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Poll shows Indians support CIA's murderous drone strikes

"In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking"

I'm from PHILLY, and to be honest, Delaware is like the 2nd smallest state in the U.S., I don't have ANY accent and I go to 7/11 AND Dunkin Donuts a lot, no problem. But I DO dig Indians. We're starting to get a few at EAGLES games, drinking beer and screaming just like the rest of us !
Lols... were taliban even considered terrorists before 2001? by usa and the world? :disagree: dont lie.

Btw, check who made Taliban... CIA.

They came into limelight after 9/11 and hence were declared as terrorists. USA never recognized their govt. though. At the time of USA's attack into Afghanistan, Pakistan was the only country that recognized these terrorists as the legitimate govt in Afghanistan.

No.. CIA did not create Taliban. They were formed long after USA left the region. Though I agree a lot of them were from the ranks of Mujahids created by CIA and ISI to fight Soviets in Afghanistan.
US offending the sovereignty of pakistan is not justifiable but if pakistan could have done the pounding the US is doing then why would the US interfere..............the americans dont have territorial ambitions in pakistan but have no choice as they have to protect their troops on the other side,that is more than justification.....
Can we get back to survey results, if every one is done with insults?

How do you know? Wild guess!!

He's a false flag... I remember him because he called me IceHole 2 months ago when I revealed his true Indian and Australian flags...

I'm from PHILLY, and to be honest, Delaware is like the 2nd smallest state in the U.S., I don't have ANY accent and I go to 7/11 AND Dunkin Donuts a lot, no problem. But I DO dig Indians. We're starting to get a few at EAGLES games, drinking beer and screaming just like the rest of us !

You're an Indian kid and your in Australia
He's a false flag... I remember him because he called me IceHole 2 months ago when I revealed his true Indian and Australian flags...

I don't believe you.. Because for you, any one talking against Pakistan is Indian.. Get out of this mentality!!
Yea, so CIA created this mess.

CIA had objectives in that war and those were to contain Soviets, but what were Pakistan's objectives? You can't deny that CIA only provided the funds, the real ground work was done by Pakistan.. It was ISI who created the monster..
Personally i am feeling very shameful here.

We can shoot drones but we don't have the permission of politicians.
I'm surprised only 32% approve. After suffering at the hands of ''pakistani non state actors'' and the same old retarded plausible deniability routine of a complict state, I expected more to support.

I for one, am fully in favor of drone strikes as its a tactical gem to frustrate those who don't follow battlefield rules anyway. But these must be deployed ONLY where there is no sovereign state having control over the territory.
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