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Pollice was informed about a possible RAW attack


Nov 11, 2007
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Home department’s security plan not followed
By Intikhab Hanif

LAHORE: Though government officials were reluctant to admit, it appears that the police did not follow the plan prepared by the home department for the security of the Sri Lankan team.

Security agencies had informed the Punjab police chief on January 22 that the Indian spy agency RAW could attack the Sri Lankan team in Lahore to avenge the Mumbai attack.

The home department had received a copy of the circular and immediately asked police to work out a plan keeping the information provided in the circular in mind to avert any mishap, Home Secretary Nadeem Hasan Asif told Dawn.

A RAW attack on the Sri Lankan team was one of several threats mentioned in the letter by security agencies, he said.

He said the department had indicated possible threats to the safety of the Sri Lankan team before its arrival here and provided guidelines to police on ways of protecting it.

It was yet to be seen whether the security arrangements matched the advice given by the department, Asif said.

He said he had made it clear in a meeting held on Jan 16 that the Test series should be taken as a rehearsal for the safety of the Champions Trophy likely to be held in Pakistan.

‘I had mentioned that the threat perception is quite different from the previous years, which requires maximum alert and state of preparedness for all concerned. I had also mentioned that the event should be used for image-building of Pakistan in general and of Punjab in particular,’ he said.

He said a high-level committee formed under Additional IG Salahuddin Niazi to probe into the incident had also been asked to check whether the security for the team matched the home department guidelines.

He admitted that luck played an important role in the safety of the Sri Lankan team, because a rocket fired on their bus missed the target and said that the assailants who were armed to the teeth had failed to achieve their objectives because of retaliation by police.

They had more ammunition and deadly weapons than held by the Mumbai assailants.

Police were providing a ‘box security ring’, covering the team’s bus from the front, rear, right and left. They retaliated after the terrorists hit the police vehicle.

The home secretary said the terrorists did not strike just to create a scare.

They were out to carry out large-scale killings like in Mumbai, but they could not implement their plan because of adequate security. ‘Our people protected the Sri Lankan team,’ he said.

Punjab Chief Secretary Naguibullah Malik said the Sri Lankan team was provided VVIP security, which was not given to the Pakistan team. The officials concerned properly rescued the Sri Lankans, took the injured to the hospital and provided transport for taking them to the airport from the Qadhafi Stadium.

When asked if a security lapse could have taken place because of the recent administrative reshuffle in Lahore police, he said it could not happen. ‘Transferred officials do not take away with them institutional memory, especially of this kind.’
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Though many people don't like to admit it, people in India do blame Pakistan's agencies for Mumbai, and the loss in money it has and will cause.

The choice of an economic target, such as cricket was never before used. But after Mumbai, which was an economic target, it would appear that RAW has decided to target international cricketers - rogue elements, naturally.
there should be large scale *** kicking in dept of police
It would be incorrect to say that RAW planned it.It is clear there was no one following them due to fear or pre-planned.They went on motorcycles.Now let me explain this point.No terrrorist would like to use bikes as they can be easily shooted from behind if any police was following them.So was it that they knew no body would be following them.Otherwise why did they used bikes.It clearly was done by ISI to defame RAW and divert attention from Mumbai.
there should be large scale *** kicking in dept of police

Bahi, it was not the police at fault. Rather it was the eintre security aparatus, security orders for such issues come from the Ministry of interior who passes on the request to home ministry (punjab) who then relays this to the IG of the province (punjab).

The security was very poor i will not defend that, but you cannot say that the police are to blame, this was a failure of agencies to integrate and interact to thwart this savage crime.

I am shocked that there were no Special Branch units attached to this duty... This is why we witnessed what happened. The bus only had a pilot provided by (City Traffic Police -Lahore), 2 Squads of Elite Force provided by City Police Station, Lahore.

There was no route protection, no survailance detection, no traffic management, and i can go on... But the fact of the matter is, we failed to provide adequate cover to these guests of our country and the external forces used this weakness to their advantage.

6 Guards? That is not even a full squad, what a waste of life...
What ever this is, I asure u that RAW is behind that n soon every thing would be clear.
Pakistani police captured 3 people involved in those attacks sponsored by Indian Agencies (Express News).

Lets see wt will happen with India now
roadrunner said:
The choice of an economic target, such as cricket was never before used. But after Mumbai, which was an economic target, it would appear that RAW has decided to target international cricketers - rogue elements, naturally.
Different thread, same crappy "argument", which is also self contradictory. On one hand you are convinced that India will be the beneficiary of a financial bonanza after the demise of (an already defunct) Pakistani cricketing structure at the hands of RAW; yet somehow you seem to overlook the simple fact that killing famous Sri Lankan cricketers will actually result in far greater financial losses for Indian cricket given how much money they generate for the IPL. Furthermore, as expected, this event seems to have put the IPL itself at risk (a sporting franchise where the growth structure isn't imaginary). By all objective and sane standards, it is clear that the financial burdens of regional terrorism are far greater for India than Pakistan.

Funnily enough, the party who will get emotional satisfaction and perhaps some monetary benefit from all of this is the ECB. Perhaps you should now construct a conspiracy theory about that... the MI5 carried out this attack because they want to reclaim ECB's lost glory and re establish their greatest colony. Lets call it the Charles-Gupta fact.
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