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PM Erdogan: Islamophobia should be a crime against humanity

So if we had to burn down Muslim embassies and kill a Muslim ambassador because of the highlighted statement, I guess the Muslim world would condone our actions yeah? Oh wait, we are more mature. Inasmuch as the rest of the world are infidels to you, you remain infidels to them. Butter the bread both ways

No, rest of the world is not infidels to us. Islam, Christianity and Judaism share the same root and are Abrahamic faiths. In Islam Christian's and Jews are called "Ahl al-Kitab" or "people of the book".

The term infidels is reserved for athiests, polytheists, Hindus etc. So please stop lumping Islam in one corner and rest of the world in another. The reality is more nuanced.

Lot of the issues you are bringing up is politics being expressed through religion. It is somewhat akin to the Catholic/Protestant conflict in Norther Ireland.

It never was a religious conflict. It was between unionists [ most of whom were derived from the English/Scot settlers in Ireland ] and the 'native' Irish. It so happened that the settlers were Protestant and the 'natives' were Catholic.

I guess what I am saying is the root of Muslim hostility is Isreal. Had the Jewish settlers been Rastafarian and their sponsors in the West [ USA - Western Europe ] been Ba'hai than this hostility would still exist but towards those groups.

Before 1948 fpr over 1,000 years Jews/Christians lived in peace in Muslim lands. In fact many fled Christian Europe and sought refuge in Ottoman Turkey or Muslim Morrocco. Where was the so called perpetual conflict between Jews and Muslims than?

And finally let me make this clear to you. To a Muslim a Christian, a Jew is a fellow person of the book. Hindu etc however are infidels.
And what would be saying "there is no God but Allah" thus effectively ridiculing all other religions as false?

Make that also a crime against humanity.

How so? When Christians believe in the trinity...Hindus believe in polytheism...those are ridiculing each other and both are ridiculing Islam...But I guess you just want to think silly instead of thinking positive!

That is their religion...there is a difference between sacredness and BS!

Do you actually want me to believe that the director of the film's religion was preaching rubbish about the Prophet? And his movie/ words / expressions all were SACRED?!

Please do us a favor and be sensitive to other's religion and NO do not bring POLITICAL crap here!
Funny how these Abraham religions seem to care about the subject's personal life like women and marriages yet fails to explain the laws of physics or Theoretical physics. What is more striking that these Abraham seem to always revolve around semetic traditions and customs (Jewish, Aramaic then Arab)...How bias! Where are the east Asians?

I agree. Erdo is laughed at by university students... He has no future and ruined AKP and Turkey's reputation by making stupid statements that attracts far right nuts in Europe

Why should religion deal with scientific theories? Religion is about the relationship between man and God and between people, hence the care about subject's personal life and not the Quantum field or perturbation theory.

And of course the abrahamic religions revolve around semetic traditions as they evolved in areas with semetic people, why is that a surprise? Had there been a significant population of east-asians there things might have been different.
yeah! talk about diverting the subject completely! in fact you validate my point further

State Actors in india are responsible for communal/religious bloodshed in india as they are with trampling on the very "democracy" they claim to represent :lol:

unless you're prepared to make the case that BJP and your Shiv Sena types are non-staters ;)

Now that the rant is over, do you have a court decision that proves the above..?? Because I know that Pakistani people are so faithful towards judiciary that a UN designated terrorist roams freely in Pakistan because he is able to threaten the courts of Pakistan into declaring him innocent ;)

and with regard to M.F. Hussein -- once again; your morality brigades should remain conspicuously silent. The guy had to flee for his life, from india.

Atleast he was not arrested and thrown into solitary confinement because some road side Mullah decided to frame him under the blasphemy law by sneaking in a couple of burnt pages of Koran in his household trash ... :)

if things were my way, religion would be completely left alone.....no satires, no inaccurate or insulting depictions....but anywaz.

What'd'ya'know :).. We finally agree on something

actually, now this i do agree with

Showing love for Prophet PBUH does not mean displaying acts of anger and hatred.

Oh Cr@p.. I have to agree again.. Twice in a single post.. Man, you are losing your touch ;)

oh and lastly ---- when will the media muster the courage to show peaceful protestors in Pakistan -- who obeyed police orders and who dispersed when asked to do so peacefully....of course your media and much of western media would only show fires, shouting, flags burning, etc. because those images sell better and make those media a lot more richer.

Actually peaceful protests are not news.. Because that's normal and how people are expected to behave.. Its only when they do not behave normally and start killing people and destroying property, they become news..

Now if you want News channels to cover all normal activities, then well, send them over and they can report me eating belgian waffles for breakfast tomorrow :azn:
No, rest of the world is not infidels to us. Islam, Christianity and Judaism share the same root and are Abrahamic faiths. In Islam Christian's and Jews are called "Ahl al-Kitab" or "people of the book".

The term infidels is reserved for athiests, polytheists, Hindus etc. So please stop lumping Islam in one corner and rest of the world in another. The reality is more nuanced.

Lot of the issues you are bringing up is politics being expressed through religion. It is somewhat akin to the Catholic/Protestant conflict in Norther Ireland.

It never was a religious conflict. It was between unionists [ most of whom were derived from the English/Scot settlers in Ireland ] and the 'native' Irish. It so happened that the settlers were Protestant and the 'natives' were Catholic.

I guess what I am saying is the root of Muslim hostility is Isreal. Had the Jewish settlers been Rastafarian and their sponsors in the West [ USA - Western Europe ] been Ba'hai than this hostility would still exist but towards those groups.

Before 1948 fpr over 1,000 years Jews/Christians lived in peace in Muslim lands. In fact many fled Christian Europe and sought refuge in Ottoman Turkey or Muslim Morrocco. Where was the so called perpetual conflict between Jews and Muslims than?

And finally let me make this clear to you. To a Muslim a Christian, a Jew is a fellow person of the book. Hindu etc however are infidels.

Mr Think Tank, you divide the world into two parts 1) People of the Book 2) Infidels, and than have the guts to ask the international community to declare Islamophobia be made a crime against humanity. Why should fear of Islam and Muslims be a crime? Since when did fear constitute a crime.
Mr Think Tank, you divide the world into two parts 1) People of the Book 2) Infidels, and than have the guts to ask the international community to declare Islamophobia be made a crime against humanity. Why should fear of Islam and Muslims be a crime? Since when did fear constitute a crime.

Mr Brand India I did not divide anything. I just alluded to some precepts in Islam. It was Planet Warrior who divided the world into "we" [ the world ] and "them" [ the Muslims ] and I educated him to the meaning of infidel as understood within Islamic theology.

I never asked for anything to be made a crime - If I did so do please tell. I don't give a rats a*ss about all this ruckus however I have to agree with some commentators that since anti-semitism attracts legislative attention why can't islamaphobia be bracketed in the same category.

Do I make myself clear wiseguy?
Mr Brand India I did not divide anything. I just alluded to some precepts in Islam. It was Planet Warrior who divided the world into "we" [ the world ] and "them" [ the Muslims ] and I educated him to the meaning of infidel as understood within Islamic theology.

I never asked for anything to be made a crime - If I did so do please tell. I don't give a rats a*ss about all this ruckus however I have to agree with some commentators that since anti-semitism attracts legislative attention why can't islamaphobia be bracketed in the same category.

Do I make myself clear wiseguy?

When I say "divide the world into two parts", I am alluding to most Muslims. You cannot at the same breath see us as infidels and also ask us for supporting your cause. Respect is some that is earned. You respect our religion and our Gods, we respect your God and your religion. It is mutual.
Where were these voices from Muslim world when Taliban were destroying Bamiyan Buddhas? Hypocrites!

I hope I am clear Mr Think Tank.
When I say "divide the world into two parts", I am alluding to most Muslims. You cannot at the same breath see us as infidels and also ask us for supporting your cause. Respect is some that is earned. You respect our religion and our Gods, we respect your God and your religion. It is mutual.
Where were these voices from Muslim world when Taliban were destroying Bamiyan Buddhas? Hypocrites!

I hope I am clear Mr Think Tank.

Calling the Hindus 'infidel' does not in any way prevent us asking for support from Hindus - Let me reiterate the term infidel is not meant for Jews or Christians. They are 'people of the book'.

The said term is just a descriptor and is be seen in the same context of the the Jewish term gentile [goy] in referance to non Jew. I accept that today the said term can appear to have acquired a pejorative meaning however at heart it is a Islamic term meaning those who do not believe in one god.

And yes respect is mutual and for what it's worth I was opposed to the Bamiyan Buddhas being blown. I have visited the Buddist remain In Taxila near Islamabad in Pakistan and openly accept and am proud that Pakistan [ Ghandara ]was once a a major Buddist centre of learning.
How so? When Christians believe in the trinity...Hindus believe in polytheism...those are ridiculing each other and both are ridiculing Islam...But I guess you just want to think silly instead of thinking positive!

That is their religion...there is a difference between sacredness and BS!

Do you actually want me to believe that the director of the film's religion was preaching rubbish about the Prophet? And his movie/ words / expressions all were SACRED?!

Please do us a favor and be sensitive to other's religion and NO do not bring POLITICAL crap here!
Many Christians do not believe in the trinity...one of the causes of inter-christian discord.
No, I watched it because it was emailed to me your point?

Similarly that statement reaches my ears five times a day during azaan

Who is holding a gun to your head though huh?

Same to you. Who is holding a gun to our head to watch those videos.If you find it offensive dont watch it. Simple. Dont tell us non-Muslims what we should do and what we should not. Keep your reverence/love of your Prophet to yourself.
No, I don't. I really think you are being absurd here becuase you don't have a clue of niether what we are discussing nor what Erdogan said. Erdogan did not ask other muslims to protest in front of US embassy. On the contrary, he asked everybody to calm down and Barrack Obama showed his appreciations for his speech.

If you think what I said and the movie made about our prophet is even comparable, then you are crazy. That movie includes insults to our prophet whereas what I said is simply a rejection of what you believe and I do have a right to that. I do have a right not to belive what you believe but I don't have a right to insult or swear to your beliefs. Just like you have the right not to believe Muhammed (a.s.) is a prophet but you don't have the right to insult or swear to Muhammed (a.s.)

What Erdogan asked is to label these kinds of acts or words as a crime, just like antisemitism and racism.
I know exactly what Erdogan is asking and am asking for the same kind. If muslims want to make insults to Islam a crime, then Christians have the right to demand the same: Make insults to Christianity a crime. Fair enough?
How so? When Christians believe in the trinity...Hindus believe in polytheism...those are ridiculing each other and both are ridiculing Islam...But I guess you just want to think silly instead of thinking positive!

No you are not getting the point.

While praying we dont say, there is no God but Vishnu and our books dont say other religions are false. But you actively say la ilaha illallah[/I -there is no God but Allah - which I consider as blaspheming towards my religion and my Gods.

And I'm not thinking silly here, I'm just showing the mirror how the Muslims regularly criticise other religions as false, how other Gods are false in a casual manner, but get all pumped up when somebody says something about their religion. The irony is you don't even realise the inherent hypocrisy in that.
I consider worshiping cheeseburgers and elephant-nosed girls as wierd as anyone...yet I don't rail against Hinduism or bring it up much. They don't yelp as amusingly. Coincidence?:what:
I still remember M.F. Hussein - the Muslim artist -- who was issued death threats by hindu extremist organizations....they smashed his art works, issued verbal threats against his life; they ranted they raved.

the guy had to seek Qatari asylum and was given citizenship, and is now buried in the UK

Well apparently you only heard half the story...that cases were filed against him in a lawful manner, and there was no bomb blasts, no chopping of heads/palms, no riots, no arson. The old guy fearful of facing the cases against him ran way to a desert kingdom as a fugitive from justice.
I consider worshiping cheeseburgers and elephant-nosed girls as wierd as anyone...yet I don't rail against Hinduism or bring it up much. They don't yelp as amusingly. Coincidence?:what:

It's a elephant headed guy (not gal) -- called Vinayaka -- and a blissful Vinayaka Chaturthi (a festival we are celebrating right now) to you :yu:
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