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Pipeline may isolate Pakistan globally

Pipeline se thora fayda zaroor hoga, lekin baad me dusri bato se pakistan ko zyada nuksan hoga.

aisai hi dartai rahai to kabhi khudmukhtar nahi ho pai gai america ko pakistan ki zarorat hai afghanistan sai nikalnai kai liyai
Saudis were the one who came for Pakistan's partial rescue in 2008 balance of payment crisis. Otherwise no other country, not even China helped Pakistan during that crisis.

The US has biggest clout in both IMF and WB, kind of VETO power with about 16 pcnt lion's share.
If Pakistan is living co-operatively in the comity of nations under the UN umbrella, it is supposed to behave appropriately and rationally with other members of the global team. Seeking huge loans is hardly a problem, repaying is.

If Pakistan becomes a defaulter, it can not borrow again.
Ohh my!
Its a veiled blackmail.
What if every country started behaving this way?

US needs our help to save face in Afghanistan and if they impose sanctions then it will might get messy for them.
The US has biggest clout in both IMF and WB, kind of VETO power with about 16 pcnt lion's share.
If Pakistan is living co-operatively in the comity of nations under the UN umbrella, it is supposed to behave appropriately and rationally with other members of the global team. Seeking huge loans is hardly a problem, repaying is.

Even the vote of EU will be with them.
Oh by the way more than Americans i see Indian outsourced labourers are trying their hard to oppose Pakistani decision on this forum :laugh:
The US has biggest clout in both IMF and WB, kind of VETO power with about 16 pcnt lion's share.
If Pakistan is living co-operatively in the comity of nations under the UN umbrella, it is supposed to behave appropriately and rationally with other members of the global team. Seeking huge loans is hardly a problem, repaying is.

If Pakistan becomes a defaulter, it can not borrow again.

Pakistan was already denied further loans by IMF because the government had no interest in introducing any reforms like tax reforms or austerity. The thing is Pakistan's national assembly is filled with rich feudal lords who don't pay any tax although they control large swathe of Pakistan's landmass. So, tax reforms in Pakistan is an impossible dream.
Saudi Arabia is still the largest donor to Pakistan.

Donor from which aspect. If your are talking about fueling sectarian violence then you are certainly right. KSA didn't donate a squat during past five years but rather have been urging us to get more loans from them. They are doing more harm than good. All we are doing is importing oil from Gulf countries at high prices whereas they seem reluctant to import anything from us.
:disagree: when it comes to Indians bargaining for bigger chunk then its politics when we do its blackmail

ehhhh be it then

The international perception of both India and Pakistan has changed beyond recognition in India's favour vs Pakistan, who is well known for OBL shelter. One with brittle economical spine. Mired in a terrorism morass, Isolated in sports (cricket) versus India which has approximately trillion dollars IMPEX trade. A country with ICBMs and nuclear submarines, able to deals in nuclear market internationally, hurling its satellites in space on its own.

Pakistan's parity with India is thing of the past in my honest opinion.

Pakistan was already denied further loans by IMF because the government had no interest in introducing any reforms like tax reforms or austerity. The thing is Pakistan's national assembly is filled with rich feudal lords who don't pay any tax although they control large swathe of Pakistan's landmass. So, tax reforms in Pakistan is an impossible dream.

Correct, I know this. Yet, they are seeking loans to stay afloat, whether they get or dont is another issue.
Last time they had stringent conditions attached to loans, this time they will be even harsher.
Donor from which aspect. If your are talking about fueling sectarian violence then you are certainly right. KSA didn't donate a squat during past five years but rather have been urging us to get more loans from them. They are doing more harm than good. All we are doing is importing oil from Gulf countries at high prices whereas they seem reluctant to import anything from us.

Saudi Arabia gives lots of economic package or relaxation to Pakistan in the name of brotherly Muslim nation.
Pakistan was already denied further loans by IMF because the government had no interest in introducing any reforms like tax reforms or austerity. The thing is Pakistan's national assembly is filled with rich feudal lords who don't pay any tax although they control large swathe of Pakistan's landmass. So, tax reforms in Pakistan is an impossible dream.

Everything will become clear in next upcoming elections. If someone can dream then it is certainly possible. Nothing is unachievable as one only needs will and commitment. Currently people are more worried about our next PM rather than economy.

Saudi Arabia gives lots of economic package or relaxation to Pakistan in the name of brotherly Muslim nation.

Those times have long gone my friend otherwise we wouldn't be signing this deal.
Why is pakistan even bothering to build this pipeline.... they can get all the oil they want from Saudi Arabia for peanuts!!
Everything will become clear in next upcoming elections. If someone can dream then it is certainly possible. Nothing is unachievable as one only needs will and commitment. Currently people are more worried about our next PM rather than economy.

So, do you believe that wadera sitting in Pakistan's National Assembly will vote for tax reforms to tax themselves. :lol:

Those times have long gone my friend otherwise we wouldn't be signing this deal.

Pakistan still receiving it.
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