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PPPP smells a rat in $1.5b package


Mar 31, 2007
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PPPP smells a rat in $1.5b package

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan People's Party Parliamentarian (PPPP) has moved an adjournment motion in the Senate Secretariat to discuss whether $1.5 billion bailout package recently received by the incumbent government from a Muslim country is result of a compromise on the country's existing policy of neutrality over Syria.
PPPP Senator Farhatullah Babar on Friday moved the adjournment motion to be discussed in the next session of the Senate. "We will discuss more points on the motion when it will come in the House for discussion," Senator Farhatullah Babar said while talking to The Nation.
In a statement issued, the senator said the government's claim that national debts coming down by Rs 800 billion as a result of rupee's rising against dollar following the $ 1.5 billion bailout was most welcome but "we need to be reassured there is no quid pro quo and trade-off with a critical area of our foreign policy."
Finance Minister Ishaq Dar had stated on Wednesday last that a Muslim country gave Pakistan $1.5 billion for 'Pakistan Development Fund' but he did not wish to identify the donor country. According to the reports of international media, that Muslim country is Saudi Arabia. "The secrecy raises questions. We need to know when was the Pakistan Development Fund set up and for what purpose and what happened to the fund set up sometime back by the Friends of Democratic Pakistan," senior lawmaker of the major opposition party in the Senate said in his statement. He has further questioned that the opposition needed to know whether it was outright a grant, aid or loan and what were the terms of this package.
He said that Syria had the potential of becoming Afghanistan of the Middle East and warned against any misadventure by changing course disregarding the catastrophic experience in Afghanistan next door. It would be a mistake of monumental proportions if they allowed themselves to be sucked into the web of regional power politics in the Middle East.
He said that the alarm bells first rang by reports last month that a Muslim country was in talks with Pakistan for supply of anti-aircraft and anti-tank rockets to Syrian rebels.
He said that doubts lingered as the joint statement issued after the visit of a dignitary from the Middle East last month called for regime change in Syria as the joint statement called for the "formation of a transitional governing body with full executive powers enabling it to take charge of the affairs of the country."
He also disputed the assertion of Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to PM on National Security and Foreign Affairs, that this formulation in the joint statement was in accordance with the recent Geneva 1 Accord over Syria. He said that the Geneva 1 joint communiqué stressed ending violence and human rights abuses and "launch of a Syrian-led political process leading to a transition that meets the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people." There is a sea of difference between a 'political process leading to a transition' as envisaged in Geneva 1 Accord and 'formation of transitional governing body with full executive powers' as stated in the joint statement and there is an ominous ring to it, he said.
Meanwhile, Leader of opposition in the National Assembly, Syed Khursheed Shah, on Friday raised questions about the status of obtained $1.5 billion, which caused fluctuation in dollar's rate from Rs 108 to Rs 98.
"We have not been told that either this is a grant or a loan. People want to know the magic wand of the economic giants through which this gimmick is being done," said the opposition leader in statement issued here.
He said the government was also unable to tell reasons behind this rapid fall of the dollar. Reportedly, the Prime Minister obtained $1.5 billion from Saudi Arabia on personal guarantee, he said, adding that they were not informed about the status of this obtained money. He said the fluctuation in dollar's rate from Rs 108 to Rs 98 and then again to Rs 100 within a week was very perplexing both for economic experts and the people of the country. "We are afraid this amount has links with the Syrian situation and a very vital project for the economic uplift of the country i.e. Pak-Iran gas pipeline project. The government has also put the pipeline project on the backburner," he said, adding that State Bank was injecting millions of dollars in open market on daily basis and this action was affecting country's exports.
He stressed that the government should avoid artificial economic boom and take measures to strengthen country's economy on solid and consistent basis because consistency in progress alone could ensure economic prosperity.
PPPP is just bitter about what Ganjas has done in less then a year, they couldn't do in 5 years. Pathetic losers, even south punjab will never support them again. Interior Sindh need to vote Ganjas or PTI next time if they need to see any improvement.
PPPP is just bitter about what Ganjas has done in less then a year, they couldn't do in 5 years. Pathetic losers, even south punjab will never support them again. Interior Sindh need to vote Ganjas or PTI next time if they need to see any improvement.

PPP had all the riches of Musharraf, but they still took billions after billions from IMF, which didn't helped in improving the situation of rupee, which declined its value from 45/$ to 97/$, they also received all the aid money of earth quake relief and flood relief.
In Sindh PPP still have govt., they should better put their focus their, instead telling us what they smell from the deals with KSA.
Clearly, a racist approach from Mr.Shah, he better remember the words of his leader Yousaf Reza, who once said to his critiques 'leave Pakistan'.

Undoubtedly, PPP is a traitor party and their history shows it.
PPP had all the riches of Musharraf, but they still took billions after billions from IMF, which didn't helped in improving the situation of rupee, which declined its value from 45/$ to 97/$, they also received all the aid money of earth quake relief and flood relief.
In Sindh PPP still have govt., they should better put their focus their, instead telling us what they smell from the deals with KSA.
Clearly, a racist approach from Mr.Shah, he better remember the words of his leader Yousaf Reza, who once said to his critiques 'leave Pakistan'.

Undoubtedly, PPP is a traitor party and their history shows it.

Sindhis has been taken advantage by Punjabi Arain bhuttos and Baloch sardars. Muslim Sindhi stayed backward in hands of elite muslims. While hindu sindhi was urban and educated, they all left for India in 1947. Sindhis need to wake up and stop votting punjabis bhuttos. Time to test punjabi ganjas for once.
Sindhis has been taken advantage by Punjabi Arain bhuttos and Baloch sardars. Muslim Sindhi stayed backward in hands of elite muslims. While hindu sindhi was urban and educated, they all left for India in 1947. Sindhis need to wake up and stop votting punjabis bhuttos. Time to test punjabi ganjas for once.

Biggest charities in Sindh are from Punjabis. There is zero effort from Sindhis themself.
On the otherhand, Sindh is Pakistan and if some Punjabi take advantage than he should be arrested instead of getting elected.
1.5B $ is enough to fund whole IP pipeline! But who cares, our policy has shifted now.
1.5B $ is enough to fund whole IP pipeline! But who cares, our policy has shifted now.
yes friend,
thats the real reason been paid in cash by saudi,s to NAWAZ.
but mark my words, it isnt going to last long?
if been put in, to the gas pipeline , this ammount we can get every 6, months periid ?
but then if , we become sekf sufficiant , will it be in the interts of NAWAZ, SAUDI,S & IMF largly?
1.5B $ is enough to fund whole IP pipeline! But who cares, our policy has shifted now.

What IP pipeline? It was IPI pipe line! and the deal was rejected by India, due to cheap gas available from other sources.
This pipeline is hanging since last 10 years, and you sensed policy shift so late!
if been put in, to the gas pipeline , this ammount we can get every 6, months periid ?

If this is the case than it should be invested in pipeline... but i have different info. the gas deal was carrying huge kickback for Zardari and tribe.

The deal its self was not made public... not even the price, than how can we calculate any thing?

If the deal was so lucrative, Zardari should have marketed it, rather than holding it close to his heart.

Fund IP? For what? More sanctions?

We should fund IP but there should be a logic behind it.
Even today two pipelines are blown up by the BRA trained by Indians and politically supported by Judiciary, and Asma Jehangir.
If this is the case than it should be invested in pipeline... but i have different info. the gas deal was carrying huge kickback for Zardari and tribe.

The deal its self was not made public... not even the price, than how can we calculate any thing?

If the deal was so lucrative, Zardari should have marketed it, rather than holding it close to his heart.

We should fund IP but there should be a logic behind it.
Even today two pipelines are blown up by the BRA trained by Indians and politically supported by Judiciary, and Asma Jehangir.
zardari made that deal under preasure of ISI, cause behind that deal was super ASIAN countries like china, russia were standing?
america & its saudi allies, are in grip of fear that if , that economic block ever come into bieng , thier value & wealth & power will fall for, sure?
calculation can be done, its not impossible, just get the crunt gas prices in the world then the ammount, which could pakistan get?
basicly ZARDARI has no , pain NAWAZ ending this deal, cause his masters were the same who made him president of pakistan from no where?
Economicly & defencivly IRAN is a clear & present danger to ISRAEL, KSA, AMERICA & they never wanted to see, PAKISTAN , IRAN ,CHINA, RUSSIA joinning hands & sharring trade togather?
tht day it happens, the same day would be the END of AMERICAN RAJ in asia?
@batmannow you are forgetting, India was the first one to get out of the deal and there was no ISI pressure on Zardari, however, there was another type of pressure, which enable Iran to win nuclear secrets of Pakistan, read Pervez Musharraf's book for accounts on it.
Rest no one knows any details of the deal, what is the intended use of the Iranian gas?

Anyhow, what ever would be its advantages, but it will not be allowed that Iranian company building the pipeline inside Pakistan, its our money it should be given to locals not Iran, who themselves hire Indian labor in thousands, because they do not trust their own people.

Have you read the news of sabotage attempt on Iran nuclear facility? this is the state of affairs inside Iran and this is why Iran import Indians for all of sensitive projects.

How Zardari become president is an open episode... it was the layers movement, combined with PTI long march, first demanding reinstatement and later demanding resignation of PM.
If US is involved, than we can conveniently say it was also controlling both movements, which were cherished by many members of this forum and i don't think PTI who apparently have very anti US stance would agree with you.
@batmannow you are forgetting, India was the first one to get out of the deal and there was no ISI pressure on Zardari, however, there was another type of pressure, which enable Iran to win nuclear secrets of Pakistan, read Pervez Musharraf's book for accounts on it.
Rest no one knows any details of the deal, what is the intended use of the Iranian gas?

Anyhow, what ever would be its advantages, but it will not be allowed that Iranian company building the pipeline inside Pakistan, its our money it should be given to locals not Iran, who themselves hire Indian labor in thousands, because they do not trust their own people.

Have you read the news of sabotage attempt on Iran nuclear facility? this is the state of affairs inside Iran and this is why Iran import Indians for all of sensitive projects.

How Zardari become president is an open episode... it was the layers movement, combined with PTI long march, first demanding reinstatement and later demanding resignation of PM.
If US is involved, than we can conveniently say it was also controlling both movements, which were cherished by many members of this forum and i don't think PTI who apparently have very anti US stance would agree with you.
300 million usd ? PTI media?
no , sir im telling you the things, that are in red files, even i cant tell you more?
ISI was very vocal in neutrilizing ISRAELI attempts in india to attack pakistan,s nuclear sites?
hope you remember that?
IRAN is pakistan,s natural allies against ISRAEL?
& IRAN doesnt works with any one on its nuclear sites?
it was said in the world, that the iranian nucler bomb design , is vry much simmilar to pakistani design, & A Q KHAN shb , was blammed for its copy to IRAN?
just i can tell you that?
ZARDARI was under preasure from ISI, which wanted yo show allies, that it can turn thier tables any time it want, & they showed it ?
Biggest charities in Sindh are from Punjabis. There is zero effort from Sindhis themself.
On the otherhand, Sindh is Pakistan and if some Punjabi take advantage than he should be arrested instead of getting elected.
That is interesting. Because in India, Sindhis are one of the more active groups when it comes to enterprise and charity. They have no real homeland(there are Sindhis in India but no Sindh), but they made every place they lived theirs, in a good way by participation.
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