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PIA’s flightpath out of turbulent times

June 2, 2014

Emirates to fly six times a day to Karachi
Launches its sixth daily service to Karachi in Pakistan starting August 1

Emirates said on Monday it will launches its sixth daily service to Karachi in Pakistan starting August 1, 2014. The airline said in a statement that it has served Karachi since it was founded in 1985, and in the past decade alone has transported over six million passengers on the route. 
The additional service will be operated by an Emirates Airbus A330-200 in a two-class configuration. The new service means that as of August 1, Emirates will offer passengers 14,185 seats each week on the route from Dubai, it stated.

Emirates to fly six times a day to Karachi | GulfNews.com
It's not just Canada that has to agree. The US has to agree too. After all, you're competing against airlines from both countries.

That doesn't mean PIA shouldn't try and convince them both. I assume PIA already picks up passengers from Manchester before getting to JFK. They could do same with YVR-LAX, as the planes used on this route are a320 or smaller. People would like to travel with a 777 instead if they have plenty of luggage.

where no Japanese airlines serve Pakistan and only one Chinese airline and a very limited market.

Contradicts with your words

. Off the top off my head, PIA would be competing against American Airlines, United Airlines, Delta Airlines, Jet Blue, Air Canada, West Jet, Porter Airlines and probably others for 10 000s of pax every week.

Jet blue, delta and so forth do not service Pakistan either. So if Japan-China-Pakistan works out, so can USA-Can-Pak. Now this is just a theory of mine. I am not saying PIA should do this or not go to LAX at all. But considering they'd have to land somewhere before getting to LAX, like in the case of JFK, western Canada is a rather good place for that.

The 777 can easily land and takeoff from Leeds-Bradford.

I looked it up and there are contradictions with whether it can land there or not. Nonetheless, the traffic is probably not high enough to warranty a full 777 which can serve a better route. Again, this route is typical for a330 or 787. 777 can work out but it's hard to fill some 400ish seats.

Like I said, PIA had a monopoly in Chicago. It didn't make a difference. Load factors averaged 60%.

here's lots of Pakistanis in Chicago too.
So many Pakistanis that 60% load? :yahoo:
I guess not many Pakistanis then.

So there's the problem, load factor of 60%. There is a big problem in Canada, limited numbers of airlines serving middle east or south Asia. People in USA can hop on a flight from LAX to Dubai direct, or NY to Dubai direct with a large number of flights. Hence, PIA can't get away by charging premium prices.

In Canada, planes are smaller, a large restrictions on sizes and amount you can carry and YYZ being the only airport (AFAIK) that serves middle east (maybe YUL by Qatar). So for one to get to Pakistan, they have to pay ridiculous amount of fare (first domestic, then international. Even code shared tickets are pricey). One has to take a Canadian flight from YVR, YYC, mid Canada over to YYZ. All that time in air and in transit at YYZ is a waste of time and money. How long is the flight from Chicago to YYZ? Or EWR? or JFK?

I'll give another example, it's cheaper to fly with Lufthansa from LAX-YVR-JED (LAX-YVR is code share by Air Canada) than YVR-JED. Lufthansa charges way extra. For example, LAX-YVR-JED is $200ish cheaper than YVR-JED (both stopover in Germany). The flights are exactly the same and both flights have to depart from YVR before getting to Germany.

With low yielding Pakistani pax, even with fuel efficient aircraft like the 777 they couldn't make it work. There isn't a cat in hells chance they can make smaller markets on the West coast work.

And Western Canada will offer better seat factor due to a better monopoly. Chicago to major airports offering direct flights is quicker and cheaper than Western Canada.

If Air India, which serves a much larger market, has newer fuel efficient aircraft, is flying from a stable home base can't make money on it's North America and European routes, how is PIA expected to do the same?

You have to give me an actual example. What route is it making loss? Does it have a limit of slots for the airport? Any stop overs?

Most customers, especially Pakistani and Indian customers, book on the basis of price, regardless of whether the flight takes longer, is less comfortable etc. Even Air Canada is switching to 10 abreast on the 777 and it wouldn't surprise me if the 77W due next year for PIA also have 10 abreast in Y.

Than why introduce hindi movies, local flight attendents etc? People like to fly with fellow Pakistanis. That's why people fly in an a310 with PIA to middle east vs a330 by emirates or even 777. Soon. Qatar will add 787 for its Pakistan route. Why not go for something more comfortable?

And perhaps you didn't read my post earlier, PIA charges $1400 whereas Saudia charges $900 and Emirates charges about $1200. Why does PIA serve YYZ then? Either the management is mentally challenged in this case, or the 80%+ load factors are mentally challenged.

Given the choice to me, I'd take PIA when not going to Umrah. Why? 18 hours stay in hopeless airport in Saudia is worthless to me. I rather work and pay the extra money, eat Pakistani food, be in more 14 hour 9 abreast seat than cramped 10 seats in emirates. And it's not just me, its the 80%+ load factor who pay $1400+ for all this.

Also Air Canada is not changing most of its existent AC to 10 abreast. It depends on market. It uses 10 abreast for shorter routes (like YVR-YYZ or some 9 hours route) and 9 abreast for longer routes (YVR-LHR). They are getting newer aircrafts with 10 abreast but will keep old ones at 9 for very longer routes.

Emirates is a whole different story. People like the airlines and they don't have any other choice, for example, Pakistanis in LAX prefer Emirates due to direct dubai and then Pakistan flight. YYZ because emirates has only 3 slots and hence they use a380 and bigger capacity. And they have good load. If an airline can have good load with 10 abreast, why not? But I'd pay extra and fly PIA with its 9 abreast, Pakistani people, Pakistani food etc, as do others.

Whilst you're right in saying many will pay a premium, it is not enough to justify a 777 service nor even a 787 service for that matter.

That also contradicts with what you said earlier. You said people look at price than flight time and comfort. If that's the case, why pay premium?

PIA doesn't codeshare with Emirates. I was referring to the codeshare point made about Turkish Airlines.

Sure. My point was, Emirates offers 42 weekly flights and PIA offers 2. This means they're losing revenue. If emirates offers code share, PIA is STILL losing revenue. Sure it makes a buck or two, but the revenue is way behind.

This is a good thing. Competition in the market (more seats) drives down prices. If you can't compete, you don't belong. The Pakistani Govt should not be protecting the airline by restricting traffic rights to other countries. If ultimately that means the demise of PIA, then so be it.

No it's not a good thing. Suppose Air Canada allocated more slots to Emirates. It'd simply eat into the market of Air Canada. What was response of Air Canada? Emirates does not invest in our airports, as we do. Emirates is backed heavily by gov't, unlike us. Emirates is a hub, stealing passengers which we can serve instead.

This is a gov't. Not like Pakistan which let Emirates eat into PIA business and it doesn't have enough revenue to buy new jets. The gov't is there to protect its industries, not help foreigns shut down local business because they can compete better. Canada doesn't allow a large amount of foreign ownership for that reason. Because Canada is not for sale, like Pakistan is.

In the short term, I would probably agree that PIA should go down the lease route.

And that is my point. Do you have to disagree with pretty much everything I say? PIA, in short term, needs aircrafts. It needs to lease, not buy. Who cares about long term when in short term you're getting ripped by competitors.

PIA is struggling to service it's debts

That's bad management. A plane shouldn't be flying if it's not making profit.

Actual price they're paying is $750mn or $150mn per 777.

Source? And still, they are taking money from the gov't. Instead, they should've leased and had asked gov't to pay some of its debts. So they have debts and they are taking more money, yippie!

And to argue with your pricing. So what if PIA got planes cheaper? My point was, with 750m or 1.5b, whatever the amount is, they could've rented 10 planes or more for entire year than have 5 planes. Those 10 planes could've created so much of profits. PIA needs planes. The planes will be arriving next year, for order that was placed years ago, with money stuck in between. They could've been leasing 11 a320s (for which they have little money and hence keep cancelling contracts).

You can't just turn up to Boeing or Airbus or any lessor and say I want x amount aircraft now. Understand there is a market, and models like the A330 and 777 are extremely popular. If you want 20, you're going to need to wait 2-3yrs. Also, it costs $1.2mn/month to lease a new 777 and over $14mn a year. For 20 aircraft, after 3 years, your $1Bn is gone with no assets to show for it.

Duh, you can't. And i don't think one leases from Boeing or Airbus for new aircraft. That is why there are leasing companies which had placed orders long ago. Lease from them. And 20 was an example, get as much as you can. Last tender they floated around, they were offered 10 737-800 and 8 a320, all arriving this year. But price wasn't very good I suppose. It just means lesser profits, but profits nonetheless.

No way you have to wait 2-3 years as leasing for older aircrafts are always ending. For example, the 8 a320 were leased to china airlines. Now that it expired, PIA wanted to acquire it. Or perhaps PIA offered a higher price or whatever.

And your math is correct with the last part, but tell me, have you never taken business or economics course? Who cares about assets? People sell assets if they're not making money. In 3 years with 20 aircrafts, you think PIA will be making samosas? Assuming all else equal, PIA would've easily pay off the 1.2b and still have profits to pay to lease new airplanes or even place cash order.

Emirates has little assets for it leases the airplanes. It doesn't care that at the end of the year it has little assets. It cares that it is making profits.

British Airways don't fly to Pakistan and haven't done so since the hotel bombing in Islamabad in 2008 (I think).

But emirates does. Read what I was trying to say, not pick what you like and disagree with it. When BA did fly, it offered pakistani culture aboard.

Competition is healthy. Learn it!

You have got to be the most stupid business man I've come across (if you're a businessman, which i doubt). Competition is healthy for consumers, never for business. You're speaking as an illitrate consumer, not as educated businessman.

Pakistan gov't has to protect its assets and not offer Pakistan for sale. I've given Canada as a role model.

You quote me like you're some high class educated man who knows how the world should be run.

But your last sentence, competition is healthy, just pathetic. No wonder Pakistan is going down the drain because many people, like you, live there and in PIA management.

People who consider emirates eating business of PIA as nothing to worry about.
People who consider purchasing aircrafts and waiting for arrival than leasing out and fill revenue gap.
And so forth.

And mind you, I'm not going to read any of your stupidity because it is a waste of time for me. I could be making money (As in the case of 18 hours transit time or flying uselessly) than respond to you any further. I didn't want to indulge with argument with you, but when you leave a stupid comment and tell someone to "learn," then you should be ready for some feedback on your thoughts.

Good day to you sir and I hope you take some business courses.

June 2, 2014

he new service means that as of August 1, Emirates will offer passengers 14,185 seats each week on the route from Dubai, it stated.

Emirates to fly six times a day to Karachi | GulfNews.com

How much is a single ticket to Emirates? Times that by 14185 (not counting onwards flights from dubai). Divide by half. This is how much PIA is losing revenue.

Assuming a ticket to dubai costs $400. 14185*400/2 = $2,837,000 lost WEEKLY in revenue, just from Karachi. But thanks to crazy management and crazy people (As in this thread), PIA is keen on getting 777s next year than immediately getting a320s or equivlant and fill that revenue gap.

The reason I divide by two is because if you limit dubai flights, emirates will limit PIA flights. They both will meet at equal slots then.

And speaking of slots, do we know how much Qatar, flydubai and other airlines have purchased "Pakistan aviation for sale?" The 2.8m is just from Emirates, just for dubai-khi leg. Imagine revenue from other cities.

But as someone said, "competition is healthy." Yes, let Pakistan be sold for pennies, for competition is healthy.

Also can someone tell me how can PIA get 777 for half the price? Someone said they got it for 750m. A 300er costs some 320m, PIA bought for 175m!?!?

Also I think PIA should've placed order for 787. They could've gotten some 6 or 7 787s instead. These 787s could've served middle east and Europe (they fly cheaper too) and the 9 777s for North America. P.A.T.H.E.T.I.C PIA management.
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Code share is a lost revenue. We only get a share of revenue, not if we were flying that route ourselves. Also, this was the route PIA was flying.

So help me understand this. If PIA starts operations from Chicago, LAX or Vancouver for example, what will that operation be based on? It will be revenue, right? So when you said that PIA cant fly to all areas where Pakistanis are in high density what did you mean by that? After all, only those areas where there are more Pakistanis concentrated, does PIA get more revenue.

I recently traveled Turkish airlines and impressed by their vast operation and great service. I know Pakistan has different situation than Turkey but if you have flown out of Istanbul airport, you will be impressed by how big Turkish airline operation is. I just wished we could have such a big airline and operation too. But that was just a wish!

Chicago probably has not as high density as other parts of world, hence 60% load factor. Plus, chicago people can go to JFK or YYZ easily and cheaply. It's not true for Canada or LAX. As mentioned earlier in my post, PIA serves where there are many Pakistanis. Western areas, there are a lot, but not much competition. Even if it is served by competition, people will choose PIA. Hence people pay $1400 from YYZ vs $1200 by emirates or $900 by Saudi. In addition, once PIA has sufficient revenue from well based routes, it can get 787s. Chicago had 60% route for a 400 seater 777. A 787 is about 300 seats, so then it can become profitable as seat factor will go up and 787s are more efficient based on that seat factor.

Also Istanbul is a great airport because Turkish has one of largest global reach from there. It serves MANY cities. Hence Turkish airlines invests in airport, creates lounges etc. What has Emirates done for KHI airport? Any premium lounge, like once by ist airport?

Forget local airlines. In LHR, you see lounges offered by foreign airlines, because they invest in the airport for they're taking slots. Fortunately, LHR hasn't put its airport up for sale like Pakistan. You want to come to England 100 times and I go 10? No way. Let's do 25-75. I don't have aircraft to cater need? Increase airfare, limit emirates slots, lease expensive terms, make profit. PIA in this case, can't stop emirates, can't get aircrafts, let emirates rob us dry.

Had Air Canada allowed emirates to come in western Canada, Air Canada would've lost almost ENTIRE traffic to east of Europe. Emirates is a better airline than AC, offers cheaper airfare, has newer aircrafts. But no, Air Canada increases airfare, buys more aircrafts and caters more markets it deems profitable.

Sorry for being repittive. But have to give examples in order for people to better understand how business works. But perhaps I shall give one last example, where aviation is not involved and gov't kicks in action.

Walmart wanted to open in India. The gov't said no because it'd hurt local markets. The end (not sure if it went through recently). But this is strong gov't.
He nor any other PIA employee should have anything to do with the regulatory authority (CAA). It creates a conflict of interest and can undermine safety.

Nooras dont understand the term 'conflict of interest'. Their interest lies in this conflict. So its no use explaining them.

A regulator must be separate from the airline. Its a standard & common sense practice all around the world. But in Pakistan its usually one and the same. Most of the times, CAA and PIA are sun by people who have no business being there.
Jet blue, delta and so forth do not service Pakistan either. So if Japan-China-Pakistan works out, so can USA-Can-Pak. Now this is just a theory of mine. I am not saying PIA should do this or not go to LAX at all. But considering they'd have to land somewhere before getting to LAX, like in the case of JFK, western Canada is a rather good place for that.

You're not reading or interpreting my words. PIA would be competing against US and Canadian airlines BETWEEN the US and Canada. A Los Angeles-Vancouver-Karachi flight operated by PIA would be a Fifth freedom flight if paying pax were carried and dropped between Los Angeles-Vancouver segment. It doesn't matter that Air Canada or Delta don't fly to Pakistan. They can and will still complain to the Department of Transportation that they are losing pax between LA and Vancouver. The US-Canada market is extremely well served and PIA would be taking pax from the home carriers.

There is no contradiction in my post. The reason fifth freedom flight is allowed between Japan-China-Pakistan is because the Chinese and Japanese authorities believe that there is not enough seat capacity between Japan-China which is why PIA can carry pax with Fifth Freedom rights. It's the same case for PIAs Pakistan-Manchester-New York flights where Fifth Freedom was permitted as the UK CAA believed there was still space in the Manchester-New York market for another airline (remember British Airways has cancelled it's Manchester-New York flights since 2009). If British Airways was to say tomorrow to the CAA that they want Manchester-New York approval again, the CAA could say to PIA 'we now deem there to be an excess of capacity on this route and thus we're hereby removing your Fifth Freedom rights

I looked it up and there are contradictions with whether it can land there or not.

There is no contradiction and no doubt. A 777 operating LBA-PAK would never be close to structural weight limits and could thus operate out of Leeds Bradford very easily. See my post here:


easy peesy

And Western Canada will offer better seat factor due to a better monopoly.

How will Vancouver or Calgary work when the Pakistani diaspora there is smaller than Chicago (remember 60% LF) and a monopoly route?

You have to give me an actual example. What route is it making loss? Does it have a limit of slots for the airport? Any stop overs?

New York. Airport is not slot limited. Direct flights.

Why not go for something more comfortable?

Again read my post. Most people choose flights based on price, not cabin comfort which is why airlines are moving to 10 abreast on the 777. If people chose on the basis of comfort, all Pakistanis would be flying on PIA and not on Etihad or Emirates.

Also, Air Canada will reconfigure the 9 abreast 777s to 10 abreast.

Air Canada plans to spend $300 million to add seats and a premium economy section to its fleet of existing Boeing 777-300ER and 777-200LR aircraft, and expects a payback period on that investment of less than three years.

Beginning in late 2015 and continuing through 2016 Air Canada plans to reconfigure 12 of its 777-300ERs with an additional 51 seats and its six -200LRs with 31 additional seats. The carrier is extending its premium economy product to those aircraft and reconfiguring the business class section to mirror the business class cabin on its 787 featuring 180 degree full-flat seats.

Air Canada CEO Calin Rovinescu deemed the new configuration as more competitive, noting the business case for increasing the density on those aircraft is “highly compelling”.

Presently most of Air Canadaʼs 777-300ERs feature a two-class configuration with 42 international business class seats and 307 in economy. The additional 51 seats result in 400-seat configuration. The airlineʼs 777-200LRʼs currently feature 228 economy class seats and 42 in international business, and once the planned configurations are complete seating on those aircraft increases to 300.

Air Canada to add seats on existing 777s to drive down unit costs | Runway GirlRunway Girl

And i don't think one leases from Boeing or Airbus for new aircraft.

Yes you can. Not many do though. For example, PIA was leasing 6 A310s from Airbus until they decided to buy them.

Lease from them.

How many 777s do you think ILFC, GECAS etc have sitting around or coming of leases soon?

Last tender they floated around, they were offered 10 737-800 and 8 a320, all arriving this year.

Notice, they were offered the narrowbodies but nobody responded to them for 777s apart from the dirty worn out China Southern 777A and Egyptair 777 powered by PW.

Who cares about assets?

Have you ever read an annual report for a business? If you follow or understand GCAA or IFRS, they ALL contain details of assets!

Who cares about long term

PIA hasn't cared about the long term for over 10 years. Short term decisions (just look at the decision to remove and now reinstall business class on the A310) are what got the airline into this mess.

The airline has a very old A310 and 737 fleet (much of which was delivered before I was born) which hasn't been replaced due to NO long term planning.

Standard starting discount for airliners from Boeing and Airbus is 50% off list price which is what PIA got:

PIA Managing Director Nadeem Khan Yousufzai having informed the Senate Defence Committee on Friday that the actual price of each aircraft was $190 million but due to PIA’s good past reputation, the Boeing company would provide the planes to PIA at $150 million.

PIA 777 deal gets even murkier - thenews.com.pk

Given your "Who Cares", it would seem you haven't got a clue what you are talking about.

Emirates has little assets

Funny guy:

ek assets.jpg

$30 billion in assets. I'm done with you.
Good. Thanks for reading my post. I didn't read yours at all, but good job for wasting your time for nothing. :yahoo:

Nooras dont understand the term 'conflict of interest'. Their interest lies in this conflict. So its no use explaining them.

A regulator must be separate from the airline. Its a standard & common sense practice all around the world. But in Pakistan its usually one and the same. Most of the times, CAA and PIA are sun by people who have no business being there.

How can the gov't sell PIA? Opposition and people will be mad. Solution? Make it loss making entitiy and use that as an excuse to sell assets than turning it around.

PIA should get rid of all loss making routes and employees. Stick with profit making routes and grow from there. They also have the hotels to make profit with.

Sadly above is unlikely to happen as people of Pakistan loves subsidized run companies. They want to pay as little. So gov't will keep giving PIA money and PIA in turn will keep operating loss making routes and its 19000 work force.
Some relevant aircraft leasing costs for this topic:

Back again, here is the winter 2014 update on industry aircraft valuations and market lease rates.

As before, the below list contains estimated current market value (in USD) based on the oldest to newest airframes, along with sample monthly lease rates based also on oldest to newest airframes for some common models.

A319 – $8.3 - 34.3M, $110-270,000
A320 – $4.0 - 41.0M, $65-320,000
A321 – $9.5 - 48.0M, $90-385,000
A330-200 – $32.0 - 87.0M, $320-850,000
A330-300 - $17.5 - 100.0M, $180-900,000
A340-300 – $7.0 -39.3M, $130-380,000
A380-800 - $145.0 - 210.0M, $1,350-2,000,000
B737-300 – $1.3 – 5.0M, $40-80,000
B737-700 - $12.0 - 34.5M, $140-300,000
B737-800 - $15.0 - 46.0M, $190-360,000
B737-900ER - $30.0 - 48.5M, $260-390,000
B747-400 – $10.0 – 38.0M, $190-460,000
B757-200 – $5.5 – 20.0M, $80-220,000
B767-300ER – $9.5 – 61.5M, $170-460,000
B777-200ER – $38.0 – 115.0M, $400-900,000
B777-300ER – $88.0 – 165.0M, $800-1,550,000
B787-8 - $100.0 - 113.0M, $900-1,000,000
MD-11 - $8.0 – 14.0M , $150-220,000
MD-82 - $0.5 - 1.4M, $25-45,000
CRJ200 – $1.4 - 5.0M, $35-70,000
CRJ700 – $9.0 – 22.5M, $90-200,000
CRJ900 - $11.5 – 25.0M, $120-220,000
Q400 – $9.5 – 21.0M, $90-190,000
ERJ145 – $2.8 – 8.0M, $40-80,000
EMB170 – $14.0 – 27.0M, $145-235,000
EMB190 – $19.3 – 32.5M, $185-280,000
ATR-72 – $6.4 – 20.0M, $80-190,000

The information is derived from actual transactions along with market valuations and is current as of November 2013.

Aircraft Values, And Lease Pricing - Winter 2014 — Civil Aviation Forum | Airliners.net
PIA cannot turn around until it gets rid of its union and extra employees. It is dying out, code sharing with other airlines that too not operating a single flight on those route with its own aircraft. This is called giving customers on platter to competitors.
PIA cannot turn around until it gets rid of its union and extra employees. It is dying out, code sharing with other airlines that too not operating a single flight on those route with its own aircraft. This is called giving customers on platter to competitors.

Exactly what I said. People consider competition healthy. Protecting businesses of Pakistan is considered crime. PIA will never be able to compete, simply because competitors have bigger airplanes and can offer better cost. It's unfair for PIA. Consider UAE making big superstore next to small pakkstani makets. Sure they'll have cheaper prices, but hundreds will be out of jobs.

Get a few planes and stop with code sharing. And cancel half of emirates slots across country and impose limit to maximum passengers they can carry.

Let's not sell ourselves for few pennies!
Not sure why you two keep harping on about code shares. PIA to my knowledge only codeshares with Turkish, China Southern and Thai.

That's three countries which in terms of pax traffic are amongst the lowest in the PIA network.
Exactly what I said. People consider competition healthy. Protecting businesses of Pakistan is considered crime. PIA will never be able to compete, simply because competitors have bigger airplanes and can offer better cost. It's unfair for PIA. Consider UAE making big superstore next to small pakkstani makets. Sure they'll have cheaper prices, but hundreds will be out of jobs.

Get a few planes and stop with code sharing. And cancel half of emirates slots across country and impose limit to maximum passengers they can carry.

Let's not sell ourselves for few pennies!
My dear PIA staff itself is not sincere with their organisation. I am witness to their loot and plunder. They are not ready to deliver the right services against the price to their customers. They think they are part of ministry of defence so they can do anything. Just look at the condition of aircraft. Emirates if starting 9th flight from karachi with two classes and PIA has closed its business class to dubai. How can they get premium when they give worst of the service. I have traveled all local airlines and if you ask me my rating would be
1. Shaheen
2. Airblue
3. Indus
4. PIA

I have traveled international on Thai, Emirates, Cathay, Air Lanka, Etihad and PIA. Again our great people to fly with are last.
I have recently flown in Boeing 737-800 and I have also flown in A320 and A321.

I must say every time I fly in a Boeing plane, its always a better experience in terms of comfort, leg and head room. Also, the overhead luggage space in Boeing planes is always bigger in Boeing planes.
I must say every time I fly in a Boeing plane, its always a better experience in terms of comfort, leg and head room. Also, the overhead luggage space in Boeing planes is always bigger in Boeing planes.

Comfort is down to the cabin configuration the airline uses.

If you fly on an Emirates Boeing, you will get a 17.3 inch seat width in economy. If you fly any of their Airbus aircraft, you will get 18.5 inch seat width in economy. Seat pitch is roughly the same in both (33-34 depending on where you sit)
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