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Featured PM Imran Khan's Interview to HBO's Jonathan Swan

These 15 minutes cannot be a full interview. Imran Khan mentioned Jonathan took too long to record - and that means full interview must be close to an hour or more.
These 15 minutes cannot be a full interview. Imran Khan mentioned Jonathan took too long to record - and that means full interview must be close to an hour or more.

I think the redux version is enough.

condescending tone/undertone? was i the only one who saw it? I suppose his pro western bias is nothing surprising.

What western bias? He got his point through both on Afghanistan and Kashmir explicitly while dodging the arrows on some agenda driven (western mentality) questions. Everything is on onpoint, no loose ends in the interview.

A balance has to be kept in diplomatic way, no need to go ape shit against America and openly support Taliban on a western interview, at such a crucial point.

I think the redux version is enough.

#1. I am not a President security detail expert, but Who The **** allows a foreign journalist with 6 inch solid plastic/metal pen and binded edge folder in such a close proximity of head of state.

#2. I don’t have a degrees in Presidential etiquettes, perception management and behavioral psychology, but whoever is in-charge of PMIK, needs to get fired ( I doubt they even have one). Idiots journalists was asking questions like a friendly interrogator, who wants to get information out of suspect. I would have ask for a quick break and had some talking to the journalist.
The camera position setting, , the use of the camera reflects the arrogance and rudeness of the West,, and the shaking of that image, the atmosphere setting of the whole video reflects that the Western media is really much stronger than the media of developing countries, and it is no wonder that the West has media hegemony, and it is no wonder that the Western media can perfectly serve the interests of the West.

I really admire these Western media journalists who serve the West's interests like warriors and who do not miss any occasion to use the power of the media to maintain the West's domination and hegemony. They do everything to make the people being ruled kill each other and fight internally.
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You guys aren’t familiar with this interviewer, he had the exact same attitude, if not worse with Donald Trump. It’s his job to be critical and sceptical, hallmark of a good interviewer.

That was a tough interview, and handled quite well. There were a few questions which would have caught anyone by surprise.

That is for sure no one else in our political elite are of a caliber to face something like this by a mile. They simply dont have the intellect or capacity.
In other thread, a few people were calling him too blunt to say NO to US. The interview says it otherwise.
#1. I am not a President security detail expert, but Who The **** allows a foreign journalist with 6 inch solid plastic/metal pen and binded edge folder in such a close proximity of head of state.
I think those were given by the security so he didn't bring them with him. Anyway, he mustn't be armed and perhaps there is armed bodyguard pointing the head of the interviewer..
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