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PM proposes all-party election-time govt


Apr 24, 2011
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Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Friday proposed forming an all-party election-time government to oversee the next general election but fell short of making it clear who will head the interim administration.

"We want to hold the next parliamentary elections taking all parties with us. It's my proposal to the opposition party that we can form an 'all-party government' comprising all parties for the election period," she said in her 21-minute address to the nation televised at 7:30 pm.

Sheikh Hasina said the aim of the government is to hold a free, neutral and peaceful election. "That's why I'm proposing the opposition party that you could send names from opposition MPs for including them in the interim cabinet for forming the all-party government so that no one could have any suspicion about the election," she said.

In this connection, Hasina said there could be an election removing all mistrusts where people would be able to cast their votes to elect a government according to their desire.

"I request the opposition leader to respond to my plea and she'll accept my request and value our goodwill with a positive gesture," she said.

The Prime Minister called upon the opposition to help establish democracy upon a solid base through a fair, free and neutral election for the welfare of the country and the nation.

About the next general election, Hasina said as per article 72(1) of the Constitution, the election will be held as per the written advice of the Prime Minister to the President. "The Election Commission will declare the election schedule," she said.

On holding the next election during the last 90 days of the current Parliament, the Prime Minister said she would put forward the written advice to the President after consulting all the parties, especially the stakeholders of the grand alliance. "In this case, I'll expect advice from the opposition party as well," she added.

The Prime Minister addressed the nation at the fag end of her government's tenure in a move to solve the ongoing political stalemate that casts a shadow on the next general election.

Referring to the opposition's call to its leaders and activists to come out with machete and axe on October 25, Hasina urged the opposition leader to withdraw this instruction.

"The path of peace and unity will bring welfare to the country and the nation. Have your confidence in people, shun the path of terrorism," Hasina said requesting the opposition to come to Parliament to place their demands and hold discussions on that.

"The door for dialogue is always open from our side," she said.

In this connection, Hasina asked the opposition to place their adjournment motion in Parliament and make it clear what they actually want.

"Come to the path of the peace shunning that of confrontation and we' ll work for the welfare of people through a compromise," she said adding that the people of the country do not want confrontation and anarchy.

Talking about the 5,777 elections conducted by the present Election Commission under the present government in a free, fair and neutral manner, Hasina said the government did not interfere in those elections. "The next national election will also be free and neutral, Inshaallah," she said.

Hasina said the government is firmly committed to giving democracy a solid and institutional footing. "Democracy will get stronger when it' ll be established on the constitutional base and elected public representatives will run the state," she said.

Turning to the army-backed caretaker government that caused immense sufferings to all, the Prime Minister she said the people of the country expect that such government will never come again.
PM proposes all-party election-time govt :: Financial Express :: Financial Newspaper of Bangladesh

Some interesting things going on in her mind.

This so-called "all party government" is nothing but empty rhetoric. With her clever manipulation, she had created several divisions in the politics of Bangladesh. They are pro this, and anti that, one always against another. But she is adamant about holding the elections under her government. The opposition on the other hand are determined not to let that happen. Most Bangladeshis do want a free and fair election being held under a non-party caretaker government.

What she's is doing is that she is trying to create as much chaos and confusion as possible so that she can call on a snap election and declare victory. People are worried about the present political situation. It's so bad, that even with a healthy amount of liquidity in banks, people just aren't investing or buying. Real estate companies are even offering a free car by just booking for an apartment! (Yes, it is that bad). And not the least, we have seen much destruction and violence during this year. We don't want anymore of it.

Consider this, she and her party had been bragging about endless numbers of development work and that she'd definitely win the election. If that is the case, why is she so afraid of a non-party caretaker government? Her party's good work in that case should bring her back to power even under a non-party caretaker government. Only if she and her party considered national interests above her personal, she would have accepted a non-party caretaker solution. And hence allow a peaceful continuation of democracy.

Sadly, what she did was play another clever game. She's trying to fool the entire nation by giving a gesture of flexibility. By doing this, she intends to divide opposition parties. And even if a couple of opposition MP's do buy this proposal, it'll have little effect on lifting the nation out of the current political crisis. Power will remain with the prime minister. By attracting a few opposition MP's, it will only give her some leverage.

Dear Honorable Prime Minister, do you really believe that your people are idiots? You seem to be treating them as such. They will not step into this trap, and not take a step back for a non-party caretaker government. Nobody would want to see another BAKSAL.

We'll said. The strategy is ineligant as is it transparent. The election commission and police force has been thoroughly politicised. BAL return to power will be a disaster for BD, by hook or by crook they will try to hang on and with similar tenacity the free people of the country will resist. No amount of Indian fund will be sufficient this time. BNP has not been in power for 7 years the ills of BD lies squarely will BAL. Even if they forcibly take over every billboard in the whole country people are long past fooling.
Hasina is really adamant in going for Bakshal. She actually didn't mention who the head of this "all party gov" will be while the state institutions are literally run by chapati leaguers. She backed her proposal by banning rallies in the city not to mention the ruscus by her police league in front of BNP office the same day BKZ gave the most appreciated and courteous speech in response to her typical harping filled with abuse. Its pretty amusing that she believes to pull it off after all the destruction of the last 7 years . Where is all this confidence coming form? Is she relying on India to bail her out? We Bangladeshis can not afford her bakshali aspirations. A country and society can't run on the wishes of a single women. Not even dada India will be able to bail her out inshallah.

We'll said. The strategy is ineligant as is it transparent. The election commission and police force has been thoroughly politicised. BAL return to power will be a disaster for BD, by hook or by crook they will try to hang on and with similar tenacity the free people of the country will resist. No amount of Indian fund will be sufficient this time. BNP has not been in power for 7 years the ills of BD lies squarely will BAL. Even if they forcibly take over every billboard in the whole country people are long past fooling.

The question is whether India can get west on board to back Hasina's dictatorial wishes. Remember 1/11 wouldn't have been possible without active US backing. So far it seems US and UN is pretty adament for an all inclusive elections and not paying heed to indo-awami whining which should be obvious as any foreign power can only do so much for their stooges against popular opposition and discontent. Foreign powers always side with the winning side when push comes to shove. But chanakyans may still be delusional enough to have other plans:
I honestly don't think Indian gov or raw to be precise- as dumb as we like to be.though they singlehandedly created this monster.they are wise enough to steer clear of its destructive path.her highness will drag them down with her ,they know that very well,more than us in fact.
Its her last effort to cling.she has already been abandoned by mighty USA,despite her sons valiant efforts, spending our money at that.its matter of days now ,her long time support /masters will do the same.
I don't blame them,for them its business as usual.if they can not get free deals out of her ,and whatever they got ,they know will not be fulfilled either.so,what's the point?
Lucky for them.
Unfortunately for us ,can't kick her out of the country, just yet.
The question is whether India can get west on board to back Hasina's dictatorial wishes. Remember 1/11 wouldn't have been possible without active US backing. So far it seems US and UN is pretty adament for an all inclusive elections and not paying heed to indo-awami whining which should be obvious as any foreign power can only do so much for their stooges against popular opposition and discontent. Foreign powers always side with the winning side when push comes to shove. But chanakyans may still be delusional enough to have other plans:

Think about Jamaat for a second. If Jamaat keeps getting hit at like they are now, they'll gradually go underground. Perhaps along with a bunch of Islamist lackeys. In fact, they may already have. And how knows about what'd go on in the underworld? Anything bad can go on. And very difficult to track in such an environment.

Back in long past, many Islamists did have various meetings with the AL. They had their own dealings and business as usual. And in the end, Hasina did not give them anything in return. It appears that she sold her entire nation just to be in power for herself and her family line.

Now, given the looming Islamist threat, would that endanger Bangladesh's security? Yes.

Would that make The West nervous? Most certainly.

AL's........."enthusiasm" behind Jamaat under their justifications are not particularly justified. Anyone would know that they were merely engaging in propaganda the entire time.

What the Indians wanted in the security context was complete security in the border regions. Particularly in regards to north eastern insurgents. But this however is an unrealistic expectation. Albeit, a ghastly misinformed one.

That's an "informed" Western view for you right there.
Hasina cannot relinquish power now ! BD will go down into a civil war ! India shouldnot let that happen ! We will make BD a democratic country again !
Hasina cannot relinquish power now ! BD will go down into a civil war ! India shouldnot let that happen ! We will make BD a democratic country again !

Responsibility of death and destruction falls on indian shoulder because of blatant interference and support for Awami League autocratic actions. India needs to think who gave them power to decide how Banagladesh going to be?
Responsibility of death and destruction falls on indian shoulder because of blatant interference and support for Awami League autocratic actions. India needs to think who gave them power to decide how Banagladesh going to be?

because we like to decide things for people who are confused ! Like balochistan and BD !
because we like to decide things for people who are confused ! Like balochistan and BD !
we have a phrase in bangla ' nara beltolai akbar jai' meaning anyone made mistake only once. bd is well known what bal and india is doing.dont expect same mistake will done again and again.though india has some influence on bd but it will be negligible if bnp comes to power.
we have a phrase in bangla ' nara beltolai akbar jai' meaning anyone made mistake only once. bd is well known what bal and india is doing.dont expect same mistake will done again and again.though india has some influence on bd but it will be negligible if bnp comes to power.

You guys cAn do mistakes when the onus of action would be on you ! Thats not the case ! All actions would be decided by the threat perceptions of RAW and it they who would rail road any action and the path BD would take ! BNP will not come to power u can bet it !

The same case will be with Maldives ! The ousted incumbent had already won a landslide ! HE just needs to win this final run off ! The current leader fears and has thus lingered the final round of elections !
do u belive we r Maldiv?first listen we r the people knows better who comes to power or not. sceond bal came to power through propaganda about bnp but all claims became fals as they didnt proved any of those.third they also made us believe that india is our biggest friend in this world but alas that also proved false. fourth all their missdeed in every sector do u think all bangladeshi is fool and elect bal as ruller of bd? keep deaming have a nice night to u
@Loki, the "informed" western countries know very well that AL's propaganda is not true. Washigton does know ground reality and so does delhi. They know very well about the popularity of BNP's justifiable demands and how unpopular AL and Hasina is . Its now a question of how strongly BNP lead opposition can achieve the popular demand of a neutral CT gov from this dacoit regime. Foreign powers will simply follow suit. BNP already addressed US concerns though US is not to be trusted:

And the stakes are now too high and no matter how spineless BNP was in the streets this time its about survival of the party and the country as a whole. BNP and JI will fight tooth and nail to get CT or something similar and they know people are with them. And no JI didn't go underground knowing the consequences. If U look at JI and similar parties like MB/ Ennahda(in tunisia) or precursors of AKP, none of them ever went underground no matter how repressive the environment was. Patience always pays off and let us all pray to Allah (swt) that our country is spared form Hasina's Bakshali aspirations. May Allah (swt) have mercy on this country.
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