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Post Ratings


Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
United States
Suggest, what should be removed...

What should be negative, neutral or positive..

Ok so here is what we have.

Like - when you like a post.
Dislike - when you dont like a post
Agree - when you agree with the post
Disagree - when you disagree with the post
Informative - when you find a post informative
Good Defence - good reply to a post in a debate.
Winning!! - user is winning in debate.
Useful - when you find a post/a picture useful.
Funny - when you think a post is funny, should be used in Funny & Stupid thread.
Award - when you think a user has won the debate, or simply a great reply or post.
Flame - when you know a user is trying to create a flame war.
Meh - not impressed by the post/reply.
Chill Pill - when user is ranting, you want to tell him to chill.
Reported - notify the user that you have reported the post.
What The?? - reserved for those idiotic/retarded posts.
Optimistic - for those wish list and dream scenarios in military debates... that are probably not gonna happen.
Nuke Post - when you think the post should be deleted.
Face Palm - when you think the post is dumb, the user is dumb or user is posting out of context.. or didn't get you.
Old Post - the thread/post created is old. Don't give it for re-posting of pictures or just references.
Bad Spelling - user is improperly posting, using text language, you can't understand or bad English
Lock Thread - when you think the thread should now be locked....
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Why the negative and postive options if you don't mind me asking?
The new options are just superb and utterly necessary.Especially the last one.:D

On a serious note,the dumb option would keep the dedicated trolls on check I think and it is a very good move to keep disagree button as well.Much needed. Thanks @WebMaster.
1.Like/dislike and agree/disagree are almost same.

2.Other options are not so much needed IMO other than an Informative and an Useless option
@WebMaster on a more serious note, I think some of the options are repetitive and redundant, specially the positive ones.

Like, Agree, Informative, Useful, Winner can all fall under the "like" options. I mean we like a particular post because we find it useful or informative or if we agree with it. So my suggestion would be to get rid of "Agree", "Informative". "Useful" and "Winner"

Ditto with Disagree and Dislike, we need just one of them, cause they are essentially the same. If we have to discourse and disagree with someone's point of view, we can use words to express it.

Please consider removing "Friendly", no offence but thats just gay, and there is no place for it on a defence forum.

Rest we can keep to make this place a bit more interesting.
Whats up with the truck load of ratings? It makes the forum look childish! Just the like/dislike and informative are enough IMO.

Oh and a rating of "Troll Post" is much needed. (don't know if any existing rating means the same thing)
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