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PKK militants blow up Iran-Turkey gas pipeline

Yeah...... there are many who can't fight like a man and use terrorism.

i'm guessing your talking about india right? supporting and funding LTTE (terrorist organization) in Sri Lanka and supporting/funding Mukhti Bahini in East Pakistan in 1971, also using half a million soldiers to occupy Kashmir against the will of the Kashmiris!

Seriously, you should check the mirror before pointing fingers at others, and don't derail the thread!
ای ایران;1012002 said:
It'll never happen. The PKK's operational bases may be in Iraqi Kurdestan but the conditions that give life to their movement and the base of their support are in southeastern Turkey. It would be better for both Turkey and Iran to remove those policies and practices which are repressive and discriminatory towards Kurds. Taking the fight to the PKK in Iraqi Kurdestan wont change anything as far as Kurdish alienation goes. It will exacerbate it and give Turkey, Iran and Iraq more of a serious long-term problem.

First off, there's no country called Kurdistan. Iraq is not securing its northern border and PKK has camps all over those mountains in Norther Iraq. We have the right to go, hit and come back. Iraq is harboring terrorists.
First off, there's no country called Kurdistan. Iraq is not securing its northern border and PKK has camps all over those mountains in Norther Iraq. We have the right to go, hit and come back. Iraq is harboring terrorists.

Iran is in bad omen with all its neighbours due to its alien policies. It wants to go contra-everybody. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Well first Iraq has no say in this matter. It may be their land but they refuse to do anything about it. Second is we saw that military operations worked Operation sun resulted in a crippled PKK that just recently started coming back. What we need is a forward base of operations in Iraq to counter the PKK. We have given Kurd all the rights we could while keeping the Turkish way intact. They have all the rights we do. Turkey does not negotiate with terrorists.

Turkey does not have to negotiate with the PKK. They are not the only Kurdish voice out there. And you cant seriously expect anyone to believe that Kurds are not politically and culturally disadvantaged in both Turkey, and i freely admit, in Iran too? Iran under the I.R isnt a free society at all but minorities like the Kurds face even more political and cultural restrictions. People in Turkey are overall freer than they are in I.R Iran but Kurds obviously do not have the same rights that Turks do, this is why the PKK and other armed Kurdish outfits exist. If you dont agree with that, then tell me, why is there a Kurdish conflict and unrest in Turkey?

First off, there's no country called Kurdistan. Iraq is not securing its northern border and PKK has camps all over those mountains in Norther Iraq. We have the right to go, hit and come back. Iraq is harboring terrorists.

So what if theres no actual state called Kurdestan? Both Iran and Iraq recognize the Kurds as a people with their own culture/identity and both recognize a territory called Kurdestan within their own borders. Turkey and Syria the only countries with a sizeable Kurdish population that do not recognize any entity called Kurdestan within their borders, yet ironically, Turkey has the largest population of Kurds in the World and the proportion of Kurds in the overall population of Syria is roughly the same as their proportion in Iran's overall population.
We have the right to go, hit and come back. Iraq is harboring terrorists.

By the way this is i dont disagree with. Both Turkey and Iran should not tolerate PKK and PJAK bases in Iraqi Kurdestan and have a right to attack them in Iraqi territory whenever PKK or PJAK launches attacks against Turkey and Iran from Iraqi territory. My point is tho, that this wont resolve the Kurdish problem long-term.
Turkey does not have to negotiate with the PKK. They are not the only Kurdish voice out there. And you cant seriously expect anyone to believe that Kurds are not politically and culturally disadvantaged in both Turkey, and i freely admit, in Iran too? Iran under the I.R isnt a free society at all but minorities like the Kurds face even more political and cultural restrictions. People in Turkey are overall freer than they are in I.R Iran but Kurds obviously do not have the same rights that Turks do, this is why the PKK and other armed Kurdish outfits exist. If you dont agree with that, then tell me, why is there a Kurdish conflict and unrest in Turkey?

Politically they are disadvantaged because their parties have ties with the PKK and culturally i can speak from experience since i have Kurdish friends i have not seen it. Though it is possible in highly Kurdish areas. I wouldn't be surprised(since there are PKK supporters in those areas). Kurds do have the same rights as turks if they are born in Turkey they are our brothers. The PKK is a communist group trying to separate turkey and seek Kurdish independence. They have refused to resolve politically and turned to terror attacks. There is not some major conspiracy here of turks trying to oppress kurds it is the PKK that is making it difficult for us to work this out. You say talk with other Kurdish officials and who might that be ? You think PKK would stop attack us if we put them and there ideology out of the picture ?

For us to sit down and go over the issues the PKK must completely leave the picture and have no say in these matters.
Politically they are disadvantaged because their parties have ties with the PKK and culturally i can speak from experience since i have Kurdish friends i have not seen it. Though it is possible in highly Kurdish areas. I wouldn't be surprised(since there are PKK supporters in those areas). Kurds do have the same rights as turks if they are born in Turkey they are our brothers. The PKK is a communist group trying to separate turkey and seek Kurdish independence. They have refused to resolve politically and turned to terror attacks. There is not some major conspiracy here of turks trying to oppress kurds it is the PKK that is making it difficult for us to work this out. You say talk with other Kurdish officials and who might that be ? You think PKK would stop attack us if we put them and there ideology out of the picture ?

For us to sit down and go over the issues the PKK must completely leave the picture and have no say in these matters.

It took Turkey a very long time to officially accept that there was a Kurdish minority in that country and to recognize them as Kurds. Turkey used to label Kurds as 'mountain Turks' and tried to assimilate them by destroying their ethno-cultural identity and language. Thats pretty much the crux of where all else eventually resulted in the armed revolt by Kurds against Turkey under the PKK.

The conflict has worsened in recent years because it has now spilled over into Iran. There has been some Kurdish discontent in Iran since the early 20th century, but nothing on the scale of what Turkey has had since the 1980s. But now the PKK has broadened its movement to include Iran too where it operates under the name PJAK. Before in Iran, Kurdish opposition revolved mainly around Komalah which was a Communist movement, and PDKI which was Kurdish nationalist group. Both of these had an Iran-orientated agenda, not a pan-Kurd one.

So given that now Iran also has been brought into the larger Kurdish movement that started in Turkey i would say that Turkey really needs to stop denying that this conflict is dying down, because it isnt. Its getting worse. Just within the past month or couple of months like 50 Turkish soldiers have been killed. Pretending that Kurds have no popular grievances is self-defeating.
ای ایران;1014569 said:
It took Turkey a very long time to officially accept that there was a Kurdish minority in that country and to recognize them as Kurds. Turkey used to label Kurds as 'mountain Turks' and tried to assimilate them by destroying their ethno-cultural identity and language. Thats pretty much the crux of where all else eventually resulted in the armed revolt by Kurds against Turkey under the PKK.

The conflict has worsened in recent years because it has now spilled over into Iran. There has been some Kurdish discontent in Iran since the early 20th century, but nothing on the scale of what Turkey has had since the 1980s. But now the PKK has broadened its movement to include Iran too where it operates under the name PJAK. Before in Iran, Kurdish opposition revolved mainly around Komalah which was a Communist movement, and PDKI which was Kurdish nationalist group. Both of these had an Iran-orientated agenda, not a pan-Kurd one.

So given that now Iran also has been brought into the larger Kurdish movement that started in Turkey i would say that Turkey really needs to stop denying that this conflict is dying down, because it isnt. Its getting worse. Just within the past month or couple of months like 50 Turkish soldiers have been killed. Pretending that Kurds have no popular grievances is self-defeating.

I really dont understand... Ever been to Turkey? Probably not right? So how could you talk like Kurds have been discriminated this and that??? Dont you think that is a little absurd? Kurdish people have their own channel that is provided by the Turkish Government. I have been to Kars and Sirnak and believe me, they basically pay no utilities because the government gives them so many discounts and breaks, it is not even funny. What we pay in Western Turkey is 10x more than what they pay in Eastern Europe. I have so many Kurdish friends and they are unbelievably uncomfortable about PKK's actions because they think it is harming our innocent Kurdish population in Turkey.

You can say the same things about Al-Qaide, Hizbullah and Taliban, because they F'ed it up for us muslims. To others, we are always labeled as the Terrorists because of what 30-40k terrorists have done in 9/11 and Afghanistan. On online forums like this one, people even argue about building a mosque in a certain place, because they think it is a disrespect to the victims of 9/11 and directly associate my religion with a terrorist act. they also forget lots of Muslims had died in the attack.

So PKK is only harming their own people in Turkey. That is the end of this.
ای ایران;1014569 said:
It took Turkey a very long time to officially accept that there was a Kurdish minority in that country and to recognize them as Kurds. Turkey used to label Kurds as 'mountain Turks' and tried to assimilate them by destroying their ethno-cultural identity and language. Thats pretty much the crux of where all else eventually resulted in the armed revolt by Kurds against Turkey under the PKK.

The conflict has worsened in recent years because it has now spilled over into Iran. There has been some Kurdish discontent in Iran since the early 20th century, but nothing on the scale of what Turkey has had since the 1980s. But now the PKK has broadened its movement to include Iran too where it operates under the name PJAK. Before in Iran, Kurdish opposition revolved mainly around Komalah which was a Communist movement, and PDKI which was Kurdish nationalist group. Both of these had an Iran-orientated agenda, not a pan-Kurd one.

So given that now Iran also has been brought into the larger Kurdish movement that started in Turkey i would say that Turkey really needs to stop denying that this conflict is dying down, because it isnt. Its getting worse. Just within the past month or couple of months like 50 Turkish soldiers have been killed. Pretending that Kurds have no popular grievances is self-defeating.

Are you now blaming Iran's Kurdish problems on turkey. Because that is what it took from reading that. I have not seen kurd's getting oppressed maybe in Iran they are but that is not something i can judge as i have not been to Iran.In Turkey though they get special benefits from the government that even Turks don't. It is sad to see the Kurd's ask for more and keep playing the oppressed card. Instead of them helping to better the Turkish state they are seeking their own agenda and it makes me sick that some of these kurds would do this and support the PKK.
Are you now blaming Iran's Kurdish problems on turkey. Because that is what it took from reading that. I have not seen kurd's getting oppressed. They also get special benefits from the government that even Turks don't. It is sad to see the Kurd's ask for more and keep playing the oppressed card. Instead of them helping to better the Turkish state they are seeking their own agenda and it makes me sick that some of these kurds would do this and support the PKK.

When a black man is wrong on some issue and wants to get away with it, he blames the white man for calling him the "N" word. that is how it is. Just like the Armenians, a portion of Kurds are just spreading lies about being discriminated, because our world believes in whatever they say without any proof. The only solid thing out there is over 30k Turkish civilians and 15k Turkish soldiers being dead. But no one cares. Unimportant. :rolleyes:
that was the reason for india stand in IPI pipeline. No one can gurantee its safety.
Yeah one can only Taliban.:cheers:
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