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PKK Terrorists Begin Return to Turkey


Feb 9, 2014
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Withdrawn PKK militants begin return to Turkey, intel report says

According to a report prepared by the police and gendarmerie intelligence units, the total number of the outlawed Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) was approximately 1,000.

However, the militant groups stationed at bases near the border returned to cities within Turkey’s borders, rather than leaving the country.

A report titled “Solution Process/PKK Report” prepared by the Turkish security forces’ intelligence units said the PKK’s withdrawal has stopped completely. A total of 65 PKKmilitant groups – each consisting of around 14 to 16 people – retreated from Turkey between May 2013 and Sept. 2013 as part of the peace process, which started between the Turkish government and the outlawed group’s leader, sentenced to life on an island prison, according to the report.

“There have been retreats [during the withdrawal] of the more lightly armed, with the more heavily armed remaining in the bases. The movement started from the inner regions toward the border and was slower before October [2013], and then stopped. The [PKK] bases on the borders kept their presence,” said the intelligence report.

The militants who used the bases at the borders during the winter have “moved to the inner areas [of the country], rather than moving to the other side of the borders,” said the report.

“The organization is keeping its presence at the moment and the withdrawals have stopped. The militants who were staying at the winter bases on the borders are moving toward the inner regions as the weather becomes warmer. There is no movement in the roads leading out of the border. There are movements of smaller groups into the inward regions [of Turkey],” said the report.

After Sept. 2013, armed PKK militants returned to these bases where they had stored food and medicine, but there had been no activity detected in these areas until the weather conditions warmed.

The PKK has kept its presence in the eastern provinces of Tunceli, Hakkari, Şırnak, Diyarbakır, Bingöl, Van and Muş without any changes and has taken active roles in its organizations in the cities. The withdrawal took place among PKK militants based in the Black See region, central Anatolia and only some cities in eastern part of the country. The armed militants have become more active recently and kidnappings have increased in the region, according to the report.

Around 2,000 people recently joined the PKK and these new recruits returned to Turkey a short period after their withdrawal from the country. “Many of these people did not join armed attacks, but received political training on the other side of the border and returned Turkey under the repentance law. These people are participating in political activities for the organization in Turkey,” said the report.

Withdrawn PKK militants begin return to Turkey, intel report says - POLITICS

Who knows what kind of weapons these guys acquired in Syria. :disagree:
What is the heaviest weapon ever wielded by the PKK?
14.5 mm? RPG-7s?
They might have acquired some small amounts of nerve agent but I don't see how thats anymore lethal then just shooting up police stations etc.

Might cause more fear especially with media jumping in on the action.

How come our Aboriginals don't do shit like this? They just try to sue and ask for more money from social security. Abo's are the oldest culture on earth and they were enslaved as well.
I'm just sick of this PKK shit.
I am sure PKK aquired some TOW systems in Syria. I think Armed turkish troops will face a whole new threat in the future.

I predicted that Turkey faces the danger of civil war in the future.
An open civil war would be easier to handle, what is diffucult is chasing monkeys at high mountains who keep hitting and fleeing to Iraq.

There is no such thing is going to happen in near future though, Kurds are not stupid.
I am sure PKK aquired some TOW systems in Syria. I think Armed turkish troops will face a whole new threat in the future.

I predicted that Turkey faces the danger of civil war in the future.

Rats spray there AKs at unsuspecting civilians then run like bicthes to the nearest Kurdish town, hide there AKs and act like nothing happened.
Who me? I'm just feeding my chickens bro.
As long as moderate Erdogan is in Power and Islam rules the society, you will have peace. But if CHP comes to power or Generals do a coup, than southeast will have huge civil unrest. Maybe the Turks dont care about Erdogan, but the Kurds see him as their legitimate Leader/liberator.

Kemalism already lost the struggle for the hearts and minds of the kurds. You will never win it back with empty kemalist words and if you use brute force, your downfall will just be more faster.

Erdogan is the only way for Turkey to not beeing ripped apart. But i can now clearly see that the West will continue to attack him with their Pawns like Gülen. USA and EU dont want turkey to become stronger and form a neo ottoman empire. More scandals will follow in the future and turkish economy will stuck in a dead end. Investors will stop the moneyflow and your credit based consumption economy will colapse. You lack resources and money/tradecontrol for forming an independent empire.

On the long term Erdogan will be forced to leave the country. There is no way he can topple the kemalist military and his liberal opposition enemies. Erdogan already prepares for his departion. Kurds also become unpatient and want to see how Öcalan is released from jail. Erdogans policy is stuck in a dead end because Kemalism is a huge burden for turkish rise. It became obsolete and now stops the progress of turkish society. Kemalism is stoneage policy in the modern day world.

When Erdogan is gone and Kemalists take back the control, they will start to oppress Kurds again and those wont sit in their homes and watch turkish oppression anymore. All of southeast turkey is only waiting for the right signal to rise against oppression. That signal will be a civil war in iraq between Kurdistan and bagdad central regime. You, Iran and Iraq are sitting on a kurdish gunpowderbox. Ultimatly doomed, because your countries lack constancy. :tup:

Russia will of course take advantage out of all of this. The only way to avoid the destruction of your country would be uniting behind erdogans policies. Erdogan is trying to form a federal kurdish state and change Turkey into a Federation. But hatefilled Kemalists dont want to live together with others. Thats also the Reason why EU dont want you in their club.

Face it. Kemalism stops your country from forming a new ottoman empire. If you are smart than you would crush kemalism and pacifice the kemalist military.
Kurds doesn't give a f.ck about Erdoğan, most dislike him, only a traditionally religious and non-nationalist group of Kurds like him, they like any leader from right side actually.

Rest of your post is retarded and far from real situation.
Kurds doesn't give a f.ck about Erdoğan, most dislike him, only a traditionally religious and non-nationalist group of Kurds like him, they like any leader from right side actually.

Rest of your post is retarded and far from real situation.

Watch and see your downfall.

With the current crack in the turkish society, your country will brake apart in three pieces.

Western Turkey with Kemalist population

Anatolian Islamic Republic with Ottoman values

Istanbul City state under UN control with Europe ready to absorb it.

It will of course pass several decades until this all happens. First Iran Mullah regime needs to be destroyed. Putin needs to be replaced in Russia with pro western Medwedew. Than Turkey is next.

Some far day Erdogan will lose public support with colapsing turkish economy, he than will run away to a friendly country like Sudan or Malaysia to avoid trials against him, Kemalists will take back control and erase Erdogans reforms, hatefilled kemalists will destroy AKP and their influence in the society, People with Ottoman values will feel oppressed, Kurds will feel also oppressed. An atmosphere of fear will rise, mixed with recession and mass unemployement.

Greece and Turkey will go back to hard military rhetorik. A new arms race will further deepen the crisis in turkish economy. EU membership will be thousands of miles away for Turkey.

A iraqi civil war between Kurds and Arabs will spill into turkish soil. Kemalists will refuse to help Kurds in North Iraq and turkish kurds will notice that as hate towards them. The BDP (political wing of PKK) will rise their votes and ethnical clashes will brake out in south east Turkey. CHP will be completely overwhelmed from reality of hate between Turks and Kurds.

Turkish Army will step in and use brute force. Start to ethnical cleansing like they did in the 90s, burning kurdish vilages. MHP will rise their votes and replace CHP as government.

Turkey with an independent Arms industry will become more and more hostile towards its neighbors. A possible War with Greece will occure. Golden dawn in Greece will come to Power start ethnical cleansing of thrakyan Turks.

Turkey will choke on its own hatred towards its neighbors. Kurdistan is a project of US deep state and it will be successfull, if you believe it or not. Democrasy always wins, everywhere!
Watch and see your downfall.

Turkey will choke on its own hatred towards its neighbors. Kurdistan is a project of US deep state and it will be successfull, if you believe it or not. Democrasy always wins, everywhere!

Maybe in your dream.. But unfortunately we are in 'Real' life... Don't expect much..
Maybe in your dream.. But unfortunately we are in 'Real' life... Don't expect much..

What do you know about Reality? Your eyes and senses are limited. You can´t even notice the full lightspectrum.
Thats the reason why they dont tell the truth to the masses. 99% of Humans would not believe that they can become gods themselfs. Creators.

Don´t believe your Eyes. Believe your sixth sense.

Humanity is receiving a huge Gift from a fifth dimensional entity. Thats the reason why simple Hunters (Humanity lived as hunters. 500.000 years and more) became creators of culture and civilisation in less than 10.000 years.

It´s the difference between instinct (which every animal has) and Intuition (To receive 5th dimension energy flow and rise consciousness)

Humanity had many enlightened beeings, people like Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mahadma Ghandi, Mother Teresa. But only Europeans managed to rise their level of consiusness enough to evolve as a whole. Europeans created ROM, Byzantium, Ancient Greece, Soviet Union, British Empire, Nazi Germany, Renessaince France, European Union and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Mary Currie and her Husband died of radiation when they experimented with Uran. But their inner voice ordered them to do it. Leonardo Da Vinci drew pictures of Airplanes 500 years before the wright brothers actualy created a real one. Its all about level of consciousness.
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