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Prison slavery in the U.S.


Jun 23, 2013
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The slave trade in the United States, despite the official abolition in 1865, is thriving today. Thanks to the commercialization of the prison system, the modern slave owners were able to trade not only blacks ... In the U.S. the number of prisoners in prison are far ahead of all other countries. Nothing like that happened in Stalin's Soviet Union (even though the heat of the confrontation between the statist Stalin and international financial clans).

The number of prisoners per capita

It was not in Hitler's Germany - in the real Hitler Germany to the real (that is, taking into account the fact that the real number of victims of the Nazis in world historical practice usually adopted to increase about ten or fifteen times ...). But if Alexander Solzhenitsyn, thought of writing a book about the American Gulag, he would not expect the Nobel Prize, and the global spitting and turning into a pariah.

This topic in detail reveals the writer Valentin Katasonov: "In the U.S., a thriving" business ", exploiting prison labor. Every 10th prisoner in this country is contained in a commercial prison. In 2010, two private prison corporations have about $ 3 billion profit. This is quite new in American life social phenomenon deserves to tell it in detail ... In the United States' commercial prisons "today concluded 230 thousand people. In American literature, this phenomenon is dubbed the "prison slavery." This refers to the use of prison labor. It should be clarified: the use of prison labor for profit by private capital (as opposed to, say, such work as cleaning areas and prison facilities, the implementation of some projects for the benefit of the state).

The privatization of prison labor in the U.S. is made in two basic forms: - Deposit state prison inmates as laborers to private companies - the privatization of prisons, turning them into private companies of various forms of property (including stock). 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits forced labor, contains a caveat: "Slavery and the forcible compulsion to work, except for punishment for a crime, duly convicted, shall exist within the United States." Thus, in American prisons slavery is legitimate. The first of these forms ("lease" prisoners) was introduced in America in the XIX century - just after the Civil War, 1861-1865. and the abolition of slavery to the direct elimination of acute shortage of cheap labor. Allocated for the freedom of slaves accused of what they owed to former owners or for petty theft and was placed in jail. Then they were "rented out" for cotton picking, railway construction, work in the mines. In Georgia, for example, in the period of 1870-1910 years. 88% of "leased" were negros in Alabama - 93%. In Mississippi, until 1972 operated a huge plantation, which used prison labor on the basis of a contract "rent." And at the beginning of the XXI century, at least 37 states have legalized the use of labor by private companies "lease" prisoners.

American researcher, the problem of "prison slavery" Vicky Pelaez in the article "The prison business in the United States: big business or a new form of slavery?" Writes: "The list of those corporations (which are" renting "the prisoners - VK) includes the most" cream "of the American corporate community: IBM, Boeing, Motorola, Microsoft, AT & T, Wireless, Texas Instrument, Dell, Compaq, Honeywell, Hewlett-Packard, Nortel, Lucent Technologies, 3Com, Intel, Northern Telecom, TWA, Nordstrom's, Revlon, Macy's, Pierre Cardin , Target Stores, and many others. All these companies are enthusiastically reacted to the rosy economic outlook, which promised a prison labor. From 1980 to 1994, profits (from the use of prison labor - VK) from 392 million up to 1 billion 31 million. " The benefit of such "cooperation" to private corporations is obvious: they pay "leased" slaves on minimum wage rates set out in the relevant state. And in some places, and below this norm. For example, in Colorado - about $ 2 per hour, which is significantly less than the minimum rate. Especially in the difficult situation the prisoners some southern states of America, where they are and to the abolition of slavery in the XIX century and continue to work on the same cotton fields. A famous medium security prison in the state of Louisiana under the name "Angola". The inmates of this prison is treated with 18 thousand acres of land on which cotton is grown, wheat, soybeans, corn.

Inmates in the "Angola" receive for the work only from 4 to 20 cents per hour. Not only that: they are left only half of the money earned, and the other half is put on the account for the payment of the prisoner at the time of release. However, out of the "Angola" units (only 3%): most of the prisoners have long terms, also from ruthless exploitation and poor conditions they are leaving early life. There are other similar prison farm in Louisiana. Only 16% of prisoners in the state are sentenced to agricultural activities. In the neighboring states - Texas and Arkansas - the proportion of such prisoners is respectively 17 and 40%. The second form of "prison slavery" - private prisons - appeared in the U.S. in the 1980s under President Ronald Reagan and then privatization of state prisons continued under Presidents George HW Bush and Bill Clinton. The first privatization of the state prison in Tennessee occurred in February 1983 venture capital firm Massey Burch Investment. According to Vicky Pelaez in the U.S. by 2008, 27 states had already 100 private prisons with 62 thousand prisoners (for comparison, in the 10 years before that - five private prisons with two thousand prisoners).

These prisons run by private 18 corporations. The largest of them - the Correctional Corporation of America (CCA) and Uokenhat (the new name of the firm - G4S); they controlled 75% of all prisoners of private prisons. Shares of CCA in 1986 began trading on the New York Stock Exchange. In 2009, its market capitalization was estimated at 2.26 billion private prison companies sign long-term concession agreement with the government in the administration of prisons. In this case, they get some money from the state for each prisoner. Payment of the prisoner is determined by the company; rates far less than the amounts paid by businesses that operate on the basis of a lease of prisoners (the first form of "prison slavery"). Fees for private prisons is sometimes equal to 17 cents per hour. For the most skilled labor do not pay more than 50 cents. In prisons, in contrast to industrial companies, there can be no talk of a strike, union activities, holidays, sick. For the "stimulus" work "prison slaves" employers promise "for the good work" to reduce the term of "his release." However, it applies a system of fines, which can actually make life imprisonment.

U.S. prison industry is based both on the direct use of private capital labor of prisoners (her "rent" or direct operation of private prisons) as well as indirect. Under the indirect use refers to the organization of production is carried out by the prison authorities and the prisoners products produced under the contract comes to private companies. The price of this product is usually much lower than the market. Determine the scope of indirect use of prison labor by private U.S. companies is difficult. There may a lot of abuse on the grounds of collusion of the state prison administration and the private company. This kind of business is usually attributed to the "shadow". According to the American press, on the basis of private prisons began to emerge, "the prison-industrial complex." He became prominent in the production of many kinds of products in the United States. Today, the U.S. prison industry produces 100% of all military helmets, uniform belts and shoulder belt, bullet-proof vests, ID cards, shirts, pants, tents, backpacks and flasks for the army of the country. In addition to military equipment and uniforms prison produces 98% of the market installation tools, 46% of bullet-proof vests, 36% of home appliances, 30% of headphones, microphones, megaphones, and 21% of office furniture, aircraft and medical equipment, and more. Vicky Pelaez The article reads: "The prison industry - one of the fastest growing industries, and its investors are on Wall Street." Referring to another source, the same author writes: "In this multi-million dollar industry has its own trade exhibitions, conventions, websites, online directories. It is direct advertising campaigns, has design and construction firms, investment funds on Wall Street, the building management firms, in food supply, and it has an armed guard and padded outer chamber. "

The rate of profit in the prison industry in the U.S. is very high. In connection with this, transnational corporations (TNCs) and decreased even disappeared incentive to transfer their production from the United States in the economically backward countries. Not even possible that the process can go in the opposite direction. Vicky Pelaez says: "Thanks to prison labor United States were once again an attractive location for investment in work that used to be the lot of Third World countries. In Mexico, located near the assembly plant was closed and transferred its operations to the prison, "San Quentin" (California). In Texas, a factory fired 150 workers and contracted with private prisons, "Lockhart", which are now going to wiring for companies such as IBM and Compaq. A member of the Oregon House of Representatives recently asked the corporation Nike hasten the transfer of production from Indonesia to Oregon, saying that "here at the manufacturer will not have problems with transportation, here we will provide a competitive prison labor. '" American business is felt that the use of their own "prison slaves" - "gold mine." Accordingly, the largest U.S. corporations have become delve into how a contingent of prisoners in U.S. custody, and do everything possible to ensure that these prisoners have been as much as possible. We believe that it is the interests of corporate business contributed to the fact that the number of prisoners in the United States grew rapidly. To quote again Vicky Pelaez: "Private hire prisoners provokes the desire to put people in jail. Prisons depend on income. Corporate stockholders who make money on the labor of prisoners sentenced lobbying for longer periods in order to provide themselves with the labor force. The system feeds itself, "- said the study of the Progressive Labor Party, which considers the prison system," an imitation of Nazi Germany in regard to forced slave labor and concentration camps. "

However, even if the prison - the state, the use of prison labor to the authorities profitable. In state prisons, the fees for prison labor is higher than in private. Inmates receive 2 - $ 2.5 per hour (excluding overtime). However, state prisons are actually on the "self-financing": half the wages of prisoners is taken from them to pay "rent" the camera and nutrition. So talk about that state prison in the United States "burden" the budget of the country, you just need to justify their transfer to private hands. Back in 1972 the U.S. had less than 300 thousand prisoners. In 1990 - already one million. Today, the United States, where there are more than 2.3 million inmates, top the list of countries by number of people in prison. That's roughly 25% of all serving time in the world (with a share of the U.S. in world population 5%). The figure 754 prisoners per 100 thousand people makes the United States the world leader and the ratio of the number of prisoners to the total population. According to the American special edition «California Prison Focus», in the history of mankind has not been a society that would keep the prison as its members. In the United States imprisoned more people than any other country - half a million more than in China, even though China's population is five times more than in the United States. The Soviet Gulag 1930. on a scale much losing the American Gulag beginning of the XXI century.

If you add to the number of prisoners of Americans who are subject to the procedures and conditional parole, it turns out that in fact covered by the system of penalties for a total of 7.3 million people, or about one fortieth resident (and one in twenty adult resident of the U.S. ). This is a contingent of "conditional" concluded a very detailed write-language American Eagle Victor, a former officer of the Bureau of Prisons Nevada. 5 million Americans who have "time", but are outside the prisons - those who do not have enough space in existing prisons. According to W. Eagle, American prisons are overcrowded - the number of their inhabitants is about 200 percent of normal. For example, as of October 2007, in California prisons were 170.6 thousand prisoners with capacity for 83 thousand in order to give an opportunity to "sit" condemned to the "maturity" Americans captors forced to prematurely release those who have already got the camera. It is not always a "liberalism" is justified, as issued to freedom again commit crimes (eg, according to W. Eagle, of the issued - 95%). The reasons for this kind of recidivism in the people coming out to freedom, but the main reason - the socio-economic nature. Employers do not want to hire an ex-con, and the last one to get a livelihood, returns to the previous path. Among outside prisons large category are the so-called home confinement. They are the ones who are under house arrest, waiting for the vacant beds in prison.

Here is a description of these "home confinement" V. Orel: "A separate category, part of the above named number (5000000 convicted of Americans who are outside the prisons - VK) - prisoners," prison "at home waiting for places in this prison. What is written below is not fiction and non fiction, and the reality of contemporary American life. In the home, "custody" of their holding electronic bracelet worn on the ankle. The sensor on the bracelet is connected directly to the console in the management of municipal police. If the "ringed" walked away from his home for more than 150 feet (30 meters), the electronic device supplies the remote alarm. This equates to an attempt to escape, and the prisoner may add jail time. Exactly the same happens if the "prison" of the house tries to remove the bracelet. The waiting time at the prison in a general term is not included. The very same waiting period is not defined. But in fact, on the one vacant bed in the prison inmates have two home waiting in line. " Corporate lobbyists are out to any violation of law punishable by imprisonment. Analysis of American law shows substantial "progress" in the relocation of American citizens from their homes and apartments in the prison cells. In particular, they seek to cancel "conditional and parole." The lobbyists have ensured that people were sentenced to prison for non-violent crimes and received lengthy prison sentences for possession of microscopic quantities of illegal substances. In New York State Anti-Drug Act of 1973 provides for the 15 years up to life imprisonment for the term of 4 ounces of any banned substance.

As noted by V. Orel, 57% of prisoners in U.S. jails for drug use. These crimes are not only there is no violence, but they are often the victims of violence. At the time, President Clinton rightly said that those who use drugs should not be punished and treated. However, these words have remained with words. U.S. authorities together with business are interested in the spread of drugs in the country, because it is a very effective way to increase the troops' prison slaves. " Corporate lobbyists have also made the adoption of laws in 13 states of the "three crimes" that include a life sentence for all three crimes (even non-violent). In the American press has published, which states that the adoption of these laws only require the construction of 25 more federal prisons. Another direction of the lobbying activities of corporations - the maximum extension of prison sentences. To do this, made various amendments to the laws. Including those which allow extending the stay of punishment in prison for any, even minor infractions of the prisoner. Private prison companies sometimes set their own "fines" in the form of lengthening sentences. Corporations seek to increase the resources of almost free labor in private prisons through the impact on the decisions of the courts. Had a wide resonance in the history of the state of Pennsylvania in 2008. Then it became known that the two judges for taking bribes received from the owners of two private prisons for juvenile offenders convicted of the most prescribed harsh sentences to ensure the content of these two prisons gratuitous labor. The total amount of bribes totaled $ 2.6 million. In order to obtain the "time" people have turned from a potential resource of slave labor in the real, you need to put them all in jail, which sorely lacking. In recent years, the prison-industrial complex of the United States is very heavily used public-private partnerships - equal participation of the federal government, state governments, and businesses in the financing of capital investments in the expansion of the American Gulag. These investments are now more effective than, for example, investing in the development of "high" technology. Judge: According to B. Eagle, the state invests in the prison system in the country (only five thousand prisons federal and state levels) annually to $ 60 billion, for a profit of 300%. Author of "The Closed World America" ​​writes: "It is terrible to think that today the U.S. is considering the prison industry as a potential future ideal state where society inmates for pennies creates benefits for the handful of those in this world." American example of the use of prison labor in the interests of private capital was "contagious." Private prisons also appeared in a number of other stations - the UK, Sweden, Estonia, Australia, and Brazil. For example, in the last-named of 17 prisons run by private owners, which provide 2% of all prisoners. In the UK, the first private prison for 400 people was opened in 1992 in the county of Yorkshire security corporation G4S. Soon, the corporation has become a leader in prison business in the UK. In 2002 it acquired the U.S. prison corporation Wackenhut, received 25% market share of the private prison industry in the USA. Next for the private prison company G4S UK - Serco. Shares of both companies were listed on the London Stock Exchange. At the end of May 2010 the capitalization of these companies was equal to, respectively, 3.67 billion and 2.97 billion pounds. Art. In Israel in 2004, a law was passed authorizing the creation of private prisons. Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev, together with the American prison corporation Emerald in 2007 began construction of a private prison with 800 seats, the building at a cost of $ 360 million in 2004 Opponents of the law have filed a protest to the Supreme Court of Israel. In November 2009, the Court issued a decision that comes down to the fact that the prison system of the country can not rely on private economic interests. Thus, the project's first private prison in Israel was "frozen". The first "pilot" projects there and in other countries. In Japan, in May 2007, opened the first 50 years of the new prison, which immediately gained the status of "private." It is designed for 1,000 people convicted of minor crimes. In Estonia, which has the highest incarceration rate in Europe (relative to the total population - 0.34), there are two private prisons. In Latvia a few years ago, the Ministry of Justice is considering construction of private prisons as a way to bring the country out of crisis. Similar projects are also discussed in Lithuania, Bulgaria, Hungary, the Czech Republic. We are witnessing the birth of "the prison of capitalism" on a global scale. "
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