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Political Designs of Indo-US Military Brass by Zaheerul Hassan

Arel US-Indo Military Brasses marching for toppling over political set ups

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Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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Historically military muscle of the nations has generally remained subjugated to their political powers but the prevailing global scenario is beginning to present a 360 degree different picture to the past. In today’s powerful countries the military leaderships have slowly and gradually tightened their grip on state affairs of US, India and Israel. Political bosses of the said countries have started realizing that their runaway intelligence agencies (CIA, RAW and Mossad) are busy in derailing the political systems because of their own heinous agenda and covert designs. Conflicting political and military interests of this Troika (India- US – Israel) might play havoc with the already turbulent world.
To begin with, it’s an open secret that the CIA has become a Frankenstein with a criminal network spread all over the world. From toppling anti US governments to carrying out cold-blooded target killings, its bloody track record can put to shame the worst criminals in entire world. Following commentary on the ruthless American war machine by well known American writer John Kaminski in an article “Why We Need Martial Law” is thought provoking. “As an American, I am terribly ashamed of my country for the horrific things it has done, both to people around the world and its own citizens”.
The above two paragraphs sufficiently cover the true American thinking about the future of US or we can say that clash between political and military leadership has now started. The recent economic crunch has dealt hard blow to American economy which ultimately may lead to her disintegration. CIA and former President Bush have tarnished the image of US particularly after 9/11. American double standards with regards to Muslim world are no secret. Although saner elements in US, India and Israel are inclined towards establishing peace, those at the helm of affairs have different agendas to follow.

India always claims to be a secular state and the largest democracy, but the reality is totally opposite to it. Indian society is facing acute ethnic problems and her democratic system is far from being true democracy. Her basic democratic structure revolves around feudalism, capitalism, extremism, criminology and corruption. The nerve centre at capital is being ruled and supported by morally degraded elite, opportunists and extremists groups of so called secular democratic country. Fanatic elements of political and government institutions have taken Indian to a brink of collapse. India happens to be one of the few countries in the world which do not have cordial ties with any of their neighbours. It is interesting to note that other two countries falling in same category are US and Israel. Nexus of this troika has put the world peace at stake and is pushing it towards a possible nuclear conflict. One more commonality can also be noticed that the unholy troika is being ruled by extremist Christians, Jews and Hindus. Though pretending and presenting themselves as custodians of true democracy and champions of human rights, the stories of their brutalism can be read and heard every where. Millions of Japanese, Vietnamese, Christians, Sikhs, Arabs and non Arabs’ Muslims have become the victims of their barbarism.
The violation of human rights with regards to minorities, murdering innocent men, women and children through extra judicial killing, bombing Muslims in Gaza, Iraq, Afghanistan and in Kashmir are few examples of their joint treachery. However the Troika’s main agenda remains usurping Central Asian resources, containing China, targeting Pakistani nuke programme and maligning her security forces, unrest in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh Mutiny, grabbing Nepalese energy resources and occupying Arab’s land by Israeli.
India being the American Watchdog in South Asia, is constantly fomenting terrorism in the region always creating hurdles in normalization of bilateral relations with Pakistan Hindu extremists have strong hold on armed forces and intelligence agencies too. In fact such fanatic elements do twist the government policies according to their own desires. They by pass instructions, overlook orders, stage covert actions against neighbouring countries violate policies and pressurize the government to design policies in the light of their extremist thinking.

In south Asia Pakistan, China, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka remained major targets countries for India. New Delhi interference in the shape of sabotage activities in FATA and Balochistan is no more a covert operation only. LTTE of Sri Lanka, Dalai Lama Movement and BLA of Pakistan are being supported by India. US are providing her unconditional support to India in launching terrorism in the regional countries.

In this connection Chiefs of Indian Armed Forces also started playing active role in the commenting, dictating and advising elected government in framing policies concerning Pakistan, China and Sri Lanka. Recently Naval Chief Suresh Mehta and Gen Deepak Kapoor gave statements o the media which were contrary to their government policies. Indian Army Chief’ while addressing the news conference did not endorse his Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh point of view at Sharmul Sheikh in connection to normalization of relations with Pakistan. Naval chief too tried to dictate over Harpoon missile. The question is why Pakistan should try to modify the old version of Harpoon missile once it is already in possession of latest technology. The statements of Navel and Army Chiefs came when confusion and panic on Indian government polices are at a peak. Hindus fanatics in the intelligence agencies and armed forces never liked to resolve burning bilateral issues. For example Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh failed to sustain extremists’ pressure and thus changed stance over Sharmul Sheikh Stand.

Probably, both the chiefs appeared in the media on direction of extremists Hindu and tried to sabotage the congress’s peace efforts to improve bilateral relations with Pakistan. Earlier too, in Jun 2009 Military Chief Gen Deepak Kapoor had been told to mind his language and “keep shut”. Such strict censure was conveyed to him after a series of comments that had driven the civilian government against the wall. Indian Services Chiefs need to be told to shun politics and not try to hinder the peace process between two countries. The serious deterioration in relations between Pakistan and India continues due to negative role of Indian intelligence agencies and her rogue armed forces.

The indicators are that power hungry Indian and American military top brass have now starting thinking that economic crises of US and ethnic problems of India might only be resolved after taking over the governments and changing of political seen. In short US and India need to be serious in resolving regional affairs. Political leadership should also be mindful that conflicting political and military interests with in the same government would prove fatal for their unity.
In today’s powerful countries the military leaderships have slowly and gradually tightened their grip on state affairs of US, India and Israel. Political bosses of the said countries have started realizing that their runaway intelligence agencies (CIA, RAW and Mossad) are busy in derailing the political systems because of their own heinous agenda and covert designs. Conflicting political and military interests of this Troika (India- US – Israel) might play havoc with the already turbulent world.

Well....I admit I stopped reading after this.
Man...Do you have any proof regarding this conspiracy theory or just making stories. I am curious to know how is military taking over in India, US or Isreal.
As far as RAW is concerned, it reports to PM of India. The PM is political boss so I fail to undertand how RAW is working for a military rule. :hitwall::hitwall: The best of my general knowledge suggests that current PM is from political background, an economic expert in particular. He is NOT related to military. I request you to give me some information about this then we will talk further.

Hope this helps.
Well....I admit I stopped reading after this.
Man...Do you have any proof regarding this conspiracy theory or just making stories. I am curious to know how is military taking over in India, US or Isreal.
As far as RAW is concerned, it reports to PM of India. The PM is political boss so I fail to undertand how RAW is working for a military rule. :hitwall::hitwall: The best of my general knowledge suggests that current PM is from political background, an economic expert in particular. He is NOT related to military. I request you to give me some information about this then we will talk further.

Hope this helps.

these agencies do not have to have a military rule per se, however they can and do want to undermine and manipulate the democratic process to their ends.

if you are or pertain to be a strong democratic nation then normally you have to use slighlty more sophisticated methods to achieve your goals from a military point of view, military dictatorship is normally never a seroius option - unless you are pakistan who has a very very weak democracy and whose people are sometimes indifferent.

this is not big news, there has always historically been a tussle of sorts between civillian leaders and military leaders, where often the civillian leaders need to keep a lid on hawkish military types, i think its fair to say that in the current climate the military leaders have more weight in this battle.
India being the American Watchdog in South Asia, is constantly fomenting terrorism in the region always creating hurdles in normalization of bilateral relations with Pakistan Hindu extremists have strong hold on armed forces and intelligence agencies too. In fact such fanatic elements do twist the government policies according to their own desires. They by pass instructions, overlook orders, stage covert actions against neighbouring countries violate policies and pressurize the government to design policies in the light of their extremist thinking.

If you have proof present it to the world.... If not the entire article can be trashed into dustbin.

One more commonality can also be noticed that the unholy troika is being ruled by extremist Christians, Jews and Hindus.

India is ruled by a Sikh under a christian guidance and had a Muslim president quite recently. Is it possible in a Hindu Dominated Extremist Society?

New Delhi interference in the shape of sabotage activities in FATA and Balochistan is no more a covert operation only.

Any proof for this. Your government admitted that no dossier in this regard was provided to the Indian government.

Political leadership should also be mindful that conflicting political and military interests
In India the only military interst and political interest is India. And India is structured in way to avoid any sort of military coups.
India being the American Watchdog in South Asia, is constantly fomenting terrorism in the region always creating hurdles in normalization of bilateral relations with Pakistan Hindu extremists have strong hold on armed forces and intelligence agencies too. In fact such fanatic elements do twist the government policies according to their own desires. They by pass instructions, overlook orders, stage covert actions against neighbouring countries violate policies and pressurize the government to design policies in the light of their extremist thinking.

If you have proof present it to the world.... If not the entire article can be trashed into dustbin.

One more commonality can also be noticed that the unholy troika is being ruled by extremist Christians, Jews and Hindus.

India is ruled by a Sikh under a christian guidance and had a Muslim president quite recently. Is it possible in a Hindu Dominated Extremist Society?

New Delhi interference in the shape of sabotage activities in FATA and Balochistan is no more a covert operation only.

Any proof for this. Your government admitted that no dossier in this regard was provided to the Indian government.

Political leadership should also be mindful that conflicting political and military interests
In India the only military interst and political interest is India. And India is structured in way to avoid any sort of military coups.

please ignore this post, same old indian spiel, we have all heard it before and we all know how the discussion will go
please ignore this post, same old indian spiel, we have all heard it before and we all know how the discussion will go

Well we have also heard the non sense which the very first article says 1000 times......... about evil CIA, MOSSAD, RAW and its threat. Disintegration of India, Disintegration of US. If you guys dont have anything creditable stop expecting creditable replies.

You are saying vague things like these agencies can do this and that. But you fail to produce any evidence. The atricle clearly accuses the Indian security establishment without any proof. Her are few things:

(1) In my earlier post, I had provided some lines. Now after reading first para, CIA is accused but again no proof. And yes!!....someone is predicting USA disintegration here as well. BTW, the market has started to rise. Last lines said about some "saner" people but I am dying to know who.

(2) In second para, writes actually forgets what he/she has to write. I mean the subject is different altogether. And now it is India's turn to collapse. Finally the much awaited phrase evil Christians, Hindus and Jews in a single shot.:bounce:

(3) Geopolitics becomes favourite subject in third para. Some interesting stuff like containing China, Central Asia, Nepal, Sri Lanka etc. This does not even deserves a response.

(4) Fourth & fifth para declares that "Indians are USA watchdog". And yes someone talked about LTTE, Dalai Lama and Baluchistan. My knowledge says LTTE lost already. Dalai Lama is advised to refrain from political comments and India accepted Tibet as part of China already. And no proof regarding Baluchistan.:hitwall::hitwall:

(5) Next para is worse of all rant. But one thing I came to know, our political brass, armed forces, intelligence is taken over by Hindu extremists.:lol::lol:

(6) I am insane that I am replying this thread. But ah...typical India bashing. Someone forgets that we are also friend of Russia and UK as well. Truly disappointed with intellectual article. :tsk:
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