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Poverty Leads to Wife sharing among Indians to cut costs

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in your opinion, should a women be required to wear a Hijab? and have the freedom to choose who to marry, no matter the other guy's faith. what if the female is 'gay' (lesbian), is that acceptable?

Why don't you PM him and ask his "personal opinion" ?
Why is it that Indians on this forum subscribe to the "offense is the best defense" ideology when responding to criticism. The reason i posted this was to invite some introspection for a change.

As for my remark about 150 million women missing in India's population, though being accurate, was said rather tongue in cheek.
read the article before posting man, it says they're doing it for economical reasons, this has nothing to do with female infanticide or abortion. Even the title says so, pay attention man and don't get side tracked by your emotions.

do you honestly think India is short of 150 million females? and why isn't this the biggest story on earth?

also:(so I can understand your thought process)

in your opinion, should a women be required to wear a Hijab? and have the freedom to choose who to marry, no matter the other guy's faith. what if the female is 'gay' (lesbian), is that acceptable?

i didnt say they did this because of female infanticide, but i just mentioned maybe that's the reason why many people are not bothered about female infanticide. plz read my post properly, before making assumptions about my emotions. your post, instead betrays your emotions.

of course i believe everybody has a clear choice to be whatever they wish to be, straight, gay, bi, or a loner brahmachari. However, i do have the right to consider some forms of relationships better than others.

I believe that children brought up in an environment with married mother and father, is the ideal family unit. You may disagree with that, but that's your prerogative, and I respect that.

However, all we ask is to have respect for our values too.
All the posts, posted by Vinod are deleted. Thats not how your going to approach the topic. If you continue to engage in such a manner, your posts will continue to be deleted.

This is joke, you have deleted all posts by Vinod, but many people have replied to him and people can read all his deleted posts, so your excercise is futile.

Another thing, while deleting posts you did not give any reason , though AM, Neo and other Admins always give reasons.

I do not have any authority to ask question with Admins, but just raising voice, and do not expect any reply from admins.

I am muslim and asking a question to every one. If a man can have more than one wife then what is the problem with wife can have more than one husband??????? Moral values?????? WOW..

Though I am firm believer of single marriage.....
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i didnt say they did this because of female infanticide, but i just mentioned maybe that's the reason why many people are not bothered about female infanticide. plz read my post properly, before making assumptions about my emotions. your post, instead betrays your emotions.

of course i believe everybody has a clear choice to be whatever they wish to be, straight, gay, bi, or a loner brahmachari. However, i do have the right to consider some forms of relationships better than others.

I believe that children brought up in an environment with married mother and father, is the ideal family unit. You may disagree with that, but that's your prerogative, and I respect that.

However, all we ask is to have respect for our values too.

yeah, my bad, re-read your post.

If no one cared about female infanticide, why would it be illegal? They have many, many, organizations that work to prevent female abortions and the like.

All this comes back to the same old story, poverty and illiteracy.

We're working on it.

oh yeah, I agree about the ideal family unit and all. Gay people are OK in my book too, did you know that we can now actually 'engineer' flies of a certain sexual orientation? yeah, that's right, gay flies! the miracles of genetic engineering!!
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yeah, my bad, re-read your post.

If no one cared about female infanticide, why would it be illegal? They have many, many, organizations that work to prevent female abortions and the like.

All this comes back to the same old story, poverty and illiteracy.

We're working on it.

statistics show that one of the worst hit areas in terms of female infanticde and abortion is Punjab, one of the least poor states in Bhaarat. It is also very prevalent in the urban middle classes, who actually have access to ultrasound technology to make the decision to abort in the first place.

The "doctors" who use ultrasound to detect girl foetuses are also not poor or unedecuated, nor are the educated middle classes who are part of this trend.

Just by making something illegal in "LOK Sabha" doesn't mean you get to shirk your responsibility. The fact is, that nothing concrete has been done to remedy teh situation.
Does this happen only in that specific village or does this also happen in other villages aswell?. I think this is a wrong practice, it is amazing how one woman can handle two men at the same time, must be tough for her when there are arguments and she's stuck in the middle.

The daughter seems to have thought it over prefering one man, but she's also faithfull to her tradition. Must be a tough decision for her later.
I must admit, that before I read this news, I was aware of this practice in northern Bhaarat, especially the states of PUnjab, Haryana, HImachal pradesh. I was assured by some PUnjabi Bhaarati friends such practices have long died out, and it doesn't happen anymore.

However, from the report it seems that it is still prevalent, and may be endemic to the region.

If this is a part of their culture and beliefs, then so be it. Muslims do not shy away from polygamy and accept that although not ideal, it can be done under certain circumstances.

Why can our Bhaarati friends then not accept that polyandry is a part of their culture and heritage and practice, just as polygamy is part of ours.

After all, the Mahabharat tells us that the five pandav brothers were married to Draupadi? So if it was socially acceptable then, why have qualms about it now?
All the posts, posted by Vinod are deleted. Thats not how your going to approach the topic. If you continue to engage in such a manner, your posts will continue to be deleted.

Of course, you get the delete option being the admin.

And if you see it, you are going to use it.

This is not the first thread on this topic, though it is the one that started with false and the most scandalous statistics (more some made up number though I am sure its not DS that made it up, he must have heard/read it in some groups and jumped to accept it uncritically, this being what he would like to believe) and posting that sacrilege without a single supporting evidence.

If that is the approach you want to take in this thread, bye from me to this thread.

Why is it that Indians on this forum subscribe to the "offense is the best defense" ideology when responding to criticism. The reason i posted this was to invite some introspection for a change.

As for my remark about 150 million women missing in India's population, though being accurate, was said rather tongue in cheek.

A rather appropriate topic for some fun, good going!
Of course, you get the delete option being the admin.

And if you see it, you are going to use it.

This is not the first thread on this topic, though it is the one that started with false and the most scandalous statistics (more some made up number though I am sure its not DS that made it up, he must have heard/read it in some groups and jumped to accept it uncritically, this being what he would like to believe) and posting that sacrilege without a single supporting evidence.

If that is the approach you want to take in this thread, bye from me to this thread.


Before you leave this thread vinodh, let me assure you that I did not pluck this number out of thin air, but it is my own research based upon published figures widely available.

India's population stands at approximately 1,2 billion at the moment.

According to the Lancet report in 2006, which used data from the official india census, it was estimated that the Bhaaratiya female-to-male sex ratio fell from 945 per 1000 in 1991 to 927 per 1000 in 2001. They used this study to estimate 10 million girls were killed during that decade.

It is now 2008, and calculating the rate of fall in teh sex ration, it can safely be assumed that it now stands at around 905 females, per 1,000 men.

For an estimated population of 1.2 billion, this comes to a shortage of 114 million women in the Repuplic of India. 114 million women short now, so who knows how many millions more have been killed in the last century?

Now considering how the census of India actually doesn't reach the whole country, and the emigration of single male workers to the middle east, europe and USA, it can be safely assumed that the real figure of women shortage is around 150 million.

Even if it is slightly below that, it is still a shocking statistic. My heart bleeds for the innocents aborted, and the female infanticide still common in some places.

The lancet study in 2006 also said stated this practice is more common among wealthy and educated families, rather than poor, illiterate ones. So please don't hide behind the excuse of poor education and access to facilities.

It is time our Bhaaratiya friends owned up to this problem, and did something about it.

This is joke, you have deleted all posts by Vinod, but many people have replied to him and people can read all his deleted posts, so your excercise is futile.

Another thing, while deleting posts you did not give any reason , though AM, Neo and other Admins always give reasons.

I do not have any authority to ask question with Admins, but just raising voice, and do not expect any reply from admins.

I am muslim and asking a question to every one. If a man can have more than one wife then what is the problem with wife can have more than one husband??????? Moral values?????? WOW..

Though I am firm believer of single marriage.....

This is how its going to be. Moderators or Admins dont have to give reason for anything. However, i did give reason with a dedicated post. The replies were forced by Vinods posts and how he approached the topic. As for you telling me what is a joke and what is not. Needs to look at himself who is posting "thanks" on posts which are inciting flames based on the posters flags.

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