knows nothing about S.Korea,He even claims that China tops the most hated list in S.Korea while a recent poll in S.Korea clears shows that a whopping 44% of S.Koreans hate Japan therefore makes Japan a disputable most hated country in S.Korea, he says nothing right about S.Korea,so I guess by now everyone here knows the truth.

This is how Japanese TV show explain the Korean election.



what's on Korean TV??HAHA,since 44% of Koreans hate Japan,can a similiar image be shown on Korean TV,haha,if you are proud of having fought for Japan as Japanese soldiers during ww2,you will be killed in Korea.where in Korea do you live?
what's on Korean TV??
That broadcast clip was used extensively by leftwing media to portray Park as a pro-Japan whose election would benefit Japan immensely 6 days before the election and it had no impact.

Being pro-Japan has no real impact on one's election outcome nowadays. Being pro-NK/China does destroy one's election prospect, however.
Park Geunhye 朴槿惠.

2012-11-08 16:59
[B]Park Geun-hye to hit balance between US, China[/B]
Rep. Park Geun-hye

By Jun Ji-hye

She doesn't even mention Japan,her focus is also on China and US,the world's top two economies.

and you as nobody don't have to speak for her,cause she'd already done herself,that's seeking balanced relationship between China and US.
She doesn't even mention Japan,her focus is also on China and US,the world's top two economies.
Well, something is lost in translation.

For example, Moon promised to suspend the construction of the Jeju Naval Base, the base most threatening to China's national security because of its ability to execute the Yellow Sea naval blockade.

Park promises to continue the construction on schedule. So the Jaju Naval Base will complete as planned.
That's the party platform of her party where she's the party boss.

Her party is pro-foreign(including Vietnamese who are now no. 1 foreign brides in Korea) brides. Lots of special benefits for foreign brides. Heck, her party has a proportional parliamentary member of Filipino bride whose only merit was that she was a foreign bride.

Actually Korean are the worst grooms for Vietnamese brides. There are a number of cases where Korean husbands mistreated Vietnamese wives. Going to Korea for work is fine, but Vietnam shall stop brides going for marriage to Korea, or at least strengthen the rules.
donga.com[English donga]

Moon seeks to scrap Jeju naval base project

NOVEMBER 12, 2012 05:56

The main opposition Democratic United Party has demanded the removal of the entire budget of 290 billion won (270 million U.S. dollars) earmarked for the construction of a naval base on Jeju Island for next year. The party blocked the parliamentary defense committee from passing the budget bill Friday. Visiting Jeju Thursday, the party`s presidential candidate Moon Jae-in said, “The project to build the Jeju naval base should be halted now, and we will re-examine the content of the project in accordance with democratic procedures.” This bid spearheaded by Moon and backed by his party is intended to sway and halt the project.

A plan on the base project was finalized in June 2007, and construction began in 2010. Former President Roh Moo-hyun said at that time, “The Jeju naval base is an essential element for national defense,” thus flatly denying opposition by critics. Moon assisted Roh in making key decisions as his presidential chief of staff in 2007. In July this year, Moon also said, “The Jeju naval base is necessary to ensure national security interests.” He, however, has apparently changed his mind due to pressure by forces opposed to the project. So what did he exactly mean when he said, “I`m confident that I`m the candidate who can handle national security best,” while visiting the inter-Korean immigration office of the Donghae Railway a week before urging the suspension of the base project?
Well, something is lost in translation.

For example, Moon promised to suspend the construction of the Jeju Naval Base, the base most threatening to China's national security because of its ability to execute the Yellow Sea naval blockade.

Park promises to continue the construction on schedule. So the Jaju Naval Base will complete as planned.

ok,then you can add what you want in the translation,lol,you can even ask to be her spokesman if that job is still available ,I really don't see how a whole clearly articulated article can be termed as "lost in translation"by you,could we trust any English translations at all without your personal proofreading in the future,haha

...chinese are getting nervous :lol:

Got to hand it to the South Koreans :tup:

I have to say some Indian posters are blind here or having trouble reading official news or reports.why should China be nervous?give me a reason please.
Actually Korean are the worst grooms for Vietnamese brides.
Well, what can you do?

Rich city dudes marry Central Asian, Russian, and Japanese women.

It's the rural farmers who marry Chinese and Southeast Asian brides en mass, and this is why the conservatives support foreign brides while the leftwingers with their support bases in the cities oppose foreign bride expansion.
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