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Philippines To Spend $1.8B on Defense To Resist 'Bullies'


Nov 10, 2012
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Philippines To Spend $1.8B on Defense To Resist 'Bullies'

MANILA — Philippine President Benigno Aquino on Tuesday announced a $1.8-billion military upgrade to help defend his country’s maritime territory against “bullies” amid an ever-worsening dispute with China.

The announcement came on the same day that the Philippines filed a protest with China over the “illegal and provocative” presence of a Chinese warship and two other vessels at a Filipino-claimed shoal in the disputed South China Sea.

In thinly veiled comments referring to China, Aquino vowed during a speech to mark the navy’s 115th anniversary that the armed forces would be given the resources necessary to protect Philippine sovereignty.

“We have a clear message to the world: The Philippines is for Filipinos, and we have the capability to resist bullies entering our backyard,” Aquino told naval chiefs.

Aquino detailed a 75-billion-peso (US $1.82-billion) military modernization program that gives priority to upgrading the navy, which is one of the weakest in Southeast Asia.

He said by 2017 the Philippines would acquire two new frigates, two helicopters capable of anti-submarine warfare, three fast vessels for coastal patrols and eight amphibious assault vehicles.

“We will also improve our communications, intelligence and surveillance systems,” he said.

The Philippines has been locked for more than two years in an increasingly hostile dispute with China over rival claims to the South China Sea, which is believed to sit atop vast resources of oil and gas.

China insists it has sovereign rights to most of the sea, even waters close to the coasts of Southeast Asian countries.

Aside from the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia and Taiwan also claim parts of the sea.

China has in recent years taken what the Philippines and Vietnam say are increasingly aggressive actions to assert its claims.

In the latest incident, the Philippines said Tuesday that three Chinese vessels — a warship and two maritime surveillance vessels — had established a presence near the Filipino-claimed Second Thomas Shoal, also known as Ayungin.

“We (have) filed with the Chinese embassy in Manila our protest on the provocative and illegal presence of Chinese government ships around Ayungin Shoal,” foreign affairs department spokesman Raul Hernandez said.

“The intrusions and the activities... in our (waters) is part of the Chinese projection of their claim, which we believe is excessive and in violation of international law.”

Second Thomas Shoal is a tiny group of islets and reefs near the Spratly Islands chain, about 200 kilometers (120 miles) north of the Philippine island of Palawan.

It is close to Mischief Reef, which the Philippines controlled until China built structures on it in the mid-1990s.

The Philippines says China has also since last year occupied a shoal 230 kilometers (140 miles) from the main Philippine island of Luzon.

Even with the extra spending announced by Aquino on Tuesday, China’s military budget would still dwarf that of the Philippines.

China announced in March its defense budget for 2013 would be about $115 billion.

The Philippines is also facing intense diplomatic pressure from Taiwan after the Filipino coast guard shot dead a Taiwanese fishermen this month in waters near the South China Sea.

The Philippines insists the Taiwanese fishing vessel was illegally in Filipino waters. However, Taiwan denies this and has suspended important trade ties in a bid to punish the Philippines.

Philippines To Spend $1.8B on Defense To Resist 'Bullies' | Defense News | defensenews.com
Too bad the Pinoy only buys American; otherwise they can get 6 Kilo-class submarines with that kind of money
1.8billion?what a big deal?
i should say that pino army equals to ZERO even compared to Vietnam
Too bad the Pinoy only buys American; otherwise they can get 6 Kilo-class submarines with that kind of money

Well its not enough one its just to buy two ships probably for korean ships offered to us and more MACPAC (our localized version of the Swedish combat boat 90) and new helicopters and missiles and other ordinances and its just for the Navy well its start we do have still to slowly build our forces so in way we should thank china and Taiwan of bullying us

Supa Noy Noy, the drama queen?

Really so beating up on small defenseless country is not bullying huh? then what is?
1.8billion?what a big deal?
i should say that pino army equals to ZERO even compared to Vietnam

Bullies are only good in using intimidation and force and its funny chinese forces were losing badly in the Korean war and it was the Philippines who always got the best in kicking your @$$es. Well of course the books of china will tell different stories but what can expect from a country that lies to its own people.

from the title, I thought that Philippines is resisting its own coast guard?

If Philippines has the money, it should compensate the murdered fisherman's family bullied by its coast guard.

We don't compensate criminals sorry so are you going to attack filipino workers again?
Phillipines really should have bought bastion land based naval attack missile system based on the yakhont/brahmos from russia.Vietnam already bought bastion.
what philipina need to fight china is hybrid assymetric warfare.........Long Range Armed Drone, Armed Sea Drone & Fast Missile Boat

You Need that
there is no drone like that yet its still being studied and as for small boat yes we do have them our own version of the Swedish combat boat 90 the MACPAC (multipurpose attack craft) but we have the 3rd largest coast line and huge EZZ to defend and to top it all up we are using a mix of modern, World war 2 and Vietnam war old stocks from America system we so most of the money will be use to replace those old systems namely Communications and other important system along with our now online coastal watch system which just finish its 4 day trial run
Such smaller amount won't have any effect on tw, let alone the mainland.
I think the Beijing SWAT team is better armed than the laughable Pinoy military.
Words cannot beat ZhongGuo(China).
pls add to 18 billion or even 180 billion dollars .To exceeding the PLA's 124 billion a year.and go on expending the military budget for at least 30 yrs.
then ,ur country would be a qualified rival to China military force.Also considering that the China keep 0-growth on military budget to wait u
BTW,the GDP of pinoy 2012 is only $ 250 billion compare to China's $ 8230 billion(expelled the Taiwan,Hongkong and Macao).do u have enough money to spend on military?
Frankly speaking:The reality is cruel,even a normal province in China would exceeding ur philipine a whole nation,not to mention several advanced provinces in whatever aspect ,the military or economy .Just like the province of HuBei ,my hometown would better than u far.If the truth annoy you,then sorry
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