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PM performs ground-breaking of 4th Tarbela Expansion Project


Feb 2, 2007
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TARBELA, Feb 26 (APP): Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Wednesday performed the ground-breaking of the US 928 million dollar 4th expansion of the Tarbela Dam Hydropower Project, designed to increase production of low-cost electricity to meet country’s growing energy needs. The project will be completed with a US 840 million financial assistance by the World Bank and will increase dam’s ability by 1,410 megawatts of electricity, against its current hydropower capacity of 3,478 megawatts. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif unveiled a plaque marking the historic moment and said that Tarbela-IV Extension Hydropower Project heralds the beginning of a new era of socio-economic development in the country.
He said that it was also a manifestation of the government’s resolve to provide relief to the common man and boost economic development through addition of low-cost electricity.
The Prime Minister said the worst energy outages, faced by the people of country for last many years, were the result of sustained policy neglect.
He said the successive governments could not address the imperative of increasing power generation in view of escalating needs of economy and population growth.
He said that the credit for putting together the first-ever holistic National Power Policy, goes to the present democratic government, which had been prepared in consultation of federating units and other stakeholders.
He said the government was very clear that the country cannot be put on the trajectory of socio-economic development unless development of most efficient and consumer-centric low-cost power generation was ensured.
The Prime Minister said in order to resolve the crisis, the Ministry of Water and Power, through WAPDA, was working on a number of water and hydropower projects under medium and long-term plans.
On completion, these projects will not only contribute thousands of megawatt of low-cost electricity but also store millions of acres feet of water.
The phased induction of hydel power into the system would reduce the dependence on costly thermal power which will provide a substantial relief to the masses, he added.
About other major hydel power initiatives of the government, the Prime Minister mentioned Diamer-Basha Dam (4500 MW), Dasu (4320 MW) and Bunji (7100 MW) and stated that he had already directed the Ministry of Water and Power and other concerned organizations to accelerate these projects.
Chairman WAPDA Syed Raghib Ali Shah briefed the Prime Minister about the project and highlighted its salient features.
The Prime Minister was informed that the capacity of Tarbela Hydel Power Station would increase from existing 3478 MW to 4888 MW after the completion of the 4th Extension. The project, thus, would add 1410 MW of cheap hydel electricity of the national grid.
On this occasion, he appreciated the World Bank for financial assistance of $ 840 million for construction of this project.
The Prime Minister was briefed that the Tarbela 4th Extension Project will contribute about 4 billion units of low-cost and environment-friendly electricity to the national power system every year.
Annual monetary benefit of the project has been estimated to be Rs. 30 billion and it will pay back the cost incurred on its construction in a short span of three years.
He was told that the project will be completed in a period of three and a half years.
The Prime Minister said that the delays, over-costing and escalations would not be tolerated in the project.
He was told that as per initial study, Tarbela-V Extension Project will generate 1320 MW electricity and Austrian Government has shown its keen interest to finance the project.
The Prime Minister directed the Ministry of Water and Power to take up feasibility of Tarbela-V Extension Project and both Tarbela IV and V projects be started simultaneously.
It was highlighted that WAPDA was looking forward to savings of around US 200 million dollars from the Fourth Expansion Project and was approaching the World Bank for roll-over of funds into the Tunnel 5 Project.
The Prime Minister directed that in view the severe shortage of electricity in the country, there was a need for fast paced work on Tunnels 4 and 5 simultaneously. He asked Chairman WAPDA to conduct a feasibility in this regard.
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif directed that all efforts be undertaken to ensure that the project be completed before the scheduled time in 2016, instead of 2017.
The Chairman said due to the liability of WAPDA to provide irrigational water for the crops, it was difficult to get an earlier completion, however he assured that all aspects will be studied to bring the completion date earlier.
He said that the new hydropower plant will be added to the existing water tunnel No 4, that was initially designated as an irrigation tunnel, and will now be converted into a power tunnel without affecting its irrigation capabilities.
Under the project three generating units of 470 MW each will be installed.
Already 14 power units have been installed on 3 tunnels that are generating 3478 MWs.
The Chairman WAPDA later told APP that the per unit cost through the project was estimated to be about Rs 2 per unit as compared to around Rs 18 by thermal generation.
He termed it an environment-friendly project that fully complied with international safeguards and no additional land would be required or fresh resettlement issue would crop up.
On completion, the project was expected to add 3.84 billion units of low cost electricity to the national grid per annum. The annual benefit of the project was estimated to be about Rs 30.7 billion that will pay back its cost in only three years.
The project would also save approximately one million tons of furnace oil, that would be required for generating an equal amount of electricity.
Completed in 1974, the Tarbela Dam is the world’s largest earth- and rock-filled structure, over the Indus River. Initially its installed capacity was 700 MW, that was later raised to 3,478 MW.
Tarbela Dam’s existing hydropower facilities supply about 16% of the electricity generated in Pakistan.
Later, Secretary Interprovincial Coordination (IPC) Ijaz Chaudhry also gave a briefing to the Prime Minister on development of tourist site in Tarbela.
The Prime Minister was informed that three sites had been identified for development of water sports, theme park, restaurant and water jetty.
The Prime Minister directed to perform a legal review of the devolution of Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC).
The Prime Minister was accompanied by Minister for Information Pervaiz Rashid, Minister for Water and Power Khwaja Asif and Minister for Religious Affairs Sardar Muhammad Yousaf.

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - PM performs ground-breaking of 4th Tarbela Expansion Project
So with V expansion Tarbela alone will produce more then 6000 MW? Hate off to Ganja for once if work on V expansion start with IV, so by 4 years there will be extra 2800 MW from Tarbela.
Ground breaking is typical stuff.

Tell Ganja to make necessary structural changes in Pakistan to let our economy take-off. But then again, why would ganja want to end feudalism??
Ground breaking is typical stuff.

Tell Ganja to make necessary structural changes in Pakistan to let our economy take-off. But then again, why would ganja want to end feudalism??

Actually feudalism strong hold are south punjab and interior sindh. And in both areas PPP has been winning elections since for ever, we all know why. Though south punjab finally decided to reject PPP this time around.
Actually feudalism strong hold are south punjab and interior sindh. And in both areas PPP has been winning elections since for ever, we all know why. Though south punjab finally decided to reject PPP this time around.

lol..I am from South Punjab..The guy from my city is a feudal and fought elections from PPP side last time..and this time won elections from PML(N) ticket :)

Both parties are same.
lol..I am from South Punjab..The guy from my city is a feudal and fought elections from PPP side last time..and this time won elections from PML(N) ticket :)

Both parties are same.

Do you think its to late for land reforms now? Especially when people keep voting feudals. It seem only internet users cry about feudalism.
Do you think its to late for land reforms now? Especially when people keep voting feudals. It seem only internet users cry about feudalism.

No, any "educated" person cries about it.

The problem is, over-whelming majority of PPP/PML(N) voters are uneducated illiterate people with no true sense of civilisation.

Remember, rehearsing and parroting others' knowledge isn't "education"....

In short, Pakistanis don't know what is good for themselves..forget everything else.
Ground breaking is typical stuff.

Tell Ganja to make necessary structural changes in Pakistan to let our economy take-off. But then again, why would ganja want to end feudalism??

Feudalism is a long shot, but at least he can improve the law and order situation. Once that is fixed, nothing will stop Pakistan from taking off on a fast growth path.

Current government has to guarantee three main things:

Media and Journalism freedom,
Judicial and law enforcement freedom
and National security.

I have some hope from PML(N) compared to say when PPP was in power. Absolute waste of human flesh, PPP.
Feudalism is a long shot, but at least he can improve the law and order situation. Once that is fixed, nothing will stop Pakistan from taking off on a fast growth path.

Current government has to guarantee three main things:

Media and Journalism freedom,
Judicial and law enforcement freedom
and National security.

I have some hope from PML(N) compared to say when PPP was in power. Absolute waste of human flesh, PPP.

Offcourse, Pakistan is SO down that anything will cause a rapid growth..

But the main issue is "sustained" rapid economic growth benefiting the "majority" of the Pakistanis living in Pakistan. Something along the lines of China etc.

Pakistan needs to average atleast 7% growth rate for atleast next two to three decades straight to get back on the right path....

Without fundamental, structural changes--economic and social changes---I don't see Pakistan going anywhere.

At best, we could say "Well, PML(N) is atleast doing better than PPP" ...and it tells how sad our state of affairs is when we have to get satisfied on doing 'some-what better' than the absolute worst possible scenario.
Our PM NS is not a feudal; he is an industrialist.

BUT, being part of electoral politics, he has to focus on 'electables' and that is what PPP and even PTI have done. So, the problem is at local level. Where feudal families predominate, we get worse candidates and we have dismal social indicators.

Where ever we have more uniform distribution of land holding, we get better candidates. I would point at Toba Tek Singh as an example where candidates have to work hard to get votes.

One thing about NS is that while he is pragmatic in courting electables, his policies have tended to support development. His corruption style has been to get money through auxiliary benefits such as escalation of land prices around development projects. His worst associates have done very much PPP-like snatch and dacoit jobs, but with PML-Q these elements were co-opted by Musharraf. They are no longer part of PML-N, or at least not in a dominating position.

Sorry about massive Off Topic. But I felt that the above needed to be said.
Ground breaking is typical stuff.

Tell Ganja to make necessary structural changes in Pakistan to let our economy take-off. But then again, why would ganja want to end feudalism??
As if economies take off over night. Economic take off requires often decades of cultivation of consistent economic policymaking. It takes most traction power to get the train moving from stationary and once it is in motion, its more easy to maintain the momentum. Similar is the case with the national economy. It can't just jump start endogenously.
As if economies take off over night. Economic take off requires often decades of cultivation of consistent economic policymaking. It takes most traction power to get the train moving from stationary and once it is in motion, its more easy to maintain the momentum. Similar is the case with the national economy. It can't just jump start endogenously.

This is THIRD time Shareef has come to power. He should know better for christ sake!

Not to mention, five time ruling the largest economic block (Punjab) of Pakistan...

I know it takes time..but until now, we haven't seen any major effort from Shareef to revitalize Pakistani economy...but I can understand. Lets hope law and order situation improves..then we'll see what Shareef does.
This is THIRD time Shareef has come to power. He should know better for christ sake!
Even if he comes around for forth or fifth time if there is no consistency in economic policymaking. means he would have to start from a scratch. For example, had Musharraf regime and subsequent PPP would have added power to national grid consistantly, we wouldn't have been suffering from energy crisis in the first place which takes away around 1.5 to 2% of possible economic growth every year. Thats why I have repeatedly suggested a national consensus on strategic economic policies (e.g. Power, Infrastructure and social protection) so that theses developments stay insulated from volatility in political corridors

Not to mention, five time ruling the largest economic block (Punjab) of Pakistan...
Punjab's economic performance has been better than the rest of the country. Punjab was still registering ~ 6% GDP growth when national number slumped to 3%

I know it takes time..but until now, we haven't seen any major effort from Shareef to revitalize Pakistani economy...but I can understand. Lets hope law and order situation improves..then we'll see what Shareef does.
What do you expect to achieve in just nine month. The first priority of curbing energy crisis would take due time because power stations are not erected overnight.
fuedalism will end itself, if
lol..I am from South Punjab..The guy from my city is a feudal and fought elections from PPP side last time..and this time won elections from PML(N) ticket :)

Both parties are same.
education and economic growth happens. reason is that in economy of tomorrow agriculture and land have little vallue, its education and knowledge drive economy. take example of USA
so if its finished soon good enough, if not than let education and econmy finish it.
ironically tarbela dam tunnels 1-5 have been construted decades ago but our lazy govt simply could even install simple turbines in them!!, citing lack of funds as an issue until world bank step in with all of the funding !,. while construction cost was way little merely 900 million for 1400MW(970mw of nehlam jehlam costs 2.7 billion dollars)
Problem with Tarbela expansion 4 and 5 was that they could provide power only during flood season. That is why these were not high priority projects. With proliferation of Air Conditioners in the last 10-12 years, our electricity demand peaks in Summer. That was not a major factor in '80s and '90s when a more consistent generation of electricity was important because of relatively lower spike during Summer months.

Just goes to show the ephemeral nature of growth during Musharraf years when banker PM forced banks to increase consumer loans without taking into account electric generation capacity.

For a true appreciation of a government, it needs to be given a full term. Neither BB nor NS got a full term during 90s. IK and his PTI could have been in the field much earlier as viable alternative if we could have had PPP and PML governments serve their terms. No matter how one looks at it, Army's meddling in politics is a disaster everywhere.
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