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Pregnant Lioness Refuses To Eat Chicken Served After UP Slaughterhouse Crackdown

i went to saudi arabia and there i saw a friend had a pet lion and mysterious part was , that the lion only eat PORK .this was a tale told by a friend name afzal khan residing in lucknow
Makes no difference.

Although I doubt KSA has boars.. considering its a desert country.

In Pak people here actually hunt boars for game.

Infact ive seen locals hunt boar (which destroys crops) and sell it or donate it to foriegners or Chinese.
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i went to saudi arabia and there i saw a friend had a pet lion and mysterious part was , that the lion only eat PORK .this was a tale told by a friend name afzal khan residing in lucknow

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The BullShit of the sickulars. These people demand murder of cows as their right and then show fake concern for Lioness.

Yogi should should and show concern for this lioness & her babies...I am sure these sickulars will demand the lioness and her babies be killed and turned into Biryani for their consumption or perhaps they prefer Kababs.
"We* [Allah] have certainly created man in the best of stature;
Then We* [Allah] return him to the lowest of the low,
Except for those who believe and do righteous deeds, for they will have a reward uninterrupted.
Kuran-i Kerim [95:4 to 6]
*Here, "We" means first person singular showing respect and authority in Arabic language. In English too King/Queen uses We to pronounce in first person singular.

SubhanAllah!! HIS servants, which includes all creation, refuse to disobey the laws set for them by their CREATOR!!!!! As for the Ehl-i Iman, is there any reason not to have Hakiki Yakin for all the sign are being made crystal clear????
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:lol: Trying to create an issue when there isn't one, expected from Huff post.

First the tunday kebabs and now this lioness sob story. Only the illegal slaughter houses have been shut, the legal ones are still functioning.
The BullShit of the sickulars. These people demand murder of cows as their right and then show fake concern for Lioness.

Yogi should should and show concern for this lioness & her babies...I am sure these sickulars will demand the lioness and her babies be killed and turned into Biryani for their consumption or perhaps they prefer Kababs.

Why is it ok to murder a chicken or a goat or rip fish from the sea and let them asphyxiate to death.

But saffron chaddis get into knots with a cow?

A cow is part of the food chain. It will be eaten.
These North Indian Hindus and their increasing hyper religiousness. No different to Taliban.
Why is it ok to murder a chicken or a goat or rip fish from the sea and let them asphyxiate to death.

But saffron chaddis get into knots with a cow?

A cow is part of the food chain. It will be eaten.

Human is part of food chain, for a lot of animals...
what differentiates humans from animals is culture & society.

The same reason why as a Hindu I must respect other religions sensitivities SHOULD be reciprocated by other religions.
Otherwise, it SHOULD be open season to do anything objectionable to other religions for all.
Human is part of food chain, for a lot of animals...
what differentiates humans from animals is culture & society.

The same reason why as a Hindu I must respect other religions sensitivities SHOULD be reciprocated by other religions.
Otherwise, it SHOULD be open season to do anything objectionable to other religions for all.

I respect your religious sensitivity with regards to cows and will.not ask you to eat one.

You know something Dinesh? I actually pity Indian cows. Thanks to Hindu goons, they are going to get slaughtered it larger numbers than otherwise normal once the goons are out of power.

The rebound backlash is inevitable. And the cows will suffer most the stupidity of their "rakshaks".

Cheers, and kudos.
Ironically india is the world's second largest beef exporter... !!?!?
I respect your religious sensitivity with regards to cows and will.not ask you to eat one.

You know something Dinesh? I actually pity Indian cows. Thanks to Hindu goons, they are going to get slaughtered it larger numbers than otherwise normal once the goons are out of power.

The rebound backlash is inevitable. And the cows will suffer most the stupidity of their "rakshaks".

Cheers, and kudos.

The point I was trying to make is now about "eating" cows.
It's the respect our culture has towards them.

You talk so callously about slaughter of something that is sensitive us when you come to power. Imagine if we Hindus did talk about reciprocating the same about something sensitive to muslims - And you have a lot of things you are sensitive about.

The lashing is not happening from our end. We neither draw cartoons nor do we insult Holy book quran or symbols that is sensitive to you, like the cow is to us...Hope you understand the meaning of fair comparison.
The point I was trying to make is now about "eating" cows.
It's the respect our culture has towards them.

You talk so callously about slaughter of something that is sensitive us when you come to power. Imagine if we Hindus did talk about reciprocating the same about something sensitive to muslims - And you have a lot of things you are sensitive about.

The lashing is not happening from our end. We neither draw cartoons nor do we insult Holy book quran or symbols that is sensitive to you, like the cow is to us...Hope you understand the meaning of fair comparison.

Bro we are Indians. With the collective wisdom of 70 years as a modern nation and pulling together. Adjusting. Not stepping on each others toes.

Now the goons are out to prove a point to avenge a centuries old grudge and butthurt. And we risk going back to flames and bloodshed.

Muslims are well aware if the sensitivities. We do not go out of our way to slaughter cows. Except maybe cull old or feeble ones.

Our beef has traditionally always come from bulls, bullocks, oxen. Rarely buffalo, which is frankly a lesser and inferior meat.

Now the goons wanting to jump on our gonads go out of their way and ban bulls and bullocks and oxen as well.

Where is the milch argument there?

And what is so special about cow milk man? Don't other animals like goats and camel and buffalo also give us milk for human consumption? Asses too.

We've all drunk our mother's milk. Period. Everything else is food chain, and will be eaten.

If the goons want to make a point and act conduct when they are in power. Expect Muslim backlash and retaliatory slaughter when they are not.

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