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Popular YouTuber held for killing girlfriend's brother who 'came in the way'

They are crack addicts with Nizamul khan as their sponsor.

I hope you know how drug addicts behave.

It says only one is a drug addict and thats amit.

Nowhere does the article say sumit is a crack addict.

Are you faking stories again or are you going to distrubute a certificate of deshdrohi for sumit claiming he belongs to SC/ ST hence not a hindu.
. .
An indian kilĺing another indian..........not our concern.
It says only one is a drug addict and thats amit.

Nowhere does the article say sumit is a crack addict.

Are you faking stories again or are you going to distrubute a certificate of deshdrohi for sumit claiming he belongs to SC/ ST hence not a hindu.

It gives you an idea about the company he keeps.
. . .
LOL. There is no such thing as a "true hindu" :lol:

The article doesnt mention sumit taking drugs. As usual your making stories to support your narrative.

All I see is a hindu helping a musalman to kill a hindu.

And if we were to judge, smear and twist this into a religious shenagin like you love to do.... Id say the hindu gf is also involved in getting her hindu brother killed.
Maybe you should hold on to your objectivity since I never made the claim of love jihad in this thread.

Its clear who is losing objectivity in their eagerness to whitewash the murder due to the religion of the murderer.
So what’s the point of invoking religion? And what’s with the cherry-picking of crimes, and while quoting, selectively highlighting the names to suit a narrative while leaving out other details such as the name of the accomplice. Where’s your objectivity? Why are you trying to force fit a narrative?
Who is trying to whitewash anything? It’s a murder and should be dealt as a murder should be. I, unlike you,quite like the law and its upholders. You can sing praises of your Gau ralshaks but violence in a democracy should be monopolised by the state
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@Gadkari hit wicket lol

Islam wasn't to blame for this one, guy just happened to be Muslim.

looks like a fairly regular crime of passion, sadly.

never heard of this guy though, and I follow a few bike/riding channels on youtube.
. .
So what’s the point of invoking religion? And what’s with the cherry-picking of crimes, and while quoting, selectively highlighting the names to suit a narrative while leaving out other details such as the name of the accomplice. Where’s your objectivity? Why are you trying to force fit a narrative?
Who is trying to whitewash anything? It’s a murder and should be dealt as a murder should be. I, unlike you,quite like the law and its upholders. You can sing praises of your Gau ralshaks but violence in a democracy should be monopolised by the state

These crimes show a consistent pattern.

Targeting of Hindu girls. And if her relatives object, KILL THEM.

What is the need to "force fit" when the Narrative is crystal clear for anybody with an objective view of things.

Why are you objecting to me exposing this pattern ? If anything you should be the one thanking me for exposing this rot and reforming your community.

But You choose the defend the indefensible and end up with egg on your face.
@Gadkari hit wicket lol

Islam wasn't to blame for this one, guy just happened to be Muslim.

looks like a fairly regular crime of passion, sadly.

never heard of this guy though, and I follow a few bike/riding channels on youtube.

Follows the patter of Muslim guy targeting Hindu women and killing her relatives when they object.

How is this a "crime of passion" ? This was a pre planned MURDER.

LOL at your desperate attempt at trying to convert a First degree Murder to a "crime of passion" :lol:
These crimes show a consistent pattern.

Targeting of Hindu girls. And if her relatives object, KILL THEM.

What is the need to "force fit" when the Narrative is crystal clear for anybody with an objective view of things.

Why are you objecting to me exposing this pattern ? If anything you should be the one thanking me for exposing this rot and reforming your community.

But You choose the defend the indefensible and end up with egg on your face.
Your post that started this thread doesn’t seem to imply anything even remotely close to what you have written above, which is what my point is. You are using a very broad brush to define the template.
Which community do you think I belong to?
There is no egg on anyone’s face, it’s just an Internet forum, relax.
Your post that started this thread doesn’t seem to imply anything even remotely close to what you have written above, which is what my point is. You are using a very broad brush to define the template.
Which community do you think I belong to?
There is no egg on anyone’s face, it’s just an Internet forum, relax.

One story can never show a pattern, it can only reconfirm the patter based on previous stories.

Here is another example,

Now go take your own advice and learn to accept the news without hyperventilating and name calling.
My last mistress by a married Indian Hindu women, she used to tell me her attraction to pakistani men started from college. It was alot of fun whilst it lasted

Thankfully she left her impotent but rich Indian husband and is now with a Jamaican man.
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