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Political solution for Taiwan can't wait forever – China's Xi


Mar 21, 2013
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United States
October 7, 2013


NUSA DUA, Indonesia - Chinese President Xi Jinping told a senior envoy from self-ruled Taiwan on Sunday that a political solution to a standoff over sovereignty lasting more than six decades cannot be postponed forever, drawing a cool, non-committal response.

China and Taiwan have been ruled separately since Nationalist forces, defeated by the Communists, fled to the island at the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949. China considers Taiwan a renegade province and has never ruled out the use of force to bring it under its control.

While relations have improved dramatically since the China-friendly Ma Ying-jeou was elected Taiwan president in 2008, with a series of trade and tourism deals signed, there has been no progress towards political reconciliation or a lessening of military distrust.

Speaking on the Indonesian resort island of Bali ahead of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, Xi told Ma's envoy to the meeting, Vincent Siew, that political issues could not be put off forever.

"Increasing mutual political trust across the Taiwan Straits and jointly building up political foundations are crucial for ensuring the peaceful development of relations," the official Xinhua news agency paraphrased Xi as saying.

"Looking further ahead, the issue of political disagreements that exist between the two sides must reach a final resolution, step by step, and these issues cannot be passed on from generation to generation," Xi added.

"I have already said many times that (we are) willing to have equal consultations with Taiwan on cross-strait issues within the framework of the one-China (principle), and make reasonable and fair arrangements for this."

Beijing and Taipei agreed to their own interpretations of the "one China" principle, which includes Taiwan as part of China, in 1992.

However, Ma has signaled no urgency to have political talks with China, saying the time is not yet right, a view backed by Siew who said things had to move slowly.

"Both sides need greater understanding," Siew told reporters, adding he and Xi did not discuss the possibility of a Xi-Ma meeting. "If we can find a consensus, then we can slowly find a reasonable, rational plan to resolve things."

Despite China and Taiwan's close business and economic ties, U.S.-armed and backed Taiwan remains a potentially dangerous military flashpoint and a key priority for the ruling Communist Party, which is investing billions in defense modernization. — Reuters
Stop talking Xi as if you can invade Taiwan any time.

The money you got for the last two decades was from exports to western countries and because of their MNC's. They have infiltrated with their money all these years.

These guys can destroy the very economic foundation of China anytime they want.

Yes there is a high chance of wars in Asia but it will be according to western designs just like world war 2 to establish their world order(That of capitalists or Freemasons).
Political solution for Taiwan can't wait forever – China's Xi


Political solution for Taiwan (and mainland China) can't wait forever! – China's Kolaps

Speaking on the Indonesian resort island of Bali ahead of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, Xi told Ma's envoy to the meeting, Vincent Siew, that political issues could not be put off forever.

"Looking further ahead, the issue of political disagreements that exist between the two sides must reach a final resolution, step by step, and these issues cannot be passed on from generation to generation," Xi added.

I'm agree that this issue can't be passed on from generation to generation.

Because, Young Taiwanese are starting to lose his Chinese identity. They are more related to the democracy, human rights and freedom...over Confucianism. I believe it will became more problematic in the future...as their Chinese identity eroded.

"Both sides need greater understanding," Siew told reporters, adding he and Xi did not discuss the possibility of a Xi-Ma meeting. "If we can find a consensus, then we can slowly find a reasonable, rational plan to resolve things."

Taiwan president Ma Ying-jeou can easily find a consensus, reasonable and rational plan for China-Taiwan relationship. But not the CIA backed journalists, media and political party. Taiwanese common people just listen to what mainstream media said to them....

That is the reality, if you want to know. Well, this is not a big news, everyone know this! Except no one willingly to tell the truth honestly.

However, Ma has signaled no urgency to have political talks with China, saying the time is not yet right, a view backed by Siew who said things had to move slowly.

Yes, after the pressure from the CIA backed journalists and DDP. You know what HK and Taiwan journalists are after the APEC incident. You know what Ma is facing.

Btw, mainland is also responsible too. You have a very bad public relationship. By associating yourself as communist, you ruined yourself. Restoring Confucianism and East Asian cultures in China are the key of success.

I give you a hint since a long time ago.

No ones get hurt, except the old foreign worshiper communist supporters in mainland. Who cares about them anyway! :tdown:

"Increasing mutual political trust across the Taiwan Straits and jointly building up political foundations are crucial for ensuring the peaceful development of relations," the official Xinhua news agency paraphrased Xi as saying.


Our mutual political trust is Chinese identity of Chinese civilization and Confucianism.

So, what is Xi Jinping holding up to embrace it and expel communism? Please, don't holding up! Everyone are tired of waiting.
Stop talking Xi as if you can invade Taiwan any time.

The money you got for the last two decades was from exports to western countries and because of their MNC's. They have infiltrated with their money all these years.

These guys can destroy the very economic foundation of China anytime they want.

Yes there is a high chance of wars in Asia but it will be according to western designs just like world war 2 to establish their world order(That of capitalists or Freemasons).

Lol Taiwan with their 470 billion economy and total dependence on China for trade suggest otherwise.

Like some 1 here has said before, 5% of Taiwanese live in Shanghai.

Xi is a respected leader both in China and abroad, unlike Indian flip floppers. Who said back in 2004, we'd make mumbai the new shanghai by 2009?
This is not about money or infra development right?

This is all about not making Asia another Europe of what it is ,just before world war 2.

Lol Taiwan with their 470 billion economy and total dependence on China for trade suggest otherwise.

Like some 1 here has said before, 5% of Taiwanese live in Shanghai.

Xi is a respected leader both in China and abroad, unlike Indian flip floppers. Who said back in 2004, we'd make mumbai the new shanghai by 2009?
Lol Taiwan with their 470 billion economy and total dependence on China for trade suggest otherwise.

Like some 1 here has said before, 5% of Taiwanese live in Shanghai.

You don't know the history of Taiwan-China economy relationship to became something like today. Economy is always connected to one to another. It is hard to say that Taiwan total dependence on China.

Taiwan investment in mainland spur growth both in mainland and Taiwan. We don't get any privilege that CCP gave, it's pure Taiwanese hardworking. And mainland gain benefit too!

Stop listening stupid CCP propaganda and see the fact! CCP propaganda is fooling you people for his own benefit. CCP just make you to became an ignorant and arrogant people. And that is bad, since we Chinese people suppose to be a humble but proud people.

Have CCP ever said Taiwan huge contribution to mainland? From the beginning up to today and the future?
You don't know the history of Taiwan-China economy relationship to became something like today. Economy is always connected to one to another. It is hard to say that Taiwan total dependence on China.

Taiwan investment in mainland spur growth both in mainland and Taiwan. We don't get any privilege that CCP gave, it's pure Taiwanese hardworking. And mainland gain benefit too!

Stop listening stupid CCP propaganda and see the fact! CCP propaganda is fooling you people for his own benefit. CCP just make you to became an ignorant and arrogant people. And that is bad, since we Chinese people suppose to be a humble but proud people.

Have CCP ever said Taiwan huge contribution to mainland? From the beginning up to today and the future?

Taiwanese economy depends on our market. Many Taiwanese companies get most of their earnings from our market. Taiwan's economy is one of the most export-dependent economies and its number 1 market is mainland China. If we stop importing from from Taiwan, your economy collapses.

This is not about whether you like it or not, this is a fact!
You don't know the history of Taiwan-China economy relationship to became something like today. Economy is always connected to one to another. It is hard to say that Taiwan total dependence on China.

Taiwan investment in mainland spur growth both in mainland and Taiwan. We don't get any privilege that CCP gave, it's pure Taiwanese hardworking. And mainland gain benefit too!

Stop listening stupid CCP propaganda and see the fact! CCP propaganda is fooling you people for his own benefit. CCP just make you to became an ignorant and arrogant people. And that is bad, since we Chinese people suppose to be a humble but proud people.

Have CCP ever said Taiwan huge contribution to mainland? From the beginning up to today and the future?

You need to look towards the future, Mainland surely benefited from the inital investments from Taiwan, after all they were reclusive for over 4 decades and Taiwan spoked the language and was the best front to initiate FDI and the like.

But do you really believe going forward from now, China is still dependant on Taiwan for anything? The CCP always thought closer economic engagement could bring closer ties, and this has worked to a certain degree.

Without China, are Taiwanese going to sustain an export led economy with its 23 million people?
Get real.
What is with Indians messing around with the Chinese. Anyways carry on.
Taiwanese economy depends on our market. Many Taiwanese companies get most of their earnings from our market. Taiwan's economy is one of the most export-dependent economies and its number 1 market is mainland China. If we stop importing from from Taiwan, your economy collapses.

This is not about whether you like it or not, this is a fact!

Listen to walle:

You need to look towards the future, Mainland surely benefited from the inital investments from Taiwan, after all they were reclusive for over 4 decades and Taiwan spoked the language and was the best front to initiate FDI and the like.

But do you really believe going forward from now, China is still dependant on Taiwan for anything? The CCP always thought closer economic engagement could bring closer ties, and this has worked to a certain degree.

Without China, are Taiwanese going to sustain an export led economy with its 23 million people?
Get real.

China-Taiwan economy relationship is far more complicated than that.

It can't be explained with that simple logic like that.
There is only two solution and ultimate fate for Taiwan, reunification or war. Choose one or the other.
There is only two solution and ultimate fate for Taiwan, reunification or war. Choose one or the other.

People live in LA don't know the problem in Taiwan and mainland!

It's beyond that just a simple reunification. It's much bigger than that. It's all about the fate of the future of Chinese civilization!

Taiwan is holding the key. We are a responsible people, loyal to our ancestor.

There is only two solution and ultimate fate for Taiwan, reunification or war. Choose one or the other.

People live in LA don't know the problem in Taiwan and mainland!

It's beyond that just a simple reunification. It's much bigger than that. It's all about the fate of the future of Chinese civilization!

Taiwan is holding the key. We are a responsible people, loyal to our ancestor.
The intention of Xi Jinping is quite clear, if you don't want to accept the one country two systems policy, then China will respond with military action. :coffee:
This is not about money or infra development right?

This is all about not making Asia another Europe of what it is ,just before world war 2.

Both Taiwan and mainland will contribute to the growth of the Chinese nation. What India need is first break up into small countries like how India was before British imperialism. India is like Yugolavia in 1990 now. The break up of India is imminent. This is what Indians should aspire for.
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