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Prepare for WAR in East China Sea


Aug 27, 2013
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On December 5, a Chinese naval vessel tried to force a U.S. warship to stop in international waters in the latest instance of the growing Chinese tendency to flex their muscles. This incident comes hard on the heels of the already roiled situation in the East China Sea region where Beijing had declared a Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) on November 23, which included the Japanese-controlled, but disputed Senkaku islands, called Diayou, by the Chinese. Some alarming analysis suggests that the Chinese may not be above seeking a limited conflict in the region.


According to US officials, the guided missile cruiser USS Cowpens, was confronted by Chinese warships in the South China Sea near Beijing's new aircraft carrier Liaoning. What appears to have happened is that the US ship had been deputed to tail the Liaoning, which had been carrying out maneuvers in the East China Sea as part of Beijing's effort to brow beat Japan over the Senkaku/Diayou islands.

A Chinese navy vessel hailed the Cowpens and ordered it to stop. The ship refused and continued on its course because it was in international waters. Thereupon a Chinese tank-landing ship came directly on the path of Cowpens and stopped, forcing the American vessel to sharply change course.

The incident took place about 100 nautical miles from the Chinese coast. China's Exclusive Economic Zone, which has been defined under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Seas (UNCLOS) goes out 200 nautical miles into the sea. The US has not ratified UNCLOS, which China, Japan, India and most of the world have, but it says that it generally observes its rules. As part of these it insists on the unfettered movement of not just its merchant marine, but warships, in the EEZ. However, China has strongly opposed this interpretation noting that naval vessels' military aircraft by definition do not undertake "innocent passage." The Chinese have bridled at US intelligence and surveillance ships that keep track of Chinese maritime activity. US intelligence gathering ships like the USNS Impeccable and Victorious have faced Chinese harassment regularly over the past few years.

In this instance, there are some who believe that the Chinese may have deliberately staged the incident as part of a larger strategy against Japan and the US. Two days after the Chinese announced their new ADIZ, the US had sent two unarmed B-52 bombers to fly through the zone. However, it has advised its civilian aircraft to observe the ADIZ and give prior notification of any flights they plan through the ADIZ.


The Japanese have declared that they will not recognise the ADIZ and for their part, the Chinese have in recent days sent in their Su-30 and J-11 fighters, along with their KJ-2000 AWACS aircraft to show that they intend to monitor the airspace they have declared as part of their ADIZ.

In 1981, when Deng Xiaoping began China's opening to the world, he also enjoined the Chinese to follow what is called the 24 character strategy in its foreign and security policies: "Observe calmly; secure our position; cope with affairs calmly; hide our capabilities and bide our time; be good at maintaining a low profile; and never claim leadership."

Conversations with Chinese think tank officials reveal a certain candidness about Beijing's changed global posture which, of course, has implications for India. They say that the era of the 24 character strategy are over. Indeed, they acknowledge that, as of 2012, they have become more assertive.


However, observers say that the shift began at least five years before that in 2008 when the Chinese government ordered its marine service to begin patrolling the maritime areas claimed by China. In 2009, it asserted its expansive South China Sea claims when it submitted a map to the UN along with the U-shaped Nine Dash line that comes down to the coast of Brunei. In 2011, a Chinese ship cut the cable of a seismic survey ship. In 2012, it created a new administrative zone around the city of Sansha to have jurisdiction over the Spratly and Paracel islands. This was also the year when the Chinese issued a new passport with the map including the ridiculous Nine Dash claim.

The Chinese say that their interests in the East China sea are what bother them the most because of their proximity to the Chinese heartland. South China Sea, they insist is not a problem area of the same dimension. Beijing's unambiguous goal is to isolate Japan, divide the ASEAN and befuddle the United States. The tough stance on the Senkaku/Diayou are part of this, and the recent tour of the ASEAN by Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang showed the extent to which the Chinese are willing to go to befriend the region, minus the Philippines. Even that old and formidable adversary Vietnam is being wooed by Beijing.

As for the United States, its stand on supporting the regional nations is less than clear. It insists that it is neutral when it comes to the maritime disputes, but maintains that it will stand by its treaty allies like Japan and the Philippines in the event of a conflict. The developments in East China Sea have important implications for India because we, too, have a major border dispute with China and we have also seen a shift in Beijing's border management policy since 2008. China has been quick to say that its ADIZ only has implications for its maritime borders, but who is to say that such a maneuver could not be attempted against us?

Actually, what China is doing in the East China Sea is what it did in the Himalayas in 1962: Create and, indeed, push "facts on the ground" which compel the other side to back off, or undertake a confrontation which could lead to war. India handled things badly then; hopefully the Japanese and the Americans will be more deft.

The writer is a Contributing Editor, Mail Today and a Distinguished Fellow, ORF
If the Chinese want to be badly defeated militarily and then become economically isolated, that is their choice. They cannot take on the US and expect anything good to happen.
If the Chinese want to be badly defeated militarily and then become economically isolated, that is their choice. They cannot take on the US and expect anything good to happen.

Well according to some of the more belligerent Chinese hyper-nationalists here on PDF, China is right now already 20x more of a supah dupah powah then the USA. :cry: USA is just a 3rd world country with a really primitive military now.
If the Chinese want to be badly defeated militarily and then become economically isolated, that is their choice. They cannot take on the US and expect anything good to happen.
Your description of "future China" sounds like India in the fact.

imagine if the situation becomes worse let the names of countries be changed
china becomes nazi germany
pakistan becomes italy
bangladesh becomes hungary
and india plays role of france india will not stand a chance in the starting 2-3 years and also russia plays role of soviet union how many of u think china would be crushed on usa entering war would china play a trick like japs did to pearl harbour??????i dont know but if next world war happens it would be in asia.....:cray::cray:
Your are right.And the coming world war will be the beginning of new world order.
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All Asian countries must prepare for war-build up offensive capabilities within the next 1-5 years.War in the South China Sea is very real-The reason China is hesitating to start a war is its weakness in the air and sea. China is trying hard to acquire latest air fighter from Russia and improving its submarine capacity.TIME TO MOVE FAST>NO TIME TO PROCRASTINATE.
is this a joke or what??

USA may be way more powerful but if nuclear weapons are involved then china can destroy the usa too.

no one will ever test each other

you people have a standing army of 2.3 million but you know even china or usa will be unable to use all its infentry divisions aswell as armoured forces till date, china will be far more affective if it makes all BRICS members it allied countries, russia as well as china together becomes too much for any country to defeat even allies would be inefective in front of more than 4.3 million soldiers and if u add india then it will be 5.7 million but do u know this would a suicidal mission but if china wins then asia would become the new global kingdome and thats possible sorry guys its to much mirch and masala....

damn,i want an alliance between china,india and russia

nothing can stand in front of that
in some parts of ur thought ur right bro but think in this way, think like this.... , have u ever thought of a country which dared to stand in front of usa????? for example britain,germany,empire of japan,USSR..etc rest u know history but even united states doesnt want china to grow and wants to grow its influence in south china sea WTF, dont u think that china has full right in the region as india holds in indian ocean after all it says "EAST CHINA SEA".......think upon it

but bro china is to optimistic for its future it may lead them to self destruction....

and the words about gutz, china shows it every year, it looks so scary, their parade roads are too wide and they have so many diffrent types of potential weapons, :china::china:yes just doesnt want to trigger war with USA.....

na,don't worry

if china is rising so will we
agreed we have recently slowed down but it will change pretty soon(2-3 years)

so west should be scared not us.
Make out who its master before hitting a dog.Now we can't win American,So we should wait.
Make out who its master before hitting a dog.Now we can't win American,So we should wait.

wait as in after 15-20 years u will fight USA

no war is possible now,at the best u may have some small scale conflict with japan but i am not betting on it either.
We don't want to fight.But the Japanese are ambitious.Japan as big as Testis,If it Want to develop, should to aggression,We hate them from the bottom of my heart.
We don't want to fight.But the Japanese are ambitious.Japan as big as Testis,If it Want to develop, should to aggression,We hate them from the bottom of my heart.

and what about india??

at least u guys know india is not threat to u
OMG is china going WAR WITH usa by MADE IN CHINA WEAPONS :rofl::rofl:

if u stop using made in china stuff u won't survive even one day in my opinion

just look at all the electronics that u use,even the phone or computer with which u are typing now.
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