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Power crisis: India faces a shortage of 17,000 MW

Why is Windjammer sooo concerned whether India has power or not? Does he intend becoming the power minister here?

He is also terribly concerned about poverty in India. Does he intend becoming the minister for poverty alleviation here?

He also is awfully concerned about the lack of toilets in India. Does he intend becoming the Welfare minister here?

He's also critical of the slums in India. Does he intend becoming the slum development minister here?

No? Then it's intriguing why a Pakistani should be so concerned. But we appreciate his sentiments. :cheesy:

PDF is known to have Administrators, Mods, Think Tanks etc. but when did the need for a blather queen arise. :laugh:
When I was a child, I met power cut too, especially when watching TV series, then f u c k i ng
the gor
India has power problems. Agree. It will be covered in 1/2 years
Indian railways are consuming a lot of electricity and that consumption will increase in near future as electrification process in speeding up.

off topic : BTW did Pakistan railway get engins :D don't bother to reply :D I know the answer
Not sure about other states.....it's getting worse here in the North West :hitwall: From the last two days it's been nearly 10 hours of power cuts.With mercury crossing the 48 mark and no air conditioning,life is like hell :guns:

Note sure why paddy crop was introduced in Punjab and Haryana....it's not Bangladesh or South India where rainfall is plenty.

Water, power crisis looming for Punjab, Haryana
CHANDIGARH: Punjab and Haryana are heading towards a major power and water crisis as water level at the Bhakra and Pong dams has hit an alarming low.
Not sure about other states.....it's getting worse here in the North West :hitwall: From the last two days it's been nearly 10 hours of power cuts.With mercury crossing the 48 mark and no air conditioning,life is like hell :guns:

Note sure why paddy crop was introduced in Punjab and Haryana....it's not Bangladesh or South India where rainfall is plenty.

Water, power crisis looming for Punjab, Haryana
You can say thanks to FREE ELECTRICITY.
Not sure about other states.....it's getting worse here in the North West :hitwall: From the last two days it's been nearly 10 hours of power cuts.With mercury crossing the 48 mark and no air conditioning,life is like hell :guns:

Note sure why paddy crop was introduced in Punjab and Haryana....it's not Bangladesh or South India where rainfall is plenty.

Water, power crisis looming for Punjab, Haryana

You can thank the bankrupt state electricity boards.
You can say thanks to FREE ELECTRICITY.
Free Electricity <> Dam Water Levels :confused:

You can thank the bankrupt state electricity boards.
Read somewhere that the infrastructure doesn't support purchase of more than 4500 MW of electricity neither is the central grid selling more than that and nor do the government has money for it :rofl: So it's a multi-layered problem :hang2:

*chali gayi*
Chandigarh has no Power cuts...i experience a sudden bout of voltage fluctuation yesterday but nothing much happened.

Chandigarh households are is paying approximately 4.20 per unit.

Power cuts are happening in places where the electricity is subsidized eg Kashmir.

Subsidization should be eliminated ...

i like the new proposal for subsidization for low income households by monitoring the units consumed per month.
and we have 21000MW installed capacity while demand is only 18000 MW in peak times.
A mammoth 80,000 MW power generation capacity is under construction during the 12th Five Year Plan period ending March 31, 2017, Power Minister Sushilkumar Shinde told the Rajya Sabha today.

He said during Question Hour that 21,000 MW of electricity generation capacity was added during 10th Plan period against the target of 42,000 MW.

For the 11th Five Year Plan (2007-12), a target of 78,775 MW was set which was revised to 62,000 MW during mid-term appraisal. The actual capacity addition was 55,000 MW.

"In the 12th Plan, 80,000 MW of generation capacity is under construction," he said adding the nation currently has an installed capacity to generate 194,000 MW of electricity.

Replying to another question, Shinde said that in 2011-12 20,400 MW power generation capacity was added, which was much higher than the projection of 17,000 MW.

He said re-structured Accelerated Power Development Programme was approved as a Central sector scheme on July 31, 2008 with total outlay of Rs 51,577 crore.

"The focus of the programme is on actual, demonstrable performance in terms of Aggregate Technical and Commercial (AT&C) loss reduction," he said.

Projects under the scheme are taken up in two parts. Part-A is for establishing IT enabled system for energy accounting/auditing and SCADA for big cities whereas Part-B is for upgradation and strengthening of electrical network.

He said 43 projects with a total cost of Rs 4495.82 crore were sanctioned for Bihar under the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY).

"Under RGGVY, funds are not allocated upfront but are disbursed as per the progress of works. So far, subsidy of Rs 3475.39 crore has been disbursed as per the progress," he said.

He said free electricity connections have been provided to 194.25 lakh below poverty line households under RGGVY in the last three years.

80,000 MW power generation capacity under construction: Govt - Indian Express

@ thread starter

hamari fikar mat karo
and we have 21000MW installed capacity while demand is only 18000 MW in peak times.

U really don't have any idea about functioning of a power plant do you ? :lol:

Installed capacity hardly reflects ground realities.. Check the largest power generation stations' installation time etc.. if it is more than 15 years chances are that it would be operating at no more than 60-70% of it's capacity. And if it is older than that, it won't be operating at more than 50% for sure..

Also the existence of a grid plays a major role in power distribution. INDIA has I will say one of the best overhead power distribution grids in the world. Plans are for upgrading it to a full fledged national grid from Regional grids. What can you say about existence of grids in your country :wave:

Having said that, INDIA has added 20500 MW of electricity generating units last year itself. Just to show you the magnitude of the number, it is equal to the installed capacity in your entire country.. So again. stop worrying about us.. :wave:

Meanwhile if we manage to augment our production by anywhere near to that amount this year as well.. all our power cuts will be gone by next year. Now compare that to your condition !! :cheesy:
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